Kit Tanthalos X OC
Kit Tanthalos x OC
Big Masterlist
Chapter 19
We are eating and celebrating the Wedding. Everything is going nicely. I wander off with Kit. She swings our hands back and forth. I laugh.
J: I love you.
K: I love you too.
I face her. Suddenly she gets pulled away from me. It’s a Troll.
J: KIT !
They get pulled up by a Rope. I start running to the feast to Boorman. Who’s killing one of the Trolls.
J: They have her.
He looks at me. Tears streaming down my Face. He pulls me into his arms.
J: Why does this always happen ?
B: I don’t know but we’re gonna get her back.
J: Promise.
He holds out his Pinky. I hook it with mine.
J: Then let’s go.
We grab our weapons, change our clothes to something more Appropriate and start walking to Skellin.
When we arrive the sun is up again.

J: How do we get in there ?
B: One Person sneaking in there ? Maybe. Six of us ? Impossible. I’m begging you. Let me do this. I’ll get in get’em out meet you on the other side.
J: Like hell I won’t go in there.
Ja: You’re not going anywhere without us.We’re rescuing Willow.
S: And Kit.
E: And all the other People they took. Cut down any troll that may come our way.
G: She doesn’t mean undermining their confidence, do you ?
J: No Baby face she doesn’t.
G: And a new nickname, how nice.
S: So when you fought your way out the last time and slaughtered all those Trolls. You went Right out the Front ?
B: Yeah about that … When I said Slaughtered. I didn’t actually mean Slaughtered. More like I slaughtered their Pizzazz.
S: Their what ?
The next thing I know I’m walking through a Shit drain.
J: Boorman, I hate you.
S: What are we walking through ?
B: It’s best not to get to specific.
G: Pretty sure it’s Troll Poop.
B: What’d I just say ? I’ve had ten years to think about exactly how I would get in and out of this Rank cesspool without anyone realizing I was ever here.
J: Then you got caught and never returned to your Sister.
B: Thought you didn’t hate me ?
J: Doesn’t mean I’m not angry.
He leans against a wooden wall and falls right through it.
B: Ow my coccyx.
J: Idiot. “Never notice i was even here”
B: Don’t mock me.
J: What else am I supposed to do ? Applaud for your Geniusness ?
Ja: I know you are frustrated, angry and concerned for Kit Jane But we have to keep going.
I sigh and walk after Boorman through Tunnels. As we come to a very small bridge very close to the deep end I inhale sharply.
J: Have I ever told you about my Dying fear of heights ?
B: What else is there ? Thunders, heights.
J: Very small spaces, the tunnels are killing me and moths.
G: Moths ?
J: Yes, twinkle toes Moths.
G: Okay.
We keep walking. I press myself against the wall. Jade holds my Hand.
Ja: Remember who this is for.
J: Kit, My Kit.
Ja: Yes, your Wife. Good. Now, keep walking.
I don’t listen to Graydon and Elora talking. We arrive and Fight of Trolls. We knock them out. The cauldrons start Bubbling like Crazy.
G: Uh Guys ß
Ja: Should it be doing that ?
B: Uh no, that is definitely unusual.
I look at Elora and the Wand.
J: Uh your wand is glowing like Crazy.
S: Why is it doing that ?
Elora doesn’t look like she’s doing that on purpose.
S: Well make it stop.
E: How ?
She points her wand at the cauldron.
E: Stop shaking Avagdu !
It starts getting worse.
J: Ok how ‘bout we all calm down a little.
Ja: Yeah just Relax.
E: I am relaxed ! Okay ?
B: You don’t sound relaxed.
E: I’m telling you this has nothing to do with me. I don’t know what’s going on but I don’t have any … any, any,
G: No, No,no,no,no !
And she sneezes. The rumbling stops.
Ja: Gesundheit.
J: Better now ?
She nods.
J: Ok let’s go.
We change into the uniforms.
J: These stink. But let’s do this. I want my Wife back.
I watch as Scorpia nad Boorman kiss.
Ja: Scorpia they're coming, we need to go.
I put on the Helmet. We follow Boorman through tunnels. Elora stops.
G: Are you ok ?
I look back and see her leaning against a wall.
Ja: Is that you ?
J: Are you doing that ?
Ja: Elora ? Unclench. Seriously, you’re gonna kill us all.
G: When I concentrate on the next one sometimes I don’t sneeze at all.
E: I’m not gonna sneeze.
G: It’s nothing to be Ashamed of. I-I didn’t.
B: Come on. Hurry up. Follow me.
He stops at a crossing.
B: Uh …
J: Are we close ?
B: Uh … Don’t worry, you’ll be with Kit in no Time.
E: You’re Lost.
B: No, I'm just getting my Bearings.
Jade grabs my Arm. Knowing that I wanna strangle him.
Ja: You’re too tall. Noone will believe you’re a Troll.
B: I sell it with my Performance. Unlike you four Not even remotely convincing.
J: I will take out my Axe and convince you of it’s performance.
Trolls come our way. We bow submissively.
?: This damn day. Got word of a spill on Triton level. I need a Krom unit supervisor down there to oversee the mop crew. Dipshit.
He points at Graydon.
G: Me ? Oh … N-No. Thank you though.
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More Posts from Starjane312
Kit Tanthalos x OC
Big Masterlist
Chapter 24
When I wake up in the Morning the sun is peeking through the Walls. Kit is already awake.
J: Did you sleep well ?
She nods and gives me a kiss.
Z: Breakfast anyone ?
We look at him.
Z: I can knock you up some eggs, no problem.
I nod that sounds good.
K: Well we’ll take any food you can spare but we have to get Moving.
The others also wake up around us.
Z: What ? Where ?
Confused, I lift one Eyebrow.
J: Beyond the Shattered Sea.
Z: You’re in no fit condition to be going anywhere. Neither is the peck. Stay recuperate.
Elora looks at Willow.
E: You ok ?
Z: Oh. Rough weather coming on. Best wait it out.
I lean to Kit and whisper.
J: Something is definitely up, he's acting weirder than Yesterday.
She nods slowly.
B: You know what ? Maybe he’s right. I mean I don’t know what’s one more day when you’re gonna be trudging across the shattered sea for, you know, Ever.
K: That’s fine. You can Stay.
J: We don’t need you.
Z: Well who likes theirs scrambled.
Graydon knocks him out with an oar.
J: What the hell ?!
W: You clouds just said poached.
G: We gotta get out of here Right now !
I look at him and then see one of the Gales coming out from Behind the Counter.
G: Oh, not again.
We rush on the sleigh and Graydon controls it to start. I look at Kit.
J: You stay inside clear ?
K: Urg …
J: Clear !
K: Ok !
I go out with Boorman and Jade.
B: Don’t worry. Papa’s got a Harpoon.
He shoots it and he misses by so far.
J: You idiot !
One of the gales starts throwing Throwing-stars at us. Jade holds a board in front of us.
Ja: Boorman the Lux ! Try it !
B: No !
J: Why not ?!
B: Because there’s a perfect moment for that. This isn’t it.
The door behind us Opens but before the Throwing star can reach Kit I put my Arm in front of her and get impaled by it. I scream and Kit pulls me inside.
J: Fucking shit ! I Told you to stay inside !
K: I’m sorry.
She holds my Arm up. Willow comes inside. I hear fighting outside and then an Explosion.
J: What the hell is going on out there ?!
And then there is quiet outside.
J: Are they gone ?
B: Yes.
Jade comes inside. Sees my Arm and looks at me shocked.
Ja: Oh shit.
J: Oh that ? Just a scratch.
Ja: Yeah, we have to get that out.
She sits down in front of me.
Ja: Did I ever tell you about that Time when I thought I caught a possum but it turned out to be a Porcupine ? And they had to pull, like, thirty quills from my Foot.
J: You said it was three.
Ja: No it was definitely more than three. The point is everytime they yanked one out they used the same fool- proof method to numb the pain.
She nods and Kit turns my Head to her. I thought she was going to kiss me. Instead she slaps me. At the same time Jade pulls out the Star.
J: OW ! Fuck you !
My hand Immediately holds the wound. I look at Kit.
J: Could’ve just kissed me.
Ja: Ew.
They bind my Arm and Kit gives me a kiss. I lay my Head on her lap, slightly light headed.
J: Why is it always me that gets Impaled ? First a Dagger now a Throwing-Star. What next an Arrow ?!
G: We need to stop. This Mudmander thing is listless. It’s gotta rest or do whatever Mudmanders do to get their Oomph back.
We stop at an Island. Thankfully there is Foot and water on the sleigh. We start a Fire and cook. I’m sitting next to Kit, her head on my Shoulder. Jade gets me and Kit something to drink. I drown the Water instantly.
J: Thanks.
Ja: How you feelin’ ?
J: Still a bit drowsy but I’ll live.
G: All right, come on, Time to eat.
I look at Graydon who’s kneeling by the Shore with a Bucket. I stand up and sit next to him.
G: If you don’t mind, not biting the hand that feeds you and his friend.
He grabs a hand full of the white worms. And the thing slowly surfaces.
G: That’s it. It’s okay.
It’s so fucking cute. It’s kind of purring.
G: Aww.
J: That’s so cute.
He looks at both of us. And eats the worms out of Graydon's hand.
G: I shall name you Kenneth, after the protagonist of the romantic farce I’m writing.
I look at him from the side.
J: You’re a writer ?
Shyly he nods.
J: Can I read it ?
G: You want to ?
J: Why not.
He nods and smiles.
W: That was impressive what you did today.
J: What ?
W: He let one of the Gales explode.
Impressed, I look at him.
W: What was that you were using ?
G: Oh, just my flute.
He gives it to Willow.
J: Wow How’d you do that ?
G: It was instinct. Just from listening to you and Elora.
W: Meaningful objects can be conduits, but the Magic’s in you.
I pat his shoulder.
J: Writer, Adventure and Sorcerer. What Girl wouldn’t fall for you ?
E: Hey.
We look at her.
E: Time to train.
I look back at Graydon who has a longing look on his face.
J: Oh.
He nods.
J: That’s a tad bit unfortunate.
G: You think ?
I get up.
J: Now let me read your story.
He gets his little notebook.
J: That’s what you’re scrabbling inside the whole time ?
G: Yep.
I nod and pat the spot next to me. He sits down and hands me the Book.
J: Kenneth huh ?
G: Not the best name I know.
J: No it’s… It’s great. Really manly
We both look at eachother and laugh.
J: I think this story here needs a restart.
Confused, he looks at me until I stick out my Hand.
Kit Tanthalos x OC
Big Masterlist
Chapter 6
We arrive at the Mothers’ gate. It’s empty.
B: Where is everyone ?
I get off Moon.
Ja: Armory’s untouched. If they fled, they went in a Hurry.
K: Guys.
I look at Kit. She points her finger at the Wall next to us. Something is written in blood.
Ka: They’d never abandon their Post.
J: Guys.
K: Look at this.
She steps away from the wall and the others look at it.
G: We stand at the threshold …
We both look at him and he stops.
J: Keep going.
G: We peer into the Void. We bear witness to his Glory. The Eternal One, the healer of Worlds.
The ground starts shaking.
G: As he stirs from his Deathless Slumber deep below the Surface. The Harbinger of the Wyrm will come.
The ground starts shaking progressively worse. The Horses start to Panic, and I wrap my Arms around Kit. When the shaking stops. I calm Moon and we keep riding. Through the Fog and over the Grass fields. About an hour later we see Dove walking.
K: Unbelievable.
Ja: You gotta admire her Persistence.
K: No she’s gonna get herself killed.
J: HEY !
We ride to her and stop.
K: What did I say ?
D: You’re not the Boss of me Princess. Not out here.
B: I like her. I think we should keep her.
K: Nobody asked you, Boorman !
D: Shut up, Boorman !
Ka: Enough. We don’t have time for your Bickering. Aryk doesn’t have Time. I don’t Care if you like each other. We’re all in this together now. And out here, in the World beyond. If you’re not Vigilant at each moment. I swear you will not survive.
Just as he finished speaking, he gets shot by an Arrow and falls of his Horse. Men on Horses with Skull Masks come riding towards us.
B: Bone Reavers ! RIDE !
Kit helps Dove on her Horse.
J: Let’s Go Moon.
Moon Rides as fast as he can behind Kit. They Start shooting arrows at us. If Kit and dove wouldn’t have leaned back they would have been shot. We Ride directly to a Cliff.
He is shouting something and His horse jumps off the Cliff into the Water and our Horses do the same. As soon as we land I look at Kit.
J: Are you Ok ?
She nods. Moon nudges my Side. I stroke his fur.
J: I’m fine.
K:That was Incredible. How’d you get him to … I’ve never seen Horses do that. What does Hsu-Gala mean ?
B: It’s an Ancient Angorian word. It means stop.
We all look at him.
J: I beg your pardon ?
He nods. From now on we walk. I walk next to Boorman while Moon walks in front of us.
B: Uh, Jane ? Your Horse ?
J: What’s with him ?
B: He’s walking away.
J: He’s not.
B: You let him walk free ?
J: Yes.
B: And he comes back ?
I nod my head.
B: I don’t believe you.
Moon comes to me and walks next to me.
B: Wow.
J: I’ve had him since he was a Foal. He chose me and I raised him.
Boorman nods.
K: I wanted to say uh, I’m Sorry … about the way I behaved. It was … I was very Childish and …
G: No, it's ok. I, I can understand not wantin’ to Marry someone that you barely know. I wasn’t happy about it either.
K: You weren’t ?
G: I mean you're a very pretty person. But uh I just think you should be in love with someone, before you commit to spending the rest of your life with them, right ?
Boorman looks at me and I just shake my head.
K: What about our responsibility to unite the realm ?
G: One day you and I are gonna be in charge. And when that day comes, we don’t have to do things the way our Parents did. I’ll find someone I love and you have Jane. I mean I get why she hates me.
I sigh.
J: Hated you. You're kinda useful with your understanding of different languages and stuff. Doesn’t mean we’re friends.
We arrive at a Broken and destroyed Village. I bind Moon next to Eclipse and look at Boorman.
K: Are you sure this is the same Village my Mother was talking about ?
B: It’s the only Village in the Valley.
Ja: Where did everybody go ?
I look around and go to stand next to Kit.
?: Oh Daikinis. Terrific. Just what I need.
I look at the Nelwyn man.
Ja: What happened here ?
?: Plenty. And if you’re not Careful it will Happen to you too.
K: We’re looking for a Sorcerer, Willow.
?: Congratulations. You found him.
When I look at him he doesn’t look like a Sorcerer.
B: You’re Willow ?
?: Yep that's me. Willow. But I’m out of the Sorcery Business now. I’ve retired. So, jog on.
Kit's getting frustrated. I take her hand.
K: My name is Kit Tanthalos. My Mother is Sorsha. She send me here to come find you. She told me that once long ago you stood together against the Forces of Evil and Defeated Them. The world needs you again. It needs your Magic.
Another Voice speaks up.
?: It’s Okay. She is who she Claims to be.
?: How do you know ?
?: I read her Mind.
Another man who definitely looks like a sorcerer come out of a Hut.
W: Kidding. Had you though didn’t ? I didn’t read your mind. It's just you remind me of your mother.
K: My Brother Aryk was taken by …
W: The Gales.
J: The what ?
W: Your Brother's Alive. A prisoner of the Withered Crone. Who dwells in the Immemorial City, that lies beyond the Shattered Sea. The four who came to Tir Asleen are her Servants.
B: I’m Sorry did you say Beyond the Shattered Sea ?
Willow nods.
B: Okay.
J: What ?
Kit definitely can't do that, that is way too dangerous.
B: I’ve Travelled all across the world and met some real Magical Marvin’s. But I never met anyone who crossed the Shattered sea. That’s where all the Maps end.
W: And that's where we must go. Beyond the edge of our World into the unknown. It’s the only way to … To …
He stops Speaking and walks to Dove. We look at her. He lifts up one of her sleeves and lays his hand on it and starts chanting something. When he lifts his hand a Mark appears.
W: You shouldn't be here but it’s so good to see you, Elora.
K: Did he just say …
I nod.
D: No, you’ve made a mistake. That’s not… I’m not … I’m Nobody.
W: You are Elora Danan, Last blood of Kymeria, future Empress, High Priestess, Semprum Sorceress of the Nine Realms, and the world’s last, best hope against the Evil coming to destroy us all.
E: What ?
Kit Tanthalos x OC
Big Masterlist
Chapter 16
Apparently Jade is Scorpia’s sister. They start preparing a Feast. I look around, it's crazy. We get different clothes too.

I walk with Kit. Around us Bone reavers are Dancing.
J: That’s different. No stupid gowns. We can be us.
She smiles and grabs my Hand. We go and Stand by a Tree. when Boorman steps next to us.
B: You were ok with me getting Killed ?
J: Oh, please. The look on her face told me she wouldn’t Kill you. Maybe hurt you but kill you ? Nah. You have some sort of backstory.
B: I told you, everything would be all right. I have a plan.
S: Slaves of Galladoorn, conscripts of Nockmaar, outlaws of the Wildwood.
They start Cheering.
S: All we have ever wanted is our Freedom. That our Children would not live in Fear. They’d serve no master, Daikini or Troll or Crone. We have no Barrier to hide behind, no Army to defend us. All we have is the fear that our masks evoke, the determination to survive and Each other.
She grabs Jade's hand. I smile.
S: Today after Two hundred Moons, my sister has come Home.
They cheer for her.
S: She grew up in Tir Asleen, was fed lies about us and about herself.
Ok that makes me kinda sad
S: But tonight she is reborn bathed in the Love of her Family and the Values that we still fight for. Freedom, rebellion, passion, and Joy. To the break of Dawn !
They cheer. Then they give around Bowls with something inside. I look at Scorpia who nods.
K: What is it ?
B: I don’t know. Delicious-looking Fruit. Live a little.
He eats his and walks off. I look at Kit shrug and we both eat ours. It really tastes Weird.
J: That’s interesting.
We both laugh. The bone reavers start dancing. I start a drinking battle with one of the Bone reavers and when he falls off his Chair I win. The others cheer and Kit hugs me from behind. When I see Graydon without a beard I start Laughing.
J: Hey Baby face looking good.
He looks away Embarrassed. Me and Kit start dancing. My hand on her Waist, hers around my Neck. I see Jade on the side and pull Kit with me to her.
J: Hey.
K: How you feeling ?
Ja: Weird, but good. What about you ?
J: Also, weird.
Ja: That's Truth plums for you, I guess.
K: Those are what Plums ?
Ja: The truth plums.
J: Those fruits that were given to us ?
Ja: Once you eat them, it’s Impossible to be anything but totally honest.
K: Oh, right. We didn’t know that.
J: Guess now we do.
We nod.
K: So now you’re a …
Ja: Yeah. I guess. Still can’t quite believe it.
We chuckle.
Ja: Why did Sorsha lie to me ?
K: Maybe she thought she was protecting you.
Ja: Did you know ?
J,K: No.
K: But I suspected.
Ja: And you didn’t tell me.
J: Or me ?
K: Well, what was I supposed to say ? That I have a funny feeling that you might, in fact, be the very thing you vowed to destroy ? At best you would’ve thought I was Crazy and at worst it would’ve broken your heart.
Ja: Well, you’re certainly the expert on breaking hearts.
She walks off.
K: Jade, wait.
J: Why didn’t you tell me ?
K: You would have sentenced me Mad.
J: You’re right. I’ll be right back ok ?
She nods.
K: I need to think anyway.
J: Come to me when you’re finished Ok ?
She nods. I give her a kiss and walk after Jade.
J: Jade.
Ja: Don’t ..
J: I won’t protect her about that. She hurt your feelings.
Ja: Did you think that too ?
J: No. I knew you were Different yes. But … That no. I’m happy for you.
She hugs me.
J: She’ll apologise.
Ja: Hopefully not now.
J: Nah. She lets you be angry for a time. She’ll come around.
She nods.
J: Wanna be alone ?
Ja: Yep.
I nod and go sit down. Someone sits down next to me. Toth.
J: Hi.
He hands me a beer.
T: You’re a feisty one.
I chuckle and take a sip.
J: Nah I’m just protecting what's mine.
T: ‘S the princess your Wife ?
J: Not yet.
T: What are you waiting for ? She’s already Pregnant.
J: I dunno. The Right moment. ‘S not like we have many options out here.
T: You are here. And we throw mad Parties.
I look at him.
J: You would …
S: We have a Officiant.
I flinch and look at Scorpia.
J: Uh … I would in a Second but not Today. Todays about Jade.
She smiles.
S: You’re good friends.
J: It’s also not up to me.
I take a look around for Kit. Who is currently talking to Jade. I smile.
T: What are you waiting for ?
S: Ask her. The worst thing she can do is say No. But considering how you look at each other.
I look in my Cup. Drain the rest and get up.
J: Ok I can do that.
I start walking then turn around.
J: Nope.
Toth puts a hand on my shoulder.
T: Do it Kiddo or I will carry you to her.
I start walking again. Kit and Jade look at me.
J: Hi. You good again ?
Jade nods.
J: Good.
I turn to Kit.
J: Can we talk ?
She nods.
J: Alone.
Jade gets the message and leaves.
K: Is something wrong ?
J: No. God no. Uh … wow that is harder than I thought …
K: Jane ?
She lays a hand on my shoulder.
J: Will you Marry me ?
She looks at me confused.
K: Uh … you already asked me that ?
J: I mean tomorrow ? Like officially. Here.
She raises her eyebrows.
J: It’s Ok if you say No. I mean we’re in a Hurry and it’s not the best Timing and …
She kisses me. Then she leans her forehead against mine.
K: Yes.
I look at her.
J: Really ?
K: Yes Really.
I kiss her again. After a few hours. In which we danced, ate and had fun. The first retreat to their tents. Kit Yawns.
B: Tired already ?
She nods.
S: I’ll show you your Tent.
We stand up and follow her.
S: This one’s yours. Sleep well.
J: You too.
Kit Tanthalos x OC
Big Masterlist
Chapter 18
The next morning, when I wake up, Kit is gone. I groan and get up. When I step out of the Tent Boorman is leaning against a tree stump with his eyes closed. I kick his shoe.
B: Ah you’re awake.
J: Yeah.
B: You’re not allowed to see Kit.
I look at him with wide eyes.
J: Why not ?
B: Bad luck.
J: But …
B: No Buts. You have to get ready too.
I blink and look down.
J: What’s wrong with that ?
B: You wore the same thing yesterday.
I groan and get out my Bag I throw him 3 shirts.
J: Those are the only clean ones left.
He looks at all three of them and then throws me one. I throw it inside, take the other two which I stuff back in my Bag and go change.
J: That better ?
B: Very much. Now your Hair.
I raise my Eyebrows. Elora walks to us.
E: Ah good you’re awake.
I look at the basket with flowers.
J: What are those for ?
E: Few for your Hair the rest for decorations.
J: My Hair ?
E: You wanna look pretty for your Wife don’t you.
I sigh and sit down on the Tree stump and she starts doing my Hair.
J: When did you get Kit ?
B: Bout half an hour ago.
Graydon walks to us too. I suppress a laugh.
G: Stop laughing or you’ll get no food.
I look up.
J: Food ? I’m starving.
B: Would’ve thought you ate enough last night.
I glare at him.
J: I may be sitting here but I still have my Dagger and I’m not scared to throw it.
He lifts his hands. I start eating the bread and stew.
J: Wait stew ?
E: It’s early noon Jane.
J: Hmm, Oh. Wait …
Boorman looks at me with Risen Eyebrows.
J: Don’t you dare say anything.
Elora pulls on a strand of my Hair.
J: Ow.
E: Stop moving your head.
I continue eating.
G: Did you even think about Vows ?
J: Bro my Marriage Proposal was caught in the Moment. No, I didn’t.
G: Maybe you should.
I roll my eyes.
B: He’s right. The Proposal was probably hold in private.
J: Yeah … I hate when you’re right Twinkle-Toes.
The next 10 minutes Elora Fixes my Hair. Then I get up.
J: What can I do now.

Elora shrugs. I look at the basket.
J: What did you say you’re doing with the Flowers.
E: Decorations and the bouquet.
J: I can do the Bouquet.
E: You can ?
J: Why not ?
She hands me the Basket and sits down next to me.
J: How’d you know her Favourite Flowers ?
E: I asked her ?
I nod and start making the bouquet. Once it’s Finished Elora takes it and walks away. I look at Boorman and Graydon.
J: And now ?
B: Vows.
G: I have a pen and Paper.
He hands me a Book. I start scribbling down some words, scratch them out again. Not even 5 minutes later I hand him the Book.
J: Nope I won’t write that down. I can’t.
Ja: Hello.
I look at her.
J: Did you leave Kit alone ?
Ja: No Elora’s with her. What are you doing ?
B: She should be writing her Vows.
Ja: But … ?
J: I can’t write that down. I will come to my Mind just in Time.
After half an hour Jade comes to me again.
J: Jade ?
Ja: Yes ?
J: Can you be the Officiant ? You know us best.
She looks at me with tears in her Eyes.
Ja: I’d be honoured to. So yes.
I hug her.
E: Be careful with the hair !
We both laugh and part.
B: It’s Time.
I look at him and my hands start sweating.
B: In 10 minutes.
I punch his shoulder.
J: I hate you.
B: Love you too little sis.
He kisses my Forehead.
B: You can do this.
I nod.
Ja: I will need your Rings.
I nod and give her mine.
J: When we get home I’ll have new ones made.
She laughs and walks off. Ten minutes later I stand in front of a crowd. Jade behind me. Graydon and Boorman as my Mans of Honour and Elora and Willow on Kits side.
Ja: Welcome everyone ! On this beautiful day, Jane and Kit have brought us together to celebrate their love and union in matrimony. Thank you all for joining us and being a part of their love story.
A soft music starts playing. I look up and see Kit walking to me. She’s also wearing a white shirt and has flowers in her Hair. We’re both crying once we make eye contact. I smile at her. She hands the bouquet to Elora and Stands in front of me. I take her hands.
J: You look beautiful my love.
K: You look good too Darlin’.
We look at Jade. Who’s also smiling.
Ja: After years of nurturing a beautiful, strong relationship, it’s great to see these two taking the next step towards building a family.
I remember the day Kit told me that she loved Jane. There was a light in her eyes that I’d never seen before. She was excited and nervous. She worried that Jane didn’t feel the same connection she felt.
It warms my heart to see the way Jane looks at Kit. She looks at her as if she’s the last and only woman on Earth, and to her, I know she is.
I’ve seen these two be there for each other through life’s unexpected twists and turns, only growing closer and stronger from each setback. I’ve seen them share laughs, exchange inside jokes and most shocking of all, I’ve seen Jane share her dinner with Kit, which is when I knew this was serious.
Marriage isn’t easy but I trust these two. I have trust in their love, their friendship, and their commitment to one another. With that, I think it’s time to let them speak on their love.
She holds a bowl with Truth plums in front of us. We both take one and eat them.
Ja: Do you Jane, solemnly swear that you will support and defend the institution of marriage against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Do you promise to honour and love Kit in sickness and in health, in good times and bad times, Do you promise to cherish her as your most beloved ?
J: Yes, I do.
Ja: Do you Kit, solemnly swear that you will support and defend the institution of marriage against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Do you promise to honour and love Jane in sickness and in health, in good times and bad times, Do you promise to cherish her as your most beloved ?
K: Yes, I do.
Ja: Then please face each other and share your vows.
We turn to look at each other again.
J: Kit, they say a life lived in love will never be dull, and since we started Dating 6 years ago truer words have never been spoken.
You make me want to be a better person. With you, I feel safer than ever. I have never liked a voice as much as I like yours, and I wish to wake up to it every day. My life has been a rocky road but knowing that I will always find you at the end of it makes me want to keep going. I love you so much, my best friend, the love of my life.
Your love gives me hope. Your smile gives me joy. You make me a better Woman.
I used to be scared of what-ifs. But every time I take your hand I'm more excited for the future than scared. Because I know that even in our most difficult times, if I extend my hand in the darkness, I will always find yours, ready to walk with me until we find the light at the end of the tunnel. You are my strength, the gust of joy that picks me up when I am at my lowest. With you, I have found love, and I never want to let you go. Thank you for choosing me over and over again.
I mean How lucky am I to call you mine? Your love and trust makes me a better person, each and every day. For all those times that we've been together, there's always been a mutual understanding that's only shared when two people love each other truly. You were there for my greatest challenges. You encouraged me to grow. You helped me believe in myself and become the person that I am today. In your arms and by your side, I know I can do anything.
When I wake up, I think of you. When I go to sleep, my last thought is of you. My mind never stops turning back thoughts to you.
I promise to be your guiding light in the darkness, a warming comfort in the cold, and a shoulder to lean on when life is too much to bear on your own.
You're everything that I ever dreamed of and everything I will ever need. Our love for each other is heaven-sent. Today I vow to be here with you and for you, forever and always.
As we grow a family, like right in this Moment. I promise to work together, to be equal partners in life and to remember the amazing person I married.
I promise to be your honest, faithful, and loving wife for the rest of my days.
Kit looks at me while crying. I hear others sniffle too.
K:Jane, you have been my best friend, mentor, playmate, confidant, and my greatest challenge. But most importantly, you are the love of my life, and you make me happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible. You have made me a better person, as our love for one another is reflected in the way I live my life.
I take you as mine, knowing and loving all of your strengths and faults, just as I offer myself to you as yours with all of my strengths and faults. I will be there for you in your times of need, just as I know I can turn to you when I need a guiding hand.
I can’t even promise I’ll never hurt you, because even the best of intentions sometimes falls short. What I do promise is to always reach for you over my pride, to hold you, to heal you, and to seek forgiveness .
But nothing will divide us because I know that with your love, I will always have strength.
Without you, my life has no meaning. I vow to always remember to treasure you
I could conquer the world with one hand, as long as you’re holding the other.
Love is friendship that has caught fire. It takes root and grows, one day at a time. Love is quiet understanding and mature acceptance of imperfection. It is real. It gives you strength and grows beyond you.
If you grow weak, I’ll be there to fight your battle for you. I’ll help you with your responsibilities and make your problems my own in order to spread the weight a bit more evenly.
If you have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, I’ll be standing shoulder-to-shoulder with you
I choose you and promise to choose you as my Wife every day we wake. I will love you in word and deed. I will laugh with you, cry with you, scream with you, grow with you, and craft with you. To be your kin and your partner in all of life's adventures is all I could hope for in the world.
Loving what I know of you and trusting what I don't yet know, I give you my hand. I give you my love. I give you myself, the good, the bad, and the yet to come.
I promise to be there to catch you if you should stumble, carry you over every threshold, and fall in love with you every day.
Tears are streaming down my Face. Boorman hands Jade the Rings. Tears on his face.
Ja: The wedding ring is an unbroken circle, which symbolises unending and everlasting love. It is a visible symbol that represents your inner commitment to one another. Because these circles are designed without an ending they speak of eternity. May the incorruptible substance of these rings represent a love glowing with increasing lustre through the years. May these rings which you give to each other be a sign of your love, trust, and faithfulness.
Jane, take Kit’s ring and place it on her finger and repeat after me.
With this ring, I promise to love and cherish you to the end of my days.
I take her Ring and Put it on her Finger.
J: With this ring, I promise to love and cherish you to the end of my days.
Ja: Kit, take Jane’s ring and place it on her finger and repeat after me:
With this ring, I promise to love and cherish you to the end of my days.
K: With this ring, I promise to love and cherish you to the end of my days.
Ja: May your home be filled with laughter and the warm embrace of a summer day. And may you find peacefulness and beauty, challenge, and satisfaction, humour and insight, healing and renewal, love, and wisdom, as in a quiet heart. May you always feel that what you have is enough. Jane and Kit, we have heard the sincerity in your promise to share your lives in marriage. We recognize your love and support your decision to build a home together. By the power vested in me, Ten minutes ago. I now pronounce you Wife and wife.
Jane, you may kiss your bride !
She doesn’t have to say that twice. I gently grab Kits face and kiss her.
Ja: Everyone, give it up for Mrs. and Mrs. …
I point at Kit.
Ja: Tanthalos.
Everyone starts applauding. I laugh. I couldn’t be Happier. I kiss Kit again and lay one hand on her Belly.
Kit Tanthalos x OC
Big Masterlist
Chapter 27
The next day, we’re surprised. Miles slept through the whole night. It’s extremely Foggy. We are both looking at each other. Miles bound to my Chest.
K: What are we going to do with the Name thing ?
I look at her.
J: Well… We’ll let him figure that out once he’s old enough ?
She looks at me with a face that says ‘Really ?’. I lift my hands.
J: Ok, sorry.
I think.
J: How bout we both just pick one ?
She sighs.
K: Thought about that too but what if we choose the same thing ?
J: I want Mama.
K: Good, I picked Mom.
J: See, it worked.
We both chuckle and look at Miles.
B: Don’t you understand. You’ve killed us !
G: I had to do it. I didn’t have a choice.
We walk to them.
Ja: What did he do ?
B: He set Kenneth free.
G: He was Sick.
J: He would have Died.
B: You’re on his side ?
J: Yes. Kenneth would have died if he went further. He was getting weaker the Further we went.
B: Yeah ? Well, now we’re gonna die. Hundreds of leagues from anywhere. There’s no way to go forward, there’s no way to go Backwards. And nothing, nothing has gone the way it was supposed to !
E: We have to walk. It’s what you said. We walk across it.
B: For how long ? Till we starve ?
E: It’s not long now. We’re close.
We start walking.
J: You wanna know what I’m thinking about.
K: What ?
J: What are we going to do with Miles during the Fight ?
She looks at me.
K: Oh shit.
W: I can put a force field around him.
J: You can ?
W: Yes.
J: Good. That’s good.
E: We’re almost there.
W: I didn’t know how far we’d have to go.
I hold Kit’s hand as we walk.
Ja: Your mother told me before we left that you’d never give up. And there Might come a Time where I’d have to bring you Home.
K: You think this is it ?
We both look at her.
Ja: No. I think you’re gonna make that Decision on your own.
K: What did she tell you ?
I look at her.
J: Me ?
She nods.
J: She asked me if I really loved you. And then told me to protect both of you.
She squeezes my Hand. A giant skeleton can be seen through the fog.
B: Hey do you see that ?
G: What ? The Giant skull ?
B: Yeah. Just checking. I’m not who I thought I was Gray.
G: Who are you ?
B: I’m nobody.
We keep walking. I give Boorman a look. I don’t know how long we were walking, but Miles needed Three new Diapers and was fed four times. When Boorman stops Elora from walking. We see a cliff with no end and nothing ahead of us.
K: Oh my God.
J: That is not good.
E: Impossible.
G: Maybe we took a wrong turn somewhere.
J: Really we walked straight ahead. What Turns did we Take ?
B: Yeah, should've gone left.
E: We crossed the sea. We passed the Test. The city is Supposed to be here.
W: It isn’t.
E: It has to be !
W: I’m turning back.
B: Yeah me too.
Ja: We went as far as we could Elora.
E: No. This isn’t how it ends.
K: How does it end ?
She lets go of my Hand and walks to Elora.
E: In the Immemorial City. With the wand Broken, and me … Dead.
K: What ?
E: It’s what Willow saw in his Vision all those years ago. The reason Sorsha didn’t want him to Train me. Tried to hide me away. ‘Cause if I face the Crone, that’s how it’ll end. Isn’t it ?
We all look at Willow.
W: How did you know ?
E: She showed me.
J: The Crone ?
Ja: You’ve been, what, communing with her ?
B: Great. Just Great. She led us right here.
W: I thought I could Change it. But I’m not a great sorcerer. I’m just a Farmer who got lucky.
Crying Elora falls to her knees.
W: And I can’t keep pretending.
E: Neither can I. I don’t wanna be Elora Danan. I just wanna go home.
I look at her with a sad face. I can understand her. It’s a heavy burden resting on her shoulders. Kit looks at me and Miles.
K: Well, tough.
She goes to kneel in front of her.
K: You’re afraid. So am I. But you know what ? My fear, it doesn’t get to decide. It doesn’t get to, to define me. I’m not giving it the Power. I’m giving it to you. I have never believed in anything my whole life. I believe in you.
E: I don’t know … I don’t know what to do.
K: Yes, you do. We both do.
They get up.
B: Look around. It’s over. There is nowhere to gop but back
Kit takes a look at me and Miles. My breath gets stuck in my chest and I shake my head. She hugs Elora.
K: You ready ?
E: Yes.
J: No wait.
K: We’ll do it together.
J: Kit !
They both fall backwards. Jade holds me back. I cry and scream Kit’s name and Miles starts crying too. I fall to my Knees pressing Miles against my Chest. I feel someone hugging me.
B: I’m here.
I fall into Boorman and sob in his chest.