Balan Wonderworld Oc - Tumblr Posts
Love this OC! Good work!!!
Рус:Что если бы Алина была ОС Balan wonderworld?
Eng:What if Alina was OC Balan wonderworld?

Alina - A fourteen-year-old girl with a kind heart. She also likes to have a lot of fun and play. But at school and in some serious moments, she behaves seriously. One day she was at school and her classmates were freaking out. She asked them to calm down, but they didn't listen to her. Because of which, after the last lesson, she saw the entrance to the theater and disappeared from the world.
After reminiscing in a world of wonders due to a terrible past, she becomes a Griffona. After she was rescued by Leo and Emma, she realizes in real life that people are different and calms down, just not paying attention to the ugliness even when she crosses over.
In the novel, her name was Dreamer. It is that she likes to fantasize that she has a lot of fun, but not at school. The fantasy chapter lacked books and things related to adequacy. When she met Lance, she didn't have trust, like she was the only one. But when the residents asked why they couldn't be trusted, she got angry at them for their inadequacy. Which turns into Griffona at the same time.
After she was rescued, she realized that Lance is clearly not a villain And tells everyone that they need to get along with Him and Leo, Emma, the inhabitants had to agree and saved Lance. After the events, she meets the inhabitants and says that she will stay as she is, but balanced.
Alina's world:

The world is the thirteenth. The earth consists of large square cubes in yellow, green, pink and blue colors. Colorful figurines are scattered everywhere. Lollipops and trees with caramel trunks and cotton candy instead of leaves also grow.
Alina's costumes:

Emoji -A robo-lioness that changes color from emotion. From joy to anger. She is the representative of Alina because of her appearance and because of her behavior problem.
Pink - Normal (Can't do anything)
Purple - Suspiciously (Checks the inside of the trees)
Blue - Sad (Shoots tears)
Green - Squeamishness/Disgust (The head jumps out to disgust the negatives)
Yellow - Scared (She's defending herself)
Orange - Laugh (Deafens the negativity)
Red - Angry (She kills with a knife)

A white female anglerfish dressed in a red bathyscaphe. A beach ball is hanging on her fishing rod. She wears bombs in the form of balls to throw at the negative.
The caterpillar suit is capable of stretching like an Elastiplant. But unlike him, the legs and arms are also stretched.
A cockatoo costume capable of picking locks on doors and flying a short distance.

Sleepy Bear/Сонный Мишка
The bear costume in pajamas is able to move to cloud platforms that do not disappear if Leo and Emma are in them. They will walk like sleepwalkers.
The mermaid/siren costume is able to hypnotize negativity by singing and performing.
Jester Jump/Прыг-скок 3 Act
The costume is a jester capable of jumping at a great distance. He can't stand still, he's always jumping.

This Negaboss whose Alina's heart was corrupted.
Makes up costumes:
1) Emoji - A lion's tail (although she doesn't have one) and her beak, paws, eyes, tail tip and feathers change with emotion.
2) Bomb - He throws bombs of balls on a pillar of anger.
3) Hackatoo - Her head, paws and wings.
Her world

How to win:
1) She will fly on pillars with emotions. If she's on the merry side, she'll start shooting iron feathers. You need to use an Emoji to hit one of the feathers and the pillar will collapse.
2) When she's on a pillar of anger, she'll start throwing bombs. If you use a Bomb, one of them will fly at her and the pillar will collapse.
3) She will stand on a pillar of sadness, she will start crying. With the help of an Emoji, shoot at one of the intact tears and Griffona is already defeated.
After the victory, the song "Together" will begin.
1. Surprisingly, Balan, Lance, Leo, Emma, tims and inhabitants are her best friends.
2. She is the only inhabitant who is not human.
3. She is also the only one who, after her rescue, she did not want to fight with Lance, but to force him to become kind.
Suggestive phrases and keywords:
"Hi guys! And welcome to Streetbeat!" - Alina's first words.
"If I were you, I wouldn't trust Lance. He's too kind. I would have believed you all. But he's not here." - Alina says she doesn't trust Lance.
"I did not understand the adequacy of life. Sometimes it's impossible, sometimes it's possible. I thought you were adequate, but..." - Alina was angry at the inhabitants from the memories before the transformation.
That's not all.
To be honest about my character's outfit. I generally want to change something, which I immediately want to change. In short, a little trouble with the outfit.
This looks pretty good so far!!! Keep up the good work!! ❤️❤️❤️🌸

The Girl and her Parents
The story starts with a 13 year old smart and sweet girl named Elizabeth McLaren who loves to have fun especially with her parents, but lately the parents have been overly protective and strict lately, this had made Elizabeth so mad and confused that she had an argument with them after that she rushed into her room door locked shut as she started to cry for her home is now a prison and her room became her jail cell.
Elizabeth's world theme: Jailhouse based on her idea of her home being a prison.
Long ago I did the chapter art for my Balan Wonderworld Ocs on Balan Wonderworld Amino but I didn't drew one for Elizabeth... until now!
This took sorta long, I think, I'm happy it turned out great and I evan added the sparkly effect on the window light and the light glare on edge of Elizabeth and the dog next to her. I also did the blur on them and the parents silhouettes and the lighting
Her nickname is Prisoner 13 since she's 13 years old, wow and I ever put her as Chapter 13, anyway next to her is the costume that represents Elizabeth's imagination of her being in her home imprisonment, unfortunately I don't have other costumes for it neither the dog's name but the picture looks amazing, hope you guys enjoy this masterpiece and stay safe and kawaii!!!
Bye :3
Progress below

Hi there, wasn't able to post sooner cause I've been very busy irl. But I have free time now so I'll share my ocs from Balan Wonderwold. Hope you enjoy them^^.
💛 Alice 💛
My inhabitant oc Alice was my very first Balan oc that I made ever since I discovered the community after the game came out. Her backstory is that she was a orphan child who wanted to be adopted into a family, but after being rejected for so long she had lost hope to ever find her forever family, after running away she finds the Balan theater. She does get a happy ending though as her dream of being in a family has finally came true.
🪡 Poppy 🪡
This oc is my most recent oc for the game, Poppy is based on the costume characters from the game but her backstory did take some time coming up with. Poppy was created by Lance to be a guardian for Alice when she first got her stage. Poppy's job was to keep Alice safe and that she shouldn't leave her stage or anyone enter it. However she meets Balan and after he tells her about what Lance's true motives were and Poppy starts to get suspicious of Lance. After she confronts him Lance hurts Poppy saying that she shouldn't get in his way and leaves her in the theater, very damaged. Balan finds her and even trains her on how to defend herself, he even gives her the large needle to it can be her weapon. Now Poppy's goal is to protect both Alice and the other inhabitants from Lance and try to stop him from corrupting others with negativity.

Here’s my first Balan Wonderworld OC I’ve made! Say hello to Pirouette, the maestro of Song and Dance! Someone’s gotta be behind the music in folks’ stages after all. Shy and a bit more involved with things behind the scenes rather than dealing with Visitors face to face, Pirouette often keeps himself busy with vigorous dance practice within his small open air amphitheater. He’s almost always seen with his mask on and will go into a panic without it.

Understandable, have a nice day!
First oc post on Tumblr YIPPIEE!! Ya'll will be seeing these two often and I apologize in advance. Hatted one is Arcane and eyebrowed one is Thespian, they are pleased to meet you
This is My Balan Wonderworld OC:

Dixie Jackson & Hypnosis Python

Name: Dixie Jackson
Age: 23
Species: Human
Pronouns: Polysexual
Gender: Female
Likes: Bruce Stone, Types of Snakes, Pythons, Mixed Vegetables, Rabbidbot (Toyco) White-Rabbit & Chicken Tenders
Dislikes: Lance, Getting Hurts, Alligators, Honey Badgers & Dogs

Name: Hypnosis Python
Age: Unknown
Species: Magic-Reticulated Pyhton Costume
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexually: Transgender/Polysexual
Gender: Female
Like: Meats, Cupcake, Lollypop, Balan, Leo Craig, Cal Suresh, Eis Glover, Bruce Stone, Costumes & Vanilla Cakes
Dislikes: Lance, Sea Foods, Nega Bosses, Getting Trap & Bruce getting Kidnapped
Ability/Powerful: Hypnosis, Spelling Magic & Swallow
Hypnosis Python is a Magic-Pyhton Costume like Normal Reticulated Python. She was a Cutest, Hilarious, Lovely, Sweetie, Bravest, Friendly & Kindness.
She loves Bruce Stone, Bruce is a Older Man to Cleaning Up to the Street. He looking Behind at Hypnosis Python to Hugging to Kissing to Coils to Lay Down to the Sleep.
Hypnosis Python visit to Balan's Theater. Balan is a Best Ever for Hypnosis Python.
Hypnosis Python was Nega turning into "The Cobrala".The Cobrala is a Huge Royal Queen was Hypnosis Python. She was Kidnapped with Bruce Stone. She looks like Monster Python Nega Boss.
Hypnosis Python meeting with Leo Craig, Cal Suresh & Eis Glover. She said "Is Nice to Meet You."
Rabbidbot "Toyco" White-Rabbit's Costumes
Invisible Rabbit (Conejo invisible)
Swallow Anaconda (Anaconda golondrina)
Cooler Microphone (Micrófono más frío)
Motorbike Runner (Corredor de motos)
Puppet Puncher (Golpeador de marionetas)

& 3 Act Costume
Puffy Poodle (Caniche hinchado)

Rabbidbot "Toyco" White-Rabbit's Nega Boss
Rabblice (Coneja)

This is a Vacuumton, She was a Daughter of Hooverton. She catch Bruce Stone to getting Kidnapped and get Tied Up. Vacuumton was very mean as her Father.

📖📔Elliott Wade 📖📔

Name: Elliott Wade
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Sexually: Bisexual
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black and White
Buddy Partner: Merry Phantom
Friendships: Iben Bia, Jose Gallard, Cal Suresh & Eis Glover
Crush/Love Internet Bruce Stone
Codename: Librarian of the Soul
Like: Keeping Quiet, Reading the Books, Relaxing on his Coach, getting Coiled Hypnotized by All the Pocket Watches, Snakes, Nagas, & Pythons, Rabbits & Telling Story with Childrens
Dislike: Louder, being annoying, Spiders, Ghosts & Anacondas
Now is for the Chapter 14: The Man Read The Book On Library
Balan Wonderworld X PawPant's 2
Cal Suresh & Mr. Dicky Water Python

Iben Bia & Andrea Satyr

Attilio Caccini & Rasputin Raz Mountain Zebra

Lucy Wong & Izzy Jerboa

Eis Glover & Bella Firefighter

Bruce Stone, Rabbidbot "Toyco" White-Rabbit & Rabbidmini

Elliott Wade & Monday Poodle

Draw your Elliott Wade on Balan Wonderworld OCs

Everyone you can draw a Elliott Wade anyway have fun draw a tagged me thanks you?
3 Balan Wonderworld Inhabitants OCs
Rabbidbot "Toyco" White-Rabbit's Costumes:
Invisible Rabbit
Swallow Anaconda
Cooler Microphone
Motorbike Runner
Puppet Puncher
Puffy Poodle
Rabbidbot "Toyco" White-Rabbit's Nega Boss:
Elliott Wade's Costumes:
Merry Phantom
Samuel Zebra
Magic Book
Pencil Drawer
Tearing Dimorphodon
Psycho Flatwood
Paradise Skeleton
Elliott Wade's Nega Boss:
The Bookser
Grim Cellson's Costumes:
Grappling Meerkat
Pounding Warthog
Wishes Jinn
Speedy Gazelle
Coconut Bomber
Loudly Wendigo
Grim Cellson's Nega Boss's:
(Meme de Bruce Stone y Naga Elliott Wade) Bruce Stone X Naga Elliott Wade Meme

Template Meme with @thehyperrequiem

(Fusión de Balan Wonderworld y PawPants) Balan Wonderworld X PawPants Fusion
Leo Craig + Cosmo Vintage Toy-Robot = Leosmo
Emma Cole + Winona Unicorn = Emona
Balan + Opal Petalmen = Bapal
Lance + King Balor Boitatá = Lanlor
Jose Gallard + Attilio von Chupacabra = Josilio
Fiona Demetria + Mahavir Great White-Shark = Fiohavir
Yuri Brand + Minnie Monarch-Butterfly = Yurnie
Haoyu Chang + Robert Fusibot = Haobert
Sana Hudson + Wallace Yellow-Crested Cockatoo = Sallace
Cass Milligan + Kenia Russian Blue = Casia
Cal Suresh + Mr. Dicky Water Python = Calky
Iben Bia + Andrea Satyr = Iberea
Attilio Caccini = Rasputin "Raz" Mountain Zebra = Attputin
Lucy Wong + Izzy Jerboa = Luzy
Eis Glover + Bella Firefighter = Eiella
Bruce Stone + Rabbidbot "Toyco" White-Rabbit = Brubbidbot
Elliott Wade + Monday Poodle = Ellonday
(Balan Wonderworld: Nuevo villano de los habitantes) Balan Wonderworld: New Villain of Inhabitants

Name: Gose Gallard
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Rival: Attilio von Chupacabra, Donnie von Chupacabra & Jose von Chupacabra
Enemies: Jose Gallard

Name: Diona Demetria
Species: Human
Sex: Female
Rival: Mahavir Great White-Shark & Oliver Blue Tang
Enemies: Fiona Demetria

Name: Buri Brand
Species: Human
Sex: Female
Rival: Minnie Monarch-Butterfly & Hova Emperor Dragonfly
Enemies: Yuri Brand

Name: Caoyu Chang
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Rival: Robert Fusibot & Nora Ezo Red Fox
Enemies: Haoyu Chang

Name: Hana Hudson
Species: Human
Sex: Female
Rival: Wallace Yellow-Crested Cockatoo & Peter Pileated Woodpecker
Enemies: Sana Hudson

Name: Mass Milligan
Species: Human
Sex: Female
Rival: Kenia Russian Blue & Stitches
Enemies: Cass Milligan
(Balan Wonderworld: Nuevo villano de los habitantes) Balan Wonderworld: New Villain of Inhabitants

Name: Sal Suresh
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Rival: Mr. Dicky Water Python & Gloria Grey Kangaroo
Enemies: Cal Suresh

Name: Bben Bia
Species: Human
Sex: Female
Rival: Andrea Satyr & Christopher "Chris" Violin
Enemies: Iben Bia

Name: Cttilio Caccini
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Rival: Rasputin "Raz" Mountain Zebra & Cayden Jack In The Box
Enemies: Attilio Caccini

Name: Wucy Wong
Species: Human
Sex: Female
Rival: Izzy Jerboa & Shay Ghoul
Enemies: Lucy Wong

Name: Gis Glover
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Rival: Bella Firefighter & Inspector Gentry Raccoon
Enemies: Eis Glover

Name: Sruce Stone
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Rival: Rabbidbot "Toyco" White-Rabbit, Rabbidmini, Felipe White-Rabbit, Khan Chinchilla & Hurricane Kirin
Enemies: Bruce Stone
Oh my God, My Balan Wonderworld Costume OC is Invisible Rabbit!
😶🌫️Invisible Rabbit🐇

W/ Transparent Version
BWW Costume OC belongs to @toycoheartful
Elliott Wade's Costumes:
Merry Phantom (Feliz fantasma)
Samuel Zebra (Samuel Cebra)
Magic Book (Libro mágico)
Pencil Drawer (Cajón de lápices)
Tearing Dimorphodon (Dimorphodon desgarrador)
Psycho Flatwood (Psicosis Flatwood)

Elliott Wade's Costumes Act 3:
Paradise Skeleton (Esqueleto del paraíso)

Elliott Wade's Nega Boss:
The Bookser (El Librero)

(Momento cumbre de Bibliotecario del alma X Custodio invisible) Top Moment of Librarian of the Soul X Invisible Custodian