sweetdejun - love letters.
love letters.

zai. she/her. '00. nctzen, army. brown af. welcome to my little world of writing!

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Number 17 With Wonjin? Thank You!

Number 17 with wonjin? Thank you!

hey there! thank you for requesting this! again, really sorry about the delay, I wrote more to overcompensate for the tardiness of this lolol I really hope you like it!!

17. he does something sweet for you.

[5:34 a.m.] you don’t usually wake up at the crack of dawn, but you heard some rustling in your home and by the time you had the energy to turn around in your bed to see what was going on, you heard a “shh, shh, shh, go back to sleep, y/n. I’m coming.” your boyfriend’s voice is heard, bouncing off the walls of the dark bedroom. you nod sleepily and throw your head back into your pillow, your slumber taking over you yet again. you stirred a bit in your sleep when you heard dragging feet against the hardwood in your room, followed by a dip of the bed near your feet. you squint your eyes to adjust your sight, and find wonjin sitting at the edge of your bed, with a cake and candles lit on the cake. “happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear y/n, happy birthday to you!” you can hear the fatigue in wonjin’s voice and he yawns so you get up quick and make a wish, before you blow out the candles. you switch on your lamp and ruffle wonjin’s hair. “thanks for this, baby.” you leaned in and planted your lips on his cheek softly. you feel him smiling, and then you pull back, before getting up and taking the cake. “where are you going?” wonjin follows you as you make your way towards your kitchen, then you open your fridge and pop the cake in. “you’re not going to have the cake now?” wonjin pouted begins you. you turn around and place your hands on his shoulders, and his instant response is to place his hands on your hips. “I need to start my day off with something sweet, so why should I have the cake when I have my sweetness right here?” wonjin smiles shyly at this and you kiss the tip of his nose. “let’s go to bed, wonjin, the cake can wait till tomorrow.”

you take his hand and lead the way back to your bed. you plop yourself down onto your mattress, and wonjin joins you a few seconds later. he pulls you close so that your head is resting on his chest and he kisses your forehead before sleep overtakes the both of you. the next morning, you wake up around 11:45 to find wonjin gone yet again. you get up out of bed and freshen up before leaving your bedroom. you head towards your kitchen because you hear sounds like sizzling and the sound when a metal spoon hits the sides of a mug. you lean against your kitchen counter and find an apron-clad wonjin, in the middle of flipping a pancake. he’s able to flip it perfectly, which causes him to throw a fist bump into the air. you laugh at his antics, and this captures his attention. “good morning, y/n! I’ve just finished making breakfast: your favorite pancakes, and coffee.” you give him a quick hug before helping him set your plates. you two sit on the stools in your kitchen and have your breakfast. “I think this is a good time to tell you that you should get ready as soon as you finish breakfast,” wonjin tells you in between sips of his coffee, “because I have the day planned out for us.” swallowing your bite on pancake, you tilt your head to the side in curiosity and ask him, “hmm, where are we going?” wonjin gives you a smug smile before kissing your forehead, “it’s a surprise.” soon, you and wonjin are on your way to an unknown destination (or at least unknown to you).

as wonjin drives you two there, you begin looking for any clues outside to tell you anything about where you’re going. you beam when you see the dead giveaway landmark of a giraffe: wonjin brought you to the zoo. this is your absolute favorite place, only because there’s a feeding station for your favorite animal and that is the panda feeding station. “wow! this is so nice, thank you!” wonjin smiles at your excitement and pulls out his camera. as you gush over the panda taking the bamboo stems from your hand, wonjin clicks a few pictures of you. he smiles down, satisfied with his photos, thinking that you look too cute. it’s a good couple of hours before wonjin tells you, “we have two more places to stop at.” you pout, because the animals all just look so adorable, but you nod understandingly. from there, you two leave the zoo and within ten minutes, wonjin stops the car. you look around and see that you two are at a food truck park, and wonjin has you wait in the car while he brings your absolute favorite: there’s a food truck that does killer tacos, and you claim that these are the best in the entire city. wonjin comes back shortly, and the smell of the tacos fill the car. you breathe in and exhale loudly, “they smell so good, my mouth is watering.” wonjin laughs at you squirming in your seat, and reaches over to take your hand and press it against his mouth. “just wait a little longer, my love.” and he drives for some time. you press your head against the window and see the sky slowly becoming a beautiful hue of pink, with splashes of orange. then, the car stops, knocking you out of your daze. “we’re here.” you focus on the surroundings: wonjin brought you to the beach. he pulls out your food and comes around to open your door.

“hold this, please,” he hands you a bag, and you peek inside. it’s got a blanket and a bottle of sparkling cider and two glasses. “let’s go.” wonjin grabs your free hand and you two find a nice place to sit, before laying the blanket down and setting yourselves on it. you eat your tacos over some small talk, and then as you are drinking your cider, staring out into the sunset, you face wonjin. “hey,” you softly whisper. he turns his head to look at you and you tell him sincerely, “thank you so much for today. this is probably one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had, all thanks to you. I love you so much.” and without missing a beat, you lean in and place a passionate kiss on wonjin’s mouth. you made sure to convey all the love you possibly could into the kiss, and wonjin definitely felt it because as soon as you two pulled apart, he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, and pressed his lips against your forehead. he told you, “nothing but the best of the best for my princess.” and you two turned your faces back towards the sunset. you rested your head on wonjin’s shoulder and admiring it in all its beauty.

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More Posts from Sweetdejun

5 years ago

For the mystery drabble game-Seungwoo and 7?

here it is, thank you for requesting this! I hope you really like it!! this is slightly shorter than some of the other stuff I’ve written, but I hope you enjoyed the read regardless

7. someone messed up and gave you something that belongs to him.

[2:27 p.m.] you are a very particular person; you like your toast crunchy, you set three alarms in the morning otherwise you won’t wake up on time, and you plan what you’ll be making for dinner monday through friday on the weekend. that’s just how you were, and it’s never bothered you or anyone around you. in fact, because of your precise personality, many of your friends and family have praised you for being so detail-oriented. but that’s a different story for a different time. one thing that tagged along with your particularity was that when you would do any sort of online shopping, once made available, you would track your package. you’ve always done it and it never seems to fail you. you are always guaranteed to receive your package when the mail service says so, and to this day, they’ve never disappointed you. but, maybe sometimes unexpected things happen, seldom to teach particular people like you some sort of lesson. 

you’ve just checked your email and clicked the one regarding your most recent amazon delivery. you ordered a step-by-step calligraphy guidebook and a set of calligraphy pens you’ve been dying to get your hands on. now that both things are here, you can’t wait to embark on your newly-found hobby. you whistle down to your mailbox and unlock the small metal door. sure enough, with some spam mail, a few coupons for the pizza place down the street and some bills, your package lies for you to open. grabbing your mail and shoving it between your arm and shoulder blade, you lock up the mailbox door and head back up to your apartment. you unlocked the door to the cozy space and plop yourself down on the couch. you sort through your mail and put them in appropriate piles, then you open up your package. instant shock runs through your veins as you try to decipher the products you’ve just unboxed. you expected a cute little calligraphy how-to guide and your colorful calligraphy pens, just waiting to be used. instead, you’ve unwrapped the manila-colored packaging to reveal hair gel, a mini buddha statue and a small bottle of propolis. huh, you think, amazon’s messed up before, but never this badly. upon further inspection and out of sheer curiosity, you looked back at the packaging these items came in, and your heart stopped. this package wasn’t yours, it belonged to han seungwoo, one of your neighbors and one of the most attractive human beings you’ve ever laid your eyes on. he’s the quiet, shy boy who you sometimes hear humming to himself in the elevator or the one who’s super friendly to mrs. jung, your older neighbor who you’ve always seen as your grandmother. “shit,” you curse under your breath, “what is he going to think, that someone stole his package? I should go return this stuff to him, as soon as possible.” you check the time, and you hope that he is home now. so you gather the items in your hands and head over to his apartment.

he’s not too far from you; if you go down the hallway and then take a right, he’s somewhere in the middle. just to confirm his address, you brought the ripped up amazon packaging, too, and find his front door. you knock with one hand, trying to balance the items in the other. not even two minutes later, the door opens to reveal a smiling seungwoo, who’s wearing a t-shirt that beautifully flatters the tattoo peeking on his collarbone. “uh, I believe I have some stuff for you,” you tell him before handing him the things. “oh? I didn’t know amazon had your neighbors delivering stuff to you,” he teased, although you could see a growing pink on his cheeks. it was your turn to shy away from as you tell him shamefully, “I may have received it in my mailbox, and I may have also ripped it open in excitement because I was anticipating something else. so... that’s why I’m here. I’m so sorry,” you tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear, a gesture seungwoo notices makes you look angelic. but he pushes those thoughts to the side and clears his throat, before saying, “it’s not a big deal. actually, I’m glad you’re here because I have your package. of course, I didn’t open it or anything,” -you glare at him with your eyes squinted- “but I have it here for you, safe and sound. let me grab it real quick,” and he steps into his apartment. a short few minutes later, he’s back at the door, and your package is in his hand. you grab it from him and subconsciously take note of the light zing you felt as his fingertips grazed your own. “see you around, y/n.” he softly smiles, before closing the door and you’re on your way back. you check the package as you walk back to your apartment, to find your name on it (thank god) and you see, scribbled down on the bottom, “meet me for coffee this weekend? XXX-XXX-XXXX” and just maybe, you wished the mailman would screw up again like this in the future.

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5 years ago

ikon bobby + 12? :)

yayyy I love bobby!! here it is, I hope you enjoy the read! I had too much fun writing this one! this one was slightly longer than the usual size of my drabbles :-) also I think a lot of the stuff I write tends to be college!aus lol rip

12. he sees you gushing over... biology.

[11:23 p.m.] you’re a college freshman, and you’re a biology major. was anyone surprised when you told them this? absolutely not. you know why you wanted to major in bio, it’s because you loved the subject. you found everything regarding biology fascinating, no matter how tedious the classes generally are. “gee, no wonder you’re a STEM major, literally all you’ve been doing this weekend is studying,” your roommate yerim nags. you had an exam in five days, and you needed to be ready. “I need to do well on this exam, yerim. my grade in the class is on the line.” yerim sits on your desk as you pull at your hair, eyes closed. “y/n, I think you need to take a break. it’s good for you, and besides, you have a few more days to study. and it’s saturday night! come on, live a little. I promise you if you fail your exam, I’ll never take you out again. just come with me tonight?” you open your eyes and look at her. “fine! just give me a few minutes to get ready. where are we going?” yerim smiles before saying, “a frat party I was invited to, now hurry!” she pushes you towards your closet from there. a frat party, you’ve heard, is not a good idea. especially for freshmen girls like yourself. but, yerim confirmed with her seniors (and you do trust them because they’re sensible people) that the fraternity that you’ll be going to has a clean reputation compared to some of the other ones. 

the name of this frat is lambda delta, yerim tells you as you two walk out of the dorms. “oh yeah, and apparently they’re also super hot.” your eyes met yerim’s face, who was wiggling her eyebrows suggestively and nudging your side with her elbow. you clicked your tongue in playful annoyance and pushed her elbow away. “I’m not interested in looking for a man, I’m here to have a good time, hopefully. and if I don’t enjoy myself tonight, we’re cutting this place from my list, okay? or you can come here with someone else next time.” yerim rolls her eyes, and whines, “okay, but at least we can check it out today! and y/n, try to have fun, alright?” you pout but still nod. eventually, you guys make it to the frat house; you see a lambda and a delta on their yard, with lights around the letters. you can see crowds of people outside the door socializing, drinking and laughing. looks fun, you think, but I shouldn’t base the party off of this. you follow yerim inside the house and immediately, the floor beneath you feels sticky. grossed out, you scrunch your nose at the stench of alcohol, and artificial fruit smells that could only come from exhaled juuls. “this is a college frat house party for sure.” you mumble under your breath. you two don’t get too far into the house when a guy comes in front of you two. he’s got sepia hair, prominent cheekbones, and a long nose. he smiles and introduces himself over the loud bass. “hi, there,” he screams, “I’m hanbin, a member of this frat. is this your first time here? you look like freshmen.” hanbin doesn’t really pick it up as he explains the rules of the house: no illegal substances, nothing that makes someone else uncomfortable and always ask for consent.

“pretty standard rules if you ask me. do you want something to drink?” you ask yerim as hanbin walks away. “a jungle juice would be nice,” yerim chuckles, and shoots you a wink. you ask her to wait in a corner and grab her jungle juice in one red cup, and water for yourself in the other. you take the cups and manage to skillfully pass through the tight spaces created by the people there. you find yerim and hand her the concoction, and she leans over to see what’s in your cup, before looking up at you and blinking. “water? you’re at a frat house, and you’re drinking water?” you turn towards her and are about to start talking, and yerim knows that she made a mistake. “do you know the various benefits water has for you, compared to alcohol? for one, it won’t mess with my brain by releasing neurotransmitters like GABA or dopamine, unlike alcohol. also, because that jungle juice crap has such a high concentration of alcohol that once it hits your bloodstream, not only does it affect your brain, it affects your liver, kidneys and even your heart. plus, you need a sober friend to take you home after this, and I’d rather be the sober friend than be shit-faced.” yerim makes a sour face, and you hear a “you’re no fun,” before she walks off, the red cup still clutched in her hand. you’re not alone for long, though, because moments later, a boy comes in front of you with a sharp jawline and a crooked smile. he runs his free hand through his purple hair, and smirks, “so drinking this,” he motions to the cup in his other hand, “can be bad for me? I heard you give a great explanation earlier to your friend.” your eyebrows shoot up at his curiosity, which leads you to ask, “you want me to tell you why...alcohol is bad for you?”

pretty soon, you two (you learn that his name is jiwon but people call him bobby) are sitting outside, on the porch and he’s also switched his beverage out for water. so you both keep sipping your waters, while you answer any sort of questions he has. “wow, how do you know all this stuff?” this seems to set a spark in your eyes, and bobby can see it, because the minute he asks you this, you go off and tell him how much you adore learning biology. “what’s there not to like about it? I mean, you learn so much about yourself, as well as the world around you. you learn about what can potentially benefit you, as well as other creatures that you may not even think about in the beginning. and then it’s all really just a cycle but it’s the most fascinating cycle ever, and there’s still so much more left to learn.” you look back at bobby to see him admiring you, a small smile settled on his face. you blush and clear your throat, which took him out of his trance. “sorry if I sound like I’m rambling, I get that biology is boring for a lot of peo-” “no, keep going.” no one’s ever seemed to show any interest when you talk about biology, especially in a setting similar to this one. “are you sure?” you nervously tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. bobby giggles, “yeah, I’m genuinely interested. plus, you’re cute when you ramble.” you were taken aback slightly by the last part, which bobby seemed to notice. “I’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable,” and he scratched the back of his head. biting your lip, you shake your head, “I’m not.” just then, yerim comes out of the house and wobbles over to you. “y/nnnn, there you areee, let’s go. I’m tireddd.” she whines pulling your arm. you give bobby an apologetic look and he smiles, his eyes becoming half-moons, and he pulls out his phone. “maybe we can talk more about this tomorrow, over lunch?” you bite back a wide smile, and nod, giving him your number. he sends you a text which says, “it’s bobby :) text me when you’re back at the dorm” you reply, and then you say bye to him. “I’ll see you tomorrow, bobby.” and you leave, not forgetting to thank yerim in the morning when you’re tending to her hangover.

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5 years ago

Hi I requested the Seungwoo drabble-it was great I loved it tysm💗

aww thank you darling! i’m glad you enjoyed it ☺️