Stiles Stilinski Fluff - Tumblr Posts
Is it me?

in which they love each other.
part 2 to Why couldn’t it be me?
it has a little angst, nothing to bad tho but it gets so fluffy at the end. like grossly fluffy.
so much had happened since that night. it was the last night Stiles had seen you in weeks. after Sheriff Stilinski drove you home you packed your things and just… disappeared. everyone tried contacting you. Scott, Lydia, Allison, Kira, even Isaac but no one could reach you. It’s like you had fallen off the face of the earth and Scott feared something had happened to you. no one had heard from you or knew where you were until that night. the night Allison died. you received all of their calls and voicemails, but never had the courage to call back. after you left you never planned to return but when you read Scott’s text about how Allison had died and he really needed you then - needed his best friend, his sister - you couldn’t avoid Beacon Hills any longer.
you showed up in his doorstep and the moment Scott opened the doors he fell into your arms. you let him sob into your chest until he couldn’t anymore. you two sat in his living room as he caught you up on everything and asked for your help.
“so… this entire time, it wasn’t Stiles?”
“no. it’s an evil spirit hiding in his body and Y/N/N, i need your help getting Stiles back.”
“why me? you have everyone else I don’t get why you’d need me.”
“I need extra help, just in case anything goes south, i’ll know I have you.”
“ok.” you pondered for a moment before speaking your mind. “I have an idea but I need you to make sure no one else knows i’m back.” Scott gave you a questing look. “I have a plan, Scotty, and for it to fall through, I need the element of surprise.”
after that night Scott had kept you updated on everything that happened. and that led you to where you were now, standing outside of Beacon Hills High, hiding in the shadows. you saw Derek fighting some of the Oni with the twins and then you saw him. for a moment you thought it was him. you thought it was actually Stiles but you just knew it wasn’t. he didn’t look like your Stiles and now you’re questioning yourself on how you hadn’t noticed before. but you couldn’t let yourself wallow in self pity. you saw the imitation of Stiles look in your direction and before he could realize you were actually there you ducked behind a wall. you quickly realized walking straight through the front doors of the school was a no-go so you had to find another way to sneak in.
you remembered the many nights you Stiles and Scott had been in similar positions, somehow every time you were fighting some supernatural creature you ended up back at the school, tonight was no different. to get into the school you had to sneak past the imitation of Stiles - Void, they called him - and the Oni. the only other way you could think of was the doors leading to the lacrosse field. you snuck around the building as quietly as you could and onto the field. once there you sprinted to the doors and into the building. when you opened the metal doors what you saw was unexpected.
there was blood, everywhere. splattered all over the walls. it was gruesome and absolutely disgusting, you felt sick to your stomach. pushing the bile that was building up in your throat back down, you made your way through the halls. you snuck around until you heard the familiar voices of your friends. before you could reach them an Oni appeared in front of you. it unsheathed its sword and got into position to swing. right before the sword could slice at you, you ducked out of the way and rolled to the opposite side. hiding until the last moment wasn’t an option anymore so now you had no choice but to fight.
as you crouched on the floor you got into the position to pounce. only transitioning half way, your claws and fangs were out to help you defend yourself. growling lowly at the Oni you launched yourself at it, using an aggressive approach into the fight. it swung its sword at you, slicing through the air and missing you just barely. from what Scott had told you, the Oni were nearly invincible so when you had dig your claws into its arm, there was barely a reaction. the Oni shook you off and sliced its sword at you once again, this time cutting you on your side and leaving a gaping wound.
you hissed in pain and reached to touch the wound, blood covered your hand but you couldn’t give up now. no matter how hurt you were you had to continue fighting, for Stiles. just as the Oni was going to swing again you slid yourself through its legs and popped back up behind you. as it turned around you ducked and clawed at its midriff , a black smoke fell from its wound and it lifted its sword in the air to stab you. you twisted your body as the sword came down, sending a sharp pain through your side and you bent at your cut. you hissed as the gash started bleeding again but you hadn’t had enough time to register it as the Oni came charging at you. instead of backing or ducking out the way as you had done before, you pushed yourself into the Oni. you shoulder checked it and clawed at the mask. flipping over you kicked it’s sword out of its hand and elbowed it where you assumed it’s rib cage would be.
now that it didn’t have its sword anymore, you left it somewhat defenseless. you charged at it, grabbing it by its wrist and flipping it over your back, letting it fall to the floor, you grabbed something from your back pocket and stabbed it straight into its chest. Scott had told you that right before Allison passed she figured out the Oni’s only weakness - silver. and luckily for you, you always carried around a silver dagger your father had given you. as the Oni disappeared into a cloud of smoke you grabbed your dagger and dashed around a corner. just in time as well as Stiles, Lydia, Kira, and Scott came out of the doors of the classroom.
“we’re ok.” Scott had said. “we’re ok-” before he could finish Void had come out of nowhere and knocked him out. Kira turned around ready to swing her sword but Void hit her too.
“this was my game. you think you can beat me at my game.” now he was looking at Lydia and Stiles. he started down the hall at the two as they cowered backwards. “divine move. divine move.” he said incredulously. “you think you have any moves at all? you can kill the Oni but me? me? I’m a thousand years old. you can’t kill me!”
“but we can change you!” Lydia blurted out. that stopped him.
“what?” Scott told you everything and in case anything took an turn of events, like now, he told you what he needed you to do.
“you forgot about the scroll.” Stiles answered.
“the Shugendo scroll.” Lydia added.
“change the host.” it stemmed to all hit Void at once.
“you can’t be a fox and a wolf at the same time.” Stiles finished. and that’s where you came in.
you ran from the corner you were hiding behind and grabbed Voids arm first, just in case he tried to fight back. it came as a shock to Stiles and Lydia, they expected Scott but when they saw painted nails instead they immediately looked up. it wasn’t Scott at all, the red glowing eyes that were coming up from behind Void weren’t Scott McCalls. they were yours and the moment Stiles saw your face, he wanted to burst at the seams. he hadn’t seen you in over three weeks and to be honest, he never thought he would see you again. after the fight he had come looking for you and he couldn’t find you anywhere. not even at your secret spot.
you grabbed Voids head next, gripping onto his hair and yanking his head to the side. your fangs slid out and you growled right before biting into his neck. he was screaming as you bit him and once you had let him go, Kira stabbed him with her katana. Void started choking, a fly came out of his mouth and tried to escape but Isaac had caught in the jar made of wood from the nemeton at the last moment. Void had fallen to his knees and started cracking until he collapsed onto the floor and disappeared into a pile of dust.
everyone was looking at each other until all their all landed on you.
“Y/N.” Stiles spoke a smile lighting up his face but as he tried to take a step forward he collapsed.
“Stiles.” you ran to him, slipping your hand under his head just in time before he slammed it onto the ground. your heart rate was sky rocketing as you rested his head in your lap. Scott had told you they all feared that if they had taken out Void, would Stiles go along with him? and right now, you couldn’t lose him, you just got him back. just as the tears were building in your eyes Stiles took a deep breath in and his eyes opened.
“oh god. I fainted didn’t I?” you let out a breath of relief into a laugh as he looked up at you. “we’re alive? we’re all alive?” you nodded your head at Stiles as tears fell down your cheeks.
“yeah, we’re ok.”
“no, you’re hurt.” Stiles noticed you clutching your side where you wound was.
“no, i’m fine, we’re all fine.” just as you said that you felt a pit in your stomach as Lydia sat up. she got up and started heading to the main doors, and you lot followed behind her, you holding Stiles as he struggled to walk. when you finally reached outside you understand where the feeling was coming from, Derek, Aiden and Ethan were all sitting outside but Aiden didn’t look so well. he wasn’t well at all and once you guys finally realized what had happens Lydia turned around and Scott grabbed her, letting her sob into his arms.
you were sitting in Stiles’ room putting things in boxes as he took down his mock investigation board. you noticed Sheriff standing in the doorway and you smiled at him. a look of shock crossed his face before a warm smile replaced it. you still hadn’t told everyone you were back.
“what’re you kids doing?” he asked and Stiles turned around, finally noticing his dad.
“we’re just…” he trailed off trying to find a way to finish the sentence.
“clearing our heads.” you finished for him and he turned to look at you, a smile gracing his face.
“ok.” his dad said staring fondly at the two of you before heading downstairs. Stiles put whatever he was holding down before kneeling in front of you.
“we need to talk.” the fond look you had on your face faded and you nodded, letting out a broken “ok.” you guessed it was finally the time, not much talking had been done since you got back. after that night you helped Stiles get home and then you went back to your place, your mom scolded you for disappearing and not telling her where you were but then she hugged you, telling you how much you worried her and if you were ever going through something again to just tell her. Stiles texted you and asked you to come over today, saying he needed help with his room. he took your hands into his and then placed one on his face. “I’m sorry.” you looked up at him incredulously.
“what… what are you sorry for?” you asked, eyes wide.
“the last time I saw you. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said those things and I know I hurt you and I never, ever meant to do that.” he was crying now, tears cascading down his cheeks.
“Stiles stop.” he looked up at you confused. “it wasn’t you Sti.” you bring your other hand to his face, now cupping his cheeks. “it wasn’t you. you didn’t mean it and I forgave you a while ago. the moment Scott told me what was happening I forgave you.” before you could finish Stiles surged up and kissed you, your lips moved passionately in tandem and a smile broke out onto your face.
“I love you.” he whispered and your eyes grew two times wide before the brightest smile you could muster appeared on your face. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Stiles.” he looked at you, smiling brightly as well. “I have since I met you.” he kissed you again and this time you pushed him back meeting him on the floor. you fell next to him in a fit of giggles intertwining your fingers with his. “ok, ok we have to clean.” you laughed, trying to get up but Stiles pulled you back down with him.
“it can wait. I finally got my girl.” and in that moment you swore you could never be happier.
sooooo how we feelin? ik ik it took me forever to post part two but i finally did!
tag list: @igotmajordaddyissues @vyctorya @elizabethmidnight2017 @spideylovesyou3000-blog @chunkybabygorl
Game Night
Stiles Stilinski x reader

“Scott hates me” you whine, laying against the bed. In the beginning you thought it was your imagination. Now though you know it’s not all in your head, Scott hates you.
Today Stiles had a lacrosse game so you being his girlfriend were there. The game went amazing. Stiles ended up scoring the final goal of the game. You were so proud of him, the smile on his face made yours grow. You ran onto the field embracing him in a big hug giving him a kiss on the lips. He laughed against your lips holding you close to him and twirling you around. “Congrats, baby” you mumble against his lips.
He placed another kiss on your lips before telling you that he had to go to the locker room. You nodded watching him head to the locker room with the other players. He gave you a final wave before disappearing from your sight.
After a few minutes you decide to wait by the locker rooms for him. The two of you have plans to go back to his house. While waiting for him that's where you heard it. You hadn't meant to eavesdrop but when you heard your name you couldn’t help but listen.
“Is Stiles coming tonight?” you recognized the voice as Lydia.
“No he’s going with Y/n” you could hear the annoyance in Scott's voice. “This is the third time he’s declined hanging out to spend time with Y/n.”
“What’s wrong with you thats his girlfriend? Don’t tell me you're jealous” you could hear her laugh at the thought but Scott doesn’t.
“Of course I’m not jealous I just don’t like her” you could hear Lydia question why that was. His answer solidified the idea that he hates you. “Stiles can do so much better than her.” You tuned out the rest of their conversation.
You knew Scott didn’t like you but you hoped that over time he would warm up to but he never did. The rest of the group didn’t mind you the girls would invite you out shopping and to sleepovers. It was just Scott that didn't like you and you had no idea what you did. Now you find out it was nothing you did, he just didn’t like you; he thought Stiles could do better. You finally had the answer to the question that had been plaguing your mind for months.
Your problems weren't over though with one question answered, more showed up. Did Stiles know how Scott felt about you? If he knows about how Scott felt about you, would he break up with you? You know how much Stiles loves Scott so the idea that Stiles would break up with you to make Scott happy wasn’t too far-fetched.
You watched as Stiles took off his jersey throwing it in the hamper. He changed into his pajamas before sitting on the bed next to you. “Scott doesn’t hate you” he grabbed your arm pulling you into him. The two of you are cuddled up in bed together, your head on his chest while his hand runs up and down your side. You lean up and place a kiss on his lips. You weren't planning on telling him about what you heard but you did want to gauge if he knew how Scott felt.
“If Scott asked you to break up with me would you” you could tell the question surprised him. He tensed under you. Stiles had just had a big win, his shining moment and you felt you were running it and you were. It was selfish of you to bring this up but you needed to know before it got any worse.
“Where is this coming from?” he chuckled at the sudden question but stopped when he saw the look in your eyes. You were being dead serious. He could see the doubt in your eyes about your answer. It hurt him thinking that you doubted his love towards you. “Of course not baby” the sincerity in his voice made you believe him. The look of complete love in his eyes settled all your doubt.
You lift yourself up off his chest placing a deep kiss on his lips he returned the gesture right away. Pulling you into his lap, his hands on your hips as he deepened the kiss. He started to place kisses on your neck. Sucking dark hickeys into your neck mumbling small ‘I love yous’ against your neck. You whisper ‘I love yous’ back to him.Every last one of your doubts disappeared with every ‘I love you’ and kiss. You're not going to let Scott come between the two of you again. It no longer mattered if Scott liked you because Stiles did he loved you and you love him.
Were Dating?
Stiles Stilinski x Reader

His signature blue jeep pulled into your driveway at exactly eight. Surprisingly the brunette was on time for once. As soon as he parks he’s jumping out of the jeep, giving you his dorky smile before opening the passenger side door for you. You just chuckle at his actions.
You and Stiles have been friends for years though it was only lately that he's been acting somewhat differently. He’s been sweeter to you, more thoughtful, you contribute it to the fact the two of you have been spending more alone time together. Tonight the two of you are going to see a new horror movie that you’ve been dying to see.
You and Stiles just buttered your popcorn when you bump into Scott and allison. Coincidentally they are going to see the same movie, so you decided to join each other. ‘A double date’ in Stiles' own words. The night went amazing, after the movie the four of you decided to get food. At the end of the night Stiles drives you back to your house. Even going as far as walking you to the door. Just as you're about to say goodnight he kisses you. You freeze when his lips meet yours, completely stunned by the boy's bold move.
“Uh.. What was that?” You weren't against Stiles kissing you but you wanted to know why he's kissing you out of the blue.
Stiles tilted his head a blush still coating his cheeks, “It’s a goodnight kiss, can’t I kiss my girlfriend” Now you're really confused.
“I’m your girlfriend?”
“Of course you're my girlfriend”, he chuckled thinking you were teasing him. It's only when you ask since when with a completely straight face does he realize you're being serious. “A week in a half, I asked you out two tuesdays ago.”
It took a few seconds to place the day.
It was an average day, Stiles was driving you home like he does everyday. Only this time when you pulled up to your house he stops you. “Hey before you go I wanted to ask you something” He was oddly nervous but you didn't think anything about it, giving him a nod of encouragement. “I was wondering if you wanted to hang-out, like just the two of us.” Why he’s so nervous to ask you to hang out you don’t know but you answer right away.
“Of course, I don’t know why you were so nervous to ask. I could never say no to you.” A huge smile blooms on Stiles face, his dimples fully on show.
“Thank goodness, I was so nervous that you would say no” you laugh at his reaction, why on earth would you ever say no.
Now looking back on it’s so obvious that he was asking you on a date. In your defense he never used the word date or the word girlfriend. So it wasn’t totally your fault for not connecting the dots.
“I didn’t realize you were asking me out” your voice is soft
“Oh” an awkward silence covers the two of you as both stare at each other. He had no idea how to respond, this whole time he thought you were his girlfriend, but you thought the two of you were only friends. He had no idea how you thought the two of you were friends. He wasn't hiding his affection for you. The two of you would hold hands, and cuddle yet you thought you were friends. He felt like an idiot, he just kissed you when you saw him as just a friend. “Well then goodnight I guess sorry I kissed you let's just forget about it” he tried to laugh off his discomfort, this is not how he thought tonight was going to go. This morning he was dating his longtime crush and now he’s finding out it was all a lie. He just wanted to run away and die of embarrassment.
Before he could leave you grab his arm pulling him back to you and placing a kiss on his lips. His mind short-circuited, he’s on a rollercoaster. One second he's dating you then you're rejecting him and now you're kissing him.
“Stiles, do you want to be my Boyfriend?”
“Yeah I would love too” his smiles huge
“That's how you ask someone out” you giggle out
“Well when someone takes you on dates and holds your hands that means your dating” the both of you laugh kissing each other once more.
Knight in Shining Armour
Stiles Stilinski x Reader

There were a hundred reasons why Stiles hates Theo Raeken. He’s a douche and on multiple occasions he has tried to kill his friends. Lately though his hatred for the man has grown, all because of you. More specifically the way Theo interacts with you. He’s always overly touchy with you, finding any excuse to touch you. Even going as far as whispering in your ear. The worst part is you let him do it.
Stiles wants to be the only one allowed to be that close to you. To whisper sweet nothings in your ear. Instead you let Theo, and it takes everything in Stiles not to do something about it, scared you’d get mad at him. Tonight though that all changes…
Tonight is one of the few nights the pack is doing something normal teens do, Partying. Everyone’s just cutting loose, forgetting about all their responsibilities and just living in the moment. Of course just as they were having fun Theo has to show up souring everyone's mood. He only says a few words before disappearing into another room but his presence is enough to put everyone on guard, especially Stiles.
While the others try to get back into a partying mood, Stiles is focused solely on Theo. Watching closely as he walks over to you, standing much too close for his liking. This time however instead of letting Theo stand close to you you're shoving him away earning a silent cheer from Stiles. However his smile quickly falls when he sees Theo roughly pull you back to him.
Stiles moves on instinct making his way across the room to you. As he approaches Theo drops your arm rolling his eyes once Stiles is in front of him.
“Are you okay?” Stiles asks immediately, concern evident in his voice.
“Yeah I’m fine, Theo was just leaving” you set Theo with a glare making sure he got the message. Not that he ever does no matter how many times you tell him off he just comes back.
“Oh come on Princess” he moves to reach you again but Stiles intervenes. Theo chuckles as Stiles stands in front of you, “Oh I see, you’re her knight in shining armour. Well when you get sick of this dumbass give me a call”, with a final smirk he walks away.
You let out a breath of relief, before turning to Stiles. “Thank you, he just never listens”
“This has happened before?” He looks so concerned, it warms your heart that he cares so much.
“Yeah he’s always bugging me can never take no as an answer”
“Well if he tries something again call me” you can’t help but chuckle a little, stepping closer to him.
“Guess you really are my knight in shining armour”, Stiles blushes at your words, “Every hero deserves an award” he freezes as you lean in, placing a kiss on the corner of his mouth.
“I- it was no problem” he stutters doing his best to try to seem like he wasn’t totally freaking out.
“Come one my knight, let’s dance” you grab his hands leading him into the crowd of teens all dancing.
Protective (Werewolf) Brother
Stiles Stilinski x Reader
prompt~ Can you please do one with stiles? Could it be one where were derek’s little sister and have been sneaking around with stiles, then one day stiles sneaks into are room and we get into a heated makeout sesh then derek comes home early or smt and finds us and gets mad and annoyed that we’re dating stiles but also make the ending fluffy??? ~ from anon

Even though you were an adult your brother still treated you as though you were a child. Now is a prime example, He’s informing you that he’s leaving town for a few days. At first you thought he was inviting you to come along but he told you it was too dangerous. That while he was gone that you were not allowed to leave the house and no one was to come over. You swear he forgets that you're also a werewolf and are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. You just bite your tongue though, letting him give you the whole lecture.
Once he’s out the door however you're calling Stiles to come over. Stiles makes it to your apartment in record time. A huge smile on his face when he walks through the door. “So how long will he be gone?” He quickly asks while pressing a kiss against your lips.
You and Stiles have been seeing each other in secret for months. No one knows, not even your friends and you would like to keep it that way. Not that you wouldn’t love to tell everyone that you're dating Stiles, you just don’t want to have to deal with your brother. Honestly you hate that your brother is already affecting your relationship. Though you know if he were to find out he would make it even more challenging to see Stiles.
“At least two days” you can’t contain your excitement. Two whole days you’ll get to be with him. The two of you rarely have alone time together so these two days you’ll be glued to each other's side. Not even a second will go to waste.
The two of you are so wrapped up in each other's presence you don’t even hear the loft door open. Your hands are running over Stiles bare chest, your lips trailing kisses down his neck. That's how Derek finds the two of you.
“What the hell!!” Both you and Stiles flinch at the voice quickly separating from each other. Derek stands by the door seemingly in shock at finding the two of you making out.
“What the hell yourself Derek, what are you doing here?!?” You can’t help your irritation.
“Don’t you dare yell at me I can’t believe you,” then his eyes flashed to stiles turning a bright blue. “And you how dare you sneak around with my sister” he practically growls the words out. Stiles flinches at the threat ducking behind you in hopes of you protecting him.
“Derek I’m a grown woman I can see whoever I want” Before he could respond your shoving him out of the room. “We can continue this conversation in the other room.”
Stiles sits awkwardly on your bed, listening to yours and Derek's muffled yells. He’s not sure what's more scary your yells or the silence that follows. He can faintly hear the loft door slam shut before the bedroom door opens. “Sorry about him”
“What happened?” He’s so confused, one second ago Dereks kicked him out of the house and now he’s just gone and left.
“Me and Derek have come to an agreement, He won’t hurt you and I won't kill him.” you punctuate your sentence with a kiss. Though his life may be endangered, Stiles is the happiest he’s been since you agreed to be his girlfriend. Now everyone will know your his girlfriend, and he’ll be able to kiss you whenever he wants.
Can you please do one with stiles? Could it be one where were derek’s little sister and have been sneaking around with stiles, then one day stiles sneaks into are room and we get into a heated makeout sesh then derek comes home early or smt and finds us and gets mad and annoyed that we’re dating stiles but also make the ending fluffy???
Thank you so much!!! I'm always happy to know people like my writing.
This was such a cute ask, I love the idea and had a great time writing it I hope you love it, Protective (Werewolf) Brother
End of the Line [ 2 ] || Stiles Stilinski
A/N: part two is here! there isn’t much stiles present in this until the end because.. he’s erased.. rip.. but I hope you read it still! STYDIA turned STILESxREADER. Some other scenes are changed around too. italicized text are memories.
word count: 8,239
WARNINGS: lots of angst and tears! but your heart will be mended at the end.
Inspired by this song and this song. Highly recommended you listen on repeat while reading!

⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ [ Part One ]
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀* * *
You couldn’t tell if the reason the aching was due to your heart cracking in two or not, but you didn’t give it much thought as tears rolled down your cheeks. As you stood in front of the pack, your eyes darted over each one of their solemn faces that stared back at you. Your mouth was agape, opening and closing like a fish out of water as you tried to form a sentence. But you couldn’t, your body was frozen in place as you tried to process the utter betrayal of your friends.
‘Stiles can’t be her son.’
Lydia’s voice echoed through your ears, the words tumbling from her lips in defeat. You refused to believe them, though. From the night you woke up gasping for breath, the name ‘Stiles’ being the only thing you said, you refused to believe that he wasn’t real.
“We-” You stammered, bottom lip quivering as you locked gazes with the leader of the pack. “We have to keep looking for him. We have to keep looking for Stiles.”
Scott’s face fell, his heart aching as he watched his best friend break over someone none of you could remember. Although he was silent, it spoke volume to you. “What about a relic?” You tried, eyes darting to both Malia and Lydia desperately. The strawberry blonde sighed, her hand grabbing onto the wrist that was roughly handled not too long ago. “There’s no relic of Stiles-”
“We don’t know that!” You shouted at her, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth and looking down at your shuffling feet to avoid their bewildered gazes.
Malia’s blunt voice was next to speak, “It doesn’t even sound like a real name.” She scoffed, her arms crossing over her chest while glancing over to the other two wary teens. “We’re fighting the wrong battle, Y/N.”
Your vision grew blurry with tears, and while you tried your best to make sure they didn’t fall, a few escaped in the process. “We’re trying to bring Stiles back.” Your voice was weak. The thought of your best friends abandoning someone so easily made your heart ache. “He’s out there, and we need to help him. We need to-”
“Enough!” The alpha’s voice suddenly boomed, making your heart stutter. You stared at him with bulging eyes, jaw dropped in shock at the volume of his voice. “The ghost riders are back, and we have no way of stopping them.” Scott spoke sternly, his eyes narrowed at you. “And whatever they are, they’re real. We can’t keep chasing after someone who isn’t.”
Malia instantly agreed with him, her head bobbing up and down. “We have to move on. He didn’t leave anything behind.” She said, the pair of them turning away from you and making their way towards the exit of the hospital. When you looked to Lydia with your bloodshot eyes and wet, flushed cheeks, your bottom lip began to quiver again.
“The only thing he left behind, was me.”
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀* * *
Your fingers massaged your temples in attempt to soothe another one of the piercing headaches you’ve been getting since a couple weeks ago. You knew it had to deal with Stiles, it was the only explanation. For the past three months, up until a couple weeks ago, you never thought of a Stiles or felt as empty as you did now without him.
“Why don’t they believe me?” You croaked, letting your tear stained face fall into your hands as your shoulders raked with sobs. They didn’t stop, even when Lydia placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. “He’s real, Lyd. I know it.”
“I believe you.”
Your hair stuck to your stained cheeks as your head to snap up to her direction. “After everything we’ve been through, I believe you.” Her words were soft, but sincere, and it was all you needed to pull her into an embrace you so desperately needed. You two held each other in silence, and you thought back of the event that took place a few days ago with the pack at the hospital — of them giving up on Stiles. Lydia pulled away when the shrill sound of the bell rang throughout the hallway, her hands coming up to your face to wipe at your cheeks and fix your makeup. “Let’s get to class.”
“Stiles, seriously, I need to get to class!”
Your laughter was loud as it bounced off the walls of the hallway. It was empty, just you and Stiles in it as he grabbed a hold of your wrist tans tugged you close to his body. Whipping around to face him, your laughter died down as you stared into his whiskey eyes, your lips curled into a soft smile.
“You have a bathroom pass, you’re okay to stay here for a few more minutes.” He assured, his bottom lip jutting out into a little pout to persuade you. With a playful roll of your eyes, and a cheesy smile, you sat back down on the stairwell.
“Okay, Stilinski, but you’re the one failing history. Not me.”
And once again, your giggles could be heard throughout the empty hallway as you watched your hazel eyed best friend do a victory cheer.
You inhaled sharply at the sudden ache to your head, a whimper leaving your lips as you squeezed your eyes shut. You haven’t felt a pain like that for a few days, why is it starting again now?
Ignoring Lydia’s lingering concern, you adjusted the strap of your bag and quickly scurried off to AP Biology. Fortunately, you shared that class with Lydia, but you also shared it with Scott. Your bag made a small clattering sound when you plopped down in your assigned stool, your head falling into your folded arms. Your position stayed this way for pretty much majority of class, up until you felt a nudge to your side. Pulling your head from your arms, you turned to look at Lydia with furrowed brows, lips parting to ask what was wrong before she silently pointed outside the window.
Slowly following her gaze, you stared straight at what appeared to be an abandoned powder blue jeep.
“What if we gave it a paint job?”
You asked aloud as you leaned down to soak the large sponge in your hand with water from a bucket by your feet. Plopping it onto the hood of Stiles’ jeep, you bit back a smile after glancing at the spastic boy’s bewildered expression.
“No!” He gasped, sounded deeply offended. “I love this jeep. Rust, dents, and all. Plus, it was my mom’s and she never changed the color.”
Your lips pulled into a frown at his words, loosening your grip on the sponge and let it sit on the hood of the jeep, rounding the front of the vehicle to meet Stiles on the other side. “I’m not saying we change it, Sti, just.. make it look nicer. It’s like the homeless person of cars!”
You fell into a fit of laughter at his horrified expression, not missing the ghost of a smile he held on his freckled face.
“That’s it, you’re walking home!”
Your eyes grew wildly as you continued to study the jeep, ignoring the stinging to your skull as you turned to face Lydia, shaking her out of the daze you found yourself in seconds before. She quickly blinked back to reality, her eyes eagerly searching your own. “We need to get to that jeep.” You whispered, watching as her strawberry blonde hair swayed with the bobs of her head. She opened her mouth to speak, but was very soon interrupted by another voice.
“Ladies, is there something outside that’s more fascinating than the structure of the human mind?”
“I don’t think so.”
You grimaced at the woman’s pointed gaze at your answer, quickly giving her an apologetic smile before she turned back to the rest of the class. As soon as her attention was off the pair of you, your eyes traveled back to the rusty jeep in the parking lot. “Now, many people credit the corpus callosum for giving us sense of intuition, gut instinct, even we ourselves aren’t aware-”
Her lecture was cut short by the screeching of stools. The sound made the class of teens divert their attention from the biology teacher to you and Lydia, who were looking around with a similar absent look in your eyes. You opened your mouth to speak, but no words came out, only tears forming in your waterline. Thankfully, the teacher noticed, and with a labored sigh, she nodded towards the door. You quickly exited the classroom, faintly hearing an ‘I’ll be right back’ from Lydia and an ‘I’m going to go check on her’ from Scott. Your swift pace didn’t slow at the sound of another pair of clacking heels and thudding footsteps. Pushing past the school doors, you ran towards the man attaching his tow hook to the front of the jeep.
“Hey, wait!”
The man turned in your direction, an eyebrow raised with curiosity at your frantic behavior. “You can’t tow this jeep.” You spoke between pants, looking behind you to see Scott and Lydia walking up to your sides.
“Paperwork says I can. It’s been reported as abandoned.”
Your eyes rolled, and you pushed past the man to slap a hand on the hood of the vehicle, eyes narrowed up on his taller figure. “There. Now it’s not.”
The man opened his mouth to protest, but with the menacing glare Scott was giving him, he unclasped the hook from the hood of the car, and pulled out of the parking lot. The three of you looked between each other, clearly stumped as to why you went out of your way to stop the tow man. “Well, now we have a jeep- Scott, you okay?”
The teenager had his head cocked to the side, eyes squinting in concentration as he slowly walked towards the door of the jeep. You took a step back, too curious to interrupt what Scott was doing.
“There you guys are!”
All three heads snapped towards Malia, who’s dark brown eyes were eyeing the jeep intensely. “You heard it too?” Scott asked, pulling his face away from the window of the jeep. “It’s coming from inside.”
“Break it.” Lydia ordered, stepping closer to the group, “The jeep’s abandoned anyway, nobody’s going to say anything. Break it.”
Scott hesitantly nodded at her insisting, guiding the three of you away before smashing the driver’s side window. The ringing sound that the two werewolves could only hear grew, making it loud enough for you and Lydia to hear as well. “Is that a radio?” You asked, stepping forward to peek inside the jeep to find a police scanner installed into the vehicle. The four of you swiftly shuffled into the jeep, eyes locked on the device that kept its consistent ringing noise.
Then suddenly, it stopped.
And honestly, it felt like your heart might’ve too.
“Why’d it stop?” asked Lydia.
“It doesn’t matter,” you sighed, reaching out for the glowing on/off switch to shut it down. From the passenger seat, you turned to look back at Scott, who held that same perplexed expression from outside the jeep. “What? Did you catch a scent?”
Both teen wolves nodded at this, their noses twitching while they inhaled deeply. You were soon met with Scott’s dark eyes, confusion swirling in them. “Yeah, uh..” He shook his head in disbelief, eyeing each person inside. “Mine. Lydia’s, Malia’s. Yours.”
“Especially yours.” Malia added, slouching in her seat with scrunched brows before asking, “But how? I’ve never been in this jeep before.”
“Neither have I.” Scott said, propping his elbows on the back of the two fronts seats. You turned to face Lydia, who’s lips were twitching into a small smile. “Yes, we have.” She said quietly, and you were quick to catch on. “We just don’t remember it.” You finished quickly, your eyes searching both Scott and Malia’s desperately.
“I thought we were done with that.” Malia deadpanned, glaring at Lydia for getting you riled up again. The three of them continued their quarrel while you let yourself grow distant, a faint ringing in your ear that grew louder instantaneously.
The grip he had on your face readjusted as he licked his lips nervously. "Remember... Remember that I've been in love with you since the beginning of our friendship, and that I didn't even realize until middle school." He chuckled humorlessly, swiping at the few stray tears that sprung from your eyes.
You shook your head in his hold, the faint memories of your blossoming friendship since diapers flashing before your eyes. "Stiles." You wailed, sucking your bottom lip into your mouth to silence your cries.
The boy's eyes flickered past you, his heart stopping at the sight of a Ghost Rider just outside your window. He released a steady breath, leaning into your face.
"And remember this."
“Y/N!” You heard Lydia shout, pulling you out of your trance-like state. You sniffled, glazed eyes looking to hers before letting them wander to the rest of the group’s concerned stares. “I’m sorry I, uh, was just thinking of something. I’m sorry.” Your words were rushed before you bowed your head down to avoid anymore prying eyes.
“We found an address..” Lydia said gently, almost as if she were to speak any louder, you would break. “It’s 129 Woodbine Lane.”
Exhaling slowly, you lifted your head up, a small sound of disbelief tumbling from your lips. “That’s the Sheriff’s house.”
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀* * *
“Girls, is this about Stiles again?” The Sheriff’s voice was stern as he looked between you and Lydia from across.
When you announced that the address was home to the Sheriff and Claudia, you and Lydia booked it to her car, rendering both Malia and Scott speechless. After being there for about fifteen minutes interrogating them about their apparently ‘stolen’ jeep, the two adults eventually caught on to your persistence. “Y/N,” Claudia called out to you, a soft, yet worried smile on her face. “Don’t you think it’s time to let this go? Talk to somebody about this?” She asked, shifting her attention onto Lydia as well. “Maybe it’s a good time to talk to your mothers about this..”
You stared at her blankly, worried that if you thought about nobody understanding what you and Lydia did in the slightest, that you’ll break. That you wouldn’t be able to put yourself back together this time.
“I’m sorry, you’re right.” Lydia said, collecting her things from the floor before she stood up from the lounge chair. The three of them conversed a bit longer, but it was all just background noise to you. You were too lost in your head to notice them make subtle glances towards you. Suddenly, you stood up, alarming both Claudia and the Sheriff. You could feel your hands shaking, so you held them, twiddling your thumbs rapidly. “Do you mind if I-” You choked out, resulting to just nodding your head in the direction of their restroom. Once granted permission, you rushed to the hallway, not caring that the three awaiting bodies could hear your pained cries. Your grip on your bag faltered, and you let it drop onto the floor. You stared at the wallpaper that Lydia had told you about peeling, and you found yourself gently rubbing the paper. Pressing your back to the very same wall, you slid down the wall with your head in your hands.
But what you didn’t know, was that the teenage boy with the unforgettable whiskey eyes was doing the very same thing.
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀* * *
As you sat in the driver’s seat of the rusted blue jeep, you let out a wince while your stomach churned, unable to fathom the familiarity the vehicle brought you. You just couldn’t remember where it came from. You sat there in silence with Lydia, waiting for Scott and Malia to return from wherever they ran off to after hearing a faint roaring in the distance.
“We’re gonna bring him back, you know.” Lydia’s voice broke the silence, attempting to ease your visibly distraught state. Although it didn’t work, you appreciated the effort. “How are we going to do that when we’re the only two people who believe he’s even real?” You asked, your eyes begging for an answer from your best friend even though she was unable to give you one. Just when Lydia’s jaw dropped to speak, footsteps approached you both quickly. You looked over to find a huffing Scott, his right hand clutched around something as he stopped by your window. “Where’s Malia?” You asked, looking past Scott briefly to see if she would turn up, but didn’t. “The roar,” Scott panted, eyes squinting as he recalled the previous event. “It was Peter’s. Peter Hale’s. H-He got out from where the Ghost Riders are keeping people, and he gave me this.”
Before you could ask more questions, a set of keys were in front of your face, hanging off of Scott’s index finger. You eagerly snatched the set from him, looking over them while Lydia climbed into the back seat for Scott to sit in the passenger. Giving the two of them another glance, you slid the key into it’s ignition, a laugh falling from your lips when it was a perfect fit. Turning the key, you heard the engine begin to roar to life, making a smile appear on your lips. Not soon after, there was a loud clunking noise, before the engine died down. “God! Stupid thing..” You grumbled, turning the key again while pressing down on the gas.
“Don’t flood it.” Scott warned, making Lydia cock her head at him with raised brows. “Do you even know what that means?” She asked, chuckling as Scott looked at her with a pained face. While the two engulfed themselves into a small bickering match, you managed to start the car, a squeak of excitement coming from you as you watched the lights inside the car come to life.
The voice was faint behind the static being from the police scanner, but that was all it took for your heart to skip a beat or two. “Guys..” You mumbled, voice going unheard by Scott and Lydia as they continued their argument. “You guys!” You shouted, eyes looking between the two of them when they silenced, huffing out a breath before gesturing to the active police scanner. “Listen.”
“Hello? Is anyone there? Can anyone hear me?”
And just like your own, both the boy and girl’s eyes grew to the size of saucers. Scott barely hesitated, snatching up the mic and putting it to his lips. “Stiles?” He asked tentatively, like he was waiting to be wrong. When the name fell from Scott’s lips, your body went rigid. The possibility of Scott actually believing you now made your eyes well up with tears, a hand reaching up over your mouth. You watched as Lydia grabbed the mic and put it to her own lips, “Stiles, is that you?”
The silence between the three of you was agonizing, the only thing you could do was wait for the familiar voice to ring through again.
And then it did.
“Scott, Lydia, is that you?”
The gasp you let out was muffled behind your hand, the tears in your eyes trickling down your face while you stared at your two best friends in awe. This was real. Stiles was real, and he’s alive.
“Oh my god, Stiles.” Lydia wailed, a tearful smile jerking at her lips along with Scott. “We can hear you.” He confirmed, making a glance at you before looking back at the small wired mic.
“Oh my god, you know me? You-you remember me?” Stiles asked, his tone showing evident disbelief. “Okay, okay, um.. Where’s Y/N? Is she there?”
Your eyes fell from Scott’s to the handheld device, only to look back to him. He gave you an encouraging nod, giving you the mic and staring with Lydia as you held it to your lips, asking quietly, “Stiles, is this.. is this really you?”
From the other line, you heard a slow breath of relief come from the radio. “Yeah, listen to me.. Do you remember the last thing I said to you?”
Your mouth fell agape, looking to the mic as if it had all the answers, while Scott and Lydia stared, expecting one from you.
“Remember… Remember that I’ve been in love with you since the beginning of our friendship, and that I didn’t even realize until middle school.”
Your eyes closed briefly, the blurry memory growing clear as your face scrunched up in concentration. Then it hit you. Moments before Stiles was taken. His love for you. And the kiss. Putting your lips back up to the mic, you spoke breathlessly. “You said.. You said ‘remember I’ve been in love with you, since the beginning.’ and then-” your bottom lip was worried between your teeth, a small sob escaping you. “And then you kissed me.” The words came out weakly, tears rolling down your face just as much as the night he was taken, but that was the only thing you knew from the distant memory. Scott took the microphone from you, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to talk in the state that you were in. “Where are you? We’re coming to find you.” Scott asked hurriedly, knowing that his best friend was out there was putting him on edge.
“No, no. You can’t. You won’t be able to find me.”
He sounded so defeated through the radio, and god, did it break you. You thought that him talking to the three of you might be doing more harm than good to you right now. What if you wouldn’t be able to get him out?
“Stiles, what’re you talking about? Just.. Just tell us where you are and we’ll come, we’ll come.” Scott pleaded into the mic, eyes filling to the brim with salty tears, same as yours. In the distance, you could hear loud rustling from Stiles’ end, making you involuntarily lean towards the mic. “Just, just remember this. Canaan, okay? Remember Canaan.” His voice sounded panicked, and the rustling only grew louder. Stiles was in danger. Ripping the device from the tan boy’s hands, you cried into the mic, “No wait, Stiles, don’t go! Stiles!”
You were too late.
He was gone.
But, you were determined to bring him back.
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀* * *
You looked between your pack in the dinning room of the McCall house, you felt as though you were stuck right at the beginning. Scott face was blotted with tears, his cheeks glistening underneath the light as he stared blankly ahead, repeatedly calling a disconnected phone number.
Your attempt to get Sheriff Stilinski on your side after hearing Stiles through the radio fell straight through, as he shot you, Scott, and Lydia down almost instantly. After looking through the underground tunnels, you managed to find a riff, but it was destroyed by the hellhound — who was being controlled by a supernatural Nazi from 1943. You could almost relate to how Stiles felt right now — uou were stuck, and you didn’t know what the next step was or if it was even worth it.
Lydia was the first one to break the fifteen minutes of silence. “Scott,” She sighed, placing her hand over the cellphone in the tan boy’s hand, slowly easing it down onto the table. “Your mom’s gone, but she’s still alive.”
“What do we do now?” asked Malia, her dark eyes looking to the three of you expectantly. She was never really one to follow rules or plans, but this was different — it was all you had left.
“We can’t hide from them.” You murmured, looking to your fingernails as you picked at them to avoid eye contact. “What about Lydia? The Ghost Rider was scared of her.” Malia pointed out, making you sigh and simply shake your head at her.
“No, it wasn’t fear. It was more like.. reverence.” Lydia said.
“It doesn’t matter!” You snapped, the weight in your heart only seeming to grow heavier with each breath you took. “The rift is gone. We’re the only ones left.”
Then it was silent.
Until it wasn’t.
The backdoor of the McCall house opened abruptly, creaking as Sheriff Stilinski stepped through. His light eyes looked to each of you while you stared back at him, confusion clear in the four of you.
“I have a son.”
And that was all it took for your hope to be restored.
Looking up at the older man with glossy eyes, your expression mimicked the three of your friends — hope and confusion.
“His name is Mieczyslaw Stilinski. But we called him Stiles.” Noah’s eyes drifted to yours, an apologetic smile gracing his features before he cleared his throat. “I remember.. when Stiles was a little kid, he couldn’t say his first name. Not sure why, it pretty much rolls of the tongue. But, uh, the closest he could get, was ‘mischief.’” This time, the Sheriff’s eye’s drifted to Lydia, who was giving him a tight lipped smile to match with her green eyes.
The man pursed his lips, a dry chuckle rumbling from his chest as he looked to the four teenagers. “I remember when, uh.. Stiles first got his jeep. It belonged to his mother, she wanted him to have it. The first time he took it for a spin behind the wheel, he went straight into a ditch. I gave him his first roll of duck tape that day.” His lips curled into a smile as he thought back on the memory, and you couldn’t help but do the same because finally you could see it — you could see the end of the line. “We’re here tonight because my goofball son decided Scott and Y/N, two of his greatest friends in the world, into the woods to see a dead body.”
You blinked up at him, your jaw slacked while you tried to form a simple sentence in your head. “How.. How did you remember?” You asked, blown away at his ability to remember someone he so blatantly told you didn’t exist. Noah nodded towards Lydia, and you quickly whipped your head around with a watery grin on your face. “It started with Stiles’ jersey. Then I found the red string for his crime board. Finally, his whole room came back and all the memories.”
“Then the strangest thing happened.” The Sheriff scoffed, looking to Scott when his eyes furrowed curiously. “I thought I saw him.. Something opened, right in the middle of the room, just for a moment. Then it was gone.”
“A rift.” You mumbled, eyes growing in realization as you looked to the group. “I thought there was only one left? We saw it disappear.” Malia asked, referring to the portal that was now destroyed by Parrish — in his hellhound form. “You remembered Stiles, and that opened a new rift.” Lydia pieced together, pointing to Sheriff Stilinski who looked among you all with a lost look on his face.
Scott bowed his head, the ends of his lips twitching into a smile. “If the Sheriff can do it.. maybe we can too.” He proposed, looking to you with hopeful eyes. You grabbed ahold of his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze and nodding to him. “The rift closed, but we can open it again.”
“How?” asked Malia.
“By remembering Stiles.” You said firmly, “we have to remember everything.”
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀* * *
“How will we know when it’s working?”
Your question was muffled behind your fingers, your teeth gnawing on the nails and turning your skin soft. Lydia looked over her shoulder at you, eyes narrowed with pursed lips, and you immediately shut your mouth. You were in the Argent bunker, watching a locked Scott McCall travel through his own mind in some sort of cooling machine.
With Malia and Lydia on your side, you watched a Scott stood still with seeled eyes, waiting for further instructions from Lydia. “This isn’t working..” Lydia whined, her voice wobbling with panic as her eyes grew at the way Scott thrashed around in the machine. “You said he needs an emotional connection, right? Like what the Sheriff did?” Malia asked, stepping closer to Lydia who was pacing on the other end of the room. The strawberry blonde nodded, looking to the taller girl with glazed eyes. “He wasn’t just remembering someone, he was remembering his son. His family.”
“Whatcha thinkin’ about, Stilinski?” You asked, crawling your way between him and the McCall boy as you all laid on the floor of his cluttered bedroom. Both of the boys shifted about on Stiles’ floor, making room for you before cozying up again.
“I don’t know, I just.. I don’t know.” The whiskey eye boy sighed, his tongue darting over his lips as he stared at the ceiling. You looked over to him, brows raised in concern as he struggled to find the words. With your bottom lip worried between your teeth, you let your closest hand reach out for his, giving it a small squeeze of reassurance which he returned almost immediately.
“It’s just.. ever since my mom died, and my dad being in the station majority of the time,” He mumbled, exhaling shakily before sitting up from his position. You and Scott both mocked him, sitting up with crossed legs in a small circle to see each other. “You two are my best friends, you know? You’re all I have left. Besides my dad, but he doesn’t risk his life nearly as much as we do and-” He paused, his eyes filling with tears that caused your own to prick with them. Looking to Scott, you watched as a small teardrop rolled down his tan cheek.
“I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if something happened to either one of you. You’re family.”
“Scott!” You called out to the boy, gently tapping on the glass window of the machine in attempt to catch his attention. “Listen, I remember something. During our junior year we were with Stiles, okay? And-and he was talking about how.. how after his mom died, we were all he had left.” Your eyes welled up with tears, blocking your vision. You sniffled, not caring if the tears shed or not.
“He said that he wouldn’t know what he would do with himself if he lost one of us, that we’re family. But he’s lost right now, Scott. He’s lost and we need to remember him, we need to remember our family and find him.”
Your words seemed to strike a cord with the alpha, his thrashing stopped and he was mumbling things underneath his breath. But it stopped, and as soon as it did there was a deep rumbling sound, causing you and the girls to jump and stare at the flashing light coming from the window. As soon as it appeared, it vanished, and was replaced with a loud beeping sound coming from the machine. You were quick to act, pulling Scott out of it. Malia rushed over with a blanket she found lounging around and guided him to sit as you glanced at him.
“It was working, why’d you pull me out?” Scott asked incredulously, eyes bulging as he looked between the you and Malia. “You were going to die in there.” You said simply, catching a glimpse of Lydia who was already staring at you.
“How do you get Scott to do that?” She asked, tone almost accusing, as if she were piecing together some sort of puzzle.
You blinked at her, eyebrows scrunched together as you thought of the now distant memory. “When, uh, when you and Malia were talking about family, it triggered a memory of Stiles.” You mumbled, but it was loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. “For the past few weeks, I would get these headaches.. and whenever the headaches came, so did the memories of Stiles. As soon as I remember though, it gets blurry — I forget. But I know they’re from him.”
You never looked up from your locked gaze on the floor, but when you did, you were met with three stunned stares.
“It’s you..” Lydia said quietly, her heels clacking faintly on the concrete floor as she made her way towards you. She grabbed ahold of your wrists, her sea foam green eyes boring into your own. “It’s all about connection, and you’ve had one with Stiles since the Ghost Riders took him.”
“It’s true.” Scott agreed, his teeth chattering slightly while he cuddled into the blanket around his shoulders. “When I was remembering him, I was also remembering the two of you together. I would also tease him for making it so obvious,” he chuckled, staring off distantly before he locked eyes with you. “Nobody had a connection like you two.”
You were speechless, staring between the three of your best friends with soaked cheeks. “Okay.. okay, so, what do we do?”
Just as you spoke the words of agreement, smiles appeared on their faces, which only made you mirror them. “We have to do it the old fashioned way.” Lydia stated, grabbing ahold of your shoulders and guiding you to an empty stool propped up next to the metal table. “We’re going to have to actually hypnotize you.”
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀* * *
You were in a classroom. A single desk occupied by you whilst you sat in front of a television, a remote settled on the wooden desk by your right hand. As you looked around cautiously, a ghost of a smile appeared, genuinely excited about the fact that you were actually hypnotized.
“Weird..” You whispered, your eyes darting around the empty classroom and to the television that displayed a static channel.
“Y/N? Are you in the classroom? Do you see the TV and remote?” Lydia’s voice echoed throughout the room, causing you to jump slightly in your seat. Your focus drifted to the remote, picking it up and inspecting it. “Yeah.. Yeah, I’m here.”
“Good. Now, the remote gives you access to all of your memories. Find the memories of Stiles.” Lydia’s voice directed, and your thumb hovered over the power button, thinking of the missing boy before clicking play.
You heard the faint patter of footsteps approach you, it was a boy about your age, six years old. He had freckles scattered across his face, a shaved head and a sheepish smile.
“Hi. I-I’m Mi..Mie-Mieczy...” You watched as the boy sighed, his face heating up with embarrassment. When he looked back up to meet your eyes, you offered him a friendly smile, holding your hand out for him to shake. “Hi, I’m Y/N.. your name is Stiles? Your dad said so!” You asked, beaming happily when the boy, Stiles’, face visibly perked up at the fact that you knew his name. A small giggle escaped your lips as he shook your hand enthusiastically.
As you conversed animatedly with the younger version of Stiles, you could hear Sheriff Stilinski speak to your mother faintly in the background as they watched the two of you together. “Something tells me they’re gonna get along just fine.”
You gasped, no longer reliving the memory of the young version of yourself and Stiles. Now back in the empty classroom in front of the TV, you looked between it and the remote in your hand, a laugh of disbelief erupting from you and echoing throughout the room.
“Stiles..” You whispered, longing evident in your tone. In your trance, the three of your friends watched you intently as you whispered his name, making the flame of the candle flicker lightly. Lydia then cleared her throat, taking the lead once again. “Y/N, look for another memory of Stiles.”
You did as you were told, flickering through the multiple channels the television had to offer.
“You’re too pretty to be crying, Y/N.”
“No! You can’t go, it’s too dangerous!”
“Sometimes the person we’re looking for isn’t in the search at all. Maybe.. maybe they’re just right in front of us.”
Stiles’ voice echoed loudly around the room as you clicked through every memory, each one being passed by because none of them fit — none of them felt like what you were looking for. You landed on a channel, pausing briefly your rushed clicking and letting it play.
“I’m with you, ‘til the end of the line.”
It was Stiles’ voice again. No memory being played, just his voice, but you could somehow remember the exact moment of the conversation took place. “Is that a Marvel reference, you Star Wars nerd?” You heard your voice this time, echoing just like Stiles’ had been. A smile grew on your lips as the memory began to restore itself in your mind. “Yeah! But, you’re so into that stuff so.. it could be our thing! What do you think?”
“I think..” You found yourself whispering the same response you said in the memory, “I think it’s perfect. I’m with you ‘til the end of the line, Sti.” You murmured in your trance, confusing the three teenagers once again. “Y/N.” Lydia’s voice called out to you again, “Find the memory that you and Stiles made a connection.”
You furrowed your brows, looking over your shoulder suddenly. There was a door, but it wasn’t there before. Setting the remote down, you picked yourself up from the wooden desk and made your way to the door, slowly pulling it open. You found yourself in the Sheriff’s house once again, but you weren’t alone. You were in a memory. This memory was different though, and you knew it as you made your way to where the memory was being played out. You always relived them, never watched them — but this one, you were exactly that.
You watched your eleven year old self sit down next to a boy around the same age, who you knew was Stiles, and place a hand over his. He had tears in his eyes, and his face was vacant of emotion. You watched as your younger self looked at him with sorrow eyes, and your heart broke when you realized what memory was being played.
“This was the night his mom died..” You mumbled, tears clouding your vision and you quickly wiped them to watch the memory continue being played out. No words were being said between your younger selves, but none were needed to be. You observed Stiles placing his head in your lap, tears rolling down his face at a quicker pace as his expression finally broke. He released heartbroken sobs as your fingers ran through his hair, your younger self staring ahead. If you didn’t know that this was a memory, you would’ve thought she were staring right at you.
It didn’t take you long to figure out why this memory was being played, and your jaw slacked at the realization. “That’s when it happened.” You whispered in shock, finding yourself slowly being pulled from the trance.
“That’s when what happened?” You heard Scott’s faint voice ask. The vision of three of your best friends were blurry as you were snapping back to reality, and they all were looking at you expectantly as you cried.
“The night his mom died, when I was there.. H-He was crying with his head in my lap. That’s when it all changed.” You spoke while staring off at the candle, who’s flame was now burnt out. “I-I didn’t realize it until now, but that... that was the night we fell in love.”
At this point the tears trailing down your face were relentless, only growing worse when you painfully gasped. “I was there! I was there the night he was taken.” You sobbed, hands covering your mouth while Scott, Lydia, and Malia’s faces contorted with shock. “When the Ghost Riders took him, I was there.”
As you stood up from the stool, the ground shook beneath your feet, a bright, zapping light took over the room before disappearing behind the door. You glanced back to the three teenagers behind you, taking a step forward and carefully opening the door, revealing a blinding white light at the end of the tunnel.
Stiles turned his body to face yours, using both hands to grab onto yours with need. “Y/N, I’m going to be erased, okay? Just like Alex. You’re gonna forget me.”
“No. No, I won’t! I won’t. I won’t.” You promised, your sobs escaping at every chance they could.
“You will.” He whispered calmly, tears rolling down his own freckled cheeks as he gave you a small smile. “Remember… Remember that I’ve been in love with you since the beginning of our friendship, and that I didn’t even realize until middle school.”
“I never told him,” Your voice croaked at you spoke aloud, walking closer to the white light. “I never told him how I felt before they took him. That I love him. I never said it back!” You shouted, the feeling of Scott grabbing ahold of your arm to keep you from walking towards the light making itself present.
Then suddenly.. there was no need to walk towards the light.
Because there was a figure standing in front of it.
You let out a cheerful laugh, tears bunching at the creases by your eyes as you stared at the familiar shadowy figure, gasping out it’s name.
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀* * *
“Where is he?” You whimpered, feeling your knees buckle at the thought of failing Stiles yet again. Gripping onto the stool, you looked to Lydia and Malia, who were staring at you sympathetically. “We didn’t see anyone.” Lydia spoke gently in attempt to keep your emotions from spilling.
Scott had left you with both Malia and Lydia to keep trying to bring Stiles back and to be here just in case he comes here looking for any of you.
“I saw him. It was working, I know it.” You mumbled, mostly to yourself, but with Malia’s supernatural hearing ability, she heard you loud and clear. You stared at her blankly as she hopped up to her feet, pulling open the door and beginning to step out. “Um, where are you going?” Lydia asked from where she was next to you.
“To go find Stiles,” Malia stated as if it were obvious. “Listen, Stiles isn’t coming here. If he were, he would’ve, but he hasn’t, so he’s not.”
You blinked at her, deciding to disregard her last sentence before standing up yourself. “You believe me?” You asked her, and when she silently nodded her head, you were quickly on her side. “Okay well,” You trailed off, turning to Lydia who was still sitting on the stool. “Stiles is out there, I can feel it. So please, Lyd, help us bring him home.”
You watched as the strawberry blonde pursed her lips, lifting herself off of her own stool before strutting over to you. “Let’s go find him.”
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀* * *
“Y/N! What are you doing here?” You heard Scott yell from the end of the hallway of Beacon Hills High. Stumbling over the train tracks that were magically built into the floor, you grunted as you fell into his chest. “I’m looking for Stiles.” You answered with a shrug of your shoulders, watching Scott’s eyes grow with an emotion you really didn’t have time to decipher. “I’m going to places he’s most likely to show up while Lydia and Malia look at where the other train track lead, but his jeep’s gone.. So I won’t be able to look anywhere else but here on foot.”
Scott eyes darted around as his mouth opened and closed, trying to find something to say. “I, uh, took it? Yeah, Liam needed me so I hotwired the jeep and drove to the hospital.” He explained, a sheepish smile on his lips. You nodded slowly at his explanation, not really seeing all the pieces fitting together. “Okay.. so where is it now?”
“What? Oh! It’s still at the hospital. I, uh.. ran.. here.”
You rolled your eyes at his painfully awkward replies, pulling away from him and beginning your journey down the hallway. “Well, I’m going to the lockerooms.” You announced, peering back at Scott who was now conversing with Lydia, who appeared out of absolutely nowhere. “Take Lydia with you! There are Ghost Riders everywhere.” Scott shouted, giving Lydia a shove before dashing off into the other direction.
“He seems a little.. off.” You said to Lydia, chuckling softly. The two of you walked side by side through the eerily silent school, occasionally checking over your shoulders in case you needed to defend yourself. “Yeah, but that’s Scott McCall for you.” She laughed nervously which you furrowed your brows at.
“You know, you’re acting just like hi— Lydia, look out!”
Your words quickly caught her, and the Ghost Rider’s attention. “Cover your ears.” Lydia warned, her voice low but stern and you quickly did as you were told, squeezing your hands to your ears as Lydia released one of her banshee shrieks, sending the Ghost Rider flying into the set of lockers. It was silent, and you slowly pulled your hands away from your ears, stepping closer to Lydia to see the damage done.
But when you did, you felt your heart stop. All because were staring straight into a pair of whiskey eyes, and while you did, you felt all the memories with those eyes come rushing back.
“Lydia..” You heard Stiles’ voice say with relief, a smile appearing on his lips at the sight of his best friend. Deciding to come into better view, you shuffled to the side of Lydia, and the scuffling of your feet surely brought attention from the two other people in the room. “Y/N..” He mumbled, his voice holding a whole new different emotion as his hazel eyes filled with tears. In the background you could hear the clacking of Lydia’s heels fade away, giving you two your moment.
You didn’t know what to think as you slowly stepped towards the boy, almost as if you were to rush towards him any quicker, he’d disappear. A face you haven’t seen in months was finally in view, and the gaps in your memory were finally being filled by the boy you loved — it all made sense again. It was that moment where all the tears, all the fighting, all the heartache- it felt worth it. It felt like the world finally made sense again.
“Is this real?” You croaked, a weak sob eliciting from you when your hands reached out to cup his cheeks, all while staring into frantically into his eyes. The brunette quickly leaned into your touch, his tears rolling down his cheeks and onto your hands as he greedily soaked up the feeling of you touching him — deprived of it for what felt like an eternity. “It’s real, I’m here. I’m here, I’m real.” He repeated to you, eyes fluttering shut before he held the back of your head to his chest, nuzzling the tip of nose into your hair.
The moment, however, didn’t last long before you were thrashing in his hold. “I never said anything back,” You wailed, bottom lip quivering as you recalled the last memory you had of him. “You told me you loved me, and I never said it back. I never told you how I felt.” You panicked. You felt the heat rush to your neck and cheeks as Stiles gripped onto your face as a way to snap you back. Fortunately, it worked, and you were staring at him wide eyed while he simply looked at you with his same beautiful, lopsided smile.
“You didn’t have to.”
Was all he said before his lips were slanted on yours, involving you in a kiss that was completely different the first one the two of you shared. The first kiss, it was frantic, rushed. Stiles kissed you because at the time, it was the last time he would ever see you again. This kiss, however, was slow and it said everything that words couldn’t. You felt your breath hitch, your body melting into his as you kissed him back with love and longing — two emotions that overwhelmed your body more than any other. You felt the grip he had on your face tighten, pulling you even closer to his body as he pushed as much passion as he could into the kiss. Finding yourself holding onto his flannel overshirt, you couldn’t help but shuffle your feet closer to close any existing space.
He was the first to pull away, his forehead pressed to yours once more while he inhaled deeply to catch his breath with you doing the same. Your eyes were open, scanning over his face and looking over each freckle and beauty mark that littered his face gracefully, bringing a small smile to your lips.
And as the boy in front of you slowly peeled his eyelids open, revealing the beautiful whiskey color you found yourself in love with, you knew this was it.
He was back in your arms again, more real than ever. Not a pounding headache of a memory. Not a faint dream that had you gasping for breath in the middle of the night. Not a figment of your imagination. He was real and this was it.
This was the end of the line.
Raindrop romance and puppy dog eyes

Stiles Stilinski x fem!Reader
I was at my locker, discussing the upcoming math test with Lydia when I felt a pair of arms wrapping around my waist from behind. “Boo!” I heard my idiotic boyfriend, Stiles, say.
With a grin, I slammed my locker shut and turned around to face him. “Hi baby,” he said, pulling me close in a warm embrace.
“Hey Stilinski, stealing my girl away from me again?” Lydia said, a playful frown on her face as she folded her arms.
"Um, excuse me, since when was she your girl? Did I miss something? Because last night, she was definitely moaning my name," Stiles responded, a smirk playing on his lips.
Lydia scoffed, delivering her response with an attitude, “well, I've known her longer."
"Well, that sucks because I don’t give a shit."
“Okay, guys, that’s enough,” I intervened, teasingly rolling my eyes to end their banter before it could escalate and potentially giving me a headache.
"But, he-" Lydia started, only to be cut off by Stiles. "Me?" He asked in mock shock, causing me to let out a groan.
"Can you both please shut up so I can go home?" I teased, grabbing Stiles by the arm and playfully dragging him out the door.
Once we stepped outside, heavy raindrops were falling. Turning to Stiles with a wide grin, I yelled, "tag!" and dashed toward his jeep.
"Oh, you little bitch! You’re so gonna get it!" He yelled back, chasing after me.
It didn't take him long to catch up, and before I knew it, he was grabbing my waist. "Tag!" He declared, out of breath, hugging me from behind. After a moment, I pushed his arms off of me and took off running. "Nope."
"Oh, you little dick." He yelled, attempting to catch up, but I was already in the car with the door locked before he could.
Reaching the driver's side, he tried to open the door, but frowning when he realized it was locked. He looked up with puppy dog eyes, causing me to return his gaze with a proud smile. “Baby, please open the door,” he whined, pressing his forehead against the glass, and knocking on the window, instantly making me cave in.
As soon as I unlocked the door, he rushed in, slamming it shut before rubbing his hands together in an attempt to get warm. “Can you turn on the heater please?”
Wingman || Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Summary: After following his friends to the monthly 'Singles Night' on campus, Stiles finds himself in a powerful position of helping Y/N choose a contender for her future love life.
Words: 2.5k
Warnings: swearing, sexual innuendos
Notes: hello! this is my first published fic! i hope you guys like it!

“Stop looking at me like that, I didn’t ask you to come along,” you said, tone gruff as your eyes glared upward toward the unusually quiet Stiles Stilinski. Your furrowed eyebrows mirrored his perfectly, noses crinkled, fingers curled. His taller stance would be intimidating if it wasn’t for the friendship you both held. “Stiles, seriously, come on…”.
He huffed, “I just don’t understand why you’re dragging yourself to one of these… drunken flirt fests!” His large hands waved in front of his face, gesturing something lewd and unreadable. “And YOU…” His attention finally turned toward the male on your right-hand side, Scott’s sheepish grin tugging at his lips, “You’re not any better endorsing this behaviour!”
“I was, uh, actually gonna join in on the fun. Y/N managed to convince me in our Psyh ED lecture today”. Scott’s hands slipped casually into his leather jacket as his shoulders lifted in a shrug. You could see the excitement sparkle in his eyes, reciprocated on the grin still curling his lips upward. He needed this change of pace after his prolonged break-up with Kira.
“I’m sorry? Am I just not a part of this friend group anymore? What happened to the three musketeers, huh?!” Stiles returned to his somewhat normal self with a slightly raised voice and dramatic flair. His eyes rolled back in disgust as you all neared the most populated bar on campus. “You know what, no, it’s fine. I get it. You both hate me, making plans behind my back. Eventually leaving me behind when you find your lovers of the night. Whatever.” He quickly dismissed the idea with a wave of his hand, expressing his sarcastic nature.
A scoff pushed through your lips, “You’re an idiot”.
“I’m a realist.”
“Dude, let’s just have a good night, okay? You’re free to leave if you want…” Scott trailed off as he opened the bar’s door for you, smiling in return to your friendly head nod of thanks. His hand remained flat against the heavy wooden slab, eyebrows perking up in silent question toward Stiles as he waited for an answer. Stiles, however, had his mind elsewhere as he stood on the tips of his toes, digging the end of his converse into the ground, eyes scanning the few looks you received as you wandered toward the bar. It was Scott’s turn to roll his eyes now, “Just get in here.” He huffed, his spare hand grasping the collar of Stiles khaki bomber as he dragged his friend inside with him.
You failed to notice the lack of your friends as you peered around yourself, taking in the atmosphere of the monthly ‘Singles Night’ event that always managed to take your campus by storm. This was your first time in attendance, though, continuously known for holding yourself back in fear of not enjoying yourself or leaving with someone worthwhile. You bit the bullet after days of mulling over the idea, your decision made final when Scott’s prying about your mood led to him agreeing to tag along. You knew that he wasn’t only coming for support, but rather, to have a good night of his own. And Stiles? He was just a surprising bonus.
“What would you like, darlin’?” The deep voice of the bartender spoke, slightly startling you from gazing over the multitude of people around you. Your eyes widened as you faced the man, probably only a couple of years older than you. He looked tired, as if he’d spent the last few hours pouring himself into his own college work. “If you don’t mind me making a suggestion, you look like a ‘Tequila Sunrise’ kinda gal.”
“You don’t even know me and you’re making assumptions about my drinking habits. That’s ballsy.” You cooed, arms crossing over the part of the bar that wasn’t covered in stickiness from spilled drinks. You shook your head slightly before listening to the familiar bickering voices approaching you; Scott and Stiles still up in arms about being in attendance to, what Stiles refers to it as, a breeding ground for STDs. “You’re lucky that I’m a tequila fan. And also, two whiskey sours, please.” A smile curled on your lips as the bartender gave you a wink in acknowledgment, turning his back to make your requested beverages.
“What’d you say to him?” Stiles quipped almost immediately, sliding up beside you before pulling back with a small squeal as his arm touched the sticky bar top that you made sure to avoid. He cursed under his breath with a disgusted expression contorting his features – it was a sight that never failed to make you laugh. His eyes squinted as he looked back to you, “He winked at you. Was it like, a ‘oh yeah everything is totally cool’ wink, or a… sexual wink…?”.
“I ordered your dumb asses a drink. That’s all.” You replied, turning your back to lean against the bar, watching as Scott chuckled at the scene before him. You hummed, arms crossing in front of you, unintentionally pushing your chest up in your near low-cut dress. “Or maybe…” You began, leaning in closer to Stiles, a mischievous look on your face, “I just told him to fuck singles night, and I’ll take him home instead”.
Stiles gasped, rather loudly, “You did NOT”. His hand flew over his heart, taken aback by your words. It was clearly obvious that he was trying to retain eye contact and not let his eyes trail elsewhere. You were both oblivious to the bewilderment of Scott at your exchange – but he loved a good show.
“Of course, I didn’t. Seriously, Stiles, who do you take me for?” If your eyes could roll any further back, they’d fall from your sockets. You were broken from your conversation when the clinking of three glasses slid behind you, the bartender graciously accepting your card to pay for the beverages. You mouthed a friendly ‘thank you’ before moving across the room with Scott and Stiles hot on your heels, drinks in hands.
A collaboration of music, laughter, and humming voices enlightened your senses before Scott found an empty table to sit at, his eyes already scanning the room for potential conversation goers. The room seemed larger than it usually did when you’d come after class; the lights were tinted with different colors to create atmosphere, and furniture moved around purposely to create conversation nooks. He nearly spilled his drink as you nudged his shoulder, “She’s cute”. The tanned male looked over his shoulder at the person you were referring to, a beautiful and equally tanned girl sat with her friends, long dark hair cascading down her back. Scott evidently gulped.
“Go on Scotty, make a move. We know you want to.” Stiles spoke lowly, fake boredom dripping from his words as a sigh fell from his lips. Always with the dramatics. Stiles was nearly pushing his friend from the stool in order to build momentum, making sure to tip the whisky sour back when Scott attempted to take a sip. It was mere seconds before the liquid courage was completely gone from the glass. Scott shook his head with force, a smile soon gracing his lopsided jaw. Stiles patted his shoulder before pushing him toward the stunning girl, “Go forth, my son. Make me proud.”
You giggled around the straw hanging in your mouth, both surprised and prideful as Scott got further away. He was braver than you, and instead of jealousy, you felt appreciation. Your view was obstructed by your shaggy-haired friend, his lips pursed as he clicked his tongue. You could tell that he still didn’t know why he decided to come along. “You can leave whenever you want, Sti. It’s fine”.
“No, no way. Not until I scope out these jerks until we find you a good one. I’m very picky, Y/N, you know that.” He was quick to mention, avoiding your eye contact with the rim of his glass pressed to his lips. Stiles wasn’t impressed by what he saw – muscular, well-groomed men with hunger in their eyes and a taste for the sweet stuff. There was no way in hell he’d let you leave with a stereotypical jock like them. One Jackson Whitmore was enough to experience, he didn’t need another for you to hang from. He returned to clicking his tongue, a small groan pushing past with his words, “Not getting a good vibe, you know.” His hands, once more, waving erratically in front of him to indicate the space around you both.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize I brought a wingman with me tonight.” Your amused tone finally brought his eyes to yours, provoking you to laugh under your breath. Your smile remained when he smiled back at you, genuinely. You inhaled deeply, eyes briefly closing as you exhaled. “Okay. This is the plan… I’m going to wander around, find a guy, bring him back. And you can grill him. If he passes, I get to take him back to my dorm and you never speak of this again. Deal?” You declared, much to his surprise, and held your hand out to him.
Stiles loved a challenge. “And if none of them pass? Then what?”
“Then I take YOU back to my dorm.”
He visibly choked on his drink, bemused from your shocking words. He was frozen. Stunned. Most of all, he was unsure of your sincerity. His words stuttered out incoherently, “So I-I get to ask, what-whatever… whatever I want?”
“Sure, but play fair. This is my future love life on the line, Stiles.” You reminded him, your hands thrusting back out across the table.
“It’s a deal”.
Five guys in, and Stiles still wasn’t impressed. According to his ‘very descriptive’ feedback, they were either losers or dickheads. They weren’t promising enough for his liking, and he knew that you deserved better – no, you deserved the best. He was nearly through his third drink for the night when you brought over another protentional candidate, hope filled your eyes which Stiles tried to unsee. He stared intently at the new man across the table, not entirely put off by the way he presented himself.
“Stiles, this is Adam. Adam, this is Stiles… the biggest cock-block in all of history.” You managed a sarcastic, yet cheery voice when Adam reached out to shake Stiles’ hand; Stiles made sure to keep his tucked away in his crossed arms. You cleared your throat, “So… Adam is in Veterinary Science and is a Junior. He’s also super cute.” It was hard to control your wording when you were also three drinks down. By now, it was hard to tell whether the redness gathering on your cheeks was from the alcohol or the way Adam called you beautiful in return for your small comment.
Stiles wasn’t having any of it. “Okay, Adam… how many sexual partners have you had?” He asked with a straight face, feeling uneasy from the flirting happening in front of him. He didn’t appreciate the way the other man was looking to your chest, not even trying to behave. At least Stiles had the decency to respect you enough to look away. His lips though did perk up at the blank expression now facing him from Adam himself.
“I , ugh.. man, I don’t know. Like, more than five, less than ten?” Adam replied, clearly not prepared for the showdown Stiles had planned.
“Isn’t that kind of a red flag, Y/N? The dude doesn’t even know how many girls he’s screwed.” Stiles stated, his eyes looking down to you. He didn’t let you answer, nor, did he look away from you when he continued his questioning. “What color are Y/N’s eyes? Just curious since you’re so interested in what’s happening a little further down.”
“They’re.. dude it’s dark in here, I don’t know-“
“She has [color] eyes. Something you’d be able to answer if you weren’t being such a perv.” Stiles leaned back in the barstool, trying to not feel so smug and proud for pulling apart the man in front of him. Although he was enjoying himself, he was also disappointed that the men you’ve brought forward tonight weren’t even close to being in your league. You deserved to be happy.
Adam was quick to cower before dropping from the stool, shuffling off across the room until he was hidden from your view. You sighed, “Wow, Stiles. Really hit that one hard. What are you going to do to the next one? Ask them to whip their dick out, see if it’s big enough!?” You were beginning to feel hopeless, the tone of your voice reflecting anger and despair. You just wanted to shut your eyes and wake up in your dorm room, curled on your bed, binge-watching Netflix with a pint of ice cream. Maybe Stiles was right from the beginning… maybe you shouldn’t have dragged yourself here tonight. You wondered if Scott was having better luck than you.
Stiles downed the last of his drink, his hand gently clasping over your wrist as his other wiped his mouth “There won’t be a next one” He said quietly beside your ear, causing the hairs on your next to stand. He pulled back with softened eyes and a slight frown upon his lips, head shaking softly, “This isn’t about the deal anymore. Y/N… honestly, none of those guys were good enough for you. And I’m not just saying that because I’m your friend and I liked to watch them squirm. They either were horny bastards who clearly wanted sex, not a relationship. Or they didn’t have any future prospects, like you, like you’ve been working so hard for. They weren’t long-term. You deserve someone long-term.”
“Someone that will always be there for me?” You could barely hear the words fall from your lips, but Stiles did. His frown slightly lifting as he realized that you were beginning to understand the reasoning for his behavior. “Someone that has… always… been there for me?”
“Yeah.” Now it was him who whispered, unable to look away from your growing eyes. He stared intently at you as he replayed short bursts of memories over and over in his head about what made you so amazing. So special. So perfect. He knew that if anybody was going to treat you right, treat you as the gorgeous-hearted person you are, then it was him. Undoubtedly.
“I think it would be unfair if we backed out of the deal.” Your smile grew quickly, finally able to see that the comfort you’ve had beside you for all of these years was everything you’ve been searching for. It just needed a push.
“I mean, if you’re cool with that… I’m definitely cool with that, by the way.”
You nodded at his reassurance, “We can watch a movie, we can cuddle with your arms wrapped around me, make out a little?” You were glued to his eyes still, the tension and intimacy from such a simple action was only making your heart burst.
“That’s perfect, Y/N. It’s a date.”
Where Stiles Lives Out His Dream.... || Headcanon
Pairing : Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Warnings : just cuteness, maybe like one swear word?
Notes : had this idea for a while, NWH definitely boosted it though!

it started in kindergarten
a five-year-old stiles wearing the same spiderman shirt every day for the first week
surprisingly, claudia wasn't bothered washing it each night
especially when he got it covered in paint and food and.. god knows what actually caused the stain on the left hand sleeve..
one would think that he had that darn action figure superglued to his hand
he refused to let it go, just like that shirt
his obsession never faltered, though
only growing more the older he got
and when he finally watched the movies.. his life changed
stiles was nine-years-old when his dad let him watch the first two tobey maguire movies
he was enthralled by watching spiderman swing around on his webs and fight the bad guys
his large honey eyes were glued to the screen and widened in wonder
and when peter parker finally got the girl, he felt a warmth settle in his chest
a strange warmth that he couldn't describe, not until he was old enough to properly understand
noah stilinski was looking over case files when he felt his son tug at his shirt
stiles only grinned, "dad can i have a mj?"
and noah only shook his head
he smiled back though, admiration etched over his worry lines
"not yet, son"
"dad... is mom your mj?"
and noah only laughed, eyes flickering to a sickly looking woman grinning at her boys' interaction
"she definitely is"
it was freshman year and stiles had turned fifteen-years-old
he wore a large grin to complement his red t-shirt and dark flannel
a large black spider symbol gracing his chest
by now his ADD has grown and he wasn't very good at focusing
it wasn't until he walked straight into another body that he snapped back into reality
abandoning his conversation with his best friend scott to help the poor girl that fell
this is when you first laid eyes on the adorable doofus you'd quite quickly call friend
you grasped his hand tightly as he pulled you up
the boy even dropped back to the floor to pick up your belongings
you thanked him and offered a smile
but you saw his shirt and bit your bottom lip
stiles very much noticed
"i like your shirt" you said before your eyes glanced up from his chest
all that stiles did was laugh nervously
he was shaky and you could tell he was highly-strung
what you couldn't tell though is that he was actually breathless
you were beautiful
kind of like lydia martin beautiful
but your cute attitude and kindness is what set you apart
and when you said you liked his shirt it meant you liked spiderman
that made you automatically perfect to stiles
eighteen-years-old and stiles was now in his jeep, driving to yours
you had been dating since you were sixteen
he asked you at your birthday party if you'd like to go on a date
this was after he handed you a giant present half the size of roscoe
you said yes immediately, and that warmth returned from when he was younger
the warmth that he got when he saw peter in love with mj
it made him think that one day, you'd officially be his mj and the thought made him smile so fucking wide
presently, you were receiving a text to meet your boyfriend outside
you were expecting him, but usually, he'd make his way inside your home
with a key that he acquired from a source he wouldn't tell you about
you walked outside and it was dark
the jeep was in your driveway but stiles was nowhere to be found
you made a move to walk down the steps of your front porch
but a yell scared you into jumping back
a scream escaping through your lips
stiles appeared in front of you, his body hanging upside down from the roof
he had a large grin between his cheeks and his eyes glistened with mischief
he crooned, a little chuckle sounding his words
"hey baby"
reaching out to hit his chest was a bad idea when he slightly maneuvered
your fingers grasped his shirt to hold him still before he could fall
and then your luck....
the ten o'clock sprinkler system was activated and you both began to get soaked
you glared at stiles
he laughed
and soon you were laughing too
your fingers remained holding his now crumpled, and soaked, spiderman t-shirt from freshman year
you hummed, "you know what this looks like, right?"
and stiles shook his head, but
his eyes were stuck to your wet matted hair and glowing skin from the water beads
"you're like spiderman and i'm like... mj"
he realised the scene you were referring to
the warmth returned
this time it was stronger
it had a forceful pull that gravitated his lips to yours
and finally, it ignited his body with fire coursing through his veins
your lips were joined and your hands moved from his chest to his cheeks
holding him
caressing him
stiles moaned softly as his right hand snaked around to your back
pushing you closer to his saturated frame
your bodies stuck to one another but you didn't care
not when your tongue slipped past his desperate lips
his needy teenage hormones got the best of him , though
he wanted to merge your bodies even closer until all he could feel was the slick wet skin under your shirt
and one move of desire later nearly led stiles to fall once again
you pulled back to hold him steady
lips swollen
his face now turning red
only, it was from the blood rushing rather than just a bashful flush of rosy cheeks
stiles didn't care though, despite your worrying and cursing under your breath
he smiled, teeth gleaming, eyes sparkling
he felt everything all at once when he kissed you
the kind of emotions and sensations that meant that his love for you preceded everything else
and he knew
he... just knew
"you're my mj"
💀 with stiles pls!
send me an emoji and dylan character for a headcanon ~
💀 : An injury headcanon

Stiles was incredibly accident-prone. Whether it was supernatural bound or a simple trip up the stairs, the boy would always be on your doorstep with a sheepish grin that held all of the boyish glee he could muster up. He never wanted to show you the pain that itched so intensely at his skin and tugged at his muscles - so, he continued to smile, even when blood pooled by his feet. One time, in particular, you dragged him profusely into the bathroom the moment you saw red trickles drip from the cut in his hairline. Your voice was urgent, but Stiles remained calm - he always remained calm. It wasn't until your hand began to tremble as it pressed to his moistened red wound that Stiles' nonchalant facade began to fall. He never wanted to worry you, but he didn't trust anyone more to look after his scratched-up body. "What if you don't come back to me next time, Stiles?" It wasn't until he realised that his strange form of protection from his pain, was only the cause of your incredulous hurting. His eyes, finally, pricking with tears, "Nothing will keep me away from you."
stiles and “street-light”
it’s cheesy! it’s short! it’s off topic! it’s unedited! it was written on tumblr mobile by an idiot who should be doing her irish homework because it’s ten o’clock at night! but i love stiles and i frickin adore kenz so here it is!!!!!!
“You’re so pretty.” He hums, tucking the loose hair behind your ears and cupping your jaw in his calloused hands.
Your cheeks are burning, and your gleaming eyes avert his lovesick gaze as he beams at you. Beneath the flickering orange hue of the street lights, he glows. Truly. So much so that it irritates you a little bit.
Besotted. Enamoured. Infatuated. Beguiled. There’s not a single word in the English language that could convey what you felt for him. So, despite your better judgement, your eyes lock with his twinkling ones, and you grin. Bright and lovestruck.
His warm hands caress the sides of your neck, smoothing up and down the flesh slowly; making you want to melt into one of the tiny puddles littering the cement beneath you. You breathe, unsteady and unsure; and then you say it. “I love you. A lot. So much.”
It’s his turn to smile, and it’s elated and cheery; you want to say it again, you’ll say it at the start of every sentence as long as he keeps looking at you like this.
“She loves me. You love me.”
You pout petulantly, a groan of pure humiliation and displeasure tumbling past your lips. “Forget it. I take it back.”
“No way! You can’t take it back. You’ve told me now, it’s a done deal.” His arm wraps around your shoulders as he walks you back to his jeep, and you curl into his flannel clad torso; linking your fingers through the hand dangling from your shoulder.
For once, it’s quiet. It’s calm. There’s no supernatural creatures trying to murder you (that you know of), no cold cases to crack or trigonometry homework to do. For once, you can breathe. He presses a kiss to your temple, pulling away to open his car door. This takes him a little while, Roscoe isn’t known for being easy to manage. Once the car door is wedged open open and you’re both inside, he speeds off.
You check the time. 10:14. You told your mum you’d be home by eleven. You have time.
“Hey, baby?”
You hum serenely, you love when he calls you that.
“I love you more.”

Please I’m starving.