Egon Spengler X Oc
Egon spengler x Oc
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Chapter 10
We bring him inside and put him on our Testing Machine.
E: What did you say your name was ?
?: Vinz Clortho, Key master of gozer.
Ja: Well, according to this his name is Louis Tully. He lives in Central-Park west.
She gives us his Wallet.
Ja: Do you want some coffee Mr. Tully ?
He looks at me
L: Do I ?
J: Yes have some.
L: Yes have some.
I furrow my eyebrows.
E: Vinz you said before you were waiting for a sign. What sign are you waiting for ?
L: Gozer, the Traveller. He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the rectification the Vuldronaii, the Traveller came as the large and Moving Torb. Then during the third reconcialtion of the last of the Meketrex supplicant, they choose a new form for him, that of the solar ! Many Shubs and Zuuls knew what it was to be Roasted in the depths of the solar that day, I can tell you.
Me and Egon look at each other.
Ja: Egon, Jane ?
We look at her, she silently tells us to come to her, i walk to her, Egon by my side.
Ja: There’s something very Strange about that man.
I look at him He’s sniffing on the Popcorn Jar. I turn to Janine.
Ja: Listen, I’m usually very psychic and I have a terrible feeling that something awful’s gonna happen to you both. I’m afraid you’re gonna die.
She lays her head on my shoulder and takes his hand. I pat her Back and then the phone rings.
E: I’ll get it.
He goes to pick it up and I hug Janine.
J: Everything’s gonna be fine.
Ja: I know you’ll protect him but what about you ? Your my only female friend.
J: I’ll keep watch on myself.
Egon hangs up and Louis is giving him a Pan.
E: We have to find Ray. I need him here Immediately.
Louis hands me a Lamp, i smile at him and nod.
J: Fast.
We run tests on Louis the whole night.
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Egon spengler x Oc
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Chapter 14
1 hour later we get a escort, Ecto-1 and everything that we need. We drive to the Apartment building. Fans, TV people, Reporters so many people are outside cheering for us. We get out of our Car and get our Proton-Packs. I look up the Building, clouds, thunders and everything turns dark. The ground crumbles and cracks open and we fall into a slit. Egon helps me up. I cough and we have to walk up the stairs, the elevator doesn’t work.
P: Where are we ?
R: Looks like we’re in the ten’s somewhere.
P: Ok well when we get to 20 tell me, I’m gonna throw up.
J: Me too.
Egon lays his hand on my shoulder. Finally we are on the 20th floor.
J: Thank god.
We get into the Hallway.
E: Art deco. Very Nice.
I lean against Egon.
J: I can’t walk anymore, where does she live ?
I look at Peter.
P: it’s at the end of the Hall.
We walk to it, it’s complete destroyed and there are another set of stairs.
J: Really ?!
We go up. There are two dog like daemon’s and an Altar and a big Portal. We walk infront of it.
R: It’s a Girl.
The Woman strokes one of the Dogs.
E: It’s gozer.
W: I thought gozer was a Man ?
I look at Winston.
J: Gozer is watever it wants to be.
P: What ever it is, It’s gotta get by up.
R: Right.
P: Go get her Ray !
I look at Peter.
J: Get her ?
Ray steps forward. I shake my head.
R: Gozer the Gozarian.
She ... He .. It looks at Ray, anxious I take Egon’s hand.
R: Good evening, as a duly designated representative of the city, county and State of New York, I order you to cease any and all Supernatural activity and return forth with to your place of origin to the nearest convenient Parallel dimension.
P: That ‘ought to do it. Thanks very much Ray.
I shake my head.
Go: Are you a god ?
Unsure of what to say Ray looks at us, Peter nods.
R: No.
J: What an Idiot.
Go: Then die.
Gozer shocks us with lightning bolts and we are pushed backwards. And almost fall of the building. We all look at Ray.
W: Ray, When someone asks you if you are a god.
J: You say ‘YES’
Ray nods.
P: Alright this Chick is Toast.
We step forward. I’m still holding Egon’s hand. When I realise this I let go.
P: Got your stick. We grab our Proton blasters.
All: Holing it.
J: Heat ‘em up
We start them.
W: Smoking.
P: Make ‘em hot.
All: Ready.
P: Let’s show this prehistoric Bitch how we do things downtown.
Gozer growls at us and we fire our beams at it, but it Jumps out of the way on the Altar behind us, we turn around to it Sticks in our hands.
J: The hell.
P: Nimble little minx isn’t she ?
E: We better go full-stream.
We put our Proton Packs on highest.
R: Aim for the flat top.
We do just that and gozer fades away.
P: Wasn’t so hard.
With an unwell feeling i turn to Egon.
J: I don’t have a good feeling about this.
E: Me neither.
R: We neurotised it, Do you know what that means ? A complete particle reversal.
W: And we had the tools ! We had the Talent !
P: It’s miller time.
Me and Egon look at the building with the PKE meter something bad is coming.
E: Ray this looks extraordinary bad.
P: Oh no.
R: What ?
Egon spengler x Oc
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Taglist: @fuzzyfestcat
Chapter 15
Cracking sounds appear around us coming from the building and it starts to shake. I keep a tight grip on Egon’s arm.
E: Look out.
A part of the Roof falls off we hide under the altar.
Go: Dumb creatures, Gozer the Gozarian, Gozer the Destructor, Voguus Zildrohar, The Traveller has Come. Choose and Parrish.
R: What do you mean Choose ?
Go: Choose. Choose the Form of the Destructor.
P: I get it. I get it. Very Cute. Whatever we think of. I f we think of J. Edgar Hoover, J. Edgar Hoover will come and destroy us, Okay ? So empty your heads. Empty your head. Don’t Think of ... Don’t think of anything. We’ve only got one shot on this.
Go: The Choice is made. The Traveller has come.
Shocked I look around my gaze stays on Ray who has a guilty look on his face.
J: Ray, What did you think of. He looks at me, we gather around him.
J: Ray ?
R: I couldn’t help it. It just popped in there.
P: What ? What ‘’just popped in there’’ ?
R: I-I Tried to think ...
Suddenly Egon sets his View on something.
E: Look !
He points at something. I quickly look up at him and then to the Horizon.
R: No ! It can’t be.
P: What is it ?
R: It can’t be !
P: What did you do Ray ?
J: Oh Shit, Really Ray ?!
I see the face of the Stay Puft Marshmallow man. I quickly load my gun as it Screeches. All Hell braks loose.
P: Well that’s not something you see every day.
R: I tried to think of the most Harmless thing. Something that could never ever Possibly destory us. Mr. Stay Puft.
P: Nice thing Ray.
R: We used to roast Stay Puft Marshmallows by the Fire at Camp Wakonda.
J: I know Ray. I was there too, but why did you think of that ?
Ray doesn’t respond. I claw my hand into Egons arm.
P: Ray has gone bye-bye, Egon. What have you got left ?
E: Sorry Vankman. I’m Terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought.
I just nod along to that. The Marshmallow man Stops in front of us.

mullet obi-wan kenobi is the best thing in this world
Egon spengler x Oc
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Taglist: @fuzzyfestcat
Chapter 12
In the Cell, still wet from the Hydrant that exploded, I sit on a bank by a table shivering until I feel a Jacket around me. I look up and it’s Egon.
J: Thanks.
He just smiles shortly and sits down next to me.
W: Hey guard look, I want to make a phone call. Hey I just work with these guys. I mean I wasn’t even there.
E: The structure of this Roof cap is exactly like the kind elementary tracer that the NASA uses to Identify dead pulsars in deep space.
I look at the Blue prints.
R: Cold riveted girders with core of pure selenium.
A crowd has build around us, all men and I am a little uncomfortable, which Egon seems to notice since he puts a arm around me. The others notice too.
P: Everybody getting this so far ? so what ? I guess they just don’t make ‘em like they used to, huh.
R: Nobody ever made them like this. Either the Architect was a certified genius or an authentic wacko.
P: Jane what does that mean ?
J: You never studied did you ? The whole building is a huge super-conductive antenna that was designed and build expressly for the purpose of pulling in and concentrating spiritual turbulence.
Ray nods.
R: Your girlfriend lives in the corner penthouse of spook central.
Peter stands up
P:She’s not my girlfriend. I find her interesting because she’s a client and because she sleeps above her cover. Four feet above her covers. She barks, she drools, she claws.
E: It’s not the girl Peter. It’s the building. Something terrible is about to enter our world and this building is obviously the door. The architect’s name was Ivo Shandor. I found it in ‘Tobius spirit guide’
J: He was also a doctor. He performed a lot of unnecessary surgery and then in 1920 he started a secret society.
P: Let me guess Gozer Worshippers.
J: Right.
P: No studying.
He looks at me.
E: After the first World war Shandor decided that society was to sick to survive.
The men begin to crowd around us again.
E: And he wasn’t alone. He had close to 1,000 followers before he died.
H: They conducted rituals upon the roof bizarre rituals, intended to bring about the end of the world.
E: And now it looks like it may actually happen.
Peter begins to sing.
R: We have to get out of here. We’ve got to find a judge or something
W: Hey wait a minute. Hey Hey Hey Hey hey ! Hold it ! Now we actually gonna go before a federal Judge and say that some moldy Babylonian god is gonna drop in Central park west and start tearing up the city ?
E: Sumerian not Babylonian.
P: Yeah big difference.
W: No offence, but I gotta get my ow Lawyer.
OF 2: Ok ghostbusters, the mayor wants to see you. The whole Island is going Crazy. Let’s go.
I quickly get up and walk out. I don’t want to spend another minute in a cell full of men.
Egon spengler x Oc
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Taglist: @fuzzyfestcat
Chapter 16
W: Oh no.
P: Mother pus-bucket.
He steps on the Church.
P: Nobody steps on a church in my town.
R: One, Two, Three Roast him !
We start our Proton packs. We blast him and he falls back but that’s about it well except for the fact that he is Burning now. We hide behind a wall.
R: Funny, us going out like this. killed by a 100-foot Marshmallow man.
P: We’ve been going on this the Wrong. This Mr. Stay Puft is okay. He’s a Sailor. He’s in New York. We get this guy laid, we won’t have any trouble.
E: I have a radical idea. The door swings both ways. We could reverse the Particle flow through the gate.
I look at him Shocked.
J: You don’t mean ?!
E: I do.
P: What ?
J: We’ll cross the streams.
The others look from me to Egon.
P: Excuse me Egon Jane. You both said crossing the streams was Bad.
R: Cross the Streams.
P: You’re going to Endanger us. You’re going to Endanger our Client, the nice lady who paid us in advance before she became a dog.
E: Not necessarily.
J: There’s definitely a very slim chance we’ll survive.
We all look at each other and Peter slaps Ray lightly.
P: I love this plan. I’m excited to be a Part of it. Let’s do it.
W: This Job is definitely not worth another five a Year.
We storm out right as Gozer reaches the top of the building. We stand next to each other.
E: Hurry.
P: See you on the otherside Ray.
He starts his blast.
R: Was nice working with you Dr. Vankman. Love you Jane.
I nod at him. He starts his blast too. They cross it. Winston starts his as do Egon and I. They both cross their streams.
J: Before we Die. I wanted to tell you I Love you.
I look at Egon and get mine in there too. Gozer Explodes and we all get pushed away. The next thing i know is that I’m barely hanging on the edge of the Building. I try to climb up but the marshmallow makes it Impossible.
I get pulled up and hugged Immediately.
E: Are you Ok.
I nod and look up to him and pull him down to me before kissing him. His whole body goes stiff.