@hcpefuldreaming Asked : I May Have Insulted The Wrong Person. Jester & Keyleth.
@hcpefuldreaming asked : “ i may have insulted the wrong person. “ jester & keyleth.

‘ what happened? ‘ jester asked curiously , though she didnt really think it was a big deal. People make mistakes all the time so if it was really bugging the other women than jester would try and help her make amends. ‘ if its really bad you could just apologize but im in the boat of fuck it. ‘
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vex a smile pulled across her lips as she watched him from the doorway behind the counter. ‘ im just packing up the last of the leftovers if you wanted to help with that. ‘ there was a couple things that they could sell the next day , but most of it would be donated to the local shelter since they didnt like to just toss them out. ‘ how was work? ‘

Stepping into the bakery, Percy smiled as Vex poked her head out of the back. "Just got off...figured I'd stop by and see if you needed any help closing?" It was all still a bit jumbled in his head, the jittery nerves he got being around her in their fake life before and now having the knowledge that not only were he and Vex together but she'd agreed to marry him clashing in his head. Though what did make sense was him finding her perfect in any world they found themselves in, Percy smiling abit at that thought before he moved to lock the door. "Is there anything I can do?"
@seccndchances asked : “ i have an extra ticket. do you want to come with me? “ susan & julie

it had been a while since susan had a girls night out so at the mention of another ticket susan was in. ‘ sure , its been a while since ive gone out so why not. ‘ susan had also wanted to see the show and had been too late purchasing a ticket so it all worked out in the end anyways.
@hxlcycnx asked : “ im trying to fix your hair , so hold still. “ jester & caleb.

jester couldnt help but fidget in her seat playing with sprinkle that was running around in her hands and lap. but at calebs words , jester stilled for him admittedly moments like this were some of her favorites. ‘ sorry its sprinkles fault. ‘ the cleric jokingly at the weasels expense. ‘ how did you get so good at braids? ‘

piper shot up into a sitting position at hazel bursting through her door. pipers heart racing hand shooting to the lamp next to her bed. when her brain realized it was just hazel and not a monster , it was then piper was able to see she was upset. her hand going to rub at hazels back. ‘ im sorry , i didnt know how much you remembered and i didnt know how to just come out in say it. do you remember everything? ‘ piper asked wanting to gauge what to be careful about what she was saying.
Hazel & Piper @sunshiinefades Where: their apartment
Hazel tossed and turned, sweat clinging to her brow. In her dreams, she saw a woman... no not a woman, her mother, standing near a pit. A voice, a foreign voice coming from her mouth. Gaea. A choice presented to a young child, an impossible one. Let her mother die and raise a titan, or both die and delay her plan. She tore the various metals from the earth and buried it all. Ending her life, ending her mothers life.. and waking up in the Underworld. Her heart racing as she replayed her final moments again and again, before facing the judge and damning herself to the fields to save her mother for eternal torment.
She shot forward in her bed. One name on her lips, Pluto... she was a daughter of Pluto and he couldn't save his daughter. Tears streaked her face, she bolted from her room and across the hall. She didn't bother knocking, she just busted into Piper's room and crashed into her bed. "Piper. Piper." She cried, "Why didn't you tell me, I died." She pleaded, her voice cracking as she buried her face into her friends bed.

a smile pulled at the daughter of zeus’s lips , thalia admittedly had been a little lost without the other hunters around so it was nice to see the goddess here. originally thalia hated the idea of being a hunter , but after she joined the hunters thalia had realized just how wrong she was. the hunters had been a place she had really thrived in. ‘ im glad you also have you memories , that would have been really bad otherwise. ‘
Since finding Zoe again, Artemis had become determined to find out if the rest of her hunters were scattered across the island. A feat she once would have been able to accomplish with minimal effort, but now with the limitations of her new form it took work. Siting next to the other, a warm smile on her face. "It is good to see your memory is intact Thalia, it would have hurt my heart if one of my loyal hunters didn't recognize me."