The name's Sam, he/him × kinda a writer, kinda an artist × european, my age will remain a mystery × the god of procrastination × language enthusiast × assholes and mosquitoes DNI
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Children Of The Prophecy - Pt. 10
Children Of The Prophecy - pt. 10
Summary: Jesse goes out to find her mother, but finds someone else instead
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Tw: captivity (vague), death threats
"Glenn," Jesse murmured to herself, barely keeping herself from collapsing on her desk in a heap "Who in the hell is Glenn?" She was exhausted, having not slept even a bit the previous night
She reached for her phone and opened Google. She typed the first two letters, but stopped. Searching someone's first name would do no good. Instead she typed 'Shadowland Cemetery'
Much to her surprise, it was an actual place and it wasn't even that far. Up till now she was convinced it'd be harder to find.
She grabbed the handle, almost tripping on her siblings, who were leaning on her door, and collapsed backwards as soon as she opened it.
She stared at them, dumbfounded.
"We were worried, okay?" Allie said, as if she was reading her mind
"She was worried" Will corrected his twin sister
Not waiting for their explanation, she sneaked past them and to the entrance.
She quickly put on her boots (the sage green ones) and her trench coat. She finished the look with a scarf and opened the front door.
When Jesse finally arrived at the cemetery, it was already getting dark.
The place was small, something like ten rows and five columns of graves, with a path in the center.
The tombs were old, some broken, some chiseled, the epitaphs incomprehensible or entirely missing.
Few were covered by vines, wounding around them like a boa suffocating its target.
The gravelly path led to a small crypt, with 'Glenn' inscribed on it. The mystery is solved.
She looked around, as if to avoid suspicion, and strolled to the entrance.
It was a metal door, covered by a gate of steel bars, both in varying shades of silvery gray.
The walls were simple; just some white plaster with ionic columns near the door, one broken window and a dirty, tent-shaped roof in the color of white.
She shot a quick glance at the bars, noticing how there was no lock. Well, guess the door's boarded shut, then.
She opened the grating and placed her hand on the door handle. It was cold to touch, probably made of brass.
She pressed the handle, the door opening, and carefully entered the crypt.
It was dark inside, the only light being what managed to get through the small window. Despite being sure she wouldn't trip, she turned on her flashlight, making sure that no one could sneak on her.
"Who's there?" she heard a whisper. It was a woman's voice, filled with distrust, and fear?
"A'graeth, if it's you, I swear I'll end you" the voice continued
There was something familiar to it, something Jesse couldn't place.
"It's not A'graeth" she said quietly, inching closer to the source of the voice
"Who are you, then?" there was a person chained to the wall. She wore a linen shirt, and a pair of frayed shorts. She had long, dark red hair, that was messy, and had sticks sticking out of it. She had dust and dried mud smeared on her face, that didn't manage to hide the shadows under her eyes. To summarize, she looked like shit.
Her eyes were open, but she seemed not to notice Jesse, as she stood five feet away from her.
"What's your name?" asked Jesse
"Lynette Mary Shadewalker" the woman said, a wave of recognition showing on her face "Jess Lynn?"
"Mom?" Jesse didn't notice the tears that welled up in her eyes when she heard the name "is that you?"
"My baby," the woman— Lynn said, her eyes still unfocused. Tears were making their way down her face "it's been so long"
As much as Jesse wanted to hug her here and then, she had to free her first.
"Mom, where's the key?" she asked
"I don't— Don—" she coughed "I—"
Jesse was by her side in an instant. "What's wrong?" she asked
Lynn's eyes were clouded, black smoke slowly filling them. She was struggling to breathe, the air coming out in short, wheezing gasps.
Then, it all stopped.
"Mom?" Jesse asked, dreading the answer
She looked at her mother's face. Her eyes were fully black, her lips parted slightly in a silent scream.
Jesse reached out, and placed her hand on Lynn's shoulder. She jerked back, gasping. Her eyes were normal, or at least like before. She still didn't seem to see Jesse.
Lynn coughed one last time, and her eyes focused for a second. "The key lies on the window frame" she said, her voice raspy, but flat. Robotic, almost
Jesse sprinted to get it, not knowing what just happened, nor wanting to re-experience it. She grabbed the key and quickly unlocked the cuffs. Her mother slumped even further, and turned into dust, which then flew out of the crypt.
Jesse stared at the key in her hand in disbelief.
As Jesse slowly walked down the street, a figure dressed in black stopped her.
It was a boy, a few years older than her. His outfit was decorated in some red scribbles that seemed to glow.
"Witaj, Wiedząca" He said, sounding suspicious "Widziałaś może ostatnio jakieś dziwne rzeczy? Ludzi z czarnymi oczami lub krwią? Czarny dym? Pentakle?"
"A ty co, sekta?" she replied sarcastically
Another person joined the boy. They wore a similar outfit. "We're demon hunters" they said, with a heavy, unidentified accent "And you, Wiedząca, are demon scum, therefore prepare for your end"
"Not so fast" she heard a girl's ringing voice
They all turned around, and seeing the person who said that, the demon hunters cringed.
"Lilith, what in hell are you doing" said the first one
"I wanna talk to her" the girl explained, approaching them "Besides, we're in the middle of a busy street. No murder this time, Rin"
She was dressed in the same black clothes the Hunters wore, and had her long, black hair braided. Her eyes were light green, covered by thin, black lashes. She was also wearing a white headband, a contrast to her clothing. She didn't hide her face, nor her hair. Without a closer look she'd look like a random teenager, but if you were bothered enough to really see, you'd notice the daggers and knives she had. She looked familiar, but Jesse just couldn't place it
"Sari's given us an order, we can't just disobey!" the boy argued
"Oh, shut up, James!" Lilith murmured "once I'm done she's all yours. You'll get her to Sari"
Lilith grabbed Jesse by her hand "Do you trust me?" she asked in a hushed tone, leading her away
"Of course not, I don't even know you" Jesse whispered back
The girl sprinted, dragging Jesse behind her. The Demon Hunters—Rin and James—just stared at them dumbfounded.
"That bitch!" yelled James, running after them, Rin following closely behind. They were no match against the girl, who also had like a ten seconds advantage.
Lilith jumped onto a dumpster, no longer holding Jesse's arm, trusting her not to run away. She jumped again, grabbing the railing of a balcony and climbing up. Once she was done, she reached out to pull Jesse. The other girl gratefully grabbed her hand and pushed herself onto the balcony.
She ducked, hiding herself behind the shitty straw mat and glancing down. The floor of the balcony was chipped, so she could easily spy on the Hunters as they wandered the alley below them. She waited until she couldn't see them, and entered the flat through a half open balcony door.
"Okay, so," Lilith started "my Name is Norah Greenley, and I'm exactly what you are"
"Okay, so to summarize" Jesse started "You're The Fifth Imuesse, and for the past two years you've been working with Demon Hunters to find others like you?" she glanced at the girl sitting next to her
"Exactly" Norah shifted in her position "Sari wouldn't like any of us alive, thanks to A'graeth"
"Wait, you mean, my father? What does he have to do with this?" Jesse sipped the tea Norah gave her, wincing. She hated fruit tea.
"Well, for starters, since he became a demon, half the Realms collapsed. Also, he's annoying. He's name is literally an archaic word for 'demonic' in Imüni"
"Oh for hell's sake" Jesse took another sip of the grossly sweet liquid "But what about the Realms? Why did they collapse?"
"He needed power, and drawing that much destroys them. Basically, he's getting ready for something, and I don't know if I want to find out"
Jesse glanced at the clock. "I have to go now"
And with that, she ran outside, determined to find some answers. And maybe behead her father.
I Have Come Back
(Yay, I guess)
Nothing to say, I just had a shit ton of time to write this weekend so yes I'm uploading another chapter.
"Witaj, Wiedząca" He said, sounding suspicious "Widziałaś może ostatnio jakieś dziwne rzeczy? Ludzi z czarnymi oczami lub krwią? Czarny dym? Pentakle?"
"A ty co, sekta?" she replied sarcastically
"Hello, Knowing" […] "Have you seen any weird things recently? People with black eyes or blood? Pentacles?"
"What are you, a sect?" […]
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@heathenwhump @laves-here
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Absolutely not me dyeing my hair again just because
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🌾 Hello there! I'm just a lil ol' traveler, walking through inboxes, taking in the sights.
I've been traveling for a while now, passing out letters to strangers in an attempt to bring a little more love and laughter to the world.
I would like to give you one, here 📜
The letter reads: "Dear friend, we may not know each other, we may be close friends, but that does not change the fact that you are very loved. I hope you're having a good day, and if not, I wish you the best of tomorrow. Thank you for being here today, thank you for making it this far, the world truly wouldn't be the same without you. Carry a kind heart, perceptive mind, wild soul, wishful eyes, and a high chin, you deserve the best. Stay safe as you travel down your own path. Love, an unknown friend."
I must keep on my journey, but I hope this has made you smile. Be careful out here, take care.
Sincerely, The Inbox Traveler 🌾
Aww thx!
I wanted to do a writing event but I HAVE NO DAMN IDEA HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO START. Like, do I ask someone? Do I just find the card on a random post and copy it?

More incorrect quotes 'Cause I have no friends and nothing better to do
A'graeth: Okay. I get it. You've had a really hard time lately, you're stressed out, seven people died—
Jesse: Eight, actually
A'graeth: Not the point. Look, they're dead now and really whose fault is that?
Jesse: Yours!
A'graeth: That's right; no one's