I love "B" from Total drama.

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T-bird510 - FANFIC LOVER AND IDEA MAKER!!! - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

Total drama Post-Reboot AU - “The Hosts”

This is my Take on a Total drama AU where the Previous Gen casts are Adults and it's taking place during 2024.

Some of these are based on my Headcanons or how I see the world of total drama playing out.



Chris MClean:

He is still the current Host of Total drama and the Reboot, Previously he was seen as a bit unhinged and crazy by the public and News articles which lead to him being forced to get Therapy in order to prevent lawsuits from some sources.

Chris is still Stable personality wise and hopes to do more in his career. He is planning on making a new season with the reunion of some of the past Generations cast + Reboot cast.



Chef is Mr. Mcleans Assistant when doing Total drama Seasons, He was also a Former Army Sargent and many other things. (Ex: Dancer, Actor, Reward show Host.)

While Total drama was on Hiatus while the reboot was being planned, He was writing his Autobiography and Building his Dream Yacht and other stuff.

Chef is still Chrises assistant and are on good terms despite the situations surrounding The Main host.



She was the former host of Celebrity Manhunt and Total drama World tour aftermath, Plus a Contestent of that shows season. (Which was a weird choice if you ask me.)

Otherwise…She is currently a Magazine Model and she has told the public that she doesn't feel like doing TV hosting again due to what she has been though.

She is also known for Mentoring/Talking too other TV talk show hosts, Like Emily who is known for her interviews with the Disventure camp All-stars Cast.

What else is she gonna do? Time will tell and we shall see…




He was the Host of the Ridonculous race, Which was seen by the public as a knock-off of the amazing race which is one of the reasons of it only getting one seasons on Canadian Television.

Don is still liked though due to his Respectful nature of Following the rules and not having many Controversies that some might get.

Don has also started to mentor Topher (Who was a previous contestant on total drama.) as a Assistant for future seasons and other stuff that Don must attend too.


Thanks for reading this post! I wanted to make a AU like this cause I love a Total drama reunion type series/Parody deconstruction series like Total Trauma for some time.

Otherwise I hope you have a good day and Hope your enjoying yourselves! 💙👍

Total Drama Post-Reboot AU - The Hosts

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5 months ago

This is a very good read! Thanks for showing me this! ❤️👍👏

Disventure Camp, Misogyny, and You

A comprehensive gendered analysis of Disventure Camp, and its treatment of its female characters throughout. While this doc focuses on Disventure Camp, the trends we see in the doc are part of a wider issue in how the fandom treats female characters.

I worked on this for so very long, so please give it a look.

Disventure Camp, Misogyny, and You
Google Docs
Intro Hello I’m tumblr user total-mkulia and I've been enabled so I'd like to talk about the misogyny evident in Disventure Camp. My qualif

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5 months ago

Disventure camp Emily Headcanons (Cause i can!)

These are some Emily HCs of mine. (Plus this is probably the first time anyone posted Emily Headcanons!)

1 - Emily is a AMAZING Baker/Cook

2 - She formerly Interviewed Krystals father which is how she learned about her in the first place. (She also sees that she isn't a Good host like her Father)

3 - She has a Cat/Dog as a pet.

4 - She is a coffee addict.


These were my Disventure camp Emily HCs, Hope you enjoyed them.

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5 months ago


I love Dawn and Beverly and they are my FAVS!!!!!!

random daily td headcanons:

Anne Maria is secretly a bookworm, but she hides it, because it's considered "not hot".

After the show, Zoey really liked the attention she was given, and became addicted to social media.

B and Dawn stayed in contact and became best friends. Dawn encouraged him to build more eco-friendly robots, and now he's got a bunch of new inventions for the safety of the environment.

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5 months ago

Some headcanons that are heavily related to my Aftershow AU (which I'm still working on and will post eventually):

So...I wasn't sure if it's a good idea to post these, since I haven't even posted my Aftershow AU yet. I guess it's a little sneak peek for storylines that will be there. And it's my birthday, so I think it's a nice time to post something related to this AU.

Cody was heavily neglected by his parents, despite that, he feels a strong attachment to them and can't imagine his life without them.

Alejandro and Heather love each other very deeply, and of course, they wanted to meet each other's parents. Only meeting Heather's parents went good, because after meeting Alejandro's, well... Alejandro was disown and Heather proposed to him. (He said yes btw)

Lindsay wants to get a degree in engineering, but everything goes wrong. Nobody is taking her seriously, she starts to doubt herself and fails as a result.

Courtney wants to distance herself from her parents, however, they agreed to pay for her rent (in a very nice apartment!!!), only under a condition that she must invite them to come over once a month. Also, she's slowly realizing she has a crush on Gwen.

After the All Stars season, The Drama Brothers broke up and went their separate ways. Justin continued his modeling career, Harold went to a university and wants to be a programmer, Cody doesn't know what to do with his life. Only Trent seems interested in a music career, and he is extremely ambitious. He started his own solo career and blew up. Now his songs are played on radio, he became so successful at the age of 21.

5 months ago
Spoopy Season Safety
Spoopy Season Safety

Spoopy Season Safety

5 months ago

Total drama: Mega All-Stars - concept.

(This is a Total drama custom Season set in my Total drama Next Gen AU)

The plot:

Chris finds out that the reboot of Total drama is gonna get Axed by the producers/Higher ups and he decides to get (Almost) Everyone from the previous generation casts for one final season in order to give nearly everyone one last chance to win the Cash prize.


The season in general:

1 - There would be 4 Teams with 4 different hosts representing them. The 4 Teams would be based on (Beauty, Brains, Brawn and Loyalty/Trust.)

2 - The Season would be set in a World Tour Type format (With some changes due to some countries with Laws that could get the contestants Hurt/Killed.)

3 - There would be Double eliminations with the last 2 Teams in 3/4th place would be up for the chopping block while the first 2 Teams would be in the winners Lounge.

4 - There would be 4 New contestants for the 4 teams with one representing each team. There would be 2 boys and 2 girls.


Team Brains: Chris mclean

Team brawn: Chef

Team beauty: Blantley

Team Trust/Loyalty: Don


Extra stuff:

1 - Because my Total drama AU is a Deconstruction of the show Total drama, There will be some deconstruction in the story with realistic elements. (I was inspired by Total Trauma to make this)

2 - I made this for fun. And I love Total drama/Disventure camp with all my Heart.

3 - There will be some Disventure camp characters appearing in this AU Custom season.

4 - There will be some Ships also! Because I want to practice writing Romance and stuff like that.

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5 months ago

This looks pretty awesome! I love this! 💙👍❤️

KH Modern Auwhere Elrena Is A Biker Who Lovsher Sickly Gf -

KH modern au where Elrena is a biker who lovs her sickly gf– -

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5 months ago

Rewriting Tenko Chabashira

Hello, everyone! Welcome to another rewrite post!

This time, we'll talk about our favorite aikido master, Tenko Chabashira! While she is certainly not hated, there are a few things I'd improve on her and due to this, I am making this post. Keep in mind that those are my opinions and you can feel free to disagree with me. Okay? Let's go ^^

Rewriting Tenko Chabashira


Okay, I'll first make her more muscular. Not to the extreme as Sakura but still noticeable. Her attire would also be a tad different. Her hair accessories and haircut would remain the same, but she'd wear more traditional martial arts clothing. She wears a kimono with no sleeves that are ripped off, exposing her arms. She would still wear a skirt, but this one is a bit longer and her legs now show some bandages and scars that she has from all the training. Her clothes are a bit of darker value, but have a simmilar color scheme to her original design.


One thing I really didn't like about the translation, is how they took away Tenko's polite speech. In the original version, she mostly spoke in a very polite manner, even adressing everyone with the honorific -san, instead of -chan and -kun. It made her more soft-spoken than in canon, so I will add something simmilar.

Tenko's speech in general is very polite and refined. Even when she insults the men, she still speaks in a very polite tone and doesn't cuss. Example dialogue being:

"You men lack manners. Control yourselves already!"

"Typical male behavior. Can you please cut it out? You are setting a bad example for future generations!"

"If you peak, then I am forced to use you as a practice dummy. So if you happen to care about yourself, do not force my hand."

Something of the sort. She would still be gullible and naive and would be a bit insecure about herself, because her body does not look traditionally feminine. She also acts creepy towards girls she likes, because Tenko spent most of her childhood in the mountains and therefore didn't have much chances to practice social interactions. More on that really right now. Scroll down please ^^


I always found Tenko's reasoning for dislking men in canon ridiculous, so let me give you a better backstory.

That being her dad.

Similar to Mahiru. Tenko's dad wasn't the greatest. Sure, he was not abus1ve to her or her mother at all, but his poor financial decisions and love for alcohol drove them apart and into debt, forcing Tenko to drop out of school when she was younger, just to make sure that her family business could stay afloat. This made her feel with so much frustration and aggression that at her young age, Tenko committed some petty crimes and even worked for a gang of sorts, in order to make extra money and to relieve her frustrations. However, after her first male friend and leader of the gang made her take the fall for a crime she didn't commit, the court sent Tenko to a monastery deep in the mountains, to work on her anger issues.

This was both Tenko's best and worst day. Because on one hand, visiting the monastery allowed her to meet her master and to reconnect herself with aikido. On the other hand though, this shattered her trust in men completely.

Thanks to this, she at first had a hard time to open up to her master, who was a male. Only thanks to the master's wife, was she able to eventually open up and connect to the master and the rest of the temple.

They practiced aikido there, but Tenko began to feel a bit annoyed, at how limited aikido was. Thanks to that, she crafted her own martial art an extension of aikido that being "Neo-Aikido". I'll explain her martial art and the rules as of now. Keep in mind, I am not an expert when it comes to martial arts, so should I say anything wrong, please let me know.

Neo-Aikido Rules:

-Before each battle, you need to bow. You can however attack the opponent before the match starts, but only if you know that your opponent is looking at you directly during bowing. For this, the arena has a nice reflection, to see your opponent's face.

-During the bowing, they say a sermon. Said sermon being:

I wish ye the best of luck

And to test your spirit and determination

In this match between body and wits

-Similar to other fighting sports, there is more than one round. Each round lasts 2 minutes. There are 5 rounds in total

-Nun-chucks can be used in the second round, but should your opponent disarm you, you are not allowed to use them for the rest of the fight.

-Should neither of the fighters have managed to knock each other out by the end of the 5th round, the arena will transform. Both contestants will only be able to stand on one block above a pit. Whoever falls into the pit first, loses the match.

-After each match, you help the loser up and bow down. And said loser has to bow down too and say the following sermon:

I thank you for the fight

I respect your strength and wits

For I shall look forward, for another match.


Okay, I had to adress this sooner or later. Tenko's sexuality. In canon, it was never confirmed if she was truly a lesbian or just a closeted bisexual. I do like the idea of Tenko being bisexual personally, but at the same time I do not want to speak out against the people, who headcanon her as a lesbian.

Now, how do I please both sides? Simple. I'll rewrite her love hotel scene. In this one, instead of asking Shuichi to make love with her, she compliments him about his training as a practitioner and apologises to him, for how harsh she has been to him. She then says that most men in her life had been jerks and that she is glad that Shuichi did not turn out like the rest of the men.

Tenko then advises him, to be more brave in the future and to be a good example for future men, so that women can feel more safe in this world.

As you can see, the love hotel can either be seen as romantic or platonic. Therefore, her original love hotel suite is a lot less lesbphobic, but does not deny the possibility of her being bi. I may write a concept for that love hotel in the future as well.

Additional Notes:

-The reason she admires Himiko, is because Himiko embodies all the traits that a woman should possess in Tenko's eyes and that's why she is trying to spend time with her.

-Himiko will eventually call her out on her creepy factor and Tenko learns to respect her boundaries in the future.

-Tenko wakes up at 3 AM and meditates for 2 hours, before going to bed at 9.

-This version of hers, would dislike Miu a lot more, because Miu is not very "lady-like" and rather rude too.

And that's it! I hope you liked this take of mine! Likes and re-blogs are appreciated and I'll see you guys soon!

Rewriting Tenko Chabashira
5 months ago

YES!!! More stuff about the student council!!!


Giving the remaining Danganronpa Side Characters English dub Names.

Danganronpa Zero

Ryoko Otonashi: Faux Sora

Yasuke Matsuda: Nero Hayneedle

Yuto Kamishiro: Ian Herbert

Isshki Madarai: Gambit Medusa

Killer Killer:

Takumi Hijihara: Ted Humpty

Misaki Asano: Nemona Peterson

Mekuro Katsuragi: Somni Verité

Ikue Dogami: Rika Septstick

Monomichi Ito: Vladimir Alucard

Rei Shimizu: Pamela Quisite

Eiichiro Saiyama: Richard Mimicry

Ted Chikatilo: Andre Dynamite

Shuuji Fujigawa: Micky Machii

Student Council:

Aiko Umesawa: Tina Choo

Asukasei Hino: Larry Fidget

Daiki Kubo: Ben Bonk

Karen Kisaragi: Prima Reus

Kiriko Nishizawa: Lana Loah

Kotomi Ikuta: Lisa Viceroy

Ryōta Someya: Kelley Hollywood

Shōji Yokō: Kara Yoyo

Sōshun Murasame: Soeil Notomatch

Sōsuke Ichino: Leonard Qwatt

Suzuko Kashiki: Liah Dover

Tomohiko Gōryoku: Henry Harville

Tsubasa Kamii: Mara Adler


Kyoka: Cora

Kohei Matsudarai: Avery Joey

Yui Samidare: Leonore Loren

Lincorne: Dice

Mikado Shinsen: Kira Oracle

Fuhihito Kirigiri: Samuel Gant

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