indian poc girlie, 18, she/her, female

574 posts

Allisonxf1s Masterlist

allisonxf1′s masterlist <3

Allisonxf1s Masterlist


here to seek shelter? stay as long as you’d like!


this yours? 

p1 - p2

summary: the one where you get dragged to your older brothers golf tournament and end up drooling over a another player. only problem? he’s your best friends brother.


the one

summary: the one where you’re dating carlos sainz jr, whilst being the youngest of the leclerc family and hiding the relationship from your brothers. mission unsucessful.


you and i, forever

satellite (p2)

summary: the one where you and charles navigate his high-end career while trying to stay loyal with eachother from a long distance. which proves to be harder for one certain party.


je t’aime

summary: the one where charles and you attend the celebratory dinner after him winning the 2023 championship, which leads to a man on one knee and you crying whilst his family cheers in the background.


coming soon <3


coming soon <3


coming soon <3


coming soon <3


coming soon <3


all too well (ft. pierre gasly)

summary: the one where pierre gasly doesn’t realize what he’s lost until she’s gone and in the arms of a certain british world champion.


coming soon <3


coming soon <3 


coming soon <3


coming soon <3


coming soon <3

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More Posts from Targaryenluvs

2 years ago

Congrats on 200 followers. Can you write something about the celebratory dinner with Charles and his family after Charles won the world title?

Of course!

and completely missed the mark 😭

contains bad french translations ❤🤩

Stand By Me

Congrats On 200 Followers. Can You Write Something About The Celebratory Dinner With Charles And His

"And Charles Leclerc is the winner of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix and subsequently the 2023 Champion of the World!"

Cheers rung through out the Ferrari Garage, more so all around you. As you gripped your headphones tighter than before as you watched your boyfriend cross the line, swerving left and right.

Following in his lead, fellow team-mate Carlos and Max. The first Ferrari 1-2 since 22' Bahrain.

In that moment it was all worth it.

The frustrations, struggles and pain of the last few years, the DNFs, the engine problems, miscommunication, everything.

It didn't matter.


You, nor any Ferrari employee had managed to wipe the ginormous grin on all of your faces, these smiles would've, (according to Lando) put the Cheshire Cat to shame.

Charles stood proudly on top of his championship winning vehicle as he celebrated by drawing a bow and arrow and shooting off into the distance before covering his eyes as if looking into the sun to see it off.

He jumped down and rushed to the rowdy red team as shouts and compliments surrounded him.

Now don't get him wrong.

He loved the support and congratulations he was receiving but they weren't exactly coming from the person he wanted to hear it from.

The second you came into his field of vision, Charles swallowed you entirely with his bear hug. "For you. Mi amor for us!"

"I know Charles, I'm so proud, you have no idea. I love you so much mon chou." You rambled as you pressed your lips to his.


You and Charles were driving to Pascales home.

It had been three days since your very own boyfriend, Charles Leclerc himself, stood proudly on the top of the podium. Clutching his trophe so tightly as if he feared it would run away.

That night was not something any Ferarri member would have remembered in the slightest inkling.

That night was a blur of love, cheers, champagne, skinny dipping off a boat and fireworks as well as noise complaints.

Right afterwards you organized the dinner with Charles and his family knowing they wanted to see him even though Charles had already told you, that the pair off you guys would go together to visit anyway.

You were zoned out as you felt Charles's hand resting comfortably on the inside of your thigh as it drew you back in.

"Tu vas bien?" - Are you okay?

"Yeah, just thinking about this week."

"Oh yeah? Any specific parts? Perhaps our bedroom last sunday?" Charles joked as your smacked his arm.

"No you idiot, I'm just proud of you."

"Merci chérie, je n'aurais pas pu le faire sans toi."

Thank you honey, I couldn't have done it without you.


The door opened and revealed a beaming Prema Driver in an ugly christmas sweater.

"Maman me l'a fait porter. Don't even."

Mom made me wear it.

Speaking of the woman, "Charles!" she squealed as she hugged her son before turning her attention to you. "Y/n, it's been too long mon amour."

"Hi Mrs Leclerc! How are you?"

"Good, I'm having fun, watching my boys, being healthy and doing my job. Its a peaceful life and I love it."

"That sounds amazing, I know who I'm going to for my next haircut then huh?" You joked.

"Yes you do. I'm happy and eating well."

"I told you not to lie with family Maman. I saw you eating the oreos!" Enzo joked as he also welcomed you and Charles "Oh shush Lorenzo, come this way dinner's outside, but close your eyes Y/n."


You were promptly blindfolded and lead outside where you suddenly stopped, all you could hear was bickering in a language incomprehensible to you. Italian maybe? Definitely not French was all you could tell.


Was all you heard before the blindfold was taken off and you swore then and there you fell in love, forever, permanently.

Charles was standing in front of you, on one knee, with a ring box in hand.


"Ma fille, je ne te remercierais jamais assez de m'avoir aidé à traverser ces années difficiles. Tu es restée à mes côtés pendant toutes ces années. Tu m'as toléré, aidé, nourri, soigné quand j'étais trop brisé pour le faire moi-même. L'année dernière a été ma pire, et tu m'as aidé à traverser ça avec facilité. Tu m'as soutenu quand j'avais l'impression de n'avoir personne. Quand c'était le monde contre moi, tu me rappelais toujours que je n'étais jamais seul. Alors s'il te plaît bébé, épouse-moi.

Tiens toi a mes côtès pour toujours."


My girl, I could never thank you enough for helping me through these tough years. You've stuck by my side for all these years. You tolerated me, helped me, fed me, cared for me when I was to broken to do so myself. Last year was my worst, and you helped me through it with ease. You stood by me when I felt like I had no one. When it was the world against me you always reminded me I was never alone. So please baby, marry me.

Stand by me, forever.


"You have no clue how long I've been waiting for this Charles. I've known you since we were kids and I've loved you longer than I've known.

Yes! A million times, Yes!"

He promptly slipped the gorgeous and obviously expensive ring on your finger before scooping you up in his arms and spinning the two of you around. As his brothers and mother shouted in excitement and happiness.

As it all settled down you looked up at your boyfriend of 5 years and bestfriend of 19.

"Je t'aime tellement mon ange." Charles whispered into your ear before kissing your neck.

"Je t'aime Charlie."

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3 years ago

Hello! Could I make a request abt platonic Paul Atreides and best friend (gn/m) reader where reader is feeling down/touchstarved and wants a comforting hug, but is too shy/stoic to ask, but Paul knows that when reader's feeling stressed/tired or just genuinely they'd appreciate a hug atm and is like "oooooh, you want a Paul huggie don't 'ya" (later hugs them ofc)? This could be like a one time thing (imagine) or hcs abt it happening multiple times. Howewer you want! Sorry if it sounds weird! Just feel like sometimes I'd appreciate some encouraging from Paul haha. And thank you in advance!

No problem!

Also loving the increase in requests <3

uhm i've never written headcannons so yeah :P

Hug Me, Please? (platonic paul atreides)


- you never really felt enough courage to ask the question if you were being honest.

- but at the same time the feeling was building up inside and it didn't seem like the feeling was going away anytime soon, yay!

- you couldn't really remember the last time he or anyone had hugged you - even when you really needed one.

- the first time you realized you were touch-starved was when you came back from a trip with duncan.

- "you're back! for a second y/n i thought you'd finally left." paul joked as he barrelled towards you, arms wide open.

- " ah, you know i could never leave my best-friend. " you gushed as you gladly accepted his offer, all of a sudden the tension from the trip melted. you felt easy, at peace. when paul started to pull away you tightened your arms around his waist

- " guess you just really needed a paul huggie huh? " he kidded as you smiled at the old nickname, " mhm. " you mumbled into his shoulder.

- the next time you were down and or stressed he made sure to help you.

- it was a busy monday, you hadn't gotten much sleep since you had to train with paul the night prior.

- " keep your arms up, wouldn't want that pretty face getting bashed in or worse, broken do we? " paul laughed as you and paul circled one another.

- " no, we or you would hate that wouldn't you paul? " you joked, " remember, defense is always the strongest- "

- " offense, yes i remember the million times you've said that, where does that even come from? " paul questioned you as he closed in

- " old american saying from the 2000's, i think. " you spoke as you saw an opportunity, you swung your foot underneath paul's legs as he dropped to the floor before grabbing his arms and holding them behind his back. " y'know you could've just said you liked me y/n. " paul grinned as his device glowed red, showing signs of a breach.

- " hah, you wish. know go to bed. "

------------------------------------- ♡ -------------------------------------

- your muscles ached as your eyelids closed regularly, but you couldn't sleep. you had multiple mission reports to enter into the database.

- paul entered your room, the two of you were like brother and sister, you never really had boundaries. " hey y/n, you missed breakfast. " paul told you as he took into account the state of your room as well as you. multiple coffee mugs to your right and candy for a rush of energy.

- " yeah sorry. i'm just busy and done! what's up? " you said as your swivelled in your chair to face him, you had slight bags under your eyes and a messy ponytail, your lips were slightly cracked.

- he sighed, " you've been up since last night's training haven't you? " paul interrogated you as you looked up at the ceiling, " maybe. i had work to do. "

- paul's head hung low as he walked towards you then behind your chair as he slung his arms over your shoulders before kissing your head. " take a break, your always working. plus you have three assistants who's jobs are to do exactly this y/n/n. "

- " i know but- " you stood up to continue before being hugged, your shoulders, which you didn't even know were tensed, relaxed.

" thank you. "

" it's nothing, i love you, i hate to see you overwork yourself.”

from those few moments he made mental notes, hugs were the way to you.

( sorry if it's terrible idk how to write headcannons lmao <3 )

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2 years ago

all too well - l.h & p.g


summary: in which an angry pierre stuffs his relationship up and desperately tries to make it up to his devoted girlfriend. and while trying to make up for it he realizes that he’s already lost her to a certain british man. loosely based on ‘all to well’ by taylor swift. 

warnings: A N G S T, I REPEAT, A N G S T, profanity, drinking, just sadness, toxicity, anger, crying, screaming, pining?? if unhealthy relationships/toxic relationships hurt you or offend you, 2022 british grand prix (ifykyk), mentions of eating disorders and body dysmorphia and shitty mental health

word count: 2.0k

pairing: lewis hamilton x female reader, asshole!pierre gasly x female reader, platonic!f1 drivers x female reader, platonic!wags x female reader

requested: yes! here! highly recommend listening to all too well.


It was horrible. 

You had been sitting with the engineers during the Grand Prix, cheering your boyfriend Pierre on as you watched on. You felt as if the world stopped when him and Yuki spun off in unison. You could feel the world stop around you as you silently prayed they were okay. 

Collective groans of disappointment and shouts of anger broke out around you as you quickly flicked on the switch in front of you, allowing you to speak to your Pierre. “Pierre! Honey please, say something!” But you didn’t, just Yuki’s outburst of anger.

“Here.” Pierre replied as you let go of the breath you didn’t know you were holding. You sunk into your seat as you held your head in your hands, shielding your face from the Netflix cameras which no doubt wanted your reaction for a dramatic made-up plot line for the next season of Drive to Survive. 

It wasn’t long after before Pierre angrily walked through the Garage, frustration radiating from him as he weighed himself before stomping off. You followed him to his drivers room before shutting the door. Before you could turn around he stuffed his face into your neck as he broke out in sobs. 

“Shh, I know. Pierre baby I know, it's okay.” You spoke as your hands combed through his tangled hair. “Y/n. Always me? All the bad things, me. What did I do to deserve it?” The French-man cried as you felt yourself begin to cry too. “It’s not you love. You know it was Yuki’s fault. He’ll own up to it, I know he will. You’re amazing okay don’t beat yourself up over this. It was absolutely out of your hands. You know that. You did your best.”

“It is! But that doesn’t make up for my shitty season! I don’t deserve this.” He shouted. “Pierre, not here. Don’t get angry here. The media will eat it up, let’s go home. Fuck the interviews. I’ll make you feel better okay? Whatever you want, we’ll do it mon chéri.” 

“Fuck the media! Fuck you! Fucking isn’t going to make up for me missing out this race okay? You can’t make me feel better with food or cuddling Y/n.” 

“That’s not what I’m saying Pierre! Please let’s get out of here, please, please.” 

“This is my fucking job. I can’t just leave because I’m mad. I’m not a model who sells photos of my self for money okay? My job isn’t easy like yours.” 

You scoffed, “Easy? Easy? My job isn’t just sitting around looking pretty. Shit goes on behind the scenes that you have no idea about. Bitchy models, photographers judging you all day, every day, tabloids and media making up  the most absurd rumours up and everyone eating them up, shitty mental health, body image issues, starving yourself to fit in a dress! Just because you sit in a car, racing at 200 kilometres an hour and have a dangerous job doesn’t make my job any less than yours!” 

“Mon amour-”

“No! I’m sick of this! You taking your shitty results out on me when I have nothing to do with it! You are driving the car, not me. Your fans attacking and picking apart our relationship and you letting them. You never defend me when interviewers ask the most foul questions about me. ‘Is she good in bed?’ are you kidding me?! ‘Oh you have no idea.’ And then laughing it off. Travelling the world and never getting out, constantly on the move. It’s so draining. Cancelling fucking Paris Fashion Week when I have never missed a year because you convinced me too. You. All you. I’ve missed out on huge movie and TV show deals, Bullet Train, Euphoria, No Way Home, Don’t fucking Worry Darling. Harry fucking Styles!” You shouted in his face as he sighed.

(Bare with me I know Paris FW is a few weeks before Bahrain)

“Then fucking go! God if I hold you back so much leave! I don’t fucking need you here, anywhere matter of fact. I don’t need you Y/n. I can get anyone I fucking want. Go to Harry Styles. Go to whoever you fucking want. Whine to them. They’ll never love you like I do. Fuck you like I do. You need me. But then again you. You need me, I don’t need you so fuck off. Get your shit and leave bitch.”

(foul, im so sorry 😭😭)

“Mate what are you doing!” Charles shouted as he burst through the door, followed by Charlotte, Isabel and Carlos. “Oh baby I’m so sorry.” Charlotte said softly as she and Isa wrapped you in a hug. You didn’t react. You didn’t even know what was happening. What pulled you out of your trance was the groaning of your boyfriend, well, ex now.

“What the fuck Charles?” Pierre yelled as Charles retracted his fist from his face.

Lewis ran in at the sound of yelling, Angela hot in his tail. “What the hell is going-” Lewis stopped dead in his tracks at the scene, Pierre soothing his right cheek, Charles with balled fists, Carlos pulling Charles away while Isa and Charlotte hugged you. You. 

You with your mascara stained face. You with your sobs and sniffles. 

It broke him. 

“My beautiful, beautiful Y/n.” He whispered as Isa and Charlotte slowly handed you off to him. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he kissed your forehead. As you stood in the hallway with him you felt, safe, loved. Which meant a lot since you hadn’t felt comfortable in a long time. 

You could feel the pain. The anger. The late nights worrying whether Pierre would come home or not. Trying to soothe him after bad races only to be met with a empty hotel room the second you took your eyes off of him. The rumours and the side eyes that floated around the grid when you walked hand in hand with him even after videos of him getting too handsy with some rando at a club surfaced and spiralled. Even your friends and family contacted you, your best friends Maddi and Sayda had reached out to see if you were okay.

‘Poor girl probably doesn’t even know.’

‘Why is she still with him? Oh god is she pregnant?’

‘She probably cheats too, you know how models are.’

But none of that mattered, as long as you were with Lewis. “Come on let’s get you cleaned up.” Charlotte said as she linked her arm with yours, “Don’t waste your tears on him sweetheart.” Isa whispered as she moved your hair out of your face.

“What the fuck is he doing with my girlfriend?” Pierre yelled at Carlos as he pointed at Lewis. 

“She is not and will never be your girlfriend again. You’re disgusting. It’s one thing to be angry and accidentally yell. But calling one of the most gorgeous, intelligent women on this Earth a bitch? Fucking despicable. She’s always been there for you, patient. When literal video proof came out of you cheating she didn’t blow up on you, start posting about you, start attacking you. No. Because she’s too kind for that and you took advantage of it and her. Y/n came straight to you for an explanation. And she told me your explanation, it was quite literally the worst fucking lie I’ve ever heard. ‘She thought I was her boyfriend.’ and ‘I thought it was you.’ Are you fucking kidding me man? You knew she wasn’t even in the country, she was on a plane, flying to your race after cutting a photoshoot with fucking Victoria’s Secret to come support you. You ruined her. You took away her opportunities because of your own selfishness. You will never find someone like her again. You fucked up. And I hope you kick yourself when you realize what you lost. Who you lost. Y/n is a thousand times more deserving of a man. Not a boy, someone who can’t even respect his own girlfriends career.”

Pierre stood there as Lewis walked away. If he stayed there any longer, looking at his idiotic face, god he would’ve swung.

But that was all in the past. 

Months ago. Seven to be exact.

And now?

Now you were making your way down the runway, in a stunning Donatella Versace dress in front of thousands. The crowd was roaring, cheering the models on as you all displayed the clothing. Your face dead straight. 

That was one of the things you praised yourself on. So did the media. You were known to never ever break face when on the runway. Always professional and well handled. But it was bound to happen. Your four year streak broken. 

As you made your way to the end of the runway your eye caught on to a certain braided hair man, who was hard to miss with his bright pink outfit. And god did he look amazing. As you looked at him he smiled, blowing a kiss. 

Your eyes crinkled as your lips turned upwards. Blowing a kiss back.

The media ate it up.

‘Y/n Y/l/n finally broke face on the runway, the reason? Seven time world champion Lewis Hamilton! Seems the model has moved on from her breakup with Lewis’ colleague and fellow racer Pierre Gasly.’

‘Lewis Hamilton culprit of the wide smile plastered on Y/n Y/l/n’s face during the Versace launch.’

‘Lewis Hamilton and Y/n Y/l/n share their relationship to the public!’

And Lewis could not be more proud of himself when he walked into the paddock, his hand entangled with yours. He was happy to show you off, respectfully of course. But Lewis wasn’t always kind, sometimes mischievous. 

So when he saw the idiot that was Pierre Gasly, jaw dropped and eyes threatening to hop out of his head at the sight in front of him while seated at the Alpha Tauri hospitality whilst having lunch with Yuki he decided to have some fun.

Taking your hand and spinning you in towards him, shortly before kissing you.

“That little fucker.” Pierre swore as he ogled you. “That’s what you get when you fuck up, badly.” Daniel snickered as he walked past, towards the two of you. “Danny!” You smiled as you engulfed him in a warm hug. 

“Missed me a bit too much Y/n/n.” Daniel smirked, “Lewis you better hold on to her tight, might just sweep her off her feet.” The McLaren driver joked as your boyfriend shook his head. “Seven months too late, I’ve been swept for as long as I can remember.” You grinned as you looked up at Lewis.

“You’re in love I get it.” Daniel laughed, “I’ll see you on the panel Lewis. See you tonight, my hotel room.” He joked towards you as he walked towards the conference hall, but not before winking your way. 

“Shit I have to go. If he comes anywhere near-” 

“I’ll be fine Lew, I promise. I have a guard dog in the form of Charles Leclerc ready to bite.” You smiled as you kissed him again. “Hey I do not bite!” Charles frowned as him and Carlos waited for you. 

“Sure thing Charles. Remember when you lost in uno to Lando-” Carlos smirked as Charles yelled, “Hey!” 

Lewis kissed your head, “Why would we ever think of having kids when we have those two assholes in red?”  “Rude.” Carlos stated as he and Charles crossed their arms in defense. “I’ll see you later my love.” He spoke before walking away. 

“Stop rustling his hair Carlos.” You scolded, “It’s not my fault he’s so short.” Charles scoffed, “Actually I am 180 cm, 5′9 thank you.” He spoke proudly as Sainz let out a laugh, “Mate, I’m 179.” The two of you chuckled and made your way to the Ferrari hospitality as the Monegasque tried to defend his height.

As you passed Alpha Tauri your eyes wandered and saw him. 

And you smiled as did he. But it didn’t mean you were over everything.

You remembered it.

All Too Well.

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3 years ago

I Got You [andrew!peter parker]


requested (anon)

pairings: Andrew!Peter Parker x Reader

warnings: fluff, harmless following <3

an: italics = peters thoughts



As she walked down the busy streets with her friend, Gwen, Y/n failed to notice the spandex wearing, spider-web slinging hero following her from above. “I totally didn’t notice Gwen! Thank you oh thank you for opening my eyes.” She giggled as her friend pulled a “shocked” face. “Well if it wasn’t for me he would’ve never given you his number! Your welcome, Your Highness Y/n.” Gwen spoke as she nudged Y/n’s arm. 

Number? Who’s number? Why are you taking other guys’ number?

“Oh whatever Gwen.” Y/n giggled, “This is my stop, Y/n/n.” Gwen said, “You’re sleeping over tonight, right?” Y/n nodded, “But I have to go do file a few things at Oscorp, I’ll be back by 3.” Gwen got up to her doorstep and looked back, “Good to know, I’ll see you later!” Y/n waved as she walked away smiling.

God she look’s pretty.

Y/n walked a few minutes before attempting to cross the road. Key word, attempting. As she walked across looking down at the pavement as usual with her headphones in she missed the huge OSCORP labelled truck barrelling down the road towards her. C’mon Y/n look around! Peter said as he sprung into action.

“I got you!” He shouted,  as he swung down and scooped Y/n up by her waist, “Ah!” She screamed as she grabbed onto the nearest solid thing, Peter. As they effortlessly swung through the air, Peter couldn’t help but smile under his mask, he was so close to his crush. Y/n’s excited squeals filled Peter’s ears as they continued to swing around NYC until landing on top of a tall building.

“Oh my god!” Y/n spoke as she tried not to have her heart explode out of her chest as adrenaline pumped through her. “That- you.” Y/n stumbled over her words as she tried to catch her breath, “You saved me! Thank you so much.” She spoke with a smile on her face. “Uh no problem!” Spider-Man spoke as he tried to alter his voice. 

As Y/n looked up her eyes dilated at the sight of the man in front of her. “You’re, holy shit, you’re Spider-Man!” She gushed as Peter awkwardly stood trying to contain himself. “Yeah! I am! I mean uh-uhm, yeah. You should really start looking left and right Y/n.” Peter explained to the teen, “How do you know my name?” She enquired, “Well I was swinging in the neighbour-hood when someone said your name, next thing I knew you’re in-front of a truck.”

Great save idiot. Couldn’t have just pointed to her name tag?

Y/n’s shirt had an Oscorp name tag on the right. “And uh you have a name tag.” Peter explained to her. “Oh yeah! That makes sense, well uh thanks for the save down there and I’m late! Damn it.” Y/n sighed, “I can take you there, or y’know swing you there.” He said as he slowly stepped closer, “You’d be a life saver thanks.” She gushed as she stepped closer, Peter wrapped his arm around her waist as Y/n placed a hand on his chest and another around his back, locking herself in.

Spider-Man extended his arm which shot out a web and they were off! Left and right they dodged buildings as people shouted, “Spider-Man! It’s Spider-Man! Holy shit Spider-Man! He probably saved her! We love you!” Their time was cut short as they reached the Oscorp building, “Here we are.” Y/n smiled, “Thank you so much, for y’know. I gotta go but it was great meeting you!” 

“Y/n!” A co-worker of hers shouted at her, “C’mon! It’s Harry’s birthday!” The woman shouted at her, “Gotta run bye! Nice to meet you!” 

Peter sighed, “Nice to meet you too.”

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2 years ago

Congrats on 200 followers. Can you write something about the celebratory dinner with Charles and his family after Charles won the world title?

Of course!

and completely missed the mark 😭

contains bad french translations ❤🤩

Je T'aime

Congrats On 200 Followers. Can You Write Something About The Celebratory Dinner With Charles And His

"And Charles Leclerc is the winner of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix and subsequently the 2023 Champion of the World!"

Cheers rung through out the Ferrari Garage, more so all around you. As you gripped your headphones tighter than before as you watched your boyfriend cross the line, swerving left and right.

Following in his lead, fellow team-mate Carlos and Max. The first Ferrari 1-2 since 22' Bahrain.

In that moment it was all worth it.

The frustrations, struggles and pain of the last few years, the DNFs, the engine problems, miscommunication, everything.

It didn't matter.


You, nor any Ferrari employee had managed to wipe the ginormous grin on all of your faces, these smiles would've, (according to Lando) put the Cheshire Cat to shame.

Charles stood proudly on top of his championship winning vehicle as he celebrated by drawing a bow and arrow and shooting off into the distance before covering his eyes as if looking into the sun to see it off.

He jumped down and rushed to the rowdy red team as shouts and compliments surrounded him.

Now don't get him wrong.

He loved the support and congratulations he was receiving but they weren't exactly coming from the person he wanted to hear it from.

The second you came into his field of vision, Charles swallowed you entirely with his bear hug. "For you. Mi amor for us!"

"I know Charles, I'm so proud, you have no idea. I love you so much mon chou." You rambled as you pressed your lips to his.


You and Charles were driving to Pascales home.

It had been three days since your very own boyfriend, Charles Leclerc himself, stood proudly on the top of the podium. Clutching his trophe so tightly as if he feared it would run away.

That night was not something any Ferarri member would have remembered in the slightest inkling.

That night was a blur of love, cheers, champagne, skinny dipping off a boat and fireworks as well as noise complaints.

Right afterwards you organized the dinner with Charles and his family knowing they wanted to see him even though Charles had already told you, that the pair off you guys would go together to visit anyway.

You were zoned out as you felt Charles's hand resting comfortably on the inside of your thigh as it drew you back in.

"Tu vas bien?" - Are you okay?

"Yeah, just thinking about this week."

"Oh yeah? Any specific parts? Perhaps our bedroom last sunday?" Charles joked as your smacked his arm.

"No you idiot, I'm just proud of you."

"Merci chérie, je n'aurais pas pu le faire sans toi."

Thank you honey, I couldn't have done it without you.


The door opened and revealed a beaming Prema Driver in an ugly christmas sweater.

"Maman me l'a fait porter. Don't even."

Mom made me wear it.

Speaking of the woman, "Charles!" she squealed as she hugged her son before turning her attention to you. "Y/n, it's been too long mon amour."

"Hi Mrs Leclerc! How are you?"

"Good, I'm having fun, watching my boys, being healthy and doing my job. Its a peaceful life and I love it."

"That sounds amazing, I know who I'm going to for my next haircut then huh?" You joked.

"Yes you do. I'm happy and eating well."

"I told you not to lie with family Maman. I saw you eating the oreos!" Enzo joked as he also welcomed you and Charles "Oh shush Lorenzo, come this way dinner's outside, but close your eyes Y/n."


You were promptly blindfolded and lead outside where you suddenly stopped, all you could hear was bickering in a language incomprehensible to you. Italian maybe? Definitely not French was all you could tell.


Was all you heard before the blindfold was taken off and you swore then and there you fell in love, forever, permanently.

Charles was standing in front of you, on one knee, with a ring box in hand.


"Ma fille, je ne te remercierais jamais assez de m'avoir aidé à traverser ces années difficiles. Tu es restée à mes côtés pendant toutes ces années. Tu m'as toléré, aidé, nourri, soigné quand j'étais trop brisé pour le faire moi-même. L'année dernière a été ma pire, et tu m'as aidé à traverser ça avec facilité. Tu m'as soutenu quand j'avais l'impression de n'avoir personne. Quand c'était le monde contre moi, tu me rappelais toujours que je n'étais jamais seul. Alors s'il te plaît bébé, épouse-moi.

Tiens toi a mes côtès pour toujours."


My girl, I could never thank you enough for helping me through these tough years. You've stuck by my side for all these years. You tolerated me, helped me, fed me, cared for me when I was to broken to do so myself. Last year was my worst, and you helped me through it with ease. You stood by me when I felt like I had no one. When it was the world against me you always reminded me I was never alone. So please baby, marry me.

Stand by me, forever.


"You have no clue how long I've been waiting for this Charles. I've known you since we were kids and I've loved you longer than I've known.

Yes! A million times, Yes!"

He promptly slipped the gorgeous and obviously expensive ring on your finger before scooping you up in his arms and spinning the two of you around. As his brothers and mother shouted in excitement and happiness.

As it all settled down you looked up at your boyfriend of 5 years and bestfriend of 19.

"Je t'aime tellement mon ange." Charles whispered into your ear before kissing your neck.

"Je t'aime Charlie."