Paul Atreides X You - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

i love you - p.atreides

pairings - paul atreides x y/n (fem)

warnings - none! super soft - clingy paul :) - modern au

word count - 1k probably lmao





You sat on your and Paul’s shared bed, staring off into the distance as you contemplated your options. On one side you could obey his wishes of you staying in your room while Paul trains even though it’s 11pm.


You leave.

As simple as that and before you knew it your legs were walking to the door and your hand turning the knob. You peaked your head around the corner, not bothering to look behind you since you knew your and Paul’s room was all the way at the end of the hall. You looked back at you room before waving your hand, the room’s light flicking off.

As you roamed the halls you couldn’t help but stare out the windows, the moonlight was gorgeous as it danced on the treetops and distant lake. It was like a picture frame, perfectly still despite the cold, faint breeze you felt on your face as your night gown swayed slightly.

You admired the view for a little more before you gently opened the door to the garden, your garden.

You walked along the pond, careful to not get your dress wet as you admired the garden. Off in the distance you could see your favourite reading spot, the middle gazebo of three. The white gazebo contrasted beautifully beside the red, orange and yellow roses which grew around it. Vines adorned the roof, giving a rustic, over-run look which you loved of course.

The whirring sound of the pond put you at ease, but you couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. The gazebo wasn’t just a gazebo, it was a safe place, for you, it was bigger than it seemed. It had a little kitchen space and a bed at the back, it was like a little home - inside the gazebo was adorned with fairy lights, a wall - shelved to the brim with books, pillows and a comfy throw on the window seat. A vinyl collection and a record player with a little tech to the side.

You walked to your gazebo, gently pushing open the half wood-glass hybrid door, the top being made up of glass majorly while the bottom being opposite. You opened the cupboard, grabbing some chamomile tea bags before boiling some water and placing your tea bags in.

You walked in, feeling a wave of relaxation wash over as you grabbed the book you were currently reading, “Pluto Projector’ By Rex County.

As you took your usual spot on your window seat which overlooked the river which connected to the pond, you felt happy. The gushing sounds of the river, soft moonlight illuminating the pages of your book, the few fireflies making their way past. But while you were enveloped in your surroundings you didn’t notice the sound of damp footsteps against the cobblestone path to the gazebo.

The whistle of your kettle pulled you out of your book you were so deeply immersed in. Your attention was drawn to a soft voice, “Y/n?” Paul spoke, “Can you open the door my love?” His voice was sleepy, worn out. You got up swiftly, unlocking the door for your husband. He smiled although his face was covered with curls adorning his face.

“What’re you doing up?” You asked him as you guided Paul to your window seat. “I was training and then I went to bed but I noticed that you weren’t there. I thought you might be out here and I felt like being with you. Is that wrong my sweet Y/n?” Paul smiled sweetly, “No, no of course not. I was just reading if you wish to join me my love.” You proposed as he lazily smiled. 

Paul quickly accepted as you poured your tea into two cups, placing them on the window sill. Paul sat down, stretching his legs in front of himself, patting the space between his legs which you placed yourself in between. Grabbing your book, you began reading in a hushed tone as your voice soothed Paul greatly.

You were right where you wanted to be, with the man you loved more than anything. 

He laid with your head on his chest, he felt at peace as he stroked your hair and kissed your head as the two of you relished in each-others company.

You both said the same thing, 

“I love you.”

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3 years ago

Hello! Could I make a request abt platonic Paul Atreides and best friend (gn/m) reader where reader is feeling down/touchstarved and wants a comforting hug, but is too shy/stoic to ask, but Paul knows that when reader's feeling stressed/tired or just genuinely they'd appreciate a hug atm and is like "oooooh, you want a Paul huggie don't 'ya" (later hugs them ofc)? This could be like a one time thing (imagine) or hcs abt it happening multiple times. Howewer you want! Sorry if it sounds weird! Just feel like sometimes I'd appreciate some encouraging from Paul haha. And thank you in advance!

No problem!

Also loving the increase in requests <3

uhm i've never written headcannons so yeah :P

Hug Me, Please? (platonic paul atreides)


- you never really felt enough courage to ask the question if you were being honest.

- but at the same time the feeling was building up inside and it didn't seem like the feeling was going away anytime soon, yay!

- you couldn't really remember the last time he or anyone had hugged you - even when you really needed one.

- the first time you realized you were touch-starved was when you came back from a trip with duncan.

- "you're back! for a second y/n i thought you'd finally left." paul joked as he barrelled towards you, arms wide open.

- " ah, you know i could never leave my best-friend. " you gushed as you gladly accepted his offer, all of a sudden the tension from the trip melted. you felt easy, at peace. when paul started to pull away you tightened your arms around his waist

- " guess you just really needed a paul huggie huh? " he kidded as you smiled at the old nickname, " mhm. " you mumbled into his shoulder.

- the next time you were down and or stressed he made sure to help you.

- it was a busy monday, you hadn't gotten much sleep since you had to train with paul the night prior.

- " keep your arms up, wouldn't want that pretty face getting bashed in or worse, broken do we? " paul laughed as you and paul circled one another.

- " no, we or you would hate that wouldn't you paul? " you joked, " remember, defense is always the strongest- "

- " offense, yes i remember the million times you've said that, where does that even come from? " paul questioned you as he closed in

- " old american saying from the 2000's, i think. " you spoke as you saw an opportunity, you swung your foot underneath paul's legs as he dropped to the floor before grabbing his arms and holding them behind his back. " y'know you could've just said you liked me y/n. " paul grinned as his device glowed red, showing signs of a breach.

- " hah, you wish. know go to bed. "

------------------------------------- ♡ -------------------------------------

- your muscles ached as your eyelids closed regularly, but you couldn't sleep. you had multiple mission reports to enter into the database.

- paul entered your room, the two of you were like brother and sister, you never really had boundaries. " hey y/n, you missed breakfast. " paul told you as he took into account the state of your room as well as you. multiple coffee mugs to your right and candy for a rush of energy.

- " yeah sorry. i'm just busy and done! what's up? " you said as your swivelled in your chair to face him, you had slight bags under your eyes and a messy ponytail, your lips were slightly cracked.

- he sighed, " you've been up since last night's training haven't you? " paul interrogated you as you looked up at the ceiling, " maybe. i had work to do. "

- paul's head hung low as he walked towards you then behind your chair as he slung his arms over your shoulders before kissing your head. " take a break, your always working. plus you have three assistants who's jobs are to do exactly this y/n/n. "

- " i know but- " you stood up to continue before being hugged, your shoulders, which you didn't even know were tensed, relaxed.

" thank you. "

" it's nothing, i love you, i hate to see you overwork yourself.”

from those few moments he made mental notes, hugs were the way to you.

( sorry if it's terrible idk how to write headcannons lmao <3 )

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1 year ago

targaryenluv’s miscellaneous masterlist!

Targaryenluvs Miscellaneous Masterlist!
Targaryenluvs Miscellaneous Masterlist!
Targaryenluvs Miscellaneous Masterlist!


— i love you

summary: it’s late at night and paul isn’t in bed, you go to your guys’ favourite place and wind down with him.

— hug me, please? (platonic hc)

summary: you’re too shy to ask for physical contact, even when you need it most.


— coming soon!


— birthday girl

summary: the chaos of your boyfriend the doctor, amy, and rory organising your birthday. but seems there’s some miscommunication and clashes when it comes to agreeing.

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2 years ago

Can’t sleep without you

It was almost midnight on Caladan, but I couldn't sleep. Paul wasn't around. He was away with his father. And, as far as I know, he was supposed to return only a few days later. Lately, Duke Leto had taken Paul more and more on trips and meetings. Of course, it should be so, after all, Paul is the future Duke, the ruler of Caladan, but nevertheless this did not lessen how much I missed him. Paul and I got married a few months ago and I'm still getting used to my new role as his wife. The thought both terrified and excited me at the same time. All the responsibility that now fell on my shoulders. But I know that as long as Paul is by my side, I'm not afraid of anything.

I rarely slept well while Paul was away, and tonight was no exception. During the day I was busy, so it was easier to keep unnecessary thoughts from entering my head, but at night it was more difficult. That's why, instead of tossing and turning restlessly in bed, I threw on a robe and headed down the empty corridors of the castle to the kitchen. I love to cook, it calms me down. I know what I shouldn't be doing now, given my status and the number of servants who can do it for me. But like I said, I enjoyed doing it. And it made me feel like myself.

My choice fell on pancakes. Yes, yes, I know. Pancakes, at midnight? I know, but who will stop me?

While I was cooking, I mentally returned to my wedding with Paul. When the priest said the almost sacred words "now you can kiss the bride." And the sensation I had when Paul pressed his lips against mine. At that moment, I realized that now our destinies, souls, lives are forever connected with each other. And I didn't want amithing. Then the memories of how Paul held me in his arms during our dance, during the pronunciation of toasts and congratulations appeared in my head ... his hands were on me all evening. Then our wedding night...

  I was so absorbed in the memories that I didn't hear anyone approach me. I only returned to reality when I felt someone's hands on my waist. Using my reflexes, I grabbed a nearby knife and tried to stab my opponent with it, but a hand grabbed the knife from me before I could use it.

“My love, did I do something wrong? Is this how you meet your husband?” When I heard a familiar and beloved voice, but I realized who I was trying to stab.

"Paul, Gods! I thought.. Paul!” I hit Paul on the shoulder and hugged him tightly around the neck "You're back"

"I'm back, my love. Of course, I expected a different greeting, but still…”

"You scared me! I didn't hear you approach. Sometimes I feel like you need to wear a bell around your neck to let me know you're coming."

"Kinky" he said with amusement in his eyes "now I know I scared you, but do you think I deserve a kiss from my wife?"

"You're lucky I love you" I laughed and kissed him. The kiss quickly began to gain momentum and we broke away from each other only when both of them stopped getting enough air.

"Hi" I said and smiled

“Hi,” he softly replied, “I'm sorry I scared you. Couldn't keep my hands off you. Missed you too much"

"I missed you too. I can't sleep without you"

“So that’s the reason why you are now…” and looked at the table and stove behind me, after which his gaze returned to me “cooking instead of sleeping? I think I smell burnt"

“Damn” I abruptly moved away from Paul and removed the frying pan from the stove “they were completely burned out” I said sadly “I wonder whose fault it is” I looked meaningfully at my husband, but did not see a hint of remorse in his eyes

"Sorry," he laughed. "Like I said, I can't keep my hands off you" God, how I missed his laughter

“You arrived early. Everything is fine? How was the trip with your father?” I asked as I laid out the unburned pancakes on plates.

“It was…instructive. Good, but there is still so much I have to learn” His face immediately became serious. I knew how worried he was about his future role as duke.

“I'm sure you did well. I don't doubt you for a minute" I smiled and kissed him on the lips "I know it's late, but maybe you're hungry?"

"Very" he said in a hushed voice and looked me up and down.

"Paul..." I felt a blush appear on my cheeks.

"I love it when you're blushing," he smiled and pressed his lips lightly against mine. "But you're right, first we need to eat. You will need your strength tonight" he looked into my eyes and I immediately felt myself getting hot.

"Can’t wait" somehow I got the feeling that we won’t get any sleep tonight.

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6 months ago

My Guiding Star

To say that life on Arrakis is not easy would be an understatement. But I did not complain, really. Despite the constant heat, the problems with the Harkonтen soldiers, the constant struggle for every drop of water and life itself, I was the happiest woman in the world. Because I was next to the man with whom I had decided to share my life. To whom only a few months ago, standing before the altar, I said "yes" and became his wife. The wife of Paul Atreides. Even if it sounds like a cliché and no one believes me, I do not care at all. Even hell can be endured if there is someone who is ready to share all the hardships with you.

For the first time in our long stay on Arrakis, among the Fremen, Paul and I found time for ourselves. Not far from the sitch, in the middle of the night, we lay on the sand near the tent and looked at the starry sky of Arrakis. Just him and me. Moments of happiness in the constant storm. We didn't need to talk. I don't know how, but we seemed to sense each other. I felt when Paul was worried, when he was again overcome with doubts and fears about his future, our future. And the prophecy. Which, on top of all the problems, hung over our heads like the Sword of Damocles.

- Paul..., - I began, trying to distract him from what was happening in his head now.

- Mmm..., - he muttered.

- You know that I love you, right?

- Of course. And I love you. But why are you asking?

- He turned his head in my direction and I saw in his eyes, which were already clouded with blue.

- Because I thought you needed to be reminded of it. You've been distant from me lately. But I don't blame you. Considering everything that's been going on, it was the truth. I really did think so, despite the aching pain in my heart that appeared every time I thought about it or said it.

- Do you feel like I've distanced myself from you? - he asked with anxiety in his voice.

- Yes, but, as I said... - I didn't have time to finish, because I felt his lips on mine. Paul kissed me tenderly, as if he was afraid that I would break.

- I'm sorry that you got that impression, my love. Maybe I've distanced myself, yes, but that's only because... - he lowered his eyes and took a deep breath, as if he was about to confess to a terrible crime or sin - sometimes in my visions I see that you die by my hand or because of me. No matter what I do. No matter how I try to save you, - he fell silent, closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to mine. There was only silence around, and then I heard his whisper "I can't lose you."

- Paul, look at me, - I asked tenderly. When he opened his eyes, it seemed to me that all the weight of the world that had fallen to him was reflected in them. He looked at me and did not look away for a second, - Paul, you are my husband. My beloved. The man I chose and will continue to choose forever. I know that you are afraid. You are afraid of jihad, afraid to go south, but I want you to know that you are not alone. I will always be on your side. Just... do not close yourself off from me, okay? Please, - I pressed my lips to his for a moment, and then continued, - always keep an open mind. You said that the future can be changed by any action, any word, right?

Paul nodded tensely and continued not to take his eyes off me. I felt that with each of my words his hands on my waist were squeezing tighter and tighter, as if he was afraid that I would disappear.

- So you and I will try to find the scenario of the future that will lead us to victory. To the prosperity of Arrakis. We will take revenge on the Harkonnens, the Empire, and all who have hurt us. And then we will turn Arrakis into a green paradise, we will become parents, and our children will be our continuation. And we will restore House Atreides to its glory.

- Will you be with me? Until the end?

- Of course, my love.

- And if I lose my way?

- Then I will be your guiding star, - I whispered and kissed him again.

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9 months ago

what are your thoughts feelings emotions about paul atreides having a breeding kink...... wanting so badly to knock his girl up......

creampie; soft paul; husband!paul & PAUL ATREIDES MDNI 18+

it comes to him naturally.

he’s always had the desire to reproduce settled in the back of his mind. he’s always wanted a family; a wife he truly loved, kids who he could see himself in. it was simple to him at first—base instincts of a man, especially the heir to the throne.

and then you two married, and it became something more primal. something more debauched, and therefore deeper into the base instincts. he couldn’t sleep as his mind was plagued with images of you, to the point where he needed to thrust these visions into reality. they were all within reach, all he needed to do was spread your legs and settle between them with the same determination he tended to push down in fear of scaring you off.

but he doesn’t think he could ever scare you off. not with how receptive and eager you are.

your legs opened to accommodate paul’s lithe hips in between them. your hands in his curls and pressed into the muscles of his back. really, your hands are everywhere. sliding down his torso, pinching his hips, pressing into the dimples in his lower back. you’re insatiable, trying to get more of him even as you drink in all of his air as you kiss him.

he’s just as bad if not worse.

his hands roaming your body. from your hair, to cupping your jugular, to pinching your nipples, all the way to teasing your cunt. he wants you, but he doesn’t want to make it quick. he wants it to last.

so he takes his time. each thrust into you is purposeful and artistically crafted. it’s not just a means to an end, it’s a rehearsed dance that he gets better at each time. sure, he has a goal—to shoot his cum as far into you as possible—but he wants it to be as enjoyable as it always is. he sucks hickies into your neck, he peppers loving kisses all along your body while he tells you how appreciative he is of you. it pains him, but he dismisses your cries to go faster and give you more. he wants it to be slow and romantic, his still blossoming mind only associating the two with each other and never with any other fashion of fucking you. love making, as he would call it.

until you hook a leg around his waist and beg. “will you cum in me, paul? so i can make you a father?”

god, you want to make him a father, the same way he wants to make you a mother. it’s so simple, nothing profound, but just that admission and your begging has paul’s hips snapping into yours. you have inadvertently gotten exactly what you wanted, and you’re vocal about how thankful you are. this is a different form of love making. it's addictive.

paul’s green eyes stare down at you the entire time, switching between taking in the way your face morphs into pure pleasure and how his cock easily slides in and out of you. he doesn’t know which view he enjoys more: the way your lips part and your eyebrows pinch together, or the way you’re literally creaming around his cock before you’ve even reached an orgasm. he tries to pay equal attention to both views, but he ends up focusing solely on the work he's doing below, his eyes attentive even through the weight of them.

he watches his cock drive in and out of you, so focused that he doesn't notice the speed that his mouth moves.

"yeah? you want me to?" he asks in relation to your begging. you nod, but he doesn't notice. he continues either way. "i'll put a baby in here, my star. i think you'd look so pretty. you always look so pretty 'f me."

he has a distant thought to focus on your pleasure, but it doesn't make it to the forefront. instead, he focuses on one thing: knocking you up. and he makes sure he gets his wish when he cums into you forcefully, his head buried in your neck while he keeps his hips flush against yours, his cock twitching inside of you as warm spurt after warm spurt flies out of him and settles into you. and even when he's done, he sits there for a while, refusing to leave in fear that the tiniest amount trickling out of you could damage the possibilities.

just to be extra sure, he fucks the cum back into you once he's pulled out, bringing you to an orgasm just by his fingers covered in his cum alone.

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11 months ago

Taking Advantage

Taking Advantage

Dune: Paul Atreides x female reader

Warnings: fluff / angst / hurt reader / teasing

Words: 1.3k

you came home from battle injured & Paul wants to make sure you are alright


„That was awesome!“ 

The Fremen men and women were cheering in agreement as your group coming back to Sietch Tabr with the sunrise early in the morning. Every step you take, sends little painful impulses through your muscles. The whole night you were fighting against a Spice harvesting ship that belonged to the Harkonnen and although you made a bunch of them pay for their brutal regiment, you came back badly bruised. But you are doing your best to hide the pain your in in front of your friends. It would be even more embarrassing to see their faces covered in pity over you, when the mood is as good as it is right now. The Fremen had another win and kicked some Harkonnen asses. That’s all that counts right now. 

„I’m a little drained. Go on and have a drink for me, while I’ll be having a good rest“, you said to your best friend Chani, who is giving you a suspicious look but then nodded. 

„You did good today, y/n. And I know for a fact, that Muad’Dib is thinking the same“, she wiggled with her eyebrows, mocking you again. Your eyes darted to the back of the tent, where Paul was sitting with Stilgar. He was already looking at you, not breaking the eye contact once yours met his. Paul was frowning a little, wich made his worried expression even more noticeable. Maybe Stilgar was telling him some bad news or something. You didn’t really care, because all you could think about was the pain that was feeling like needles beneath your skin. 

„I don’t care what he thinks. He fought well. And everything else is not important“, you murmured shrugging your hurting shoulders. Big mistake. Your almost flinched because of the pain that was send trough your body again. 

You quickly waved Chani goodbye and make your way outside the big community room, back to your private stone cabin, that was placed further away. When you finally reached it, a sigh of relief escaped your throat. Carefully you sit down on the bed out of soft fabric and you close your eyes for a second to calm your thoughts. Today was hard and nothing sounds more tempting than getting this suit off and washing the dirt off of your irritated skin. But the thought that you have to move yourself to make that happen, was like your personal nightmare. 

The sound of someone clearing his throat hollowed back from the stonewalls of your room. You quickly turn your head around to catch Paul standing in the doorframe, holding the curtain open. He looks even more worried now than back downstairs. 

„Can I come in?“, he asked. 

You let out a annoyed sigh. „Sure. What is it, Paul?“ 

He makes his way up to you, stopping not even two feet away from the bed you were still sitting on. „Are you alright?“ 

„Obviously. Today was a big win.“ 

He frowned again. „That’s not what I meant.“ 

„Then what are you talking about? Speak up.“ Your tone was annoyed, because the last thing you wanted right now was him seeing you in this pathetic state. 

„You fought like a demon out there. I have never seen someone so … so passionately killing the bad guys. But … I saw you falling down that cliff. For a second I thought you were dead“, he swallowed hard. „I saw you getting hurt. You must be in enormous pain right now.“ 

The fact that he had an eye on you while being on the battlefield, surrounded by enemies, made your chest tightened up. He was really looking out for me? 

You tried to sound unimpressed. „Well, thank you for your concern but I’m perfectly fine as you can see.“ You stood up and wanted to make him leave your room, but the sharp pain came back like a lighting bolt and you tripped over your own feet. Paul had quick reflexes and catching you before you could hit the ground. „I’m fine“, your voice cracks and burning shame blushed your cheeks. 

„No you are not fine, y/n. You need help“, Paul whispered. His arms still wrapped around your waist to hold you up. His eyes right in front of you. So blue you could probably drown in them … although there were little brown spots you never noticed before. 

You swallowed. „I don’t need …“ 

„Oh for fucks sake! Shut up and let me help you“, he demanded. You were so surprised about his little outburst, that you could only nod to give him the permission. 

Paul smiled slightly. „Good. You are so stubborn.“ 

You rolled your eyes on him, not saying anything. He was right, but you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of you agreeing with him. 

With his help, you turned your back to him. He begins to get rid of the many closures of the suit and with every unbuttoning your face feels even warmer. His direct presence was making you nervous and you were not sure how you feel about that effect he has on you. 

„You need to relax. Otherwise I could hurt you even more“, his voice was low and for a second you thought you heard a light crack in it. Is it possible that you have the same effect on him? 

„It is kinda hard to relax in this … situation“, the words slipped out before you could think about the meaning of them. You bite your tongue as he chuckled softly. 

„And why is that?“, you could feel his warm breath on your neck. It sends goosebumps over your drained body. Before you could give him a sassy answer, his fingertips touched the bare skin on your shoulders, gently pulling down the suit. You could feel his hands on your back while Paul was making sure that you didn’t need to move a muscle to get rid of the Fremen desert suit. Underneath you are wearing an thin layer of fabric, cut in the form of a dress that barely covers your butt. 

„Are you taking advantage of an helpless and wounded woman, Paul Atreides?“, you say with a strangled voice. Still facing the wall. But Paul was so close, that you could feel his chest touching your back. 

Paul gently strokes your hair over one shoulder. His lips almost touching your ear, while he speaks with a breathy voice. „I would never take advantage of you. I know for a fact, that you could kick my ass and slit my throat in no time, even wounded and blinded. But you haven’t done such thing.“ 

He places a soft kiss on the sensitive skin right beneath your ear and your breathing stops. Your whole body reacting to him like a firework. Just because of a litte stupid kiss. What is happening? 

„Did I hurt you?“, he asked as he noticed your reaction. „If you want me to stop, you just have to say one word and I’m …“ 

„You didn’t hurt me“, you interrupted. 

Paul chuckles softly. And you almost hoped, that he would keep on doing where he stopped, but instead you feel how his warm body disappeared from your back. As you peak over your shoulder, he looks at you with deep satisfaction. 

„I’ll see if I can get you something to eat and drink. And then I will send you a healer to make sure you’ll get better in no time.“ 

Your mouth snapped open in disbelief. This jerk just teased you like a champion and now he was looking at you like a little boy, who is more than proud to make fun of you. 

„You’re an asshole, Paul Atreides“, you said smiling. 

He raises his hands defensively. „I’m just making sure not to take advantage of you.“ 

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11 months ago

Imagine if Paul Atreides claimed you as his destiny.

|| Word Count: 1.5K || Angst → Fluff ||

A/N: I had this as a big idea that I had to get down before the basic headcanons and stuff, so here's my take on our Lisan al Gaib 😎 if you like this then hit me up for some relationship headcanons and the like, I'm up for it all. Enjoy reading or watching the movie if you haven't already - I'm going again lol, and screen X is the best way to experience it fr Also I feel like I should write a second part to this lmao, if you liked what you read?

Imagine If Paul Atreides Claimed You As His Destiny.

You weren't one for dreams of destiny.

The dreams you had seemed meaningless, confusing, nothing to do with what ifs and what could. Not like his.

But you always seemed to feel some kind of atmosphere, an aura you couldn't quite shake off, even when you woke up from the darkness. There was no face to go with the voice, the voice in the dark that called to you in whispers that you didn't understand. Beautiful words that weren't yours, but sounded so soft and gentle and powerful, as they reached out to you from distant lands.

You could never place them, pin them down and study them, understand them, until the day the Emperor was challenged by a ghost of a lost House, thought to be dead, left to be forgotten. You stand near the Emperor and his guards and men, the Great Houses looming and listening from higher above, as the Fremen fill up the space to watch the confrontation in spirited anticipation.

The life debt was paid. The late Emperor was overthrown. The ascendancy of Paul Atreides rose and took from the throne to claim it.

His attention flicks from his eyes boring coldly into the Emperor's, to meet yours, his voice smooth and set, full of conviction and force.

"Our destiny is together. I'll take her."

Your eyes widen slightly as his words sink in, blinking through the shock and incredulity that rushes through you and makes your heart race in apprehension and wonder. Though his voice twins with your wandering dreams, you don't know whether to feel fascination and longing, or fear and cautiousness at some greater force beyond your understanding, playing out before your very eyes.

"I..." your voice falters in uncertainty and disbelief, and you try again. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me well," Paul responds with an undying, stoic certainty that's almost unnerving. "As I know you."

His eyes study you, his Spice-stained blue eyes bleeding into yours, scanning every freckle on your face and curve of your outfit. Assessing you, knowing you, ridiculous throngs of power filling his aura and projecting onto you with his intense stare. You have to fight not to shiver under it, ultimately failing.

"What of me?" is the wisest reply you can think of before the silence stretches into dangerous uncertainty.

"Everything," Paul says evenly, but there's no mistaking the challenge and determination in his tone, almost daring you to reject him, to disagree, a built-up desire of dreamt promises resolving his stand. "I choose you, as my Empress. We will rule together, over the Empire."

Scepticism and bewilderment washes over you and makes your blood heat and stir, retreating into silence as he takes a step closer to you, gazing at you as if you're the most curious, exotic being he's ever seen.

Desire threatens to override Paul Atreides' reason, clinging onto the hope and chance of a narrow way through to light, a light that could only be sought out with you by his side. Without you, there was nothing in sight but pools of blood replacing luscious marine life and oceans running through Arrakis, disarray and disillusion at every turn and infecting every heart.

You were absolutely perfect.

And you were already his, long before this moment, before you and he were born into the world and named. There was no manipulation needed, because everything was laid out for him to take, welcoming him to rule and grow higher and higher. Fate had bonded you and strung you along to here and now, and as you blink up into his bright eyes that narrow slightly at you, frowning softly as if you hadn't understood his demand.

"Do you know what I am?"

You pause for a moment, speaking slowly and cautiously, as the crowd of Fremen and the wary, late Emperor watch on in tense wordlessness. "You are Leto Atreides' son. Former Duke of Caladan."

"What I am," Paul repeats evenly, "not who I am." He stares at you in silence for another beat, before speaking up again. "Do you know of the Bene Gesserit?"

You stop yourself from glancing in Lady Jessica's direction just in time; the runes patterning her skin, her once soft eyes now spiked with an unfamiliar darkness of ages past. Anyone could get trapped in her watchful glare, and her son's holds almost as much intensity.

"No," you decide on hesitantly.

"Kwisatz Hederach," he adds, taking another step forward until you can feel his breath tickling your cheeks, standing above you with unspoken grace and vigor. "I see the future. A part of me is the future."

His hand is suddenly squeezing yours warmly and tightly, making you flinch slightly and glance down at them before looking back up at him.

"In this future, I am with you."

All you can do is stare at him in awe and wariness, not knowing whether to let your curiosity guide you, or distance yourself as far as possible from the boy who reigns over the dunes.

"Why?" you whisper, the crowds seeming to fade around you as you focus on the boy in front of you, his fingers tangling with yours boldly.

"I've seen it," Paul insists, his tone a touch softer in thought and wistfulness. "All of it. When I am with you..." His grip tightens over yours, the fire in his eyes returning. "We're unstoppable."

"And..." your words dry before you can speak them, and you will yourself to go on, unable to break away from the deep blue hues of his gaze. "And without?"

His jaw visibly clenches at your question, and his hand drops yours, shaking his head only answer as he glances away in slight frustration.

"You don't have the leisure of choice. It's all been made for you, written in the sands and stars, and what you need to do is walk in its path. I will show you the way. You have no other. Do you understand?"

The firmness is strong in his words and glare, making you look away from him too, still in a slight stun over the rush of events. In less than a day, your freedom has been stripped to this young man's desires and destiny, entwined with yours. You, who barely knew him until now, only familiar with his voice, his words, that echoed and rang in your head like a lullaby.

But this feels so harsh and strict. The eyes of the former Emporer linger between the two of you, and Paul's army of Fremen stand behind him attentively, some gazing at you in admiration and hope, of their messiah's promised bride. And she is beautiful.

"That's unfair."

"The future is unfair," Paul says calmly, his collected, cool tone wavering for a moment. "But it will be so much worse without you by my side, and I will not accept that. Not for my people... not for myself."

You stare at him in fascination and caution, lost for words. His fingers rise to brush against the skin of your cheek, sending tingles in their wake and making you fight back the automatic reaction, your eyes following his surprisingly gentle touch. Two fingers trace down the shape of your cheek down to your chin, tilting your head slightly upwards. Just one step closer, and your lips would be touching too.

"Name anything," he murmurs to you, the Fremen straining to hear his voice as it reaches you effortlessly, his expression earnest and determined. "Anything. And it is yours. Only if you willingly wed me in turn. Not as a concubine, nor a mistress."

You blink, then blink again, taken aback as a million thoughts and suggestions race through your mind and make your head spin for a split second. You glance at the elder Emperor, who gazes back at you and the infamous Lisan al Gaib wearily, his eyes clouded with sombreness and light spite.

"I... I don't," you shake your head, overwhelmed by an impossible choice. "I don't know..."

Paul's expression softens into a smile you haven't seen before, one that makes your cheeks flush with colour as you watch him; a gentle, amused smile that's somehow familiar and unfamiliar all at once, one meant just for you, as he disregards his surroundings.

"You will know," he replies quietly, "and I will have you, and protect you, rule with you. Love you. As I am meant to."

Paul suddenly brings you closer, pulling you into a searing kiss without warning. The exotic, earthy taste of the Spice on his tongue floods your senses and sends shudders of ecstasy and heat coursing under your skin and hushing the myriad of thoughts buzzing in your mind in an instant.

When he pulls away, all too soon, you find yourself chasing his lips before you catch yourself, and Paul gives you another soft smile, his forehead resting against yours as your eyes lock.

"And as I long to," he finishes against your lips, his words grounded with a look of protectiveness and desire that makes you instinctively relax further in his hold.


From beyond you both, his mother smiles slightly at the scene, a hand hovering over her rounded stomach.

The first step has been made.

══════════════⊹⊱≼ part two coming soon ≽⊰⊹══════════════

Tags :
10 months ago



pairing: paul atreides x reader

word count: 2000

warnings: light angst with a happy ending

summary: you are the empress of the known universe alongside paul atreides, however, you dont agree with what hes doing, so you give him an ultimatum.

You had always loved the rain. Especially on Caladan. Yes, on your home planet it had rained fairly frequently, but it wasn’t the same. The rain on Caladan came down by the bucket full, not measly little drops. Each minute sheets of water fell from the sky like rolls of silver fabric. 

The only thing that lulled you to sleep more effectively than rain on a window, was the slow, contented breathing of your husband beside you, and the slow movement of his fingers brushing against your waist. Every now and again he’d re-adjust his position to get even closer to you. 

Usually he fell asleep before he was practically clinging to you, but tonight was not one of those occasions. 

“Paul,” You laughed breathily, pushing away from him a bit in order to spin in his arms and face him. 

He groaned in complaint as you moved away from him and opened his eyes blearily. 

“Why’re you moving away…” He complained, trying to pull you back to him. 

“Because you’re practically on top of me, I’m not a hot water bottle.” You chided, although the teasing smile on your face gave away your true feelings. 

“No, you’re better.” He said, a sly smile on his face, “Now c’mere, I’m cold.” 

You sighed, but did as he said, tugging his arm around you and lacing your fingers together. 

You could feel Paul’s smile on the back of your neck as he found a way to hold you even closer. 

“I love you.” He whispered, and you replied in kind, the smile that formed on your face certain to match the one he was currently wearing. 

“Promise you’ll stay with me?” 

“Mhm. I promise.” 

Now, as you paced nervously around the hangar, you couldn’t help but think back to that promise you had made. At the time, you thought that nothing could tear you away from Paul Atreides, not the sun nor the stars. 

Of course, you could never have planned for him becoming Emperor of the known universe. And you could have never known that it would be him tearing the both of you apart. 

At first, when you had been planning your escape, you had hoped that the aircraft would arrive before your husband. That was before you remembered who your husband was now. He would notice you were gone almost immediately, so you had to plan for confrontation, not avoid it. 

“What is this?” A voice came from the entrance to the hangar, echoing through the cavernous room and into your ears. He didn’t sound angry, merely confused.

You turned to face him and his expression was just what you thought it would be, torn between angry and distressed. In his hand, he held the note which you had written, telling him to meet you down here.

“I am leaving, Paul. For Caladan.” You said firmly, turning to face him. 

He smiled weakly, shaking his head, “Why all the smoke and mirrors? If you wanted to return home you should have said so. I would have prepared a ship for us both-”

“Because I am not going with you.” You interrupted, your voice harsh.

“What do you mean? It is not exactly typical for the Empress to leave her husband days after the coronation.” He laughed, but it was not the melodic sound you had once loved, instead it was forced, choked even. 

“Well, you are not the typical Emperor. I am leaving, and you will not follow me.” You stated, remaining firm, even as your heart threatened to betray your mind and run back to him. 

Paul just stared at you, his face painted white in shock. 

“Why?” He asked, his voice cracking.

“Because I can no longer stay by your side and watch you become this. You are becoming someone I do not recognise.” 

“My love, what are you talking about-?”

“I'm talking about this, Paul! Your holy war! You do remember that, don’t you? The war you swore to me you’d do anything to stop? And now, here you are, at its forefront.”

“I had no choice.” He said, his eyes hardening slightly.

“You always have a choice. You are their so-called ‘messiah’. Their emperor. They would fly into the sun if you asked them to. So ask them, stop this war before it consumes everything.”

“You know it is not that simple!” He shouted, and you couldn’t help but flinch slightly before rallying yourself.

“The man I married on Caladan would not have cared about simplicity. He would have cared about what was right, what was moral! He would never have entered this conflict, he would have laid down his life to prevent it! And I would have been right beside him.” 

“This conflict was inevitable! I am doing my very best to minimise the damage, can’t you understand that?”

“I understand that you are still not doing enough.”

Paul looked at you, incredulously, anger filling his gaze, “Really? How can I do more when my own wife does not believe in me! You claim to support me, and yet now you are leaving me. My position is still weak, and you leave the only man you have ever claimed to love.”

“Your position! You are faced with the massacre of your people and all you can speak of is your position!?. Have you no soul left Paul? Did it melt away on Arrakis, scorched by the sun?” 

Suddenly all the anger and venom drained from Paul’s face, and he found himself dropping to his knees, and begging you to stay. 

“You are my soul. You have been all these years. You keep me balanced, you are my morality, my goodness. Everything I do is for you, my love, for your safety. I only care about my position for it is your position also, all the power I have acquired is only in the name of keeping you from harm.”

You looked at him, staring deeply into his eyes, that piercing blue that you had thought so beautiful when they finally changed. Now they were just a reminder of how much he had changed since coming to this awful place. 

“I want to believe you. But you have always had such a way with words. I watched the way you deceived those people into following you, is that what you’re doing now?” 

He rose to his feet again, taking your hands in his. His face was frantic with fear. 

“I would never deceive you. I mean every word, I’ve felt this way my whole life. You are the most important thing to me. You know I would never lie to you.”

For the first time since the conversation began, you hesitated slightly. Could you believe him? Eventually, you landed on an answer. 

“...I do. You would never lie to me on purpose. You are lying to yourself too Paul. You know that I have never wanted position, nor power, heavens, I have never even wanted safety! All I have ever wanted is you, wholly, truly, with no barriers-”

“And you have me!” 

You reached up to splay your hand across his cheek, wiping away the tears that threatened to spill from his blue-blue eyes. 

“No, I don’t have you. I have splinters of you, and I fear the rest is lost. You may bear the resemblance of the man I love, but you are not him.”

He opened his mouth to protest, but no sound came out. 

Suddenly there was the immense whirring of gears, and you knew your ship was here to take you to Caladan.

“I’m afraid we do not have much time, so listen to what I say,” He didn’t react, his face remaining desperate and heartbroken, but you continued anyway.

“If you finally realise what you have done, and you fix it, come to me on Caladan. But I don’t want to see the Muad’dib, or the ‘Messiah’, or the Kwisatz Haderach. The only man I wish to see is my husband, Paul Atreides. Remember that Paul.” 

You gave him one last longing look before turning away from him, and making towards the ship that was emerging from the floor of the hangar.

“I’ll see you again?” He called, his voice cracking slightly as he stared after your retreating form in defeat. 

“Hopefully so, my love, hopefully so.” 

And with that, you stepped onto the outstretched platform of the ship, and shut the door behind you. Paul stayed in the hangar until the craft was gone, biting his tongue so as not to call out to you again and beg you to stay.  


The message that the Emperor would be coming to visit you had come far sooner than you expected.  

And you were disappointed in him. He was breaking your agreement, and so soon. It had only been a year, and to your knowledge there had been no change in the situation.

 Perhaps he was coming to ask for a divorce, maybe he’d found someone else since you left. That would certainly be ironic, considering the way he had begged for you to stay on Arrakis. 

However, you were incorrect, because only a few days later a messenger came to tell you that the jihad had ended.         

Immediately you leapt out of your seat, clasping your hand over your mouth in shock. He had done it. 

For the next few days, Castle Caladan was abuzz with preparations for the Emperor returning home. You oversaw said preparations with a watchful eye, and though you wouldn’t admit it, you were happier than you had been in years. As much as you didn’t want to admit it, you had missed Paul terribly. 

Yet, when his ship landed, you were nowhere to be found. 

“Where is my wife?” Paul asked one of your ladies in waiting as he strode through the halls of his childhood home. 

“My lord, she left on a walk to the cliffs this morning, and has not returned since. Would you like me to send someone to fetch her?”

The Emperor’s harsh expression softened slightly. “No, I’ll go.” 

It didn’t take Paul long to work out where you had gone, and as he climbed one of the paths up to the cliffs, he was glad to see you sitting on one of the benches, clad in the green silks of house Atreides. 

He called your name, and his voice cut through the gusting winds into your ear, and you turned to face him with a searching look on your face. 

You stood, and couldn’t help but jog towards your husband, gathering your skirts so you didn’t trip and make a fool of yourself. However, you stopped short of running into his arms, opting to stand just in front of him so you could inspect his face properly. 

“Is it you, Paul? Have you finally come back to me?” You asked, your voice cracking slightly. 

“It’s me,” He whispered, reaching a hand out to touch you, “I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you, what I was doing was wrong, and I know that now, and-!”

You cut off his rambling apology by surging forwards into his arms and kissing him fiercely. He immediately responded in kind, wrapping an arm around your waist and cradling your head in his hand, whilst you held onto the lapels of his coat as tightly as you could. 

Despite the fact you wanted to stay like that forever, eventually the need for oxygen prevailed, and you broke away to take a deep breath in, laughing lightly at the sight of his flushed face. 

He grinned at you, moving the hand that was on the back of our head back to your cheek, brushing his thumb along your face. 

“You missed me?” He asked, teasing, but his voice had a slight edge of concern to it. 

“Yes. I missed you so much.” You said immediately, emphatically. Because you had missed Paul, it felt as if you hadn’t seen the real him for years, and the feeling of being reunited was almost too much for you to contain. 

He let out a short sigh of relief, “I missed you too. But it’s ok, because I’ve fixed it all. They still think I’m their messiah, but I’m going to stop acting like it. And you were right, I was power hungry, and selfish, and I exploited so many people, and I betrayed you, and-”

“Enough, Paul.” You said, looking at him with so much care that he couldn’t help but smile softly, “Yes, you have made mistakes, but it wasn’t all your fault. And you’ve made a change now, you’re doing the right thing. And I’ll always be there for you. I had to leave to help you, but I knew we’d see each other again. And here we are, back home, just like old times.” 

“You’re right.” 

“I often am, my love.” 

He wrapped his arms around you once again, “Will you stay with me, here?” 

You nodded, “Mhm. I’ll stay for good this time.”

Tags :
4 months ago
Tags: Paul Atreides, Paul Atreides X Reader, Paul Atreides X You, Dune (2021), Dune Frank Herbert, Dune

Tags: Paul Atreides, Paul Atreides x reader, Paul Atreides x You, Dune (2021), Dune Frank Herbert, Dune Movie, Dune Book, No Y/N

Warnings: Canon typical violence, mentions of blood, death, fighting, murder, drinking, descriptions of blood, weaponry

Summery: You’re known across the Empire. Each planet has a different name for you. The Freemen call you El-Sayal. Those who fear you call you The Duke’s Blade. Your people on Arrakis call you friend. Many call you murderer and assassin. Paul calls you someone he can’t live without.

Read Part Two Here and Part Three Here!

Word Count: 3150

A/n: i’m absolutely ecstatic to be sharing my first Dune fic! i adored the dune book, and obviously i loved the movie too. i’ve been wanting to write it for a while, and i finally did! i’m so proud of this, and i put so much research, editing, and planning into it. i hope you all enjoy, and please please please let me know what you think :))

if anyone was wondering why it’s taking me so long to get to asks….this is why lol. i’ve been so excited about it that it’s all i’ve felt like writing. i promise i’m working on them :)

let me know if you want to be tagged for this series <3

Part One

You let out a hiss of pain as the fabric of your sleeve drags along the cut above your eye. It’s a sharp type of pain, one that keeps you alert in a fight where you need to pay close attention to the things around you.

You switch the grip of your crysknife and push it slowly into your opponent’s stomach, twisting the way you know how. Slow is the blade that penetrates the shield indeed.

You see an approaching object, living or not, hurtling towards your left and dive out of its way. A giant rock shatters the stone where you were just standing. You roll your eyes and continue through the foyer, climbing over a broken couch.

It’s not that anyone here is better than you. You’re absolutely sure that the lord you're currently “discussing future business with,” as Paul would put it, has some of the worst trained defenses. His soldiers fall quickly at your feet, shields still glitching on their dead bodies.

You’re actually quite positive that, in a fair fight, you could kick his ass. However, this is anything but a fair fight. He has the home field advantage, which is unfortunate, but something you know how to work around.

You have your own advantages, though.

Your biggest advantage, of course, is that he doesn’t know who you are yet. He’ll figure it out once it’s too late, they always do. When death has its hand wrapped around the beautiful deep green and black blade strapped tightly to your forearm he’ll find all the answers he needs.

He won’t need to see the House Atreides emblem pinned to your sleeve to know that you’re the infamous Duke’s Blade. He won’t get to, either, before there’s a ruby smile on his throat.

Technically, you shouldn’t wear the crest of your House on a mission like this. The goal is to get in and out without anyone knowing who’s slaughtering all of their people.

But you’ve never let anyone off who’s seen your crest. Anyone close enough gets as merciful death as you know how to give. You don’t kill without reason, though. An assassin that kills all the soldiers of a stronghold is nothing of note, except for condolences and secret praises that there’s one less person more powerful than you. It’s common enough in the universe not to draw too much attention, especially if the survivors can only say that said assassin was wearing a black and used a knife. Not a lot to go off.

And no one would recognize your face. Always on missions it’s covered up, a thin black veil and hood covering any recognizable features. Your armor looks similar to the stillsuits of the Freemen that Paul has allied with on Arrakis. It’s a shiny black material, gauntlets and chest-plate glinting. It’s fairly light to allow you to get where others would be noticed. You can cover it up easily with loose clothing.

It’s been carefully crafted through your years working with the Atreides. Every chip and crack means something, and has taught you a lesson. It’s made your strengths stronger and your weaknesses less noticeable. You don’t have a lot of prized possessions, but your armor counts as one.

You slip through the main office room, where about twenty guards are waiting for you.

You brace yourself and start to speak. Your voice sounds foreign to your own ears as the voice mod distorts it. “As you now are aware, your defenses have fallen. I am giving you a chance now to surrender and let me have a discussion with the lead of your house. If you don’t accept, I’ll kill you like the animals you are and get my chance anyway. Either way, I’m not leaving here without that talk. I suggest you make this a lot less bloody.”

“He won’t talk to you, murderer,” one of the guards spits at you.

“Don’t worry about me, I’m very persuasive. I had hoped this would go differently, though. Last chance. Live or die.” None of the

move to our down their weapons.

“I don’t want to have to kill all of you,” you say. It’s the truth, you would much rather not kill all of these soldiers. They serve a horrible being, one who deserves every bit of pain that you caused his forces, but you know better than anyone that they could think what they’re doing is right. You see shadows of yourself in their determined stances and raised weapons. They’re ready to die for a monster. Better than living for one.

“We will never surrender to the likes of you,” a brave soul in the front says.

“That’s unfortunate. I had truly hoped for a change of heart.” You walk towards them, anticipating their moves. They always train in the same way, the same thoughts and movements drilled into their head. It’s easy to predict, and even easier to defend against.

Your knifes quickly find their homes in the bodies of the soldiers. You send a prayer to whoever is their deity. It’s not like you have one to pray to.

There’s a large wooden door at the end of the door. It’s ornately carved, depicting a large battle scene. You take the Atreides crest off of your cloak, palming it and putting it into your belt. This meeting won’t end with a death if everything goes as planned.

You trace your hand over the wood before pushing the door open. Some part of you recognizes that Paul would love a piece like it on Arrakis.

There’s a desk that matches the door. Behind it, is a short, slender man. His hands are resting in front of him, itching nervously along the desk.

“You’ve come to kill me.” He doesn’t say it as a question.

“I’ve come to talk. It’s in your best interest to listen.” You put your weapon away into your belt to show him you want to talk. It’s all for show, of course. You can have another weapon in your hands within a second.

“Are you going to threaten to kill me? Because I’ve come to terms with that long ago. It won’t work.”

“I wasn’t going to. You're a smart enough man to know when to talk. Now is that time. Why don’t you tell me about the recent slip away you had. The one where all charges against you were dropped from the council’s records, which does directly against the Imperial Household. You have so much explaining to do.” You don’t actually care about the Imperial House in the slightest. It’s a corrupt and greedy system for a corrupt and greedy government. You do, however, care that the specific charges dropped had to do with his abusing and physically hurting citizens to show his “power”, and then pushing new and harsher laws on them. A government curfew, soldiers lining doorways of housing, and the strict regulation of any meeting. All under direct violation of too many laws to count.

That’s not why you’re here, though. Paul couldn’t threaten all of the people doing bad things. No, you’re here to make sure that he doesn’t keep doing it. Because the planet that he’s in control of is Caladen. Paul’s home planet, and the Atreides’ home for twenty generations.

You don’t mind coming back to pick up the slack surely left on purpose by the Harkonnen ruler in front of you. He’s following the instructions of the Baron like a lap dog, destroying the most beautiful planet you’ve ever seen.

Caladen was carefully looked for by the Atreides’, its people healthy and it’s plant life blooming. Now, industrial grey fills the sky. The luscious green plants are wilted and brown, the water foul and dank smelling.

“I follow orders like a good little soldier. I’m sure you do the same. Who sent you here, little puppet?” His accent rolls harshly off of his tongue, licking across his lips. If you ever meet a Harkonnen worker who doesn’t disgust you, you’ll lay down your knives forever.

“I was sent by someone you should be scared to cross again. Take care of your fief. It’s home to good people, but, more importantly to you, it’s home to people with connections who would rather not live in a wasteland.” You flick a knife into your hand effortlessly, twirling it between your fingers. “This meeting is to serve as either a second chance or a warning. Whichever you prefer. Do your job right, and, if you’re lucky, we’ll never meet again. I think I’ve been more than fair.” You walk back towards the door behind you, not worried that he’ll try anything. His fear for you outmatches his desire for blood.

“Oh, and if I hear that you’ve gone looking after me or the person I work for, our next meeting will be much less pleasant. Goodbye, puppet,” you say, shutting the door dramatically behind you. It’s good to be a little cinematic at times, you’ve learned.

As you predicted, there are no guards waiting outside for you. You’re able to basically walk straight out of the back and into the town market, where a public transport is waiting to take you away.

It’s a rusty old transport, one that you’re pretty sure no one would want to get on, no matter how wrecked their home world is becoming. You chose this one on purpose, to make sure no civilians got in the line of fire. Inside, it’s loaded with specialists and teams from Arrakis. While your part of the mission was important, it wasn’t the only objective. The others on the transport functioned as a team to actually assist the people and plant life on Caladan. They sprayed with nutrients, gave out food and money, and set up areas to receive supplies.

Your quarters are at the back of the ship, tightly cramped but livable.

You put your armor away carefully in a padded chest, wincing as they dig into and release from the bruises tracing your arms and legs. Stretching out your shoulder, you make your way into the gathering area of the transport. You get varied nods and acknowledgments, but mostly people pretend not to notice you. It’s easier to pretend they don’t know who you are.

When you sit down, people move away or turn their shoulders away from you. Same try and play it off like they need to do something, others simply leave. You’ve gotten used to it by now.

The truth is, you understand it. You represent something dark that they don’t want to see. Just by being here you’re welcoming the ideas of murder and violence that are your everyday life.

You have a long flight ahead of you. Might as well put the time to good use. You set to polishing your armor, alone back in your quarters, surrounded by people who are afraid of you.

You finish with your last piece just in time for the transport to land back on Arrakis.

Stilgar is waiting for you at the bottom of the ramp. “El-Sayal,” he says solemnly.

“Stilgar,” you say back, nodding your welcome. Out of all the nicknames people have given you, El-Sayal is one of your favorites. At first, you thought it was an insult. To the Freemen, it means a rain of sand and dust that comes at medium altitudes. The sandstorms here are violent and uncontrollable, leaning young and old alike dead in the streets. They aren’t something you liked to be compared to. But, El Sayal specifically refers to a storm that brings moisture and rain after it, which is as close as you can get to a miracle on Arrakis. Paul had to explain that to you when he saw how much you were bothered by it. People you don’t know calling you terrible names is bearable, but to your face? You can only take so much.

Stilgar walks beside you towards your meeting with Paul. It’s unfortunate that you have to go straight there, but you’re happy to have the time with Stilgar. He’s an unlikely, but welcome friend. Like you, he’s less inclined to talking and prefers showing with actions, something you’re still learning. He’s always ready to teach you about the planet you live on, and you’ve somehow been able to show him a thing or two about combat.

You walk into the meeting room, the large, long table almost full. “Whoops. Looks like we’re late,” you whisper to Stilgar.

“I can blame it on you.” is his response. You hide a smile under your hand. Your seat is next to Gurney, which is good because he’s one of the only ones in the room you can stand.

Paul walks in and everyone stands up. He motions for you to sit, and the meeting starts. You pretend to be interested in trade routes and the upcoming festival preparations, but you aren’t getting paid to help choose what color the banners should be. A subject that, to your surprise, raises all kinds of arguments. You don't chime in at all until the topic of a distress signal from the daughter of a loyal friend of the House comes up.

“We need someone to sneak in as a staff member and talk to her about what’s happening. It could be nothing, but it’s better to check.”

“I can go. That shouldn’t be a problem, Lady Jessica taught me how to pass for a fairly good concubine. Unless you want your mother to go,” you suggest.

“No, I need you to stay on Arrakis for a while. There’s too much tension lately without you, and there are rumors of an attack.”

“I’m sure Duncan and Gurney are more than capable of dealing with that, right boys?” Neither one of them moves to agree with you. They know when to argue and when not to. You roll your eyes.

“I’m positive that they are, but I need you here at home. The upcoming festival is a big target, and we’re going to need every hand on deck.” You bite your tongue about how you can’t possibly help with the festival.

“This isn’t my home,” you say back. Paul looks taken aback for a moment before recovering. Everyone around the table looks tense and ready to leave.

“Well, I'm still your Duke, and I say you’re staying here. Whether it’s your home or not. You are dismissed.” Everyone filters out of the room, except you. You move to talk to Paul, but he turn his back. “I said dismissed. I’m busy.”

“Fine,” you say, and walk away. If he doesn’t want to talk, you won’t. You decide to go down to the barracks of the castle.

The barracks of the castle are cold and damp. They smell like body odor, cleaning chemicals, and other things you try not to think about. Your rooms aren’t down here, but you visit from time to time. It seems like that they’re the only people who will get terribly drunk on spice beer. You need it after the mission you had.

It’s also entertaining to watch the reactions of the soldiers you meet. Awe, fear, jealousy, reverence.

You sit down at the small table in the corner of the gathering area. The other chairs are immediately taken, and spice beers are in front of you all. A perk of being you.

“To quick and painful deaths,” you toast quickly, wanting them to stop looking at you like you have some sort of speech.

“To quick and painful deaths,” they repeat, downing generous sip of the spice beer.

“So, flaming dame, tell us stories of victory.”

“That’s much too vague,” you say, putting your drink down. “I’m not much of a conversationalist. Tell me what you want to know.”

“Are the rumors that you drink blood true?” one asks with awe.

“Herbal tea. Good for digestive health,” you answer with a smile.

“Who was your first kill? Tell us all the details?” another request, like he’s asking about your dating life.

“I don’t remember,” you lie easily. Visions of red hair and a pretentious smile flash across your memory. You shake them away.

“Too many to count, eh?”

“It happens to the best of us,” boasts the man sitting next to you. He’s new to Arrakis and the Atreides, but he seems tolerable enough. You think his name is Jade.

“That it does,” you reply with a tight smile. Before the tension becomes unbearable, someone starts a drinking game. You don’t join, but you stay and watch, adding snide comments and questions as it continues.

When you go back up to your room, a guard is standing by your door. You give him a quizzical look before walking in. There, sitting on your bed, is Paul. Before you even shut the door, he’s asking you, “Do you really not think this is your home?”

“Next time wait until I’ve taken my knives off or I'll stab you before I even know that it’s you,” you say lightly.

“Are you threatening your king?” he asks, standing up and taking the knife you just put down, twisting it in his fingers and putting it back down.

“You are not my king, so no.” You straighten the knife he just moved, glaring at him pointedly. He raises his hands in surrender, sitting back down. You sit next to him.

“Oh? Not your king?” Paul says, with an arrogant head tilt.

“Yes. Just as this is not my home, you are not my king. Pretty basic logic, I think.” He leans closer towards you.

“I guess I’ll have to make this your home then.”

“You can try,” you say. You can’t remember the last time that you had a true home. You figured that if it couldn’t be on the beautiful Caladan, it couldn’t be anywhere.

“What’s your favorite flower?” he asks, placing his hand close to yours on the bed.

“I’m sorry?”

“Your favorite flower.”

“Golden Lotus. My mother used to have them beside my bedside every weekend.”

“Consider it done. Golden Lotus flowers beside your bed every weekend.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I told you I was going to make this place your home.” His smile is radiant and much too unfamiliar. You don’t have the heart to tell him that the memories of those flowers are tainted by the circumstances of your mother.

“I’ll let you get some sleep. Good job today. I know I don’t tell you that enough,” he admits, leaning against the door. Right as he’s about to leave, he says, “Oh, and don’t disagree with me in a meeting like that again. Gurney will think you’re plotting to overthrow me.”

“Maybe I am,” you joke back.

“I’d like to see you try.” And with that, he’s gone, the guard at your door following him dutifully, three steps behind.

“Goodnight, Paul,” you whisper in the dark.

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