“Stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires.”
481 posts
Also Quick Questions To The People Who Do Gods Work And Create All Those Beautiful Edits For Destiel,
Also quick questions to the people who do gods work and create all those beautiful edits for destiel, WHERE DO YOU FIND THE GIFS??? I have been coming up with ideas and I need some gifs... thanks!
pointlesstrashyexistence liked this · 4 years ago
wholesome-tidbits liked this · 4 years ago
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the pure delight on jensen’s face talking about witnessing misha’s excitement during the first screening of scoobynatural is gonna follow me around for a long time
Jack: I need some new clothes mine are old
Dean: Sure kid, we can go get some later
Cas: I think his clothes are fine
Dean: You have no say in this you literally wear the same thing everyday
Cas: Except for the time I worked at the gas station because you kicked me out of the bunker
Dean: I love your trench coat man it really brings out your eyes
i didnt get to experience the beginning of the empty's deal arc live, but im just so obsessed with the whole concept of it.
first of all, i know for a Fact that i would have instantly assumed it would have meant destiel. i've always been a diehard heller with probably too much blind optimism a person could ever have about this show, but that's just how my brain works, and i don't have to defend myself about this. that's just me.
second, the framing of it is 1) Romantic As FUCK - like, even without the whole concept the confession is very much a romantic confession, but the curse makes it even more so, and anyone who calls it a confession of platonic feelings has probably struggled in high school literature classes; 2) a Great parallel of Cas saving Jack to Dean saving Sam, which would have been a Great culmination of Cas being later saved by Dean (which they obviously dropped the biggest ball on!! FUCK i could have had all the Disney's Hercules gif comparisons i could ever handle) to parallel Cas saving Dean; and 3) the ticking bomb set-up HAD to have come into fruition, and i love plotlines that make you ask how something is going to happen, rather than whether it even would.
third, which is probably my favorite part of it all - and you may question the amount of faith i had in the writers to have planned this, idc, i'm not subscribing to the idea that anything good ever on this show was an accident - which is that the fact that the requirements for the deal to work deny a possibility of an earlier or less substantial trigger. to reiterate, the condition for the moment to be the PEAK of cas's happiness required the story to 1) strategically build to that point; 2) compare/contrast other happy moments to emphasize just how special this particular moment is; and 3) create a new understanding of everything prior. in my opinion, it has more or less succeeded on all those counts.
the build-up has definitely come from placing dean and cas's relationship at the forefront of this season from the divorce arc and on. i definitely think there could have been more of a development of that dynamic in terms of cas's grace failure and an elaboration on dean's relationship with jack.
the last part adds to my second point. in 15x15, cas gives a speech about finding a new source of faith that is not deicentric. he speaks about his trajectory as a person, about finding family, about jack. that moment is very much a happy moment for cas. it is not THEE moment of happiness required to summon the empty, both stemming from and proving the fact that the confession that does lead to the empty taking him was not, in fact, about finding family, purpose, and all those things. if the articulation of him being happy about finding where he belongs was what was necessary, cas would have been taken right out of that church.
my third and final point is what i mean by the fact that the confession was such a major revelation that it echoed back throughout the series' narrative to highlight every single moment of cas's expression of love for dean and the world at large. just the concept of something that had that much power to not alter but reveal something so many of us saw hiding just underneath the veil of subtext is both groundbreaking and inspiring.
I don’t know what to do with my thought because Destiel is canon and I love them to death.
I do not know why I felt the need to post about this, but then again, isn’t it good that you write out or let out what you have to say so it doesn’t eat you out? IDK!
Here's the thing:
I haven’t really watched Supernatural as religiously (pun intended) and with as much devotion (again pun intended) as some of the fans that I have begun to follow and love on Tumblr. But I will say this, I did use to watch Supernatural in it’s early seasons and then totally fell off.
BUT BUT but...
I got back into it starting last year, because I had been keeping tabs on the whole deancas thing and honestly was rooting for them.
That is why I was just as worked up and honestly excited as everyone when the prospect of destiel becoming actual canon was a thing. And therefore rushed to watch the show as quickly as I could (which was a LOT of catch up)
With that being said, I am totally disappointed, and fought with myself long and hard about what exactly it is I should do about this. I wasn’t really banking on trying to write a post about it (but here we are...). I did feel a sense of dread and grief when I saw that they completely ignored us after feeding us possibly the BEST love confession scene in the history of confession scenes ever, especially a homosexual love confession at that! Therefore I sought comfort in fanfics and boy did they HELP.
I noticed that after a while the fanfics felt like they weren’t feeding that part of my mind that wanted a certain type of story, a story that I had begun imagining for these amazing characters. And it lead me to a revelation... that maybe I should start writing about what I felt was a story, a story that I wanted to read about these characters.
SO with that being said, (I took forever to get to my point) I decided that I should dabble in writing one. Obviously this is not supposed to major news (I have only like 6 followers maybe) but the people who I follow that love Supernatural and especially love destiel, if they see this, please let me know! I just need some positive reinforcement to know I got this and people actually want to read what I have to say!
ANYWAY that's all!

“... you never do...”
Taglist: @waywardlyfe @casthyelle @spnsmile @dreamnovak
(if yall don’t want me to tag you... just let me know!!)
--if anyone wants to be part of my shitty edits, let me know, that way I can tag you!!