🔞MINORS DNI.🔞 Art of my own interpretation of the Rebornica au. I'm 19 rn. 2014 is here, so TW for some topics that might be uncomfortable!!
339 posts
Strangeaxel - LuckyChocolate2005 - Tumblr Blog
Im planning on also having my own stand at that convention bc AHHH I LOVED IT. I gotta prepare myself and buy some prints and make art for it and all that stuff jskwkenfk I HOPE I CAN DO IT, Ill probably announce it here, it'll be in spanish tho bc u know--- i ain't from USA or anything 😭

I bought so much keychains <3 I WAS SO SHOCKED AT SEEING VINCENT HERE, I WAS HOPING TO SEE HIM AND THE OTHERS BUT I WASN'T PREPARED XD AHHHH I LOVED IT!!! I hope the artist can make more merch of rebornica, ill do it too soooo match!! :D

And prints, i LOVE THEM. I loved this convention SOOOO MUCH, this was the first time i went there so it was amazing seeing how many artist there were(?) likeee, in the comic con here it's all so boring. Always support artist as much as you can because they're so amazingg <33

And i had to leave the Instagram of the girl that made these drawing drawings bc myyyy gooood any Reb Fnaf fan needs to get all the attention here in 2024 xD
The convention was really good, i might post photos about it or maybe not <3 I'LL POST THE MERCH THAT I BOUGHT THO!!1!1!
Preparing myself for the convention rn!! So nervous! Hope nothing ruins this day or something <3

I wanted to see how my cosplay contact lenses looked like and also just test that out since I've never used one before in my life BUT....BUT..... I CANTTTT- I COULDN'T, my eyes kept BLINKINGGG 💔 HHHHH and i don't even know which one is right and which one is left since the package doesn't tell you that 💔💔
I'll try tomorrow again tho (tomorrow is the convention) I'll do it on my way to the train + do my jeff make up 💔 i hope it looks good, i hate living so far away from all good things wuahh.
Maybe a spoon full of sugar will make you feel better?

Diary. (Mental illness and research.
Dude i think im in the schizophrenia spectrum, more specific schizo affective disorder. /Srs
.... I'll have to see a psychiatrist but im Afraid of telling my mom that i need help, ill tell her that i need help when im ready, I'm still hesitated to ask for help because idk, im just afraid.
I mean, it's not normal to have hallucinations, delusions, forgetting stuff so often it's insane and I've been hearing more tha one voice in my head all at once, im still investigating, this can be anything, i wish it wasn't and i was just normal but this is what i been researching and the professional opinion of one of my friends has lead me to investigate more about it. I didn't want to talk about this but just know that everything is fine, i been feeling like this for years it's just that i been worried it's not normal to feel like this recently bc i feel like i been feeling even worst and I don't wanna talk about my delusions on public either. I just wanted to post a diary entry about this since i thought it's good to just take it out. I ain't diagnosing myself bc I'm just researching and investigating about the disorder and seeing what could be the causes of me being like this.
I tbh don't like how much symptoms of schizo affective disorder i have or that's what I've seen, I don't like it ahhh /gen
Unrelated jerma clip to act like everything's fine /hj:
Also, if you got here, this far, hii, im gonna draw some asks later... Probably-- ill see how i feel later but thanks for the support on my art too uhhh yeah thanksss byeee


i just wanted him to fell but apparently he also broke his arm so... uppsssss
OMG I LOVE YOUR ART!! it's so nostalgic

THANK YOU SO MUCH!1!2!2!2! Putting as much effort as i can to make art that people that grew up with these characters can enjoy a lot!!
Good night y'all, this me rn. I wanna go back to 2015 so badly.
I think I'll be posting the halloween special in october 15th, i think it'll be a 2 week special or idk, I'll see, it depends on how much y'all ask stuff ☠️☠️
Little spoiler: it'll contain zombies 👀👀👀 so... You can get your questions ready(????)
Vincent, what do you like the most about Scott?

Fat liar.
Reblog if your purple guy is an asshole
There’s quite a few nice misunderstood purple guys out there and there cool but reblog if you’re purple guy is an asshole they can be a little bit of an asshole or an amoral asshole let’s just see how many there are
Vincent and Phone guy:

Happy birthday Vincent! I have brought you a comically large cake! No one is hiding inside I assure you.

Maybe... there was someone there indeed-
Happy birthday to our tumblr sexy man (Vincent)!

Happy birthday Vincent! I have brought you a comically large cake! No one is hiding inside I assure you.

Maybe... there was someone there indeed-
Morning. My breakfast?? Toast with butter :)
(it wasn't intentional, i swear, im just poor)
Gonna answer the few asks i got tomorrow Ajwjkekd im too tired rn!!! But i got one that's really funny and i loved it and i wanna answer it JAJJAKSMD


Today is the birthday of our favorite old, murderous and pervert purple grape~ so, why don't we celebrate it together?
☆This is a special only for Vincent so ask him whatever you like or even bring presents! 🎁☆
‼You have until next Monday to ask him things, this is Vincent week :)

(i hope people participate or imma kms or something or maybe just sit like shinji. "Sentado en la esquina pensando como fui tan gil")

Today is the birthday of our favorite old, murderous and pervert purple grape~ so, why don't we celebrate it together?
☆This is a special only for Vincent so ask him whatever you like or even bring presents! 🎁☆
‼You have until next Monday to ask him things, this is Vincent week :)

(i hope people participate or imma kms or something or maybe just sit like shinji. "Sentado en la esquina pensando como fui tan gil")