telekinetycznymieczoman - Telekinetyk

Jestem niczym ojciec wychodzący po fajki Mortal Kombat/Bioshock/Resident Evil/DMC 🇵🇱

31 posts

Telekinetycznymieczoman - Telekinetyk - Tumblr Blog

11 months ago

Tfw you gotta listen to every citizen of raptures problems

1 year ago
(Based Off Of @kikidewynter 's Post About Shaundi Surfing. It Was That 'neuron Activation' Moment)
(Based Off Of @kikidewynter 's Post About Shaundi Surfing. It Was That 'neuron Activation' Moment)

(Based off of @kikidewynter 's post about Shaundi surfing. It was that 'neuron activation' moment)

I watched the Saints Row 4 christmas DLC gameplay while drawing this and I'm not even going to lie it was actually fun??

Tags :
1 year ago

I remember seeing somebody who made a long ass essay defending Infinite from bad faith critique (that'd I'd agree with, the game made some awful choices but it is far from a centrist or racist game. Everything Booker says should be taken with entire shakers of salt, the purpose of his character is to be an asshole) claim that Bioshock 2 is misogynistic for having a female villain and is antisemitic because Augustus Sinclair has a nose that is large (which would be antisemitic if he was Jewish, but there is nothing in the game to indicate that he is).

Shawty, you became what you swore to destroy! Where is your media literacy this time????? Do you just hate Bioshock 2 because the people who called you racist for liking Infinite said they liked Bioshock 2? You're just as dumb as they are!

1 year ago

I remember seeing somebody who made a long ass essay defending Infinite from bad faith critique (that'd I'd agree with, the game made some awful choices but it is far from a centrist or racist game. Everything Booker says should be taken with entire shakers of salt, the purpose of his character is to be an asshole) claim that Bioshock 2 is misogynistic for having a female villain and is antisemitic because Augustus Sinclair has a nose that is large (which would be antisemitic if he was Jewish, but there is nothing in the game to indicate that he is).

Shawty, you became what you swore to destroy! Where is your media literacy this time????? Do you just hate Bioshock 2 because the people who called you racist for liking Infinite said they liked Bioshock 2? You're just as dumb as they are!

1 year ago
1 year ago

stupid: shaundi keeps getting kidnapped bc she’s useless

enlightened: shaundi keeps getting caught because she’s always recklessly throwing herself into fights she can’t possibly win to prove to herself and others that she’s not useless, that she’s just as strong as the boss and gat and pierce, that she can handle herself and doesn’t need protecting—so that people will stop dying trying to keep her safe

1 year ago


1 year ago

Saints Row IV is so unhinged. And as someone who never played Saints Row before it’s even funnier because nothing fucking makes sense characters-wise because their stories are in the first three games. But it doesn’t matter because SRIV is chaotic enough the storytelling doesn’t need to make sense. Is it glitchy as all fuck? Yes. Does it crash every other fucking mission? Also yes. Do I care? Lmao no. It’s like one big fucking troll of a game. The story’s fucking narrator turns out to be Jane fuckign Austen, like what the fucj man I need more games this fucking unhinged.

1 year ago

"treat people with kindness" wrong, incinerate✋🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

1 year ago

You know, while I get Elizabeth gets all the attention. But the fact Brigid Tenenbaum doesn't get any attention as a possible "Sex symbol" when she has all these traits and talents that make her stand out to me personally.

A woman that's considered to be one of the most important people in Rapture.

The founder of ADAM basically. And the creator of the Little Sisters.

She literally has a redemption arc where she realizes the horrible shit she has done and tries to atone for her mistakes. Despite she believes she'll never be able to.

She's German, literally hear that beautiful accent.

She's a scientist.

She's a confirmed Autistic character but that doesn't define her, and she's treated like a human being. Hell, you might not even know of that unless you looked it up.

She literally got nicknamed "Mother Goose" by Fontaine and I love that.

This woman straight up went back to Rapture during the second game to save more Little Sisters even if she may die.

There's so much to talk about her. But this post...despite it was hinted at. This sounds like a "Thirst" post, but you know what? I don't care. I am admitting it. She's one of my favorites still to this day and I wished she had gotten more attention. Well, luckily the fandom gives her attention. I'm mainly thinking of casual audiences.

If people on Tumblr can thirst over Fontaine and Sinclair. Then let me thirst over Tenenbaum. She's still one of my favorite video game characters.

1 year ago

I fucking love the Bioshock audio diaries so much. The characters just literally recorded themselves bitching at/about each other and left the recordings around for any passing weirdo to find. It’s like 60s social media with slightly more fish.

1 year ago

An argument I’ve seen thrown around about Sofia Lamb is that her all-loving mother of the rapture family persona is a lie because she clearly sees Eleanor as more important than her other followers, while the way I see it, what makes Sofia Lamb such a compelling villain is that her all loving rapture matriarch demeanour isn’t just an act. She loves Grace, Eleanor, Gil, and the splicers wandering Siren Alley in equal measure; which is to say not at all because they’re all equally valid pawns to sacrifice in the name of engineering her mythical utopia. When she tells Delta she loves him as much as any other member of the rapture family, she’s not lying, and that’s why she’s so uniquely horrific.

1 year ago

Bioshock 2 peeps react to Weed

a lost of bioshock 2 characters are divided based on how they would react to being asked if they smoked weed. delta in the box labeled "weed???", Stanley is the box labaled "who said I didn't have the balls to?", Sinclair, Tenebaum and Eleanor are in the box labeled "i dont need to smoke to be cool,  grace and Sofia are in the box labeled "starts a 2hr long speech in why you shouldn't smoke weed", and the big sisters are "grabs a handful of weed and shoves it into mouth"
1 year ago
1 year ago