116 posts
Oh To Love Something Or Somone
Oh to love something or somone
More Posts from Stardustaroundmyheart
Coaches! “Tough love” is not one size fits all! When someone like Taeyang, who has been called a prodigy, who was on the national team, who knows how good she once was and can be again, tough love works great. It makes her work harder because she knows what she’s capable of. But Taejun doesn’t!!! It’s not that he’s been compared to his sister his whole life, it’s that he wasn’t, he was completely forgotten about. His parents never went to his matches, they never bragged about him, they admitted they wished that he was the one who was injured! Even his coaches have never had any faith in him (from his perspective). Taejun needs someone to believe in and encourage him wholeheartedly in order to be the best that he can be, because he doesn’t believe in himself. The only reason he’s becoming a better player at Yunis is because of Taeyang, and not because they’re in love, because she sees his talent and potential and tells him she sees it! If one of his coaches had had a real conversation with him about his talent and how great they think he could be without yelling at him I think we would have gotten the same result. Not everyone thrives on tough love, sometimes people just need a kind word or two.
#wait a min


Yeon su from our beloved summer is just so relatable, she just feels like home

Summary of School 2021
Seo young likes young joo, young joo likes ji won, ji won likes ki joon and ki joon doesn't even know what he likes