stomach-bugg09 - 'cause i got that peaceful easy feeling
'cause i got that peaceful easy feeling

ava !!under the age of 18 plz don't harass mestuck in the never ending cycle of hyperfixation

118 posts

This This This

this this this

Trope: We will save the world with the power of friendship!!

Me: *rolls eyes*

Project Hail Mary: We will save the world with the power of friendship!!

Me, sobbing: They'll save the world with the power of friendship!!

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More Posts from Stomach-bugg09

2 years ago

im insanely in love with your older! Sister mini series!

Hmm I have a request, could you perhaps do one where you remember the scene where kiri unfortunately has a seizure underwater?

Instead of it being kiri could you switch it so instead we’re the one who has a severe seizure?? maybe a little different? Not too similar to how kiri’s whole situation went.

And the whole family especially our younger siblings go into a panic bc this has NEVER happened before.

It’s alright if you don’t want to do this one 🤍 was trying to come up with an idea so the mini series could stay alive for a bit longer! Lol

summary: [y/n] is normally the one taking care of her younger siblings—how are they supposed to care for their big sister while she’s hurting?

a/n: ahh !! thank you for this request. it’s been sitting in my drafts for a while because i was writing other requests , but i’m finally here !! i kind of changed the plot because kiri has a reason for her seizures ( “epilepsy” as norm might say , or as educated people might say , she’s connected to eywa ) so i decided to go with more of a connection to ancestors sort of route so that way they’re still super worried and she’s super in danger , but at least it’s something unique to her character !! hopefully you all enjoy. feedback + reblogs are always appreciated !!

tags: @rafeslovergirl @wxnderingthoughts @liyahsocorro @bonnibuckets @hjkshshjkhklhkl @itssiaaax @grierpilots @fleurbeass @eywas-heir @historygeekqueen @missroro @23victoria

warnings: mentions of immense pain , passing out , almost drowning , death , a very familiar death scene of a beloved na’vi from the first movie

not invincible

Im Insanely In Love With Your Older! Sister Mini Series!

it should have been a normal day. it truly should have! but, alas, the sully family would forever keep it from being anywhere near “normal.” especially in their new home.

the group of siblings had been overwhelmed with honor when tsireya offered to show them the metkayina spirit tree settled beneath the waters of the cove of the ancestors.

as soon as [y/n] broke through the surface, immersing herself in a completely different world than she ever grew up around, she could feel the change in atmosphere. there was something different, something deeper that exuded itself through the cove. at the feeling, she could not fight the natural smile. it reminded her of her home, of the omaticaya tree of voices. oh, how she missed it.

the underwater bioluminescence highlighted features upon each of her companions, the beautiful splatter of glowing freckles littering each of their cheeks. [y/n] sent a cheeky grin towards her youngest sister, excitement omitting from every one of her movements.

the further they swam, the more in awe that [y/n] seemed to be. it was absolutely gorgeous. the scenery was jaw-dropping,

“come,” tsireya signaled, gently grabbing her own queue as they neared the tree. the four sully siblings that joined her on the journey to the spirit tree, neteyam, kiri, tuk, and [y/n], all followed suit.

the closer [y/n] swam to the tree, the louder her heartbeat got. she couldn’t help but stare in complete awe, the purple light omitting onto her face. she smiled, grabbing her hair, and she connected it to the underwater tree.

immediately, warmth flooded through her body. her smile broadened, and her fingertips tingled. at the comforting sensation, she felt herself slip from reality, allowing her eyes to close as she shifted into another world.

when she opened her eyes again, [y/n] was met with a familiar sight of home. she let out a laugh of joy, spin around as she took in the sight. she’d missed the forest, but as the eldest child, as the role model, she felt as if that longing feeling of being homesick had been pushed down. it was a common role that [y/n] had to take as the eldest. push down her feelings and prioritize that of her baby siblings.

[y/n] took a step forward, feet sinking into the wet mud. she paused, wiggling her toes, a moment of nostalgia playing back. once she looked back up, she felt smaller as she was met with the comforting eyes of her father.

he looked younger, much less stressed than how he did now. he looked happy.

“daddy!” she cried, stubby arms reaching out to him.

jake laughed, immediately swooping down to grab his daughter. “i’m gonna get you!” he taunted, voice teasing and soft.

[y/n]’s small voice shrieked with joy, turning and attempting to run. unfortunately, her father was far too quick, his large hands grabbing her by the waist.

she cried out, laughter flooding her voice as he lifted her into the sky. [y/n]’s eyes squeezed shut as he soared her through the air. and then, everything changed.

the wind picked up, and she felt lighter. the air was thin from where she flew. at the change in her senses, she instantly opened her eyes wide, her stomach crawling into her throat as she took in the sight.

she flew through the skies atop an unfamiliar ikran. the ground was very far beneath her, it was merely just her and the atmosphere.

the one thing that did accompany her, however, was the sight of sky-people technology, specifically that of the rda. it was large and dangerous. ammo was stacked within the ship that flew in front of her. she ship that she was flying towards.

[y/n] screamed at the creature to stop, but it was as if she couldn’t open her mouth. she had no free will, in fact. no, she was merely watching the scene unfold from eyes that weren’t her own.

she gasped as she jumped forward and off of the ikran, bow pointed at a soldier standing aboard the ship. a fierce battle cry left her throat raw, tears pricking her eyes from the wind that pierced them.

her feet thudded against the metal ground, grabbing men and throwing them one by one. she was actually doing quite well!

she smacked a few with her bow, multiple ending up thrown overboard. but, just when she was getting to the last of them, one of the humans released a round of bullets. each one embedded themselves into her chest.

[y/n] screamed at the feeling, warm pain spreading from her chest outwards. she could feel it in each of her limbs, a feeling of a throbbing numbness.

before she knew it, she was free falling, the wind roaring in her ears. and then, it all flashed to complete black.

[y/n] awoke from the spirit tree, and she couldn’t breath. her chest hurt, it was so tight. she could not feel her arms and legs, they were numb.

immediately, she detached her queue, stumbling backwards as best as she could underwater. cries left her throat, but all that came out was bubbles upon bubbles.

every second that went by, her vision began to darken. she could not see, could not hear, could not think. everything hurt. so bad.

neteyam was the first to notice. it was almost as if, through his urge to protect, he instantly felt that something was off in the universe, and as a result, he left the spirit tree earlier than anyone else.

at the sight of his big sister floating helplessly, screaming as loud as she possibly could, his heart burst. what happened? he was quick to act, bringing everybody else back to reality as he swam over to [y/n].

when the eldest sully felt her brother’s hands grab her’s, she felt a little bit more at peace, although not by much. all of her senses were out of whack, simply put, and she was in so much pain.

she barely even noticed as neteyam swam her upwards to the surface, and, thanks to her lack of oxygen from screaming, she kept fading in and out of consciousness.

once they broke the surface, the first thing to leave her throat was a scream. “it hurts so bad!” a sob took over her voice, each word shakier than the one before.

“sh,” neteyam attempted to calm her down as he brought her over to his ilu, getting her to lay on top of the creature rather than float in the water.

beside them, tuk bobbed up and down with tsireya, kiri, and rotxo. “[y/n]!” she cried, repeating herself a multitude of times. kiri clasped a gentle hand on her shoulder to quiet her down.

“what happened?” kiri panicked aloud. “what is happening, sister?”

the only answer she got was another choked cry. “it hurts. oh, it hurts so bad.”

“go!” tsireya called their attention. “you must get her back to the village.” neteyam nodded, boarding the ilu as he wrapped his arms safely around his sister.

“let’s go.”

neteyam and his ilu shot into the distance, kiri, tuk, rotxo, and tsireya not far behind. kiri held the youngest sully between her arms, attempting to comfort her, but it was extremely difficult considering kiri herself was worried.

the only reason neteyam was composed was because he had to assume authority, as weird as it was considering [y/n] was always the one to fill that role. as soon as he swam into the docks screaming for his parents, his heart began to rise to his throat.

when he watched his big sister get carried away in the arms of their father, pain panged deep within his chest, worry overtaking all of his emotions.

not one of the sully siblings sleep all night, especially lo’ak upon returning and learning that he was not there to help.

upon waking up a few days later, after a multitude of different attempts from norm and maxwell to ronal and eywa, she is immediately attacked by love and care from every member of her family.

when [y/n] first wakes up, she cannot help but cry. although she is no longer in pain, she can’t get the image out of her head. the way that na’vi died, no matter who he was. it was sad, it was gruesome, it was unfair.

the one thing to bring [y/n] back to reality was the small body of tuk who laid herself on top of her, the youngest sully’s arms wrapping themselves around her big sister.

“[y/n]!’ she cried, her small hands laying against [y/n]’s. “i am so glad you’re okay.”

once tuk noticed her new sense of consciousness, it did not take long for the rest of the family to pay their honorary visits, each of them having their own sense of emotion to them.

neteyam’s was more relieved than [y/n] could have imagined. he was so worried, so concerned for his big sister. he told her about his prayer to eywa, he told her about how scared she’d made him. she couldn’t help but smile, another round of tears pricking her eyes ( this time more bittersweet than sad ).

kiri was quite teasing the way that she threatened, “if you ever do that again, i’m going to kill you!” she told her of the way they’d all been so worried for [y/n], the way they’d all forgotten that their oldest sister actually had feelings and could get hurt. “we’ve just been so used to you taking care of us!”

lo’ak told jokes. he updated her on the ways of life in the past few days, told her of the reef. a part of lo’ak wanted to avoid speaking of her event because of how difficult it was to visit what could’ve happened, so he avoided it with his humor. as he always seemed to do.

tuk didn’t leave her side once. she made bracelets for her healing sister, she ranted about the reef, she made dinner with her. there was so much to do, so much to talk about! after a few days of [y/n] being asleep and healing, tuk had a lot of quality time to catch up on.

neytiri and jake, of course, were just so happy she was okay. it took a while for them to get rid of her siblings, wanting them to get their own time together before they had to remind her of whatever’d happened. but, they needed to understand.

once neytiri asked her, tears immediately pricked her eyes. as [y/n] retold the events, she had to pause multiplied times to keep herself from choking on her tears.

by the end of it, jake and neytiri exchanged glances. the story was far too familiar. but, they also decided that was a problem for another time. they just had to thank eywa for keeping her alive.

overall, the sully family learned a valuable lesson. just because [y/n] seems invincible does not mean that she actually is.

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2 years ago

omgg what about na'vi reader picking up slang/new words and expressions from spending so much time with neteyam and his family. WE KNOW that Jake's influence on them is strong. just reader trying to understand them and in turn use the same words.

a/n: thanks so much for this cute lil req !! hope you all enjoy. it's pretty short + sweet , but that's honestly all it rlly needs. reblogs + feedback are always appreciated !!

tags: @rafeslovergirl @wxnderingthoughts @liyahsocorro @bonnibuckets @hjkshshjkhklhkl @itssiaaax @grierpilots @fleurbeass @23victoria

imagine growing up as a na'vi under the wing of the sully family

okay so [y/n] has a lil backstory about her parents being really close with neytiri before they died in a raid

[y/n] was fairly old at the time, maybe thirteen, so it was a really difficult and sad transition into their new life

they've always known the sullys though, of course, so it wasn't as terrifying as it could have been

i would say [y/n] is the same age as lo'ak if not a tad older

anyway, as time moves in, after [y/n] finally finds themself able to make their way back into the world

they start spending all their time with the sully kids

and that brings us to the slang

lo'ak and neteyam have clearly learned their lingo from both their father and spider

so, it's not wonder that [y/n] just stares blankly at them when they say some random word that only they understand

"what is a 'rizz?'"

that had them absolutely losing their minds because apparently it was just absolutely hilarious

[y/n] was much less amused of course

after a while of picking up new terms and words, there comes a point in time that [y/n] attempts to actually use the words correctly


it results in some very embarrassing times, but [y/n] is stubborn and refuses to give up

they just have to get it right!

after months pass, they eventually do get it right, and the first time they use a word correctly, the boys are quick to congratulate ( even though it seems very patronizing, but it's still funny and cute )

eventually, though, they do get it down pat

although neteyam and lo'ak will never let them forget when they said they were going to "pull an ikran" because [y/n] didn't quite understand that 'pulling' had romantic intentions

nevertheless, [y/n] continues learning despite the mocking behavior from their new brothers

and that's all that matters!

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2 years ago



i don't even know what to say i'm like literally flabbergasted , shocked , floored , appalled , all the synonyms

thank you all so so much !!

2 years ago

what about neteyam bringing home someone (romantic) and fali and y/n just teasing the shit out of them in front of the family😭😭

summary: [y/n] knows neteyam’s big secret.

a/n: okay i’m actually crying this is so short but so sweet. like not only does it embody fali and [y/n]’s dynamic , but it’s a strong example of how much [y/n] loves her baby siblings. she would do anything for them , despite how much she teases them. i hope you all enjoy reading as much as i enjoyed writing !! reblogs + feedback are always appreciated !!

tags: @rafeslovergirl @wxnderingthoughts @liyahsocorro @bonnibuckets @hjkshshjkhklhkl @itssiaaax @grierpilots @fleurbeass @23victoria @nyotamalfoy

warnings: literally nothing, sm fluff, the cutest thing i have possibly ever written, healthy sibling relationships

words: 895 ( sorry y’all , it’s much shorter than i meant , but i didn’t wanna ruin it by adding too much !! )

baby brother’s got a girl

What About Neteyam Bringing Home Someone (romantic) And Fali And Y/n Just Teasing The Shit Out Of Them

not once in her life could [y/n] have imagined any of her baby brothers bagging a girl.

sure, they had their father’s genes, but they also had their father’s stupidity, a trait that was communicated through their inability to woo any girl their age. trust me when i say that [y/n] has witnessed a multitude of failed attempts, especially back when they still lived in high camp.

as long as she knew her brothers, which was for about fourteen to sixteen years—roughly—she also knew they were a hot commodity based on their mere titles as the sons of the toruk makto. that always crashed and burned as soon as they talked due to the unfortunate fact that boys were just too awkward to flirt back.

that’s why [y/n] was absolutely floored when she found out lo'ak's attempts with tsireya were actually successful.

hey, she supposed. anything can happen in awa’atlu, right? i mean, i found love, which was thought impossible just a year ago.

but, there was a difference between impossible and just out of this goddamn world. it was just a few days ago that [y/n] realized, not only did lo’ak have a girl of his own, but neteyam did.

neteyam, of course, had no idea that [y/n] knew. he was trying to keep it a secret. only until they were, well, official past the mutual flirting stage. he also thought that he was being sly… he was not!

it was one night when, after neytiri and jake left to go meet up with some of the clan’s adults for some social thing ( the metkayina loved to party ), neteyam quietly tip-toed past where [y/n] laid stretched out on the ground, admiring the ceiling in complete and utter boredom.

“where are you going, bro?” [y/n] sat up with a grin.

he froze immediately, eyes closing in frustration. “uh, just… out.” neteyam slowly turned towards her with an innocent smile.

“out?” she questioned, eyes widening in amusement. when he only nodded, she pushed herself up off the ground, standing on her two feet. “so, this has nothing to do with ipey?”

“shit,” he cursed, head dropping in defeat.

“ahah!” [y/n] declared, pointing at him. at the sound of the rest of their siblings shifting in their sleep, she immediately quieted down. “ahah,” she repeated in a whisper.

“[y/n],” he bagged quietly, walking towards her and grabbing her shoulders. “please do not tell anyone. please!” neteyam pulled her in, nose to nose, and [y/n] had to keep herself from breaking into laughter. “i do not need mom and dad up my ass about this right now.”

[y/n] bit her bottom lip in amusement. “aw, poor baby boy and his private life.” neteyam only gave her an unamused look. “okay, okay!” [y/n] stepped backwards, hands raised in mock defense. “your secret’s safe with me.”

“thank you,” neteyam breathed out, relief flooding his voice.

“but!” he looked back up, eyes flaring in concern. “only if you don’t mind fali and me just… taking a casual stroll on the beach, maybe keeping an eye out for disobedient teenagers.”

“are you kidding?”

[y/n] only smiled. “not in the slightest!” at that, fali stepped out from the doorway where he’d been standing for the past few minutes to listen to the discussion.

“don’t worry, bud, we’re just gonna be out there to keep our favorite sully boy from doing anything gross.” fali grinned deviously.

at the same time that neteyam protested, “you are disgusting,” lo’ak’s voice called from where he slept. “hey!”

neteyam’s jaw-dropped at that. “now lo’ak knows?”

[y/n] only laughed. “oh, please, he already knew.”

“yeah!” he yelled from the back of the marui. “i’m the one who told [y/n] and fali in the first place.”

“he also told the rest of us,” kiri mumbled with a tired huff. tuk hummed in agreement.

neteyam dropped his head in defeat. “i hate all of you. like, every single one of you. so, so much.”

“aw, you don’t mean that, little brother!” [y/n] cried teasingly as he spun around and stomped out the door. “you love us!”

“stay safe, make good choices!” fali echoed, the couple laughing as he only shook his head, shoulders tense and full of annoyance.

they only watched from the dock as he made his way across the beach, disappearing once he turned the corner. [y/n] smiled from where she leaned against fali, his arm wrapped around her in comfort.

“you think he’s gonna be okay?” fali wondered quietly.

[y/n] only chuckled. “i hope so. i cannot handle a heart-broken neteyam. that would be, like, the worst thing in the entire world.”

“is it because you love your brother so much?” fali teased.

“uh, no,” she replied dryly. “it’s because i don’t want to deal with tears and snot.”

fali dropped her head back, letting out a loud stream of laughter at that. the vibrations of his chest sent a smile across [y/n]’s face, her body melting into his embrace even more.

“oh, please,” he whispered once he calmed down. “you would drop anything to make sure he’s okay.”

“i hate when you’re right.”

with that, he pressed a kiss on top of her head. “and yet, here we are.”

she nodded slowly, closing her eyes and leaning her head against him. “here we are.”

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2 years ago

Wanted to take a moment and say how much I love you’re writing. It’s just so captivating! When I’m reading them it feels like I’m in that moment and I’ve lived it. It’s so much fun and I always look forward to new updates. Keep up the AMAZING work and make sure to take time for yourself!💖


because oh my goodness , thank you so much for this message !! it means so so much.

it's so nice to see you all comment and reblog with such kind messages , especially on works that i'm iffy about. you guys are amazing.

( p.s. requests are closed - to those who keep sending them in , i will be deleting them. i am so sorry, but i also really need to catch up on everything before adding anything else to my to-do list )

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