Happiness Kdrama - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

I just want these people to be alive, han tae seok my man please take them with you

I Just Want These People To Be Alive, Han Tae Seok My Man Please Take Them With You
I Just Want These People To Be Alive, Han Tae Seok My Man Please Take Them With You
I Just Want These People To Be Alive, Han Tae Seok My Man Please Take Them With You

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3 years ago

I actually think all of these people knew about andrew cause as we can see, even when sae boom and yi hyun told them to wait, all of them stood infront of Seo hoon house with big bags like they were already ready for it, and it must be because either they knew he'll give it or they were ready to kill him? And look at parallel all of them stood infront of sae boom apartment with bags, ready to steal the food, that darn lawyer also say andrew stabbing jungguk but did nothing? Top of all he just stood outside with all of the other people, it's like they are in this together it's just andrew being the psychopath is doing all the murdering work, I think that ahjumma who wanna be REPRESENTATIVE is maybe leading them because now as hee husband is gone all she care about is bringing my dear lovely fake couple down

I Actually Think All Of These People Knew About Andrew Cause As We Can See, Even When Sae Boom And Yi
I Actually Think All Of These People Knew About Andrew Cause As We Can See, Even When Sae Boom And Yi
I Actually Think All Of These People Knew About Andrew Cause As We Can See, Even When Sae Boom And Yi

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3 years ago

Saw some spoilers of happiness I dont think I have the heart to watch ep 11

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3 years ago

This isn't how I wanted their confession??? this isn't how I wanted them to know how much they love eachother, TVN how can you do this???

This Isn't How I Wanted Their Confession??? This Isn't How I Wanted Them To Know How Much They Love Eachother,
This Isn't How I Wanted Their Confession??? This Isn't How I Wanted Them To Know How Much They Love Eachother,
This Isn't How I Wanted Their Confession??? This Isn't How I Wanted Them To Know How Much They Love Eachother,
This Isn't How I Wanted Their Confession??? This Isn't How I Wanted Them To Know How Much They Love Eachother,
This Isn't How I Wanted Their Confession??? This Isn't How I Wanted Them To Know How Much They Love Eachother,
This Isn't How I Wanted Their Confession??? This Isn't How I Wanted Them To Know How Much They Love Eachother,
This Isn't How I Wanted Their Confession??? This Isn't How I Wanted Them To Know How Much They Love Eachother,
This Isn't How I Wanted Their Confession??? This Isn't How I Wanted Them To Know How Much They Love Eachother,
This Isn't How I Wanted Their Confession??? This Isn't How I Wanted Them To Know How Much They Love Eachother,
This Isn't How I Wanted Their Confession??? This Isn't How I Wanted Them To Know How Much They Love Eachother,

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3 years ago

My vocabulary has given up? I don't even have a word to describe how I felt during whole ep 11

My Vocabulary Has Given Up? I Don't Even Have A Word To Describe How I Felt During Whole Ep 11
My Vocabulary Has Given Up? I Don't Even Have A Word To Describe How I Felt During Whole Ep 11
My Vocabulary Has Given Up? I Don't Even Have A Word To Describe How I Felt During Whole Ep 11
My Vocabulary Has Given Up? I Don't Even Have A Word To Describe How I Felt During Whole Ep 11
My Vocabulary Has Given Up? I Don't Even Have A Word To Describe How I Felt During Whole Ep 11
My Vocabulary Has Given Up? I Don't Even Have A Word To Describe How I Felt During Whole Ep 11

"Hello sae bom I'm sorry I never proposed to you properly,back then it looked like I agreed for the apartment, right? That's not true I kept saying I liked you, In case you got the wrong idea I'm not an easy guy to nab, getting an apartment is important but who you'rewith is more important! right? I hope we get out and watch this together when we do I'll say it properly that "I like you"

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3 years ago

HAPPINESS HAVE HAPPY ENDING??? more like open ending though but yess

HAPPINESS HAVE HAPPY ENDING??? More Like Open Ending Though But Yess
HAPPINESS HAVE HAPPY ENDING??? More Like Open Ending Though But Yess
HAPPINESS HAVE HAPPY ENDING??? More Like Open Ending Though But Yess

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1 year ago

What to watch next?

kdrama edition

hey! just got done with a mainstream drama and looking for some drama with the same feels? got it!

comment the drama below if it’s not in this list

1. weightlifting fairy kim bok joo

lighthearted, funny, strong fl with simp male

watch next : strong woman do bong soon

where : bilibili.com

2. business proposal

office romance, strong second couple chemistry, savage fl and a bit airheaded ml

watch next : what’s wrong with secretary kim?, descendants of the sun, love to hate you (the misandry is a bit high for the first eps, bear with it if you can), romance is a bonus book, king the land

where : netflix, bilibili.com

3. vincenzo

ACTION!!! good looking men in suits, strong fl with senti dad arc, men with questionable morals

watch next : my name (contains triggering themes, watch at own discretion), the k2

where : netflix, bilibili

4. guardian : the lonely and great god

fantasy, meant-to-be pairings, AMAZING second lead romances

watch next : touch your heart (sort of like a grim reaper sunny au), the king - eternal monarch, tale of the nine tailed, doom at your service, my demon

where : netflix, bilibili

5. reply 1988

feel good, group of friends, slice of life, AMAZING platonic chemistry

watch next : hospital playlist

where : netflix, bilibili

6. true beauty

bromance, love triangle with happy ending

watch next : the heirs, boys over flowers (if you can handle lee min ho’s horrendous perm), f4 thailand (if youre interested in thai dramas)

where : netflix, bilibili

7. all of us are dead

zombie, romance, political/military questionable

watch next : happiness

8. crash course in romance

(requested by @starryalpacasstuff )

famous ml, headstrong and self reliant fl, both place value in their work and respect each other (at the end)

watch next : love to hate you, or if you want a mockumentary-style romance, lovestruck in the city is my go to!

9. bad and crazy

(requested by @hyeon-yi )

crackhead duo, bromance~, MENtal issues, crime crime, stabby stabby

watch next : the worst of evil, dp, the devil judge, beyond evil

10. hometown cha cha cha

feel good vibes, seaside town, sappy romance, CUTEST couple

watch next : welcome to samdalri

tell me other kdramas youve seen in the comments and ill add recommendations!

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9 months ago

That literally is the whole show 🤣

The plot

The Plot

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3 years ago

Really was not expecting that jump scare. I almost peed my pants and now I need something happy to watching and wash that out of my system.

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this is the face of an idiot ready to risk it all for views

This Is The Face Of An Idiot Ready To Risk It All For Views

Aaaand he doesn't even know his mom is infected smh

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Just a thought: does anyone else think arsehole neighbor #1 is not above infecting everyone via dissolved NEXT in drinking water? Or maybe more specific targets, namely Yi-hyun and Sae-bom?

Just A Thought: Does Anyone Else Think Arsehole Neighbor #1 Is Not Above Infecting Everyone Via Dissolved

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Seems like our favorite couple will be receiving an unwanted house visit from Lieutenant Colonel Han Tae-seok in the next episode. He's even wearing an army uniform instead of his usual suit.

While watching the preview for Ep 7, we hear Han Tae-seok say,

"I'm here for even the smallest possibility."

Seems Like Our Favorite Couple Will Be Receiving An Unwanted House Visit From Lieutenant Colonel Han
Seems Like Our Favorite Couple Will Be Receiving An Unwanted House Visit From Lieutenant Colonel Han
Seems Like Our Favorite Couple Will Be Receiving An Unwanted House Visit From Lieutenant Colonel Han
Seems Like Our Favorite Couple Will Be Receiving An Unwanted House Visit From Lieutenant Colonel Han
Seems Like Our Favorite Couple Will Be Receiving An Unwanted House Visit From Lieutenant Colonel Han
Seems Like Our Favorite Couple Will Be Receiving An Unwanted House Visit From Lieutenant Colonel Han

"I'll get that person bitten."

His surroundings suggest he's on the apartment building's rooftop, most likely speaking to Sae-bom judging by the topic of the conversation when the rabid-Security Guard tackles her to the ground.

(Remember, the other buildings' infected residents got in because of the foolish actions of that live-streamer from #302 and the cashier from the supermarket. Well, this Zombie managed to travel ALL the way to the top for Sae-bomie.)

Han Tae-seok merely stands there looking on as a silent observer, yet I do spot that glock clutched in his hand. The last image of the preview showcases a dazed Sae-bom covered in blood, holding onto a pair of scissors. I don't see any blood on the improvised weapon, so I'm going to assume Han Tae-seok actually used his gun and dispatched the Security Guard.

In another scene, we see Yi-hyun running in the parking garage, chasing after a black vehicle. He gives off the feeling of desperation. Possibly, he's trying to stop a stupid neighbor from attempting to escape from the cordoned apartment complex by using the car as a makeshift battering ram. OR he's trying to stop Han Tae-seok and his subordinates from taking Sae-bom with them.

This show has honestly brought out my inner sleuth and it might just be making me look crazy...can't wait for Ep 7!

Seems Like Our Favorite Couple Will Be Receiving An Unwanted House Visit From Lieutenant Colonel Han

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*sighs* jung-kook ahjusshi

Predicted your betrayal since the second you willingly showed up at the reverend's apartment. Can't say I'm still not disappointed smh

Honestly, who do these people think they are? I'd say Sae-bom and Yi-hyun are far more dangerous than Jung-kook armed with a gun. Let's not forget to mention the previous incidents Sae-bomie had snatched away someone else's guns; she can certainly repeat the experience.

Hope Han Tae-seok can send over a glock or 2 for Sae-bom and Yi-hyun. Ahjusshi can keep the gun he's never fired

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Thoughts on Happiness Ep 8 (w/English subs)

There's a lot to unpack after watching Ep 8 with subbing.

Banging heard from the upper floors at night. Someone infected inside the building?

Vegetarian Lee Seung-young eating meat as a result of being administered Component 13. Wide turn in behavior.

Thoughts On Happiness Ep 8 (w/English Subs)
Thoughts On Happiness Ep 8 (w/English Subs)
Thoughts On Happiness Ep 8 (w/English Subs)
Thoughts On Happiness Ep 8 (w/English Subs)

Martial Law will be extended indefinitely. The lockdown hadn't been lifted as everyone desperately hoped for.

Sae-bom and Yi-hyun got flash grenades, handcuffs, a walkie-talkie, and snacks from Han Tae-seok. No glock, unfortunately.

Thoughts On Happiness Ep 8 (w/English Subs)

"People are getting meaner." My thoughts exactly, Andrew. The trash living in this building prove time and time again how much lower they can and will stoop to. Worst. Neighbors. Ever.

Thoughts On Happiness Ep 8 (w/English Subs)

Na Soo-min, #401's older brother, insists he wasn't responsible for the banging noise heard by Sae-bom and Yi-hyun in the night. Great, who wants to play another round of Whodunit?

Thoughts On Happiness Ep 8 (w/English Subs)
Thoughts On Happiness Ep 8 (w/English Subs)

Component 13, shifting the infected's desire from thirst to hunger. Remember Sae-bom's friend, Seung-young? As stated above, he was a vegetarian; his lunch plate full of veggies. Fast forward to Ep 8 and we see him eating rare meat (too much red to be medium rare).

Han Tae-seok, flashing his fangs to Chairman Choi and the gathered motley gang. About time, I say. He was brutal, sure. The chairman's security guard could attest to it if he ever survives being eaten. Was he cold, certainly. It takes glacial-frigidness to make really difficult decisions in his position. But you can't deny how efficient he is.

Thoughts On Happiness Ep 8 (w/English Subs)
Thoughts On Happiness Ep 8 (w/English Subs)

Side note:

Kinda wishing for future shared scenes with Sae-bom, Yi-hyun, and Han Tae-seok. They have this unusual, synergistic dynamic that weirdly works.

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Couple of #1202 looking sus AF as hidden infected

Let's think back on Ep 7. What if the reason why the security guard and tie-dye guy didn't attack Jung-kook and the reverend was because the reverend was already infected? It's not like ahjusshi was standing in the front. He was huddling in the corner behind him. Spiritual powers, my 🍑.

(From Ep 7)

Couple Of #1202 Looking Sus AF As Hidden Infected
Couple Of #1202 Looking Sus AF As Hidden Infected

Then, in Ep 8, either Na Soo-min is really good at keeping a tight reign on his pseudo-vampirism...

OR wannabe-Resident Representative is also an infected person. He didn't attack her despite leaving the door open as she screams on the floor at the sight of him (most likely while he was turned).

Couple Of #1202 Looking Sus AF As Hidden Infected
Couple Of #1202 Looking Sus AF As Hidden Infected

When did this become Among Us: Zombie Edition? Quick, find the imposters Sae-hyun!

And Jung-kook ahjusshi better snap out of his delusions real quick. To trust strangers over close friends you've known for years *sighs*

Couple Of #1202 Looking Sus AF As Hidden Infected

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A big round of applause for Lieutenant Colonel Han Tae-seok for being an absolute boss. Who else got sooooo much satisfaction from him deliberately turning those selfish and entitled pricks responsible for this entire mess into carnivorous monsters? Heh and they thought Component 13 was a cure. Han Tae-seok read their greedy natures perfectly, already aware they'll steal "the cure" despite it being difficult to produce, especially on a massive scale. This is my idea of small actions lead to big results. He didn't have to lift a finger because THEY will do it for him (and TO themselves).

A Big Round Of Applause For Lieutenant Colonel Han Tae-seok For Being An Absolute Boss. Who Else Got
A Big Round Of Applause For Lieutenant Colonel Han Tae-seok For Being An Absolute Boss. Who Else Got
A Big Round Of Applause For Lieutenant Colonel Han Tae-seok For Being An Absolute Boss. Who Else Got
A Big Round Of Applause For Lieutenant Colonel Han Tae-seok For Being An Absolute Boss. Who Else Got
A Big Round Of Applause For Lieutenant Colonel Han Tae-seok For Being An Absolute Boss. Who Else Got
A Big Round Of Applause For Lieutenant Colonel Han Tae-seok For Being An Absolute Boss. Who Else Got
A Big Round Of Applause For Lieutenant Colonel Han Tae-seok For Being An Absolute Boss. Who Else Got
A Big Round Of Applause For Lieutenant Colonel Han Tae-seok For Being An Absolute Boss. Who Else Got
A Big Round Of Applause For Lieutenant Colonel Han Tae-seok For Being An Absolute Boss. Who Else Got
A Big Round Of Applause For Lieutenant Colonel Han Tae-seok For Being An Absolute Boss. Who Else Got

"They're important people. Have them brought in alive.

We need them as test subjects."

*nods* Facts. Those assholes are important enough only as test subjects. A dose of reality is exactly what they needed.

Does this mean out of the chairman suite and into the former university dormitories? I'd LOVE to see them as just another one of the masses. No special treatment whatsoever.

Lieutenant Colonel Han Tae-seok

Han Tae-seok is such a complex character, and it's perhaps why I find him so intriguing. As a viewer, you never really are certain of what thoughts pass through that head of his. The unconventional methods he employs serve as a stark contrast to Yi-hyun and Sae-bom's own moralistic choices. If we can confidently label Sae-hyun as "the Heroes" of the story, Han Tae-seok just might be "the Anti-hero."

First Lieutenant Lee Ji-soo

Let's not forget First Lieutenant Lee Ji-soo, Han Tae-seok's reliable second-in-command. She's the first in line to receive his orders, then implement it down the chain of command. Her support is what greases the wheels of Han Tae-seok's plans, moving them along smoothly and without a hitch. Although she's serious majority of the time we see her, her interactions with Sae-bom draws out the human-side of her. It was cute how she reacted to Sae-bom pretending to be bite as an infected. No one else is probably brave enough to be playful around her. Maybe Sae-bom and First Lieutenant Lee could be friends if all of this ends well (IwishIwishIwish).

4 more episodes left, guys. Can't wait to watch these two handle things on their end. Happiness, FIGHTING!!!

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Great news: Sae-bom has antibodies.

Bad news (that could become terrible): Yi-hyun is infected and will likely do unnecessarily stupid shit to protect Sae-bomie (from himself) when they literally had a discussion about this very scenario in a previous episode 《communication is key, Yi-hyun-ah》

*Sae-bom, your man needs to be talked off that ledge again*

Great News: Sae-bom Has Antibodies.
Great News: Sae-bom Has Antibodies.

Of all the characters in this drama, our Sae-hyun better receive a happy ending. They earned it with all the crap they put up with!

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