Ham Wonjin - Tumblr Posts
what is this that i’m hearing about.... #바이나인_데뷔해
if this comes true, then i’d be over the moon, i’ll cry again, but instead of tears of sadness, they’ll be tears of happiness.
because think about it: if it includes all the nine members that couldn’t debut, they would make a great team, in my opinion.
what are y’all’s thoughts on this?
Number 17 with wonjin? Thank you!
hey there! thank you for requesting this! again, really sorry about the delay, I wrote more to overcompensate for the tardiness of this lolol I really hope you like it!!
17. he does something sweet for you.
[5:34 a.m.] you don’t usually wake up at the crack of dawn, but you heard some rustling in your home and by the time you had the energy to turn around in your bed to see what was going on, you heard a “shh, shh, shh, go back to sleep, y/n. I’m coming.” your boyfriend’s voice is heard, bouncing off the walls of the dark bedroom. you nod sleepily and throw your head back into your pillow, your slumber taking over you yet again. you stirred a bit in your sleep when you heard dragging feet against the hardwood in your room, followed by a dip of the bed near your feet. you squint your eyes to adjust your sight, and find wonjin sitting at the edge of your bed, with a cake and candles lit on the cake. “happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear y/n, happy birthday to you!” you can hear the fatigue in wonjin’s voice and he yawns so you get up quick and make a wish, before you blow out the candles. you switch on your lamp and ruffle wonjin’s hair. “thanks for this, baby.” you leaned in and planted your lips on his cheek softly. you feel him smiling, and then you pull back, before getting up and taking the cake. “where are you going?” wonjin follows you as you make your way towards your kitchen, then you open your fridge and pop the cake in. “you’re not going to have the cake now?” wonjin pouted begins you. you turn around and place your hands on his shoulders, and his instant response is to place his hands on your hips. “I need to start my day off with something sweet, so why should I have the cake when I have my sweetness right here?” wonjin smiles shyly at this and you kiss the tip of his nose. “let’s go to bed, wonjin, the cake can wait till tomorrow.”
you take his hand and lead the way back to your bed. you plop yourself down onto your mattress, and wonjin joins you a few seconds later. he pulls you close so that your head is resting on his chest and he kisses your forehead before sleep overtakes the both of you. the next morning, you wake up around 11:45 to find wonjin gone yet again. you get up out of bed and freshen up before leaving your bedroom. you head towards your kitchen because you hear sounds like sizzling and the sound when a metal spoon hits the sides of a mug. you lean against your kitchen counter and find an apron-clad wonjin, in the middle of flipping a pancake. he’s able to flip it perfectly, which causes him to throw a fist bump into the air. you laugh at his antics, and this captures his attention. “good morning, y/n! I’ve just finished making breakfast: your favorite pancakes, and coffee.” you give him a quick hug before helping him set your plates. you two sit on the stools in your kitchen and have your breakfast. “I think this is a good time to tell you that you should get ready as soon as you finish breakfast,” wonjin tells you in between sips of his coffee, “because I have the day planned out for us.” swallowing your bite on pancake, you tilt your head to the side in curiosity and ask him, “hmm, where are we going?” wonjin gives you a smug smile before kissing your forehead, “it’s a surprise.” soon, you and wonjin are on your way to an unknown destination (or at least unknown to you).
as wonjin drives you two there, you begin looking for any clues outside to tell you anything about where you’re going. you beam when you see the dead giveaway landmark of a giraffe: wonjin brought you to the zoo. this is your absolute favorite place, only because there’s a feeding station for your favorite animal and that is the panda feeding station. “wow! this is so nice, thank you!” wonjin smiles at your excitement and pulls out his camera. as you gush over the panda taking the bamboo stems from your hand, wonjin clicks a few pictures of you. he smiles down, satisfied with his photos, thinking that you look too cute. it’s a good couple of hours before wonjin tells you, “we have two more places to stop at.” you pout, because the animals all just look so adorable, but you nod understandingly. from there, you two leave the zoo and within ten minutes, wonjin stops the car. you look around and see that you two are at a food truck park, and wonjin has you wait in the car while he brings your absolute favorite: there’s a food truck that does killer tacos, and you claim that these are the best in the entire city. wonjin comes back shortly, and the smell of the tacos fill the car. you breathe in and exhale loudly, “they smell so good, my mouth is watering.” wonjin laughs at you squirming in your seat, and reaches over to take your hand and press it against his mouth. “just wait a little longer, my love.” and he drives for some time. you press your head against the window and see the sky slowly becoming a beautiful hue of pink, with splashes of orange. then, the car stops, knocking you out of your daze. “we’re here.” you focus on the surroundings: wonjin brought you to the beach. he pulls out your food and comes around to open your door.
“hold this, please,” he hands you a bag, and you peek inside. it’s got a blanket and a bottle of sparkling cider and two glasses. “let’s go.” wonjin grabs your free hand and you two find a nice place to sit, before laying the blanket down and setting yourselves on it. you eat your tacos over some small talk, and then as you are drinking your cider, staring out into the sunset, you face wonjin. “hey,” you softly whisper. he turns his head to look at you and you tell him sincerely, “thank you so much for today. this is probably one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had, all thanks to you. I love you so much.” and without missing a beat, you lean in and place a passionate kiss on wonjin’s mouth. you made sure to convey all the love you possibly could into the kiss, and wonjin definitely felt it because as soon as you two pulled apart, he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, and pressed his lips against your forehead. he told you, “nothing but the best of the best for my princess.” and you two turned your faces back towards the sunset. you rested your head on wonjin’s shoulder and admiring it in all its beauty.
I have seen one episode of Produce X 101 and I’m in love with Ham Wonjin!