Meh. I Will Rate It A 8/10 Due To The Good Editing But I Wished That They Were Not Stock Images And Someone
Meh. I will rate it a 8/10 due to the good editing but I wished that they were not stock images and someone made an ACTUAL POSTER WOTH ORIGINAL ART!!!!
But I love your team so I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt.
In my defense, I wanted to give this niche genre a shot
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Love this OC! Good work!!!
Рус:Что если бы Алина была ОС Balan wonderworld?
Eng:What if Alina was OC Balan wonderworld?

Alina - A fourteen-year-old girl with a kind heart. She also likes to have a lot of fun and play. But at school and in some serious moments, she behaves seriously. One day she was at school and her classmates were freaking out. She asked them to calm down, but they didn't listen to her. Because of which, after the last lesson, she saw the entrance to the theater and disappeared from the world.
After reminiscing in a world of wonders due to a terrible past, she becomes a Griffona. After she was rescued by Leo and Emma, she realizes in real life that people are different and calms down, just not paying attention to the ugliness even when she crosses over.
In the novel, her name was Dreamer. It is that she likes to fantasize that she has a lot of fun, but not at school. The fantasy chapter lacked books and things related to adequacy. When she met Lance, she didn't have trust, like she was the only one. But when the residents asked why they couldn't be trusted, she got angry at them for their inadequacy. Which turns into Griffona at the same time.
After she was rescued, she realized that Lance is clearly not a villain And tells everyone that they need to get along with Him and Leo, Emma, the inhabitants had to agree and saved Lance. After the events, she meets the inhabitants and says that she will stay as she is, but balanced.
Alina's world:

The world is the thirteenth. The earth consists of large square cubes in yellow, green, pink and blue colors. Colorful figurines are scattered everywhere. Lollipops and trees with caramel trunks and cotton candy instead of leaves also grow.
Alina's costumes:

Emoji -A robo-lioness that changes color from emotion. From joy to anger. She is the representative of Alina because of her appearance and because of her behavior problem.
Pink - Normal (Can't do anything)
Purple - Suspiciously (Checks the inside of the trees)
Blue - Sad (Shoots tears)
Green - Squeamishness/Disgust (The head jumps out to disgust the negatives)
Yellow - Scared (She's defending herself)
Orange - Laugh (Deafens the negativity)
Red - Angry (She kills with a knife)

A white female anglerfish dressed in a red bathyscaphe. A beach ball is hanging on her fishing rod. She wears bombs in the form of balls to throw at the negative.
The caterpillar suit is capable of stretching like an Elastiplant. But unlike him, the legs and arms are also stretched.
A cockatoo costume capable of picking locks on doors and flying a short distance.

Sleepy Bear/Сонный Мишка
The bear costume in pajamas is able to move to cloud platforms that do not disappear if Leo and Emma are in them. They will walk like sleepwalkers.
The mermaid/siren costume is able to hypnotize negativity by singing and performing.
Jester Jump/Прыг-скок 3 Act
The costume is a jester capable of jumping at a great distance. He can't stand still, he's always jumping.

This Negaboss whose Alina's heart was corrupted.
Makes up costumes:
1) Emoji - A lion's tail (although she doesn't have one) and her beak, paws, eyes, tail tip and feathers change with emotion.
2) Bomb - He throws bombs of balls on a pillar of anger.
3) Hackatoo - Her head, paws and wings.
Her world

How to win:
1) She will fly on pillars with emotions. If she's on the merry side, she'll start shooting iron feathers. You need to use an Emoji to hit one of the feathers and the pillar will collapse.
2) When she's on a pillar of anger, she'll start throwing bombs. If you use a Bomb, one of them will fly at her and the pillar will collapse.
3) She will stand on a pillar of sadness, she will start crying. With the help of an Emoji, shoot at one of the intact tears and Griffona is already defeated.
After the victory, the song "Together" will begin.
1. Surprisingly, Balan, Lance, Leo, Emma, tims and inhabitants are her best friends.
2. She is the only inhabitant who is not human.
3. She is also the only one who, after her rescue, she did not want to fight with Lance, but to force him to become kind.
Suggestive phrases and keywords:
"Hi guys! And welcome to Streetbeat!" - Alina's first words.
"If I were you, I wouldn't trust Lance. He's too kind. I would have believed you all. But he's not here." - Alina says she doesn't trust Lance.
"I did not understand the adequacy of life. Sometimes it's impossible, sometimes it's possible. I thought you were adequate, but..." - Alina was angry at the inhabitants from the memories before the transformation.
That's not all.
To be honest about my character's outfit. I generally want to change something, which I immediately want to change. In short, a little trouble with the outfit.
Tell me everything 👀 I'm a big enjoyer of pregame aus
Sure! And my DMs are always open if you wanna talk about Danganronpa stuff???
((I also didn’t create full backstories yet, These are just notes))
Keade: She has a sister and she is similar to her Pregame personality in canon. But she is getting better at trusting people and stuff like that.
Shuichi: He is a fan of Danganronpa but isn’t a Crazy Obsessed fan like he is portrayed in canon. He is known to Ramble about Danganronpa because he enjoys it and he lives with his Uncle who is a detective for the police.
Kaito: He lives with his Grandparents and cares about them very much. He also has some Toxic masculinity issues and can be a jerk sometimes but he is working on it. He is also surprisingly good at reading people.
Gonta: He is similar to who he is in V3. He also has a form of Autism and wants to be respected for his skills and knowledge about Bugs and insects. (He still loves bugs in my headcanon)
Rantaro: He was still part of 2 Killing game seasons, But didn’t loose his many sisters to the wild and wilderness like in V3. (They are also good friends with Shirogane during the 52nd Season)
((That’s all that I can think off for now!))
((Thanks for asking :D ))
Your killing me Smalls!!!

object show hosts designs!

art tags:
@twosnails4eva @knightobreath @sosor @peppermintz-25 @ch0cocrave @salachy-part-two @trophantics @spiritmander13 @blackoutbugza @moonovercome @lucidd-the-weirdo @justsomebadartistguy @clwntwn @billybob162 @person809 @cloffmoff @filecabinett @mysticballistic @boxiidragonx @trolling-pip @cilekixxes @ebbpup @smudgefan77 @sageslug @kasperzinfected @eggz0lotz @itztheebrybry @5tupidusrnam3 @threeais @ii-yinyang @annielocalgodkisser @toipadisms @picklewednesday @chuckchuck228 @kp-does-suff
Im up to telling you all about my V3 Pregame AU Headcanons!!!
Feel free to ask if you want? I'm down for asking questions at the moment.