Stiles Imagine - Tumblr Posts

Happy 24th Birthday my love !! You are my sunshine and my stars . ✨ I wish you the absolute best today . I hope you're day is filled with love and laughter and you're surrounded by those you love and those who love you . 💕 I love you so much . 💙
Dating Stiles would involve:
Being the only one that can drive Roscoe .
Cuddles, cuddles, and more cuddles .
Nose kisses .
Being the loudest one at his lacrosse games .
wearing his lacrosse jersey around school to show you’re his .
leaving your lipstick stain on his cheek when you kiss him .
getting him a bat for his birthday .
him getting you a (y/f/c) bat .
showering him with kisses and vice versa .
him making you laugh all the time
tickling .
trusting each other more than anything .
having the same amount of sarcasm as he does .
helping him fix Roscoe .
being the only one that believe him about Theo .
comforting him after the ‘ Donovan incident ‘
him reminding you how important you are to the pack .
him getting jealous easily .
you getting jealous easily .
getting teased by the pack all the time .
Pranking the pack together .
being each other’s anchors even though you’re both human .
loving each other unconditionally

Stiles x OC.
Game Night
Stiles Stilinski x reader

“Scott hates me” you whine, laying against the bed. In the beginning you thought it was your imagination. Now though you know it’s not all in your head, Scott hates you.
Today Stiles had a lacrosse game so you being his girlfriend were there. The game went amazing. Stiles ended up scoring the final goal of the game. You were so proud of him, the smile on his face made yours grow. You ran onto the field embracing him in a big hug giving him a kiss on the lips. He laughed against your lips holding you close to him and twirling you around. “Congrats, baby” you mumble against his lips.
He placed another kiss on your lips before telling you that he had to go to the locker room. You nodded watching him head to the locker room with the other players. He gave you a final wave before disappearing from your sight.
After a few minutes you decide to wait by the locker rooms for him. The two of you have plans to go back to his house. While waiting for him that's where you heard it. You hadn't meant to eavesdrop but when you heard your name you couldn’t help but listen.
“Is Stiles coming tonight?” you recognized the voice as Lydia.
“No he’s going with Y/n” you could hear the annoyance in Scott's voice. “This is the third time he’s declined hanging out to spend time with Y/n.”
“What’s wrong with you thats his girlfriend? Don’t tell me you're jealous” you could hear her laugh at the thought but Scott doesn’t.
“Of course I’m not jealous I just don’t like her” you could hear Lydia question why that was. His answer solidified the idea that he hates you. “Stiles can do so much better than her.” You tuned out the rest of their conversation.
You knew Scott didn’t like you but you hoped that over time he would warm up to but he never did. The rest of the group didn’t mind you the girls would invite you out shopping and to sleepovers. It was just Scott that didn't like you and you had no idea what you did. Now you find out it was nothing you did, he just didn’t like you; he thought Stiles could do better. You finally had the answer to the question that had been plaguing your mind for months.
Your problems weren't over though with one question answered, more showed up. Did Stiles know how Scott felt about you? If he knows about how Scott felt about you, would he break up with you? You know how much Stiles loves Scott so the idea that Stiles would break up with you to make Scott happy wasn’t too far-fetched.
You watched as Stiles took off his jersey throwing it in the hamper. He changed into his pajamas before sitting on the bed next to you. “Scott doesn’t hate you” he grabbed your arm pulling you into him. The two of you are cuddled up in bed together, your head on his chest while his hand runs up and down your side. You lean up and place a kiss on his lips. You weren't planning on telling him about what you heard but you did want to gauge if he knew how Scott felt.
“If Scott asked you to break up with me would you” you could tell the question surprised him. He tensed under you. Stiles had just had a big win, his shining moment and you felt you were running it and you were. It was selfish of you to bring this up but you needed to know before it got any worse.
“Where is this coming from?” he chuckled at the sudden question but stopped when he saw the look in your eyes. You were being dead serious. He could see the doubt in your eyes about your answer. It hurt him thinking that you doubted his love towards you. “Of course not baby” the sincerity in his voice made you believe him. The look of complete love in his eyes settled all your doubt.
You lift yourself up off his chest placing a deep kiss on his lips he returned the gesture right away. Pulling you into his lap, his hands on your hips as he deepened the kiss. He started to place kisses on your neck. Sucking dark hickeys into your neck mumbling small ‘I love yous’ against your neck. You whisper ‘I love yous’ back to him.Every last one of your doubts disappeared with every ‘I love you’ and kiss. You're not going to let Scott come between the two of you again. It no longer mattered if Scott liked you because Stiles did he loved you and you love him.
Were Dating?
Stiles Stilinski x Reader

His signature blue jeep pulled into your driveway at exactly eight. Surprisingly the brunette was on time for once. As soon as he parks he’s jumping out of the jeep, giving you his dorky smile before opening the passenger side door for you. You just chuckle at his actions.
You and Stiles have been friends for years though it was only lately that he's been acting somewhat differently. He’s been sweeter to you, more thoughtful, you contribute it to the fact the two of you have been spending more alone time together. Tonight the two of you are going to see a new horror movie that you’ve been dying to see.
You and Stiles just buttered your popcorn when you bump into Scott and allison. Coincidentally they are going to see the same movie, so you decided to join each other. ‘A double date’ in Stiles' own words. The night went amazing, after the movie the four of you decided to get food. At the end of the night Stiles drives you back to your house. Even going as far as walking you to the door. Just as you're about to say goodnight he kisses you. You freeze when his lips meet yours, completely stunned by the boy's bold move.
“Uh.. What was that?” You weren't against Stiles kissing you but you wanted to know why he's kissing you out of the blue.
Stiles tilted his head a blush still coating his cheeks, “It’s a goodnight kiss, can’t I kiss my girlfriend” Now you're really confused.
“I’m your girlfriend?”
“Of course you're my girlfriend”, he chuckled thinking you were teasing him. It's only when you ask since when with a completely straight face does he realize you're being serious. “A week in a half, I asked you out two tuesdays ago.”
It took a few seconds to place the day.
It was an average day, Stiles was driving you home like he does everyday. Only this time when you pulled up to your house he stops you. “Hey before you go I wanted to ask you something” He was oddly nervous but you didn't think anything about it, giving him a nod of encouragement. “I was wondering if you wanted to hang-out, like just the two of us.” Why he’s so nervous to ask you to hang out you don’t know but you answer right away.
“Of course, I don’t know why you were so nervous to ask. I could never say no to you.” A huge smile blooms on Stiles face, his dimples fully on show.
“Thank goodness, I was so nervous that you would say no” you laugh at his reaction, why on earth would you ever say no.
Now looking back on it’s so obvious that he was asking you on a date. In your defense he never used the word date or the word girlfriend. So it wasn’t totally your fault for not connecting the dots.
“I didn’t realize you were asking me out” your voice is soft
“Oh” an awkward silence covers the two of you as both stare at each other. He had no idea how to respond, this whole time he thought you were his girlfriend, but you thought the two of you were only friends. He had no idea how you thought the two of you were friends. He wasn't hiding his affection for you. The two of you would hold hands, and cuddle yet you thought you were friends. He felt like an idiot, he just kissed you when you saw him as just a friend. “Well then goodnight I guess sorry I kissed you let's just forget about it” he tried to laugh off his discomfort, this is not how he thought tonight was going to go. This morning he was dating his longtime crush and now he’s finding out it was all a lie. He just wanted to run away and die of embarrassment.
Before he could leave you grab his arm pulling him back to you and placing a kiss on his lips. His mind short-circuited, he’s on a rollercoaster. One second he's dating you then you're rejecting him and now you're kissing him.
“Stiles, do you want to be my Boyfriend?”
“Yeah I would love too” his smiles huge
“That's how you ask someone out” you giggle out
“Well when someone takes you on dates and holds your hands that means your dating” the both of you laugh kissing each other once more.
Knight in Shining Armour
Stiles Stilinski x Reader

There were a hundred reasons why Stiles hates Theo Raeken. He’s a douche and on multiple occasions he has tried to kill his friends. Lately though his hatred for the man has grown, all because of you. More specifically the way Theo interacts with you. He’s always overly touchy with you, finding any excuse to touch you. Even going as far as whispering in your ear. The worst part is you let him do it.
Stiles wants to be the only one allowed to be that close to you. To whisper sweet nothings in your ear. Instead you let Theo, and it takes everything in Stiles not to do something about it, scared you’d get mad at him. Tonight though that all changes…
Tonight is one of the few nights the pack is doing something normal teens do, Partying. Everyone’s just cutting loose, forgetting about all their responsibilities and just living in the moment. Of course just as they were having fun Theo has to show up souring everyone's mood. He only says a few words before disappearing into another room but his presence is enough to put everyone on guard, especially Stiles.
While the others try to get back into a partying mood, Stiles is focused solely on Theo. Watching closely as he walks over to you, standing much too close for his liking. This time however instead of letting Theo stand close to you you're shoving him away earning a silent cheer from Stiles. However his smile quickly falls when he sees Theo roughly pull you back to him.
Stiles moves on instinct making his way across the room to you. As he approaches Theo drops your arm rolling his eyes once Stiles is in front of him.
“Are you okay?” Stiles asks immediately, concern evident in his voice.
“Yeah I’m fine, Theo was just leaving” you set Theo with a glare making sure he got the message. Not that he ever does no matter how many times you tell him off he just comes back.
“Oh come on Princess” he moves to reach you again but Stiles intervenes. Theo chuckles as Stiles stands in front of you, “Oh I see, you’re her knight in shining armour. Well when you get sick of this dumbass give me a call”, with a final smirk he walks away.
You let out a breath of relief, before turning to Stiles. “Thank you, he just never listens”
“This has happened before?” He looks so concerned, it warms your heart that he cares so much.
“Yeah he’s always bugging me can never take no as an answer”
“Well if he tries something again call me” you can’t help but chuckle a little, stepping closer to him.
“Guess you really are my knight in shining armour”, Stiles blushes at your words, “Every hero deserves an award” he freezes as you lean in, placing a kiss on the corner of his mouth.
“I- it was no problem” he stutters doing his best to try to seem like he wasn’t totally freaking out.
“Come one my knight, let’s dance” you grab his hands leading him into the crowd of teens all dancing.
Protective (Werewolf) Brother
Stiles Stilinski x Reader
prompt~ Can you please do one with stiles? Could it be one where were derek’s little sister and have been sneaking around with stiles, then one day stiles sneaks into are room and we get into a heated makeout sesh then derek comes home early or smt and finds us and gets mad and annoyed that we’re dating stiles but also make the ending fluffy??? ~ from anon

Even though you were an adult your brother still treated you as though you were a child. Now is a prime example, He’s informing you that he’s leaving town for a few days. At first you thought he was inviting you to come along but he told you it was too dangerous. That while he was gone that you were not allowed to leave the house and no one was to come over. You swear he forgets that you're also a werewolf and are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. You just bite your tongue though, letting him give you the whole lecture.
Once he’s out the door however you're calling Stiles to come over. Stiles makes it to your apartment in record time. A huge smile on his face when he walks through the door. “So how long will he be gone?” He quickly asks while pressing a kiss against your lips.
You and Stiles have been seeing each other in secret for months. No one knows, not even your friends and you would like to keep it that way. Not that you wouldn’t love to tell everyone that you're dating Stiles, you just don’t want to have to deal with your brother. Honestly you hate that your brother is already affecting your relationship. Though you know if he were to find out he would make it even more challenging to see Stiles.
“At least two days” you can’t contain your excitement. Two whole days you’ll get to be with him. The two of you rarely have alone time together so these two days you’ll be glued to each other's side. Not even a second will go to waste.
The two of you are so wrapped up in each other's presence you don’t even hear the loft door open. Your hands are running over Stiles bare chest, your lips trailing kisses down his neck. That's how Derek finds the two of you.
“What the hell!!” Both you and Stiles flinch at the voice quickly separating from each other. Derek stands by the door seemingly in shock at finding the two of you making out.
“What the hell yourself Derek, what are you doing here?!?” You can’t help your irritation.
“Don’t you dare yell at me I can’t believe you,” then his eyes flashed to stiles turning a bright blue. “And you how dare you sneak around with my sister” he practically growls the words out. Stiles flinches at the threat ducking behind you in hopes of you protecting him.
“Derek I’m a grown woman I can see whoever I want” Before he could respond your shoving him out of the room. “We can continue this conversation in the other room.”
Stiles sits awkwardly on your bed, listening to yours and Derek's muffled yells. He’s not sure what's more scary your yells or the silence that follows. He can faintly hear the loft door slam shut before the bedroom door opens. “Sorry about him”
“What happened?” He’s so confused, one second ago Dereks kicked him out of the house and now he’s just gone and left.
“Me and Derek have come to an agreement, He won’t hurt you and I won't kill him.” you punctuate your sentence with a kiss. Though his life may be endangered, Stiles is the happiest he’s been since you agreed to be his girlfriend. Now everyone will know your his girlfriend, and he’ll be able to kiss you whenever he wants.
Can you please do one with stiles? Could it be one where were derek’s little sister and have been sneaking around with stiles, then one day stiles sneaks into are room and we get into a heated makeout sesh then derek comes home early or smt and finds us and gets mad and annoyed that we’re dating stiles but also make the ending fluffy???
Thank you so much!!! I'm always happy to know people like my writing.
This was such a cute ask, I love the idea and had a great time writing it I hope you love it, Protective (Werewolf) Brother

he is so sexy