51 posts

· { 12 / 30 days of productivity } ·
Today I studied for my math exam, but still need to study for organic and geral chemistry. Think I'll have time enough. The day was so humid, my books will suffer.
studylikeknope liked this · 5 years ago
strawberrystudiesblog liked this · 5 years ago
More Posts from Studybooboo

Studied for my Inorganic test, it will be a long week, so maybe I will uptade more, maybe not but hOPE. Kai sat on my notes and didn't wanted to get of, but I love him so...

· { 4 / 30 days of productivity} ·
At morning I studied to my Organic test (finally did it!!). Don't know if I went well, I think not much as I need :(
After school, at night, I went to choir. Tomorrow the day will be full so I need to have a great night of sleep.
· { 11 / 30 days od productivity } ·
Did things, went to school.
I'm not doing well so I don't really know if I want to post this weekend.

· { 5 / 30 days of productivity } ·
Today I studied for my History test. Still morning but I know I probably won't do nothing extraordinary at night. Tomorrow I need to start to study for my Maths, Physics and the Inorganic's "Make Up" Test.

1. Search for inspirations online.
Type ‘handwriting’ or ‘studyblr’ on Tumblr
Search for studygrams.
Search on Pinterest
2. Incorporate it into my own handwriting style
3. Practiced a lot as well as watch videos on how to improve my handwriting etc, to achieve your ‘neat’ handwriting
How to improve your handwriting by @studyquill
Improve your handwriting by @procrastinatecreate
Improve your handwriting by @studywithinspo
Improve my handwriting quickly by @emmastudies
Tips and tricks for handwriting by @tbhstudying
How to improve your cursive
Taking notes
My notetaking system:
Writes headers in cursive or letter it
Writes the important content in bullet points
Adds diagrams if they are any shown in the textbook
Taking notes
How to take notes by @thatsogerman
How to take notes by @sassy-prefect
How to take notes from a video
How I take notes
How I take notes by @cherstudies
How I take notes by @briellestudies
How I take notes by @academicmind
How I take notes
How I take notes by @parate-regis
My notetaking system
Note outlining method by @studious-annabeth
Eintsein guide to note taking by @eintsein
Effective note taking by @afternaomi
Note taking tips by @studywright
Note taking tips by @b-uwu-ng
Note taking tips by @studyfulltime
From textbook
Pretty and helpful textbook note titles by @ariistides
How to take notes from a textbook
Take notes from a textbook by @rhubarbstudies
Take notes from textbook by @howtosucceedinschool
How I take textbook notes by @stressedestudiante
Taking notes from textbooks by @noteology
Transformed 300 pages into 13 by @study-with-batmicka
From lectures/classes
Copy down what the lecturer is saying instead of the things on the slides because they are often important and not included in the slides. The slides maybe uploaded after the lecture.
Taking notes in lectures by @joulesstudies
Take lecture notes by @letsget-downtobusiness
How to take effective class or lecture notes
How to take notes faster
Symbols and abbreviations by @studyquirk
Symbols and abbreviations by @mystudentid
How I take notes in-class
Some tips for lectures by @justanotherpsychmajor
Lecture notes by @studypetals
Lecture notes by @studyrose
Note taking methods
Note taking systems by @kimtented
Cornell notes by @operationpsych
Cornell notetaking system by @jumpahead
When to use by @studytip
How to use sticky notes by @etudiance
Mind maps vs text notes by @engincrd
Mind maps
A mind map about mind mapping
How to mind map by @study-nsp
For Literature
How I annotate my textbook by @studentstoolbox
How to annotate
Annotate and taking notes from Literature
Annotating effectively by @hideandstudy
Annotations and note-taking by @novanovelist
For Biology
How to take Biology notes
For History
How to take History notes
For any history note taking tips by @simply-study
Colour coding
My colour code is usually black and one other colour
How to create an effective colour coding system
Colour code notes tips and tricks
A guide to colour code by @oreo-studies
Aesthetic notes
How to illustrate your notes by @reviseordie
Aesthetic notes
Guide to pretty notes by @theorganisedstudent
Tips for writing prettier notes by @focusign
Banners and fonts
Quick and easy lettering tips by @yellowtonin
Microsoft OneNote tutorial
Take notes on my ipad pro by @pridebulletjournal
Digital notes: a how to by @alex-is-on-a-mission
Using Microsoft OneNote by @juliastudies
Note taking printables
Diy cut out flashcard printable pack
Gradient notes by @ennui-for-me
6 page exam revision printable pack
Study pack