t5u -

if you like your coffee hot, let me be your coffee pot. you call the shots babe, i just wanna be yours.

17 posts

Nishimura Riki; Photobooths. (1)

nishimura riki; photobooths. (1)

(1/2) cotton candy.

(2/2) three words, eight letters.

Nishimura Riki; Photobooths. (1)

pairing: nishimura riki x reader

genre: fluff, a bit of angst if you squint hard enough

synopsis: between two best friends who don't realize their feelings for each other just yet.

trigger warning(s): driving lol

word count: 2.3k words

a/n: this is part one of two! i got escalated writing this so i decided to divide the whole thing into two :). this part's inspired by one of my most favorite songs, cotton candy by spill tab ^^. also, the way this is written is not organized nor descriptive and rather cuts to different scenes(?) idk if that makes sense lol

edit note: i messed up on the last upload, so im reposting it. sorry for the inconvenience.


[7:05 AM]

it was already 7 in the morning, it felt as if you only got a few hours of sleep. which you did due to staying up late completing your piling assignments.

it felt as if you took a 2 second blink and its already the ass crack of dawn.

groaning, you dragged your feet out of bed, making your way to the bathroom. before you could even pick up your toothbrush, your phone started ring

again, you sighed but went to check who was calling this early and of course, it had to be riki.

“what is it nishimura” you said in a tired tone, not really in the mood due to your lack of sleep. “geez, someone woke up on the wrong side of bed today” you could literally hear the grin on his face right now.

“get to the point, i need to go brush my teeth”

“alright alright” he said laughing a little bit “i’ll be picking you up today”

“why so sudden?”

“why do i need an excuse to see my bestfriend, hm?”

“okay fine”

“by 8?”


“alright you can continue brushing your teeth now, i will not disturb you anymore”

“you better”

“okay, bye” he said smiling, and then hung up.


[7:56 AM]

“bye mom!”

“bye sweetheart! tell him to drive safe!”

“i will!” you said walking out the door.

if there were anyone your parents trusted you most with, it would be the nishimuras. they only met two years ago but yours and riki's mom are the best of friends. riki, whenever it came to going out, traveling or taking care of himself, he was good at it. which was why it didn't take your mom a second thought as soon as you mentioned his name

as soon as you closed your front door, car honks could be heard. looking up to meet riki sitting in his car with that signature cheeky grin of his.


[3:30 PM]

it was halfway through last period, surprisingly, you got through it just fine despite the mentioned sleep deprivation mentioned earlier thanks to the coffee riki got you before picking you up this morning.

"psstt" you heard from behind. "give me your book"

"riki you're gonna get us in trouble" you mumbled. forth period math with mr. huang was hell, and hes very much well known in this school for how strict and straight forward he is. so being the typical good student you were, you'd want anything but to be involved in trouble with mr. huang.

"just give me your notebook y/n"

and so you did in order for him to shut up without questioning him because you assumed he had missing notes to note down. but not even a second after handing your book, he handed it back.

"first page" he whispered, and continued to listen to what mr.huang was explaining.

you flipped your book open to see a folded piece of notebook paper.

"amusement park after class? :)" it said, with two boxes with the options yes and no.

normally if it was a school day the next day, you'd tick no, which of course riki was well aware of, but it happened to be a friday today. instead of ticking it, you wrote something back below it.

"i'll need to ask my mom first" you scribbled, handing it back without turning.

the sound of his pencil scribbling could be heard, and then a tap on your shoulder

"dont worry, i asked your mom this morning already" he wrote.

you unconsciously turned back to give him a look. only to meet that darn smile of his he always had plastered on his face.

"ms. y/n? are you listening?"

"yes sir"

mr. huang gave a warning look, one that says "i know you weren't but i'll let you off the hook just this once". thank god

with that, you unfolded the piece of paper in your hand and ticked the box


[4:10 PM]

"when did you even call my mom?" you said, getting into the passenger's seat.

"i called her this morning after i called you"

"and she agreed?"

"yup, didn't she tell you?" he then reached out to your side, to get your seatbelt strapped on for you. why did he do this? no idea. but it's always been a habit of his to make sure you're settled before setting off. normally, you'd feel fine about it. it makes you grateful even, knowing that he cared. but this time, his face was close. making you hold your breath.

you never knew that your bestfriend was this good looking. of course you knew that, but it didn't usually make you feel the way you did at that moment. you waited for him to be done and return back to his seat.



[7:10 AM] ~ this morning

as your mom was preparing everybody's breakfast, her phone by the kitchen island rang, with the contact name "Riki" calling.

"hey darling, you wanna pick y/n up today?" she answered, laughing a bit because it was pretty much predictable. every time he called was about you.

with a little laugh in return, he answered shyly, "yes"

"alright, drive safe riki" she said as she was about to hang up.

"oh and mrs. park?"

"yes dear?"

"would it be okay if i take her to the amusement park after school? its a friday today," he sounded prepared to read a whole list as to why she should let him take you.

"of course riki, not a problem." she said with a huge smile plastered on her face, "she needs a little break after all, all she's been doing lately is staying in her room and studying. im sure you're aware of that."

"yes, thank you mrs. park. i'll make sure to have her home by 8"

it was hard to trust people with her one and only baby daughter with anyone taking her places unless it was your dad, jay or herself, anyone outside of the family in general. but with riki, she never worried once because she knew you'd return safe with him.

everybody knew he cared most when it came to you, it made her feel nothing but warmth with you around him.


"yes mrs. park?"

"thank you. you know, for taking care of y/n."

"it's alright mrs. park, im just doing what im supposed to. besides, enjoy her presence around me anyway" he said smiling looking down.

your mom laughed. "alright then dear, drive safe"


[ 5:02 PM]

after a stop at a cafe to get you both something to eat, you finally arrived. here you were, stood by the entrance of the amusement park.

your eyes sparkled, you'd be lying if you said you weren't excited. after months of just pure studying, a little break would be nice. and riki knew that. he thought to himself that you needed this for the sake of your sanity and mental health, and so he planned the whole of today to be revolved around you just having fun.

he smiled to himself, admiring you. happy that you even agreed to this without bringing up assignments due. even if you did, he would've dragged you here anyway because he knew you needed this.

his thought was disturbed when he felt a grasp on his hand "come on we can't just stand here all day, nishimura" before he could respond, he was already being dragged to places.


[5:40 PM]

"come on, riki!" you said, trying to convince him to put on the character hat you had in your hands, matched to the one you had on yours. "no" he said, trying to get away from your figure with not so much effort thanks the height difference.

the way you were struggling on your tippy toes trying to reach his head made him giggle, finding it cute.

although he seemed like he was annoyed, he was secretly enjoying this. "gosh darn those vitamins" you said under your breath, which he heard, making him laugh.

"what are you laughing at?" you said now with your hands on your waist, looking at him with an offended look.

"nothing" he said grinning.

"just put it onnnn, it'll look cute on you" with that, he's already almost convinced to put it on.

"it'll only make me look like a fool" he said, moving his head upwards again so that you wont be able to reach

"come onn, put it on at least just for a couple of pictures?" you said swaying his arm a bit.

"fine, but you'll have to pay for my cotton candy" the boy's hand pointed at the nearby stall. "deal!" with that you made a jump while his eyes were focused on the stall, quickly putting the hat on him before he could say anything else.


"YOU LOOK ADORABLE" you said laughing.

again, his heart just did a backflip. in the span of a minute you just called him both cute and adorable. it was a lot to process, so he was just standing there looking at you.

"your mom needs to see this" you said excitedly bringing out your phone.

hearing the mention of his mom rang an alarm in his head. everybody knows riki's got that soft spot when it came to you. he just somehow can't say no, and even if he did, he'll always end up giving in. and knowing what his mom would have to say when she sees those pictures, he got embarrassed.

riki's a stubborn one when it comes to these things, and for his mom to know that you managed to make him put on the character hat? she will not stop talking about it for as long as she can remember, and riki's mom? not a forgetful woman.

"no no no, cotton candy" he said hurriedly, dragging you by the arm towards the stall.

little did he know, you were spamming your camera button.

walking towards the stall, you guys were met with a friendly lady who gave you a warm smile as soon as she saw you two. or maybe she was already admiring you both at that moment you were trying to convince him to put on his hat.

being easily distracted, you smiled back. "hello, what can i get for you lovebirds?" she said


"i'll have a blue one, and she'll have a pink one, please" riki said before it got awkward, returning the friendly smile. he didn't deny it either, because he kind of liked it.

"yah, you can't just order for me without knowing what color i wanted" you said turning to him furrowing your eyebrows a bit.

"yeah? what color were you going to get?"

"...pink" you said looking back at what the lady was doing, making riki softly giggle. "still, you should've asked!"

"oh you know i don't need to" he said, smiling while looking at you all embarrassed.

"here you go sweetheart" the lady handed riki your cotton candies, smiling because she was listening to the whole conversation between you two, thinking to herself how exciting and heart warming love at youth was.

although he made a deal with you that you were going to pay for your cotton candies, he still paid.

"you guys want me to take a picture for you two?" the lady offered.

"oh no its okay-

"yes yes please" you said cutting riki off and handing the lady your phone.

you smiled, holding onto riki's arm with your pink cotton candy in hand, and blue in his.

"here you go! you two enjoy your time" the lady said waving at you two as you both walked away. "thank you!" you waved back.

"airdrop me those" riki said, looking straight forward.

"why the sudden change of mind? weren't you just sulking earlier because i said i was going to send them to your mom?" you said chuckling, eating your cotton candy.

"i wasn't sulking, and plus i just want those pictures in my phone for memories. and im sure a couple of them makes your face look funny, they'd be perfect for my lock screen." or maybe just because those pictures only consists of him and you.

you scoffed, "you're unbelievable".


[6:55 PM]

you knew that this whole thing was meant for you and him to relax and have fun but you cant help but feel a bit down.

not because you weren't working on your schoolwork, but because this was the exact same location you got technically rejected by the boy standing right next to you.

on that same ferris wheel that came to sight after looking around for a while.

it was 5:00 PM on a saturday, you and riki were on your first ever hang out together.

your last ride of the day was the ferris wheel, looking around pointing out things that aren't usually seen if you both weren't this high up. you tried to look back at him to see what he was doing, but he was already looking in your direction, and because of how close your faces were, your lips touched by accident.

he avoided you for a week after that, only to come back to talk to you by your locker casually again, that kiss became an unsaid thing and you two never spoke about it ever since.

you were going to attempt to confess again, in the ferris wheel. but you were a nervous wreck, who knows if you were going to try to change up the topics again when the time was right, like you always do.

every time you tried to confess again after that incident, you always end up changing the subject again when its time, too afraid of rejection, telling yourself that at least you get to be around him. and you didn't want to ruin all that.

trying to distract yourself, you looked around and spotted a photo booth.

"riki look! a photo booth!" you pointed.


little did you know, riki was also planning out how he was going to tell you that the boy liked you inside his little head.


inspiration song link! - cotton candy, spill tab (also in the playlist below)

check out my playlist! (pls)



taglist (open!) @sunwoahkim @chanshyuck @squiishymeow @maiverie @thicccdiccdaddy27

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More Posts from T5u

3 years ago



paring: the boyz changmin x female reader (kang yeseul) genre: angst, unrequited love, soulmate, hanahaki disease, drabbles warnings: mention of vomiting but not detailed word count: 455 words

Why did it hurt so much? Why is there an unbearable, aching pain in my heart as I watch you talk so fondly over your crush? Your shining smile growing with each second, eyes glimmering, galaxies held within your dark alluring orbs. It hurts so much knowing that I am not, and will never be the cause of those emotions. With these feelings, I know that you can never reciprocate them for me. But how can I bring up about that butterfly drawing, etched onto the skin of your collarbone, that I also have? The universe really hates me doesn’t it? Deciding our destiny for each other, just for you to turn a blind eye and ignore this horrible yearning in my chest. Each time you send heart eyes to her, I have to act as I am happy for you – which is half true, because indeed, I am happy for you. Genuinely. But at the same time, I can’t help but feel a burning jealousy, envy, and sadness all at the same time while trying to hold in the feeling of something burning up in my throat. Each time those beautiful petals of daffodils came out of my lungs, the lingering pain comes with it. Each time I cried myself to sleep, hoping that you could at least notice the feelings that I have tried to keep inside me, locked up, so I don’t have to confess to you. As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t risk it, for the sake of the amount of time we spent together building what we have now. But I realize, no matter the amount of love, affection, care that I gave you. No matter how much I’ve sacrificed, just to go and comfort you, no matter how much things I’ve done for you, despite hearing the cracks of my heart and my brain telling me to stop and ignore you. I realized. I cannot love you into loving me. Ji Changmin, you're so cruel. Why must you cause so much pain to my heart? But it’s fine, I am more than delightful that you have decided to tie the string of fate for eternity between you and her. I wish you have a beautifully wedded life with her. I hope she takes care of you well. I’m sorry to have selfishly kept these hidden feelings from you for so long. I’m sorry I have to be selfish to keep myself from breaking further. But surprise, I guess?

By the time you’re reading this, I’ve already undergone surgery to remove the agonizingly painful flowers from within me. Happy wedded life my love. Love, Kang Yeseul. ______________

@riki00143 ddaengkyu for the help and encouragement <3333333

3 years ago

sim jaeyun; paper butterflies.

Sim Jaeyun; Paper Butterflies.

pairing: jake x reader / sim jaeyun x reader / jake sim x reader

genre: fluff

synopsis: where your boyfriend is adorably in love with you.

trigger warning(s): stress, insomnia (mental health in general)

word count: 0.9k

a/n: i had the random motivation to write this, so i did. short but i rlly like it

it was like any other school day, you felt dead walking along the hallways as people were chatting, making their way to their next class or at their lockers.

"morning baby" a familiar voice said from behind, followed by an arm snaking around your waist from behind. you looked up to your side to find your one and only boyfriend with his little puppy smile.

you smiled, he then gave you a kiss on your upper temple. "rough night? did you stay up late again?" he said, rubbing his thumb where his hand was placed on your side, pulling you closer as if you weren't already pressed against his body.

"no bub, just tired"

he was well aware that you have been overworking although he's told you not to. its the last year of highschool and you're more stressed out then ever. and it's not just school. of course it's draining, even for him. but he knows its not just that. you haven't been feeling your best with everything else as well.

he sighed, moving his hand away from your waist to rub your head. "don't overwork yourself baby" he then rest his head on yours as you both made your way to your first period. "mhm"


it was during your last period. you had your head rest on your palm, looking up at the board.

school's been hard on you, and with everything else going on in your life it was hard to concentrate at school. making it a habit to catch up late at night because of your insomnia. leading to sleepless nights.

ever since you told him about your insomnia, jake would text you late at night to make sure you were asleep. and if you weren't, he would facetime you so you had some company.

but other nights, you feel stressed out and when you begin to overthink and unable to go to sleep, you'd decide to study to distract yourself. which would usually go on past midnight. during these times, you wouldn't face time jake although he insists, because he needs sleep and you really don't want to bother him.

you zoned out, but came back to focus when a hand slid a folded piece of paper in front of you. it was jake of course, he was your seat mate.

you took the piece of paper and gently unfolded it. you smiled immediately.

"wanna come over to my place after school? mum's making ur favorite today because i asked her to. and layla misses u :( "

when he mentions layla? and his mom cooking? you couldn't say no.

you looked over to him to give him a nod, he smiled and made half a heart with his fingers, just enough for you to see it, but below the desk. how cute.

"focus" you whispered, he then made a sad face at you, you held his hand that was making the heart to put it on your lap as you went back to focusing on what the teacher was saying, having to let go when you realized you had to take notes.

not even 5 minutes later you heard a whisper. "baby look, i made you something" you were ready to give him a little scolding for not focusing but he then handed you a paper butterfly, making you smile widely, admiring it.

you looked over to him to see what he was doing, only to make eye contact because he had been looking at you the entire time. "how'd you make this?" you looked at him laughing a little bit. putting your hand out for him to give it to you.

"i maybe learnt it from my mom, specifically to make one for you" he said shyly, but at the same time proud with his little puppy smile.

ughhhhhh what is he so cute for

normally, whenever he got bored in class, he'd fold little paper hearts and slide it over to you, or write small notes, which you treasure and you've put every single one he gave you in a box. every time, it would make you happier no matter how you were feeling. but this time it was a whole butterfly he made from his notebook paper.

he spent the effort to learn small cute things to do for you and it's literally the cutest thing ever.

"does it look okay? that one's my forth attempt" he said, making you laugh. "oh it's more than okay, jake, it's perfect." you replied. "and i would pester you with kisses right now, but we're in the middle of a class"

"aw bummer, i should've given it to you after class then"

"no worries, you can get them after class"

"i should make you these way more than i planned to if this is my reward, might as well make another one right now" he said teasingly leaning a bit closer to you, making you embarrassed.

"oh you shut up."

"i love you too" he said giggling, knowing that it made you feel a lot better.

gosh you can't explain how much you love this boy. he treats you so well, making sure you feel okay and always trying to make you smile every time you're not alright, he's always there to accompany you and his ears and arms are always open whenever you need it. he's there to comfort you by hugging and giving you little kisses.

he may give you paper butterflies made from notebook papers in real life to show his random affection towards you, which is literally the most adorable thing ever, nothing can ever compare to the butterflies he gives you on the inside every time you're around him.


check out my playlist! (pls)

taglist (open!) @sunwoahkim @chanshyuck @squiishymeow @maiverie @thicccdiccdaddy27

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3 years ago


enha fic recs


the brother’s best friend trope by @taeghi

we’re dating! (not really) by @jayflrt

one more time by @heesplanet


[03:18pm] by @itsthe-neo-zone

not what it seems by @restlessmaknae

winter stargazing, with you by @t5u

the hates everyone except you trope by @taeghi

popsicle by @neonheeseung


how to cross the line? by @restlessmaknae

to all my firsts with you by @jayflrt

wish you back by @amakumos

how to fake date your best friend by @jakesimfromstatefarm

happenstance by @emeraldenha


losing game by @jaeyunverse


i’ll see you in jeju by @cloudninescenes

lost cause by @yeongwonie



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2 years ago

----- ⁎⁺˳✧༚ T5U'S MASTERLIST ⁎⁺˳✧༚ -----

----- T5U'S MASTERLIST -----
----- T5U'S MASTERLIST -----
----- T5U'S MASTERLIST -----
----- T5U'S MASTERLIST -----

keys: [f] fluff , [a] angst note: i mainly write for enha ✿ i dont write nsfw !!

----- T5U'S MASTERLIST -----


⌦ [a] autumn hearbreaks. || pairing: ex boyfriend! heeseung x fem!reader ↳ synopsis: where the only person you could ever imagine loving, breaks your heart.

⌦ [f] heart eyes. || pairing: bestfriend! heeseung x fem!reader ↳ sypnosis: in where the both of you have nothing but love in your eyes whenever you looked at each other, and all flaws turn into perfection. but it took you both long enough, so heeseung decides to confess at the perfect time


⌦ [f] winter stargazing, with you. || pairing: boyfriend!jay x fem! reader ↳ sypnosis: late night stargazing with your boyfriend.

♥︎ JAKE 심재윤 [SIM JAEYUN] 🦮

⌦ [f] paper butterflies. || pairing: golden retriever boyfriend! jake x fem!reader ↳ sypnosis: where your boyfriend is adorably in love with you.


⌦ [f] to the moon, never back. || pairing: boyfriend!sunghoon x fem!reader ↳ sypnosis: another night under the moonlight, with your one and only lover.

♥︎ SUNOO 김선우 [KIM SUNOO] 🦊

⌦ [f] love letters. || pairing: long time crush!sunoo x fem!reader ↳ sypnosis: you've liked sunoo for as long as you could remember. you wrote him love letters, bought him snacks almost everyday, all anonymously with no expectations of reciprocation. i mean, he receives pilling love notes everyday, what makes you any special? you weren't popular or the prettiest, or the smartest or anything. it would be shocking if the boy even remembers your name. but it all changes when you decided to write him a love letter you worked on, basically a recap of all the love notes, of all the paragraphs you wrote in your diaries through out the years that were about him. as you slid your love letter into his locker, he was right behind you.


⌦ [f] shoelaces. || pairing: class president!jungwon x fem!reader ↳ synopsis: turns out that your class president's feelings were mutual after all.

♥︎ NI-KI 西村力 (にしむら りき) [NISHIMURA RIKI] 🐥

⌦ [f] photobooths. || pairing: bestfriend!riki x fem!reader ↳ synopsis: riki was your one and only bestfriend, you basically went everywhere and did everything together ever since both of your parents met. it was going to be hard to not catch feelings when you spent almost every single hour of everyday with him, so you did. one accident at the amusement park where you two accidentally kissed caused a week of him ghosting you. scared of losing him if you happened to confess your feelings for the boy, you promised yourself not to. until one day when he decided to take you to the same amusement park after school. little did you know, it was where it all began for riki.

----- T5U'S MASTERLIST -----

© t5u ♡(♡)

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3 years ago

park jongseong; winter stargazing, with you.

Park Jongseong; Winter Stargazing, With You.

pairing: park jay x reader, park jongseong x reader, jay park x reader

genre: FLUFF, drabble (lowkey?)

synopsis: late night winter stargazing with your boyfriend.

trigger warning(s): n/a

word count: 0.8k words

a/n: wrote this after daydreaming about doing this with a significant other TT. not proof read! (playlist recommended!)


[01:24 AM]

you both have always loved stargazing, laying on the grass, looking up into the skies filled with bright planets, millions of stars above your heads, sometimes even spotting shooting stars.

nights like these are when you both would just lay there, late at night looking up at the stars in the comfort of each other's arms in your backyard, just talking and laughing about the most random things.

stargazing was a thing between you two even before you had started dating. his confession, your first kiss, your most emotional, memorable moments with him, all under the stars.

winter came by, and so did the snow and cold atmosphere. clearing the skies making it easier to spot the stars.

here you were, laying on the snow with all the thick clothing he insisted you guys wear before leaving the house, making sure you wore thick wool socks, made sure to pack your heat packs and fluffy earmuffs and hot rose tea, secured in metal bottles because he knew that it was your favorite.

since he felt like you would get a better view at the park, plus, winter was both you and jay's favorite weather. so you made your way out in the middle of the night.

you were glad that he prepared everything so throughly because laying on the snow in the middle of winter couldn't be any more comfortable.

you both were quiet, laying on his arm staring into the skies. you could get lost just looking up, the sky was so big it made you feel so open and free, anywhere you looked were stars appearing and disappearing again. it felt like forever.

you looked up to look at your boyfriend. he looked mesmerizing under the moonlight. thats what you loved about winter, the cold air, the thick clothing, the snow, the cafe dates, late night stargazing, and him.

feeling your gaze, he looked down at you. "what's wrong?" he asked smiling, staring back at you. "nothing" you replied. "then what are you doing?" "im stargazing"

he laughed, leaning in to place a soft peck on your forehead. "no you're not, the stars are up there, baby"

you gave him a soft smile, his eyes felt like forever, it felt even bigger than the sky you were under, his eyes were glimmering with love. his scent, his presence and everything about him gave you comfort that no one else in this universe could provide you with.

he realized what you were doing. you did this often, which was getting lost in your daydreams, thoughts. he hadn't grown used to you just staring at him and overall just admiring him and his features, it always made him shy. but he stared back, with the same smile that never left his face.

you both didn't realize how close your faces were unconsciously inching towards each other until your noses touched. which made him smile, sending wrinkles to his eyes which you loved so much about him. you loved everything about him.

he then closed the gap between your lips, sending the both of you into a passionate, slow kiss.

it felt perfect, it felt surreal.

running out of breath, you lightly hit his chest and detached your lips from his. he watched you quickly sit up as an idea popped up in your head.

you then stood up, pulling him by his arm for him to do the same. "come on let's build a snowman!" you said, making him laugh. to him, you were cute, you always were with anything you were doing. in his eyes, you were perfect.

you pulled his arm and began running to a good spot.

you two were just building tiny snowmen and laughing at how you were miserably failing at balancing them, and of course naming them one by one.

after a while, you decided that you were done building your snowmen and decided to do something else.

jay then felt something being thrown on his back. looking back, he saw you cheekily laughing at him

knowing exactly what his reaction would be, you began slowly walking back while laughing.

he chuckled, "alright, you asked for it!" he stood up and began running towards you.

you began waddling away. because of the thick snow, it made it hard to run any faster. it didnt take jay long to catch up to you, he lifted you up from the back and spun you around. "put me down!"


time was lost as you two were running around throwing snowballs at each other. it was going to soon approach sunrise in three hours yet it didnt bother you both.

it felt as if there was not a care in this world and the only thing that mattered was each other.

winter stargazing, building snowmen, snowball fights and kissing under the stars. it's always nights like this that made your core memories. and this was surely going to be one of your favorite memories.

winter stargazing, with him.


check out my playlissttttt!!!!! (pls)

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