stuck-in-this-mortal-form - My motivation is questionable
My motivation is questionable

The name's Sam, he/him × kinda a writer, kinda an artist × european, my age will remain a mystery × the god of procrastination × language enthusiast × assholes and mosquitoes DNI

483 posts

Children Of The Prophecy - Pt 9

Children Of The Prophecy - pt 9

Tw: Mention of Hell (as in a place), a cult & cultists

Summary: Jesse and Vi go where they shouldn't; attempt #2 at summoning the demon

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Soooo" said Vi over the phone "You want to summon your father?"

"Exactly" was Jesse's reply and the sound of a pen scribing "I have to ask him something"

Vi was quiet for a second. "Maybe I know the answer?" she suggested

"Believe me, you don't. You wouldn't even believe me. Will and Allie didn't"

"'Kay. Ya have the candles?"

Jesse nodded, but of course her friend couldn't see her now. "They're probably under the couch"

"What about something that belonged to him?"

"A scroll from his altar will suffice?"

"Yeah. You sure that's his, tho?"


"Then I hope you're not wrong"


They met up in an abandoned factory nearby. The entry should've been restricted—the building was standing only 'cause it didn't know on which side to collapse. It was big, made of bricks and its roof collapsed a long time ago.

They had snuck there through a hole in the metal fence, following the path paved by many who went there before. The factory had a reputation for being an attractor to anything paranormal and cultists.

Basically, according to the legend, there's a portal to Hell in here, and that's where all those creepy things come from.

Vi and Jesse were both wearing dark hoodies, with the hoods on 'not to draw attention'. (Because people wearing all black and sneaking to cultists' place with backpacks filled with candles weren't suspicious at all)

Jesse walked up to the factory's rusty door and grabbed the handle. It won't just open, will it? She thought. That only happens in movies

And—as usually when it came to those kinds of things—she was right. The door was rusted shut.

"Dammit!" she said, returning to her friend "Now what?"

Vi pointed at a fire escape "Here"

They climbed up the metal ladder, at some point almost dropping their things, and found another door. Or rather an empty door frame.

The door laid inside, half eaten by the rust and looked as if it was kicked in.

"Is that where the cultists enter?" whispered Jesse


They snuck inside, and standing on some sort of a platform, glanced down. There was no-one there, or at least they weren't visible.

"It's clear" murmured Vi, getting up from her crouched down position and quietly heading in the direction of a staircase.

"Don't leave me here!" hissed Jesse, following her friend

They slowly got down, paying attention not to step on any of the weaker, rusty steps.

Once they stood in the center of the room, Vi unceremoniously dropped her things on the ground. Jesse was more careful.

"Why are we here?" she asked

"The 'Portal To Hell'" the other girl replied

"What about it?"

"It's an actual portal to Hell." Vi started sketching something on the ground with a chalk "Or rather to Cræyan, but it's basically the same thing— place. Whatever"

They both went silent, the only thing making noise being the chalk

"What about the Otherworld?" Jesse finally said

"A minor dimension, I think. Not sure tho, since one of the six Greater Demons practically owns it"

Vi finished the drawing, which turned out to be a five-arm star in a circle. A pentacle.

"Wait, so you really use those for summonings?"

"No, you dumbass" Vi took out the candles "It's for protection"

"And the candles?"


After placing the candles around them, in random places, Vi stood in the center and murmured something.

Nothing happened

"And?" whispered Jesse, after a while

"You could've just called, you know?" A'graeth said, walking up to them from a dark corner

"Oh shit" murmured Vi, slowly backing away. The protective circle was gone

"I know I don't look like it, but I do own a goddamn phone" he took out a small device out of his pocket "Anyway, what's up, kid?"

"Are there any demons that can Uhhh, change time, I guess?" Jesse said quickly

If A'graeth was surprised by the question, he didn't show it "Llixovins. The time changers. There are also Malleas,—they move between realities—and Gravese—the tricksters of the demon aristocracy. Basically a combination of the two former. Though there are very little of those"

"Hey, Jesse?" Vi asked


"Who are you talking to?"

Jesse glanced at her father "Why can't she see you?"

"She's just a mortal and I'm cloaking myself." he replied "I technically could let her see me, but why would I?" he glanced at the scroll lying where the protection circle was "I believe this belongs to me"

Vi glanced at her, confused. Then, as if understanding what's going on she climbed up the stairs to guard the entrance.

"You can read that?" Jesse asked, pointing at the scroll

"'Course I can. It's in Imüni, a demonic dialect.

" Since you wanted me to teach you, here's the first lesson" he said, putting his hand into a pocket of his black trenchcoat

A'graeth took something from his pocket. It was hidden in a dark red silk, yet he didn't unfold the cloth.

"Take off your necklace"

She gripped the little pendant on a silver chain she always wore. She got it from Élaine, when she was ten. It was in the shape of a propeller— A triquetra, she corrected herself, remembering what her mom told her. She took it off, careful not to rip the fragile chain and put it in the pocket of her hoodie.

"Put your hand on it" he reached out with the thing he was holding

She did so. Nothing happened.

"I doesn't wor—" she started "Ohhh shit—" she glanced around, surprised "Why are there shadows everywhere?"

"Ghosts" her father put the thing back in his pocket "Don't act so surprised—you've seen them plenty. You just don't remember"

She stood frozen in place, watching the shadows appear at the south wall and wander in every direction, only to disappear when they got too close to them.

"Why can't they reach us?" Jesse asked

"I'm currently shielding us, since the lost souls are usually pretty violent" he grabbed the scroll "Try now"

She glanced at it. The previously unreadable scribbles were now words.

"'Shadowland Cemetery'" she read "What does it even mean?"

A'graeth just shrugged "It's the first riddle. Find Shadowland Cemetery and find Glenn"

And with that, he disappeared.

Jesse stood there, dumbfounded. Who in the hell is Glenn?

She heard quick footsteps, a loud crash and saw Vi grab her by her arm.

"What's going on?" the former asked

"Come on, no time to explain"

They ducked behind the staircase, and soon enough, there were people climbing down.

They were wearing black cloaks, with pentacles drawn on them in something red.

They stood in a circle, chanting quietly, while one of them drew a giant pentacle on the floor using a brush and whatever was in the bucket next to them.

They didn't have their hood up, like others did. Their head was completely bald, with scars littering it. They were light pink, cutting through the shining skin. The person had some sort of a sigil on their forehead, drawn in blood.

Goddammit bodily fluids again, Jesse thought. That surely is going to be an interesting evening.


Look, guys, I'm productive. I'm actually writing a second chapter this week. And it's long.

"Yeah, but why is she frozen?" she grabbed Vi's hand

Taglist: @heathenwhump @lavmars

More Posts from Stuck-in-this-mortal-form

Hey, I'm Sam (they/he) and I was lurking on this site for a looong time before I decided to stick my head out of my wormhole and finally appear. I like animals, reading fantasy, pop and rock music, art—especially drawing but only on paper—and writing. I also love folklore, especially Scandinavian, Norse and Slavic.

So, on this blog I'll probably post the Fic I'm currently working on. I have no idea what else should I feature in an introduction post, so feel free to ask any questions.

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Children Of The Prophecy - pt. 6

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This part's short, 'cuz I didn't really have time to write since school had started. Don't worry tho, I'll have plenty of time while my class will be on some sort of a school trip.

Taglist: (als to be added/removed)

@heathenwhump @lavmars

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