star-girl-05 - Maddie !?!
Maddie !?!

19 She/Her

52 posts

Protective (Werewolf) Brother

Protective (Werewolf) Brother

Stiles Stilinski x Reader

prompt~ Can you please do one with stiles? Could it be one where were derek’s little sister and have been sneaking around with stiles, then one day stiles sneaks into are room and we get into a heated makeout sesh then derek comes home early or smt and finds us and gets mad and annoyed that we’re dating stiles but also make the ending fluffy??? ~ from anon


Protective (Werewolf) Brother
Protective (Werewolf) Brother
Protective (Werewolf) Brother

Even though you were an adult your brother still treated you as though you were a child. Now is a prime example, He’s informing you that he’s leaving town for a few days. At first you thought he was inviting you to come along but he told you it was too dangerous. That while he was gone that you were not allowed to leave the house and no one was to come over. You swear he forgets that you're also a werewolf and are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. You just bite your tongue though, letting him give you the whole lecture. 

Once he’s out the door however you're calling Stiles to come over. Stiles makes it to your apartment in record time. A huge smile on his face when he walks through the door. “So how long will he be gone?” He quickly asks while pressing a kiss against your lips. 

You and Stiles have been seeing each other in secret for months. No one knows, not even your friends and you would like to keep it that way. Not that you wouldn’t love to tell everyone that you're dating Stiles, you just don’t want to have to deal with your brother. Honestly you hate that your brother is already affecting your relationship. Though you know if he were to find out he would make it even more challenging to see Stiles.

“At least two days” you can’t contain your excitement. Two whole days you’ll get to be with him. The two of you rarely have alone time together so these two days you’ll be glued to each other's side. Not even a second will go to waste.


The two of you are so wrapped up in each other's presence you don’t even hear the loft door open. Your hands are running over Stiles bare chest, your lips trailing kisses down his neck. That's how Derek finds the two of you. 

“What the hell!!” Both you and Stiles flinch at the voice quickly separating from each other. Derek stands by the door seemingly in shock at finding the two of you making out. 

“What the hell yourself Derek, what are you doing here?!?” You can’t help your irritation. 

“Don’t you dare yell at me I can’t believe you,” then his eyes flashed to stiles turning a bright blue. “And you how dare you sneak around with my sister” he practically growls the words out. Stiles flinches at the threat ducking behind you in hopes of you protecting him. 

“Derek I’m a grown woman I can see whoever I want” Before he could respond your shoving him out of the room. “We can continue this conversation in the other room.”

Stiles sits awkwardly on your bed, listening to yours and Derek's muffled yells. He’s not sure what's more scary your yells or the silence that follows. He can faintly hear the loft door slam shut before the bedroom door opens. “Sorry about him”

“What happened?” He’s so confused, one second ago Dereks kicked him out of the house and now he’s just gone and left. 

“Me and Derek have come to an agreement, He won’t hurt you and I won't kill him.” you punctuate your sentence with a kiss. Though his life may be endangered, Stiles is the happiest he’s been since you agreed to be his girlfriend. Now everyone will know your his girlfriend, and he’ll be able to kiss you whenever he wants.

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More Posts from Star-girl-05

5 months ago

Safe Space

Will Graham x Reader


Safe Space
Safe Space
Safe Space

The knocks were soft at first, gradually increasing in sound at your lack of response. You jolt awake, confused, as you look around your dark room, eyes locking on your alarm clock. You groan at the numbers: 2:30 am. Reluctantly, you get out of bed, concluding it must be an emergency.

When you look through the peephole, you’re surprised to find Will dressed in his pajamas. You quickly open the door, giving you a better view of his attire. He was wearing no shoes, his feet caked with dirt. He looks completely out of sorts as you usher him inside.

“What?.. What am I doing here? What time is it?” Will’s voice trembled as he looked around, eyes clouded with confusion. You’re just as confused as him; his house is miles from yours. You can’t believe he managed to get here without being hit by a car.

“It’s 2:30, I think you sleepwalked here.” He just nodded his head, recalling the countless times he had woken up in the middle of the road, confused. This is the first time he’s ended up at your house, though. “Come on, we need to get you cleaned up.” You lead him to your bathroom, grabbing a washcloth to clean his blackened feet. Will just sits there, still trying to collect his thoughts.

After you finish cleaning his feet, you lead him to your bedroom. Setting him on the bed, “Do you want something to drink? You must be thirsty.” He gives a weak ‘yes.’

When you come back, he’s in the same position you left him in, sitting on the edge of the bed, staring blankly at the wall in front of him. He gladly takes the cup when you return, downing the glass in one large gulp. He finally speaks up after finishing his water, “I need to get home.”

“I’ll take you in the morning. Right now, you need to sleep. I’ll make sure you don’t do any more wandering.” He gives you a small nod, lifting up the blanket and crawling into bed. You’re making your way towards the door when Will calls out to you.

“Lay with me?” he asks softly. You give a soft “okay,” climbing into the bed next to him. Will and you were officially just friends; unofficially, you were much more than that. While this is the first time you’re sleeping in the same bed, it’s not the first time you’ve watched over him while he slept. Though last time, he was in the hospital.

You smile when you see Will already asleep. He always looks so peaceful when he sleeps, well, until a night terror plagues him. If that happens though, you’ll be there to soothe him back to sleep.

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6 months ago


Can you please do one with stiles? Could it be one where were derek’s little sister and have been sneaking around with stiles, then one day stiles sneaks into are room and we get into a heated makeout sesh then derek comes home early or smt and finds us and gets mad and annoyed that we’re dating stiles but also make the ending fluffy???

Thank you so much!!! I'm always happy to know people like my writing.

This was such a cute ask, I love the idea and had a great time writing it I hope you love it, Protective (Werewolf) Brother

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6 months ago

Mama I'm In Love With A Criminal

Kol Mikaelson x Reader


Mama I'm In Love With A Criminal
Mama I'm In Love With A Criminal
Mama I'm In Love With A Criminal

Inspo~ Mama I'm in love with a criminal And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical Mama please don't cry, I will be alright All reason aside I just can't deny, I love the guy ~Britney Spears

You should have known he was too good to be true. He was the perfect boyfriend, handsome, funny, caring, and he had an accent -A BRITISH ACCENT. He was just too perfect, he had to have a flaw though it didn’t have to be such a big one. I mean you could get over the vampire thing if anything it was kinda a plus I mean everyone goes through a vampire phase. Even the fact he’s related to Klaus, wasn’t a complete deal breaker. No, what you couldn't get over is the fact he beat Jeremy up with a bat and nearly pummeled the boy to death. You can still remember the call you got from elena she was in tears begging you to come back to mystic falls. 

You had decided to go along with Jeremy when Elena sent him away just wanting to have a normal life with no drama. Though you unknowingly had fallen smack dab in the middle. 

You were packing up your room, desperate to get back home and comfort your friend. A knock on your door has you freezing. You were hoping it was anyone but Kol, you had no desire to see him. After that call with Elena you never even wanted to hear his name again. You felt like such a fool, you were just a pawn, a means to mess with Elena. 

“Darling would you open the door?”, you don’t move hoping that your silence will make him leave. “I suppose you heard about the Jeremy thing but it was nothing personal. Now open the door before I kick it in” you thought the threat over, eventually deciding to stand you don’t know how you would explain a kicked in door. 

You kept your face neutral as you opened the door, Kol on the other hand wore a smirk. “I do hope your not here to beat me with a bat”, in truth you should be scared but you just couldn’t bring yourself to be. No, you're already feeling too much to be scared of him. 

“Darling,” he reached out, going to stroke your cheek, you quickly dodge. It didn’t seem to upset him though. “Even when you're mad I find you completely irresistible.” You tried your best not to be affected by his words. Yet you still found your heart quickening, in your defense it was only a short while ago that this man was your boyfriend. It was only fitting that there was residual feelings even if you wished there weren't. “Let me make it up to you” he’s reaching for you once more, this time however he moves too fast for you to react. His lips smashing against yours in a heart aching kiss. 

“Kol” you mumble against his lips. Your arms rest on his chest your not sure if you wish to push him away or pull him closer. 

“I love it when you say my name” he groans as he moves his lips against your neck. You shouldn’t let this continue.

“Kol we shouldn’t-I shouldn’t” you finally managed to push him away. Or at least get him to stop kissing you. He still had you held close against her. 

“I don’t want this to get between us, I care for you shouldn’t that be all that matters?” His words gave you pause. You wish it was that easy but the ‘this’ he’s talking about is him beating up your friend's brother. You couldn’t just look past that. “If you can overlook your friends' actions towards my family, then why can’t you look over mine towards theirs?”. His question had you pausing. When he said it like that you realized just how hypocritical you had been. 

When it came to your friends you always excused their actions, even the most questionable ones, because they only did what they had to. So if you can excuse their actions maybe you could forgive Kols. “I’m not saying I condone your actions because I don’t but-” you're not even able to finish your sentence before Kol is kissing you. This time you don’t push him away. 

For now you just want to focus on the warm feeling he makes erupt in your chest. Not on how your friends are bound to react to your choice in men, but what can you do your in love. Even if he may be a criminal in their minds to you he’s just your Love.

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5 months ago

Ready or not

Brahms Heelshire X Reader


Ready Or Not
Ready Or Not
Ready Or Not

The sound of his shoes echoes off the walls; he’s getting closer. You press your hand tighter against your mouth, desperate to silence your breathing. Your heart hammers against your ribs as he opens the door.

You see his shoes, standing in the doorway just a few feet away. You squeeze your eyes shut as he makes his way across the room, walking closer to the bed. You hold your breath, muscles taut, ready to leap into action at a moment’s notice.

He stops just short of the bed, his shoes so close you could reach out and touch them. Then, suddenly, he moves towards the closet instead. You relax slightly, grateful you chose under the bed. Now, all you can do is hope he leaves.

Your hopes are quickly dashed when you feel his warm hand wrap around your ankle, yanking you out from beneath the bed. A scream rips through you at the action.

It’s quickly silenced however when he smashes his lips against yours. The kiss steals your breath away and as soon as you feel yourself melting into him he pulls away. 

“Found you” he chuckles against your face, breath ghosting your lips. He always finds you no matter your hiding space. Yet when it was your turn to seek him you can never find him. 

“I almost had you” you teased back, a large smile adorned your face. You never hid that hard. If Brahams couldn’t find you, you're sure he would panic.

“Want to play again?” 

“How about Tag?” he agreed almost instantly.

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