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Et oui, même si tu deviens de plus en plus apaisée, la vie reste ce qu’elle est. Avec ses hauts et ses bas. Il ne sert à rien de penser que certaines choses ne peuvent plus nous arriver sous prétexte que nous allons mieux. Quel que soit notre parcours, notre expérience, nous vivons tous des moments plus ou moins durs, plus ou moins faciles. Puis, les mauvais moments n’apportent pas que du négatif, ils servent de leçons. Tout comme les bons moments n’apportent pas tous quelque chose de concret sur du long terme. Parfois, c’est simplement un sentiment éphémère qui nous traverse le corps.
“Day that’s become deeper, my shadow that’s become longer. Far over there, the sun's becoming darker, maybe I'm struggling through the darkness that's becoming thicker. Am I trapped in this place?”
-Jin (yours)

did you like ANY of these photos? would you like to see HUNDREDS MORE OF THEM?! with THOUSANDS OF UNIQUE TEXTURES?! ALL FROM FUCKING DECEMBER 15TH, YEAR 2000?!

I will be doing SFW Alphabets!
I was “inspired”, if I can call it that, by @yesitsmewhataboutit
I won’t be doing the same letters?
I won’t be doing the same thing the letter stands for.
Plus I am not stealing anything!
@yesitsmewhataboutit said many people have done SFW Alphabets before.
I also asked for @yesitsmewhataboutit ‘s permission.
(Read text from bottom to top.)

From this picture you can see that I won’t be doing an NSFW Alphabet any time soon. I do not feel comfortable writing smut or anything smut related. Well . . . since we’re already here I’ll tell you what I’m okay with writing. Have I already written that? Let me check.
The closest thing I could find is this:
I have definitely changed since then so . . . a new one it is!
I found the rules I wrote!
All of this is basically the same. P.S I’ll write about any character of any fandom. If I don’t know the character I’ll just research and try my best to capture their personality correctly. Please let me know what the fandom is in your request as I may not know the character. If you don’t I’ll just ask you about it.
Anyway, that’s my update!
Comment what character you would like a SFW Alphabet for!
But wait, what is a SFW Alphabet?
SFW means “Safe For Work”, meaning nothing inappropriate is involved. You know what an alphabet is already. Here’s an example, A will stand for something and I’ll explain why. Then so on and so on. If that sounds boring, it’s not! I just suck at explaining things. :)
A big thank you to @yesitsmewhataboutit for bringing SFW Alphabets to my attention!

Good Bye and Good Luck!
do me a solid and just reblog this saying what time it is where you are and what you’re thinking about in the tags.
Anyone wanna tell me?
mutuals i am politely asking you what color i remind you of
¿Te puedo contar el vil pensamiento que me carcome desde hace días?
Quiero que dibujes la vulgar escena de tu rostro en pena bajo la fina oscuridad de la noche, sintiendo como tu alma se ahoga en un triste sentir y tu corazón no bombea lo suficientemente rápido como para que la sangre llegue a tu cerebro y pueda evacuar las blasfemias que inventa a falta de morfina, me pica la piel al imaginarte en ese estado tan vulnerablemente asustada y perdida, pero ni la vergüenza o el miedo pueden evitar que intente odiarte mientras divago en el difuso océano del profundo dolor que me genera tu ausencia, pretendo que la murria de tu partida no es más que un mal temporal e insignificante como el sacrilegio de tu intenso amor a pesar de que no logro comprender por qué tan fácilmente te elegí como dogma favorito, pero ahora estoy fielmente rendido a tu merced y no hay retorno posible, te siento tan presente en mí que la punta de mis cabellos y el más pequeño hueso de mi anatomía se regocija al presenciar el espejismo de tu llegada.
Me dijiste que habías hecho un sinfín de cosas erróneas y que el edén estaba sobrevalorado, lo que me hizo lagrimear por la mera ironía que representa nuestra pequeña existencia y en la inmensidad que ella misma nos brindaba al sentir. Pero cuando yo más te anhelaba, tú sigilosamente te alejabas a un lugar que no puedo siquiera rozar, te ruego, no te dejes ensalzar por la magnificencia de la pura soledad, porque el silencio puede ser muy irritante y estoy cansado de buscar nombres imaginarios para mi pena.
Just learnt self-reblogging is suprisingly fun.
"I'm by default a tea person. With coffee it's head empty no thoughts. But with tea it's head full, thoughts about mass genocide."
do you all know that story they made you study in english class called Tell-Tale Heart where basically the main character commits a murder and the guilt slowly drives him crazy to the point he breaks down and confesses to the murder bc i feel like the modern day equivalent of that is when you make a post where you mention finding something annoying and then some rando reblogs with an entire essay on why they do said thing as if your post was a personal one-on-one confrontation with them
I miss the queenies that would come on here and post their like $5000 shoplifting hauls of makeup and fragrances from ulta 😭
I bought the gay checkmarks as a joke-
But I don’t think it’s a joke anymore-
So like
At first I was like "Haha, Voltaire x Rousseau yaoi" as a joke, but now I can distinctly feel the Voltaire hyperfixation forming and like…How do I feel about that ???
I think the safest way to express all of…that would be to turn french philosophers into ocs in an Hamilton kind of way (although not to the Miku binder Jefferson extreme) but if I am to do this I won’t go through the trouble of changing any names (maybe ages though, just in case because I am not shipping anything illegal. Update on that: Rousseau and Voltaire had an 18 years gap, which I think is reasonable (firm age gap defender here, even irl))
So like, brb guys, I’m gonna headcanon Voltaire.
Society better be fucking ready.
Update: It seems I am not the only one who is insane about 18th century yaoi (a certain artist who’s art I have been eating up for the past hour) so I would like to add to this post that huh, well huh, erm, call me a fritztair shipper now i guess.
Also, fuck the oc idea, I will assume my cringe and just say they are indeed the 18th century guys, thank you.

Najludje nesto sto sam uradio za nekoga CEKAO SAM
Me to the other members: The cutest!!! So handsome!!! THE BEST!!!! YES I LOVE YOUUUUUU
Me to Jihoon aka my bias: Stop playing. I’m deadass I will beat you up! Try me! I hate you, it’s on sight! Dumbass... (But if anyone tried to mess with you I would murder them)