stuck-in-this-mortal-form - My motivation is questionable
My motivation is questionable

The name's Sam, he/him × kinda a writer, kinda an artist × european, my age will remain a mystery × the god of procrastination × language enthusiast × assholes and mosquitoes DNI

483 posts

Children Of The Prophecy - Pt. 11

Children Of The Prophecy - pt. 11

Summary: Jesse visits Cynthia again and everything goes to shit

Next Masterlist

Tw: murder attempt (kInDa), knife attack, passing out, blood, magic healing & magic exhaustion, kinda implied past sh

Jesse glared at her laptop, displaying the mail she wanted to send.

>I need your help

Sending it wasn't the problem. It was to whom she wanted it sent.

A'graeth, her father, hadn't exactly shown his displeasure towards her contacting him, but then again, knowing he was planning something big was an unsettling thought.

Finally, she decided to press 'send'. She didn't have anything to do anyway, Vi being in the US with a visit to her little brother and father, and the twins being somewhere in Podlasie, on a one week long school trip. Not that they wanted to leave her alone, considering the recent events, but she just brushed their concern off, telling them to go enjoy themselves. She'd be fine.

Her phone beeped. She got an email.

She refreshed Gmail and read the message.

>What can I help you with

She typed in 'where is Lynn?' and pressed send

The message came immediately

It was an address. Krzywe Koło st., Warsaw.

Two thoughts crossed her mind.

Wasn't it where the Basilisk was?


Isn't it where Cynthia Crawford lives?

Actually, lived, since she's been dead for at least a few months.

Wait, did the psychic live where the Basilisk did? Seems like it…

She stuffed some things in her bag and left the house, locking the door behind her.


The Krzywe Koło st. was a one lane street with old tenement houses on both sides. It was L shaped, and was a part of the Old Town. It was quite impressive, the buildings towering over it, a la skyscrapers.

Jesse entered the street, and walked to the tenement with the number 3. She entered it, and walked to the now familiar last floor. She knocked on the door with the number Thirteen and waited.

Much to her surprise, in the doorway stood Cynthia Crawford.


They sat at the table in the psychic's flat.

"So, what brings you here?" Cynthia asked, sipping her Tymbark juice from a red mug

Jesse was quiet, staring at her mug. It was filled to the brim with the same juice as Cynthia's.

"I'm, uh, looking for my mother" she said quietly "my birth mother"

"Ah, yes" Cynthia smiled "Lynn Shadewalker. The witch from the crypt"

Jesse felt uneasy "yeah…" something was wrong

Cynthia got up from the table, her chair making a loud scraping noise, and—after putting her mug down—went to a room, its entrance covered by a bead curtain.

She came back soon after, with a glass vial, a knife, and a bowl with some black liquid.

Jesse was staring.

"Okay, I'll show her where she is" the woman said "but I still need your blood"

Jesse reached out with her arm, at the same time rolling up her sleeve. She put it above the bowl, not touching it.

Cynthia took the knife, and with a creepy, sinister grin sliced her wrist open. Dark, black-ish blood started pouring out, and Jesse jumped back, frightened. She didn't have the time to wonder why the hell her blood wasn't the color it should.

She was buzzing with adrenaline, suddenly remembering her EDB classes. Stop the bleeding and raise the hand above your heart.

She ran into the door, having no doubt Cynthia tried to kill her. After fumbling with the keys for a few seconds, she pressed the handle and sprinted outside. Shitshitshitshit—

Once outside, she ripped off the sleeve of her shirt and tied it tightly around the wound. The bleeding was slowing down, but still was dangerous.

Her whole arm was stained with the dark liquid, as well as her side. The makeshift bandage was already soaked, so she slowly untied it, just to see that instead of the wound, there was a pale, thin scar. She stared at it in disbelief, sliding her fingers across it. It was smooth, except where the blood was already drying.

She felt exhausted, her eyelids growing heavy with every step she took.

She stumbled into an alley, and curled up in the corner behind some boxes.

Closing my eyes surely wouldn't be a problem?


When Jesse awoke, she was in the same empty alley. Thank whatever God there is, she thought.

Now, her decision to just fall asleep in an alley seemed reckless and stupid. She jerked upwards, glancing around. There was a girl about her age, staring at her with her vibrant violet eyes.

"What—" Jesse started, shifting uncomfortably. Her head hurt, and her nose felt stuffed

"Well, I saw you here, curled up against the box" the girl said "Thought I'd check on you, since you seem to have blood all over your clothes"

Jesse glanced at her wrist in panic, but found it the same as last time. Just a thin, light pink line, another one in her collection. They were old, some dating a few years back, and some a bit newer. They were criss-crossing her skin like tiny serpents wounding around her arm. She didn't pay them much attention.

"Who are you?" she asked, taking in the girl's appearance

She was wearing a brown, dirty hoodie with a white crop top underneath. She also had paper bag shorts, which was a weird thing, considering that it was still winter. Her violet eyes were bright, partially hidden by clear-rimmed glasses and strands of her loose, cherry hair.

The girl got up, and reached out with her hand for Jesse to grab. She did so, and the girl pulled her up.

"My name's Meredith. Or, alternatively, The First" she smiled

Jesse coughed, partly because her throat felt dry, and partly because she felt awkward "Jesse" she glanced around "Wait, how did you—?"

"Not many people walk around covered in black blood without raising the attention of anyone" she chuckled "you were cloaking yourself"


"Yeah, yeah, you don't know how you did it, I figured, since you looked freaked out" she slowly led Jesse out of the alley "What were you doing here anyway?"

"I went to the psychic to find my mother" Jesse replied

Meredith paled, but didn't say anything


"Cynthia Crawford's been dead for over three months"

Jesse just stared at her "What about Lynette Mary Shadewalker?"

Meredith glanced at her with compassion "They didn't tell you?" she waited for some sort of reply, and seeing Jesse look at her in confusion, added "Lynn Shadewalker died in a mysterious fire at your manor exactly one year after you've been born…"

Jesse paled. She felt lightheaded.

Oh shit

Oh shit

If Lynn has been dead for sixteen years…

Then who was inside the crypt?


EDB - Edukacja Dla Bezpieczeństwa (Education For Safety), a school subject lmao. It basically teaches you about first aid and how to help yourself in dangerous situations


A little cliffhanger,

More characters

And whole lotta new ways to screw their life up >:)




@heathenwhump @lavmars

More Posts from Stuck-in-this-mortal-form

Happy new year everyone!

🌾 Hello there! I'm just a lil ol' traveler, walking through inboxes, taking in the sights.

I've been traveling for a while now, passing out letters to strangers in an attempt to bring a little more love and laughter to the world.

I would like to give you one, here 📜

The letter reads: "Dear friend, we may not know each other, we may be close friends, but that does not change the fact that you are very loved. I hope you're having a good day, and if not, I wish you the best of tomorrow. Thank you for being here today, thank you for making it this far, the world truly wouldn't be the same without you. Carry a kind heart, perceptive mind, wild soul, wishful eyes, and a high chin, you deserve the best. Stay safe as you travel down your own path. Love, an unknown friend."

I must keep on my journey, but I hope this has made you smile. Be careful out here, take care.

Sincerely, The Inbox Traveler 🌾

Aww thx!

50 “Not so Nice” OC or FR Asks

List your OCs in the tags or link your lair so that people can ask you!

1. What is one word to shut them up?

2. What is the thing they feel the most guilty about?

3. What is the worst pain they’ve ever experienced?

4. Describe their worst nightmare.

5. List 3 fears; one “surface level” fear, one “repressed” fear, and one “deep dark” fear.

6. What is something that never fails to make them feel sick?

7. What feature (physical or otherwise) do they hate most about themselves?

8. Do they have anything that triggers them?

9. What is their greatest physical weakness?

10. What is their greatest mental weakness?

11. Do they have any vices?

12. Have they ever done something illegal? What was it?

13. Which of the 7 Deadly Sins best describes them?

14. Are they prone to outbursts (of violence, extreme emotion… exc… )?

15. Who do they hate the most?

16. Is there anyone who makes them feel inferior?

17. What sound always gives them a headache?

18. Is there a certain flavor that disgusts them?

19. Do they consider themselves ugly?

20. Do they consider themselves unloveable?

21. What is something that causes them great anxiety?

22. Do they have any mental illnesses?

23. Have they ever been assaulted/abused/raped?

24. Do they fear the possibility of being assaulted/abused/raped?

25. Have they ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust?

26. Have they ever been seriously injured?

27. How many times have they been in the hospital?

28. Is there a certain type of person that disgusts them?

29. Does what they cannot see scare them?

30. Have they ever been bullied?

31. Do they have self-confidence or self-image issues?

32. Do they have a bad relationship with their parents?

33. Have they ever been in a relationship that didn’t work out so well?

34. Have they ever self harmed?

35. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?

36. Are they in control of their emotions, or are their emotions in control of them?

37. Have they ever had their freedom taken away?

38. Have they ever been imprisoned?

39. Have they ever been accused of something they didn’t do?

40. Do they often blame themselves for other people’s problems?

41. Do they get sick often?

42. Are they comfortable with where they are in life?

43. Do they wish that they could change their pasts?

44. What’s one thing they wish they could do more often, but can’t?

45. What is the emotion they most commonly experience?

46. Have they ever contemplated suicide?

47. Have they ever gone so far as to attempt suicide?

48. Is there anyone that they would willingly kill?

49. If [name] was put into ______ situation, they’d rather die than live to see it through.

50. Create your own!

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More incorrect quotes 'Cause I have no friends and nothing better to do

A'graeth: Okay. I get it. You've had a really hard time lately, you're stressed out, seven people died—

Jesse: Eight, actually

A'graeth: Not the point. Look, they're dead now and really whose fault is that?

Jesse: Yours!

A'graeth: That's right; no one's

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