// Mortal Kombat 1 - Tumblr Posts

I haven't drawn MK in quite some time. (+an oc I'm working on for fun)

Literally had no idea for an oc so I just made a postman.
Here it is. Five and a half minutes of story mode Johnshi content

◜ mk1 men using their powers in the bedroom part 1 of ?◞
▸ includes: reptile [mk1 versions] ◂

If you ask Syzoth whether or not Zaterrans are sexual creatures, he will answer that yes, it takes two Zaterrans in order to reproduce. But if you ask him whether he himself has an interest in sex, he would reply with a smile, saying "Pay me, and I might answer you."
[Spicy/Explicit after the cut 🔞]
The answer is that with very few exceptions, he views sex as an opportunity to perform. And he views performance as a way to earn money. You'd certainly not have been the first creature to pay for his honest answer, and you likely will not be the last.
People have paid good money to have Syzoth's freakish powers used for their pleasure. If you want to know details of his encounters with clients, he's happy to share, for the cost of a few koin. The higher the payout, the hotter the tea.
"Or perhaps you would rather we show, not tell," he might say while reaching out an empty palm as an offer to accept payment.
For pay, he will show you his body. His human body, nude, with elegant tattoos that tort and stretch with his movements, is an alluring sight to most. He has never been picky about the shape of his paying clients: all humans seem equally adorable and strange to him, while money makes anyone alluring in his eyes. He would waste no time in giving you whatever you desire from his body. In fact, his professional experience with pleasing others makes it highly likely that he can guess what you want and how deeply you desire it just from the skipping beat of your heart.
He cannot hear your heartbeat from a distance, but its imperceptible rhythm gently rattles the floor beneath his feet, and as his body evolved to detect such vibrations from the earth in order to hunt prey, he will know when the heart's rhythm changes. His eyes would take a slow tour of your body, and when he looked at the parts of you that you're most excited for him to play with, your heart would speed up naturally. The second he figures out what your heart truly desires, it is yours.

At first, he uses his tongue mostly for talking. He tells about past patron's kinks, such as the one who liked him to ride them reverse cowgirl style in his human form, only to strangle them with his tail during climax. Or the one that preferred to be pinned face down and very lightly scratched with razor sharp talons all down their back. He might tell cautionary tales of the ones that begged him to use his tongue on their genitals, not realizing that removing it can feel like tearing duct tape from the skin without the appropriate lubricants. Syzoth has an ulterior motive - while telling his stories, he's sensing your temperature. He knows when you're aroused because no matter what you have between your legs, it will emit heat.
He may move his face closer, hinting and teasing that he could go down. The tips of his forked tongue might flicker in the air just between your thighs, fanning the air towards his nostrils so he can better smell and taste the heat that rises from your body.
If you become a beggar in these moments, the same as many other patrons have done, he will insist that he's first allowed to test his tongue against less sensitive parts of your body. If you can tolerate the feel on your chest, perhaps you might enjoy the things you've proposed he do to your most sensitive spots.
He would eject his tongue to catch your nipple, then pull the tender tissue up as his face is drawn down to your chest by the tension in his tongue. He would suckle and mouth at this spot for a while, feeling your heartbeat rattle throughout his entire skull. He's gentle when he comes up for air, but it does indeed feel like ripping a bandaid off. He's only chosen this moment to risk causing you pain because he believes you're too aroused to care about or even feel pain.
He would tell you that for his most requested trick, he requires a funhouse mirror - the kind that makes everything seem bigger. He has no hesitation in telling you that he had one while in the circus, and that he'd put it behind him before fucking certain patrons. He'd hold them in a very specific way that would force them to look at their own reflection... *through* his invisible chest, angled so they could practically see inside themselves as he worked them open with the invisible phallic objects of their choice. For some, fingers sufficed. For most, seeing his cock disappearing inside them over and over again was the pinnacle of pleasure. Still others preferred invisible toys, or the tongue, or even something more creative.
His favorite thing is the look on a patron's face when he's suddenly visible again. By the time he drops the invisibility, both he and his patrons are fuckdrunk and often have cute, dumbfounded expressions on their faces. Syzoth knows his open mouthed grin is cuter when his face flushes at the brink of his orgasm. He knows he's as adorable as he is silly looking when he's slackjawed, panting, and pressing the tips of his tongue weirdly to the roof of his mouth.
He's still performing, and would work you until you get what you paid for.
The final upsell he pitches to his wealthiest clients is a territorial marking - a visible acid brand. At his most extreme, and reserved only for the healthiest, wealthiest patrons, he has, as a service, permanently branded the bodies of his highest paying clients. Even Outworld royalty can be found with his mark - the scars of a human-sized bite wound, carved deeper by the use of a strange acid. The meaning of these brands are clear to the others that share in his profession- "This one pays the most, and both he and his wallet are mine. Touch my man or my money and you will suffer my bite." A less drastic, less permanent brand might be the reddened imprint of a forked tongue, which lets the competition know that "we are just starting out and testing the waters - try me again later to see if I stuck around, or if I've healed and moved on."
He readily admits that just as many patrons refuse the branding service as there are patrons who find it of interest. As long as you are satisfied, Syzoth has no preference for which acts you chose to pay him to perform upon you.
[End for now]
Also thanks to @visionsofmagic for inspiring this writing with a similar set of imagines at https://www.tumblr.com/visionsofmagic/729107508174651392/mk1-men-using-their-powers-while-fcking-you?source=share

Kind Gestures & Sweet Thank-Yous

Picture lightly edited by me.
Pairing: Syzoth X Fem!Reader Description: After an act of pure kindness, Syzoth shows his appreciation towards you in a way you would never expect... Warnings: Fluff!!! 💖 Word Count: 1k MasterList: 🖤 Kassie's Angels: @lorebite, @mornandil, @bihansthot, @katiralovely, @queenkhepri, @blackbunnymayw. (If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know in the comments! 🖤)
The seasons were changing — the leaves on the nice green trees were fading into beautiful crimsons and oranges, and the sun did little to warm up the day. Fall had always been my most favorite time of the year for these very reasons. I sat outside, cuddled up in my favorite hoodie, while enjoying the cool air. My allies discussed where we would go next, so I figured I had time to rest. Fighting was never something I wanted to do, but Lord Liu Kang made it very clear that I was a very important asset to ensuring their victory in upcoming battles. It was a hard pill to swallow when I was recurited, but one I was forced to accept.
I stayed in my spot and zoned out into my feelings of peace and happiness for a moment, until a sudden feeling of a nearby presence snapped me back to reality. Turning to see who was near me, my eyes met Syzoth — who didn't seem too happy at the moment.
"Hey," I greeted him kindly. He stood before me with a look of pure discomfort distorting his fine features. Curious as to why he seemed so down, I decided to ask, "Are you ok?"
"Y-Yeah," he responded in a raspy, breathy tone. It looked as if he was about to keel over from pain or some kind of sickness, and that's when I noticed just how badly he was shaking. "I-I'm just c-cold,"
"Ooooh," I chuckled while shaking my head as a small bit of relief came over me. I silently thanked god that it was nothing serious. "That explains why you are shaking like a damn leaf."
He gave me a look of embarrassment for a few seconds before huffing an awkward, breathy laugh. I let my eyes linger upon him for a moment — let them slowly roam his body as it occurred to me that it is very dangerous for any reptilian creature to be subjected to any cold temperature. And I knew that even if Syzoth was in his human form, he could still get extremely sick. Subconsciously, my fingers went to the zipper of my hoodie and I clasped the cold metal between my pads before pulling it downward.
Syzoth instantly took note of what I was doing, but it was clear that he couldn't grasp why I was doing it. He cocked his head slightly like a curious puppy as he stared at my lowering hand with a puzzled expression etched into his features.
"What are you doing?" He asked as I let the warm fabric slide off my shoulders and arms.
The cold did very little to cause me any discomfort, so I took the sudden chill nipping at my skin with a grain of salt. Without answering the man due to knowing how he would reject my idea if he knew my intentions, I approached Syzoth and swung the article of clothing over his broad shoulders for him to put on.
"I-I don't understand." The confusion in his voice was clear as water, but he still sunk his arms into the inviting holes of the hoodie before zipping it up tight.
"It's a man's hoodie, so I hope it fits. You're lucky I prefer bigger sweaters." I chuckled as an amused smile grew on my lips. Even then, he still stared at me with a look of pure confusion and wonder, so I figured I would elaborate for him. "You looked so cold. I know your kind is sensitive to lower temperatures and I don't want you to get sick, so I want you to borrow this. You need it more than I do right now."
His puzzled expression changed to one of shock and another emotion I couldn't quite place. I opened my mouth to speak, but before another word could leave my lips, Syzoth took a few steps towards me. We were merely inches apart and to my surprise, he leaned forward to gently press his forehead against my own. His eyes fell shut, and I became quite clueless as to what was going on until I noticed that a fond smile had formed on his lips.
Then it clicked in my mind: this was how Zaterrans showed their appreciation. Now that I had finally made sense of this odd situation, I let my eyes flutter shut and leaned into him as well. I could feel something come off of him, like a sensation that was radiating from his mind to mine. It felt… Wonderful.
Many minutes later, Syzoth and I separated and his green eyes opened up to meet mine once again. His hand slowly and carefully — as if he were trying not to scare me away — reached up to my face and he began gently caressing my cheek, tracing the skin with the rough pad of his thumb.
"You truly are too kind, sunflower." He murmured in a tone so soft that my heart skipped a beat, and I could feel my cheeks heating up due to the new name he gave me. "Thank you — your gesture is greatly appreciated."
With those words being spoken, Syzoth leaned forward again until his face was only an inch away from mine. I was expecting him to press his forehead against mine again, but instead, he placed his soft lips upon my own. I couldn't believe it — I couldn't believe that after all this time, he finally kissed me. I never realized just how much I had always wanted him to until that moment, and I hoped that he would continue to do so many times after this moment had passed.
After breaking away, he smiled down at me with warm eyes studying my features for a moment. And after putting his hood up over his head — which casted a shadow over the sudden rose tint that appeared on both of his cheeks — he turned and left me dazed and flustered in my spot. The kiss only lasted a matter of seconds, but it lingered within my heart forever.

Hi! I love your works! Can I request a Syzoth x reader oneshot? Like what’s their first date like? Since Syzoth is still a reptilian and isn’t familiar with human customs/culture. And the reader is not familiar of Zaterrans’ customs/culture. Thank you!
Starry Night

Pairing: Syzoth X Fem!Reader Description: Being two different species, you and Syzoth aren't very sure what to do on your first date, since human and Zaterran traditions are completely different from each other. But when the two of you are walking through the streets of your home town in hopes of finding something to do, you get an idea that you just know you'll both love... Warnings: Just Fluff! 💖 Word Count: 1.4k A/N: I hope this was what you were looking for! Main MasterList: 🖤 Kassie's Angels: @lorebite, @mornandil, @bihansthot, @katiralovely, @queenkhepri, @blackbunnymayw, @simpforhotmaskedmen, @theleftkittycollection, @kiashines. (If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know in the comments! 🖤)
I was pretty nervous as I rushed to be ready before eight o'clock. Hell, I was so nervous that I almost couldn't do my eyeliner. But after taking a couple deep breaths, I was able to stifle my nerves for a few more minutes. I quickly threw on a silky emerald green dress that I had bought that day. I couldn't resist buying it when I first laid eyes on it through the window of the store, because I knew he would absolutely love it!
A sudden knock at my front door kicked my nerves into drive again, and the butterflies in my stomach caused my heartbeat to move to my throat to cause nausea. After taking another deep breath to sooth my anxieties and straightening my dress out in the mirror, I left my bedroom to open the front door and greet my date.
Syzoth's eyes widened as they met with mine and something about the way his eyes quickly roamed my figure told me that he did, in fact, love the dress I had bought just for him. After realizing that he had taken too long to take in the sight of me, Syzoth's cheeks blushed a deep shade of green as he peered up at me almost shamefully.
"Uh— H-Hi," he stammered awkwardly while rubbing the back of his neck.
"Hi!" I greeted him again with a kind smile, which he returned.
"S-Shall we be leaving now?" He asked with a slight stutter filling his soft voice. I nodded before stepping out of my house and locking my door behind me.
It then occurred to us that we had never actually planned what we would do on this date. Being two very different species with very different ideas on how to spend our time together, we weren't quite sure we could do that would make us both happy. So we walked around my town for awhile while we talked about our day and such, but it wasn't until we passed the local park that it hit me.
"Oh! I have an idea!" I exclaimed excitedly, and Syzoth looked at me with a curious expression.
"What would that be, (Y/N)?" He asked and my smile grew wide with excitement.
"Come with me; I'll show you." I said as I took his hand and tugged it in the direction of the park.
He seemed almost shocked by the sudden contact and once I remembered that Zaterrans don't hold hands and figured it would make him uncomfortable, I almost pulled my hand away. But when I began to, his grip tightened on me. So I decided to let my hand stay put, encased in his own.
We entered the quiet and barren park, hand in hand, as I led him down the narrow dirt path. The only thing lighting our way were a couple light posts, but other than that, the park was pretty dark. I wasn't scared though, because I knew Syzoth would keep me safe.
"It's nice here—quiet." He spoke in a hushed tone and I nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, I like coming here a lot." I stated while lowering my tone to his level. "It's so peaceful."
"Thank you for sharing it with me."
"Of course~" I lifted my gaze to peer up at him as my lips curled into a small smile.
It was then that I realized we were still holding hands. It was different but nice—so nice that a part of me didn't want to stop. And the way he subconsciously moved his thumb to caress the back of my hand told me that he felt the same way.
Eventually, we found the end of the path and Syzoth came to a stop. But surprisingly for him, I kept going onto the patch of grass before us.
"What are you doing?" He asked as he cocked his head with curiosity.
"Follow me," I said with an amused smirk while continuing to walk along the grass.
After another minute of walking—when we were far from any light—I laid on the ground so I was facing the sky. Syzoth seemed confused by this, but repeated my actions anyway. And it wasn't until he did that he understood why I wanted to go out there in the first place.
"Aren't they beautiful?" I sighed breathlessly as we gazed upon the black, cloudless sky that was speckled with shining stars.
My smile broadened as peace and happiness filled my heart. No matter what, stargazing always seemed to make me happy, so I wanted to share it with my date.
"They're stunning," he whispered softly, before turning his head to look at me with an almost bashful smile toying on his lips. "But not the most stunning thing here tonight."
I turned my head to look at him, and despite the warmth of a blush tinting my cheeks, I simply smirked as I raised my brow.
"You sure know how to sweet-talk a lady." I chuckled before my gaze softened. "But I'd have to disagree with you."
He stared at me with confusion in his eyes, pulling down on his brows as he tried to figure out what I had meant. But then his lips cracked open to bear a cheeky grin as he finally caught on.
"It seems as if you're challenging me to a competition of compliments." He smirked as a sudden cockiness filled his tone. "That's more than fine with me, because with you, I could go all night."
The warmth in my cheeks turned hot, and I couldn't stop myself from finally turning my head away to hide my blush. He let out a laugh at my shyness, but not in a mocking way—it was as if he found it cute.
"There's no need to be shy, my little sunshine." His tone suddenly grew softer and more gentle as he spoke. "It's only me."
I fixed my gaze on him once again to see him staring at me with adoration, and the way his lips slightly curled into a small smile told me that he was more than happy to be by my side in this moment. I returned the smile before moving my head to rest on his shoulder as I looked back at the stars. Everything felt absolutely perfect, and I felt right where I belonged.
Then suddenly, a gasp parted my lips as a shooting star beamed across the sky. My heart leaped into my throat as I sat up due to pyre excitement and pointed at the flash of light.
"Oh! Make a wish!" I exclaimed before closing my eyes and thinking of something I deeply desired for my future.
It didn't take long to think of something, and I pressed my lips and eyelids together tightly as I hoped for it to come true—for more to come out of this date for the both of us.
"Did you make a wish?" I asked as I opened my eyes and looked back down at my date, who was now lying with his arms folded behind his head and an amused grin stretching his lips.
He nodded before sitting up and whispering, "I wished for this moment to never end."
"But you can't tell me! Now it won't come true!" I frowned as I looked down at him with disappointment.
"No, it won't. Just don't tell anybody." His smile widened and he then playfully nudged my shoulder. "I trust you can keep a secret."
I chuckled at his choice of words because of how true they were. Never once had I spilled his secret of being Zaterran when he would visit Earthrealm. I was lucky to be one of the few Earthrealmers that actually knew of this ability of his, so I wasn't going to abuse his trust for me by spreading it around.
Silence had fallen over us again as we gazed into each other's eyes. And then I realized that the stars truly weren't the most beautiful thing I had seen in this park at night.
"Are you enjoying our date?" I asked as my voice dropped to a low volume once again.
"Yes, very much so," he whispered as he brought his hand up to gently caress my cheek with the backs of his fingers. "(Y/N)?"
"Thank you for sharing this with me."
The corners of my lips curved up into a sweet smile for the hundredth time that night, and I slowly leaned forward to gently press my lips against his. His whole body froze for a moment, and I began to wonder if he even wanted it. But before I could pull away, his lips slowly twitched into the form in which makes a kiss. It was a beautiful moment that I would cherish forever.

Crimson Eyes Of Desire

Prompt 31: Monster Fucking Pairing: Syzoth X Fem!Reader Description: Worried after waking up to find that your husband's side of the bed was empty, you go on a search around your house to find him. Eventually, you find him outside, drenched in sweat and acting distance. He is hesitant to tell you what's wrong, but after a bit of prying, you finally learn the shocking truth... Warnings: Monster Fucking, Teratophilia, Hemipenes, Slight Claustrophobia Kink, Slight Dumbification, Mention Of Oviposition, Voice Kink, Biting, Marking, Acid Burns, Blood, Knotting, Breeding Kink, Breeding, Syzoth In Heat And Needs Some Help From His Loving Wife... Word Count: 4k A/N: Well, holy fuck! We did it! 😂 I did not think I would make it through the entire prompt list when starting Kinktober, but here we are! I honestly couldn't have done it without all of your support. I really appreciate it. I hope you have enjoyed Kinktober from me, and if any of you want part two of any of these fics, let me know. I already have ideas for more in the future. 🤭 Anyway, I wanted to make this last prompt special, so I went all out. I hope you all enjoy it! Happy Halloween, friends! 💚🖤💚🖤 Main MasterList: 🖤 Kinktober MasterList: 🖤 Synny's Angels: @lorebite, @mornandil, @queenkhepri, @bihansthot, and @mmeerraa.
In my slumber, I brushed my hand against the mattress beside me to feel for my husband. But surprisingly, I found nothing. The feeling of the empty space next to me on the bed jolted me awake. Confused by this—since Syzoth would always stay by my side while I slept—I got up and began checking each room of our house for him.
I first went to the bathroom, assuming that he most likely had to use it and snuck off because he was too embarrassed to let me know. I knocked a few times and received no answer. Sighing, I opened the door in hopes he was in there. But my suspicion was shot down when I found an empty room before me.
Then I went to the kitchen, figuring that he needed a mid-night snack. Again, I found nothing—not even a crumb that would tell me he had been there for that very reason. Now very concerned about my lover, I began checking every room frantically, worried that something had happened to him.
Shocked to find no trace of Syzoth, my last option was outside. I put on my robe and slowly opened the front door. I wasn't the biggest fan of going outside at night, but I had to make sure that Syzoth was okay. I stood on the front porch and listened for any signs of his presence. Other than the sound of a light breeze brushing through the branches of trees and an owl in the distance, everything was fairly quiet. That was until I heard the rustling of a nearby bush.
Slowly, I left the safety of our porch and approached the bush before me. I knew it was risky, but I had to know if it was him. I was careful not to step on any branches as I walked through our yard, leaving the only sound I produced to be my slippers dragging along the grass. Finally, I rounded the bush to find Syzoth. I was relieved... For a moment...
Then I noticed how flushed and sweaty his skin was. He clearly knew of my presence, but refused to look in my direction.
"Do not come any closer!" He warned in a tone that sounded more like an animalistic growl than anything.
"Syzoth," I spoke as softly and calmly as I possibly could to sooth my husband of whatever had been troubling him. "What's wrong?"
I took another step towards him, and he quickly shifted away from me. I instantly took notice of how his breathing grew heavier as he did so, and I quickly became more concerned about his well-being.
"I-I told you to stay away!" He yelled through clenched teeth, his body growing even more visibly tense by the second.
His tone shocked me, but there was something in it that sounded like he felt guilty for treating me in such a way. Syzoth was usually a very calm and down-to-earth person, not like this—not with me. As much as he protested, I came forward and slowly—like I was trying not to scare off a frightened, wild animal—kneeled beside him. He turned himself away from me and hugged his knees to his chest as his body began to tremble violently. It was almost like... He was afraid?
"Syzoth, I am your wife!" I reminded him in a firm manner. "Now you need to tell me what's wrong!"
He heaved a deep sigh as his body tensed due to my close presence. Despite wanting so badly to know why my husband was acting so differently towards me, I let him take his time. He was clearly struggling to even function at the moment, let alone talk about it.
"T-T-There is something I never told you." He stammered in so quietly that it was almost inaudible, like he was about to share a secret with me. It almost sounded as if he was about to cry. "I feared it might have scared you away."
"Well, what is it?" I pried, and he went silent for a moment, as if he didn't trust his voice to speak.
"In Zaterran culture, we are known to... Mate with our lovers." He explained cautiously. "There is a lengthy courting process that we have never finished, which leads to a mating ritual we do to seal our bond for good. And right now, I'm..."
"I'm in heat... And I really need to finish that mating ritual now..." He admitted timidly, looking back at me for the first time. I was shocked to see his pupils so dilated that those beautiful lime-green eyes—which I adored so much—were almost completely swallowed up by the two black holes, which led right to his soul and showed me his hunger. This man was clearly starving for some much-needed attention.
"O-Ok," I stuttered while looking up at him through my lashes in a shy manner. I could feel my cheeks burn with a sudden heat of desire, and I swallowed thickly before muttering my next choice of words. "H-How do you... Mate?"
The Zaterran seemed too ashamed of his needs to speak for a moment, his lips pursing in a thin line as he contemplated the next words to come out of his mouth. He lowered his head, his eyes averting mine as his shoulders dropped in defeat. Then he exhaled deeply to prepare himself for what he was about to tell me.
"Well, I will start by transforming into my natural form." He froze for a minute, his eyes examining me to see if I was comfortable with what he was saying. Once he was sure that I seemed okay, he continued explaining. "Then I will begin rubbing myself against you to mark my scent on you. After that, I will enter you and begin breeding you. It will be a long process, but an enjoyable one. Once I finally reach my limit, I will proceed to fill you with my seed to impregnate you with my young."
A thousand thoughts fell into my mind at once, like a hail storm. I placed two fingers on each of my temples, rubbing them in slow and circular movements. It was a lot to take in—almost too much—but Syzoth needed this. So how could I deny my husband of it?
"This... Is a lot to take in..." I huffed a short laugh to tame the awkward aura that had fallen between us. "However, I'll be willing to do this... For you."
"Really? You're not uncomfortable with—with making love to my natural form?" He asked while glancing back at me with wide eyes, evidently astonished by my declaration.
"Of course not, Syzoth." Smiling reassuringly, I placed my hand on his clammy one. "I love you—all of you."
The worry in my husband's eyes melted away with pure love as he squeezed my hand tightly, soon leading me back into the house. Once we returned to our bedroom, we wasted no time and got fully undressed. He asked me to remove my own clothes, since if he were to do it for me, he could lose all control and rip them to shreds.
Did that make me even more nervous for what was to come? Yes. But I would try to be strong for him—I would endure all he would give me. The wild hunger in his eyes was growing by the second as we came closer and closer to starting the ritual. He took a step forward, stalking towards me like a predator hunting its prey.
"W-What about a safe word?" I suggested nervously, and he stopped in his tracks, raising an intrigued brow.
"A safe word?" He parroted as an amused smirk toyed on his lips.
"Yeah! It's something someone says during sex, so their lover knows that they have had too much." I explained, getting quite into the idea of it. Any other day, we would not need to have such an odd rule during our love-making. However, Syzoth was in a very wild state—one that would make it difficult for him to control himself. This was the only thing that somewhat calmed my nerves because I knew that Syzoth would stop at the quietest mutter of the chosen word.
He merely chuckled at the suggestion but nodded his head to show that I had been heard. "And what would your safe word be?"
I thought for a moment before the perfect word struck me. "Umm, mercy?"
"Mercy?" He laughed almost mockingly. "You would want me to grant mercy on you if things get too rough?"
"It's the best I got, ok?" I scoffed, my arms folding across my chest as my lips formed a pout.
"Okay, okay." His laughter finally died down into words. "Mercy it is."
Now that that was clarified, that raw craving for me was clear in his eyes again. He took another step closer; his muscles rippled as his clothing strained to contain his broad chest. It was like he was filled with so much arousal that he was growing larger. Perhaps that was a Zaterran thing.
"So beautiful..." He growled lowly, his voice filled with a primal longing and hunger. Once he stood right in front of me—his tall form towering over my own to make me feel small and vulnerable—he then leaned into me closely, his body pressing into mine in a dominant way. His voice was so quiet that it was almost inaudible, but still somehow clear as water. "I'm going to make you mine."
An almost hypnotic sense of seduction and lust filled the words he spoke. For a moment, it felt as if my body was being caressed not just by Syzoth but also by his words themselves.
Being lulled into this moment of intoxicating seduction, I almost didn't even notice it when he changed into his natural form. It wasn't like I hadn't seen it before; when we were alone, he always transformed into it to loung around the house or in our backyard to soak up the rays of sun through his scales. But still, Syzoth was full of surprises. I realized this when I glanced down to discover that reptiles and humans were more different from each other than I thought.
"Two?! You have two?!" I shrieked, stumbling backwards as my mind grew way too overstimulated with all this new information it was receiving about my husband. My eyes were now glued to these two, long beasts of cocks before me. I couldn't believe it—they looked so unreal. Thick and veiny with knots on both heads, along with sharp-looking spines along the sides. The sight made me quite anxious.
"Yes, (Y/N). I have two penises." He confirmed, his voice now rough like gravel in his reptilian form. Though I didn't necessarily need him to, thanks to being able to see for myself, my sanity did because it was so damn unbelievable. "Usually, they would both enter the female's vagina at once to help the breeding process. However, I think you are too small to take both at once."
I thought of a solution to this dilemma, but it didn't take long for one to hit me like a truck. "You could put it in... My other hole?"
"Really? Would you be comfortable with that?" He narrowed his now-ruby eyes at me, clearly uncertain of what I was suggesting. It was so sweet that, despite being in this state, he was still insistent on making sure that I was comfortable with all that we did.
"Yeah. Honestly, I think it would make this feel even better." I stated, climbing onto the bed to get into position on my back. The Zaterran climbed on top of me just seconds later, his weight pushing me into the mattress as he got ready to begin.
His body brushed up against me, and with a quick nod of his head, he began nuzzling my throat. It took me a moment to figure out what he was doing, but once I remembered his words—about marking me with his scent—I spread my limbs out on the bed to allow him better access to my body. He continued to wiggle and rub against me, and I had to keep from laughing a few times due to how comical the situation was. Once he was finished, he nudged his nose under my jawline and inhaled deeply.
"Perfect," he uttered while his large hands gripped my forearms tightly to hold me down. Clearly, his work was a success, and he was ready to continue on with the ritual. "Are you ready, sunflower?"
"Yes." I breathed, closing my eyes to mentally prepare myself for what was to come.
"Here we go—" His words cut into a feral groan as he pushed both members into my two holes.
I screamed, not expecting it to hurt as much as it did. The stinging sensation was almost too much to bear as his girth stretched me wider than what was natural, almost ripping me in the process. He was usually so good to remember to prepare me before entering my body. But unfortunately, that hunger clouded his mind and made it easy to forget such an important step.
Luckily, my cries of discomfort brought him back to reality, and he froze within me for a moment to allow me to adjust the best I could. He raised a clawed hand up to my head, his nails carefully dragging through my hair as if to comfort me as the pain slowly began to melt away.
I found it funny how much bigger he was in this form, with the palm of his hand being the same size as my entire face. I actually liked it more than I had previously realized. His hand then slid beneath me, and with his sharp talons lightly dragging across my nape, I released a sigh as I began to relax under his tender touches.
Once the numbing pain finally subsided, I was able to feel him within me in detail. The spines were, surprisingly, not uncomfortable but rather enjoyable. They dug into my walls perfectly and helped graciously to stimulate those nerves within my core.
With the slightest utterance of approval to start, Syzoth's hips began to move. I keened as the spines pulled at my walls as he pulled out, before slowly pushing back in. In the beginning, Syzoth's crimson eyes stayed glued to mine, gazing upon them with adoration. A low rumble emitted from his chest, vibrating against my own and sending chills down my spine.
It didn't take too long for him to pick up the pace, and soon, his hips were snapping back and forth viciously. I screamed and moaned as his tips slammed into the sweet spots in both of my holes at the same time, pushing me closer and closer to the edge of bliss.
I tried writhing beneath him, but I was trapped under the weight of the Zaterran. The feeling of not being able to move was terrifying... But in all the right ways. My arousal spiked, and I instinctively raised my hands to claw at his sides and back, as if I were trapped under a boulder and trying to scratch my way free.
Syzoth only responded to this with a loud growl as he moved faster, clearly focused only on his thrusting patterns, which were driven by his need to breed me. Edging closer to the peak of passion, I was now shaking as each breath either hitched in my throat or caught on a gasp from the intense amount of pleasure I was receiving.
The sounds of the bedsheets tearing filtered the air, along with my thoughtless moans and his hisses and growls. No longer having anything suitable to hang onto—since the sheets and mattress had been destroyed by his claws—Syzoth then gripped onto me, his claws skinking into my skin but not enough to actually draw blood.
It wasn't until my orgasm finally reached me that he completely lost all control for good. As I lost all of my senses to the mind-numbing high that was coursing through each of my veins, something in Syzoth snapped, sending him into a downward spiral into his true Zaterran nature. His claws finally dug deep into my flesh, pinning me against him as he slammed into me at high speed.
He pounded so deeply within my aching canal that I swore he was trying to enter my womb. And I didn't know that it was really his intent until he spoke words of confirmation.
"Come on! Take my seed into your womb! Get pregnant!" He roared viciously, his tail snapping back and forth around the room, knocking items of unimportance off my nightstand and shelves.
Though I couldn't pay much attention to the comotion around me because his deep and rough reptilian voice had my heart vibrating from lust, it was the only thing I could focus on in the moment—the only thing keeping me somewhat grounded to reality. I wasn't sure if it was the moment, the words he spoke, or the sound of his Zaterran voice in that tone, but I was completely high off of it, like it was some sort of intense drug.
"Take it! Take it! Come on! Arrrrrrrgh!" With one final roar tearing from his leathery throat, Syzoth released within me, hot ropes of seed shooting down both holes like rockets.
I buried my face in his chest, crying as the overstimulation nearly grew to be too much to bear. For a split second, I contemplated using my safe word. But looking back up at him, through the look of primal determination in his cruel, crimson eyes, I saw love and passion—love and passion for the future mother of his children. And that was more than enough to push me through.
After what felt like several minutes of him ejaculating within me and stuffing me beyond full, he collapsed on top of me, yet again trapping me beneath my weight. I almost couldn't breathe since he was practically crushing me. Luckily, when I let out a small gasp for air, he realized this and slightly lifted himself up to relieve some of the pressure on my form.
Though that wasn't the only reason why I took that sharp intake of breath. The sudden overstimulation of being stretched open just a little bit more than I had been previously had my lips parting as the air caught in my throat. But I didn't think too much of it at the time.
"You did so well, sunshine." He cooed lovingly, his voice still deep and hoarse and still sending chills down my now-jellied spine. Though it held a sudden softness to it now, at the same time. He then averted his gaze to my stomach, chuckling lowly as he examined the area. "You are so swollen, my sweetheart. You already look pregnant with my young—so pretty."
He released his talons from my flesh to bring them up to my hair again, gently brushing them through the tangled strains to fix them like the loving husband he was. I sighed while letting my eyes fall shut, so comfortable and happy in his presence.
Though that peaceful moment lasted for a short time, because the next thing I knew, I felt something long and strong snaking tightly around my waist. My eyes shot back open, and I glanced down to see his tail wrapping around me again and again, caging me within its grasp. When I looked back up at my lover's face, his stiff reptilian lips had formed a dangerous grin.
"Now for the final part." He announced, his voice deep and growlly yet again. "The marking process."
"W-What does that mean?" I stuttered weakly between still uneven breaths, unable to fully calm myself from the previous events, which made me nervous for the next ones that my husband had in mind.
"It means I will have to bite your neck as just a thin layer of my acid covers my canines, allowing me to brand you as my mate." He explained casually, like it was nothing at all. But then, his voice grew just a bit of humanity back into it as he spoke his next sentence. "If you are uncomfortable with this—"
"No," I interrupted him abruptly, not really thinking of my words before speaking them. And that was because I didn't need to, because I was already sure. "I want you to."
"Are you sure?" He asked, peering down at me with concern thick in his eyes.
Raising a hand to his cheek, I brushed my fingers along the rough scales. His eyes then fluttered shut as he leaned into my touch, a soft rumble coming from within him, imitating a low purr. I gently placed my lips upon his snoot, and his eyes shot open, as if he were astonished by the gesture.
When I pulled back, I gazed up at him with nothing but love in my eyes for the man as I murmured, "Yes, Syzoth. Make me your mate for good."
"Ok." He whispered before lowering his face to my neck, his teeth gently grazing the flesh as if to test the waters. "Do you trust me?"
"I trust you." I whimpered, my body quivering slightly. Not from fear, but from anticipation. I knew Syzoth would never put me in harm's way. I really did trust him with all my heart.
With those words being spoken, Syzoth allowed his teeth to continue grazing my neck for a moment longer before letting his sharp canines sink into its soft flesh. I cried out in pain, and Syzoth had to hold down my arms to keep me from writhing so he could complete the mating ritual.
Tears filled my eyes as a hint of acid stung my skin, staining it crimson. Though deep down, I felt okay because I knew Syzoth would never put my life in danger—I knew that by scarring me with his bite, I would be his forever.
The acid worked quickly to burn a small portion of my skin away to engrave the marks of his teeth into my flesh. The pain pierced nerves within me and made it hard to stay still, but I tried my best for him. After all was said and done, he released my throat.
His scaley lips lingered upon the bite for a moment before he freed his long tongue to gently caress the area, lapping up the blood and soothing the scorching pain that seared through the bite. Once he was sure that the wound was clean, he pulled back and stared down at me with a loving gaze filling his eyes as my blood dripped down his chin.
I wanted to tell him how much I loved him—that I was so blessed to call him my husband—but like the acid did to my throat, the experience had melted my brain. I was too tired—too in shock—to speak or function at all. So I just laid there, my dopey eyes watching my pretty Zaterran contently. I was so numb from everything that I could barely feel now—so numb that I barely even felt the two knots swelling within my holes. But regardless of not knowing what was going on below my waist, I knew I would be sore tomorrow.
"My precious wife, you will look so beautiful carrying my children." Syzoth murmured, his Zaterran tone still coarse but gentle with the tenderness of the moment. "I am so proud and honored to call you my mate."
After speaking his words of adoration, Syzoth pressed his forehead against my own. He had told me about this before—that it was a way to say "I love you" in Zaterran. The gesture meant more to me than any kiss or hug I had ever received. When he finally moved—several moments later—he nuzzled his nose into my neck once more, though now it was just to cuddle.
His tail curled around me in a protective manner, and soon after, soft snores were heard from the sweet boy. I couldn't have been happier—I couldn't have felt more loved and wanted. I could feel the magical swirling feeling of butterflies within my stomach, and something told me that it was his seed being conceived into sweet little eggs of our young.
I rested my hands on his back, gently stroking his scales as I began to drift off as well. I knew that he would be just as good of a father as he was a husband, and I couldn't wait to start that beautiful journey with him in the near future.

•Bi-Han x reader
{There’s a softer side to Bi-Han that is saved just for you, he shows it in the early hours of the morning}
Could it be slightly ooc? Perhaps, but a girl can dream. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my lovelies!! 💕 {requests are open}
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A soft breeze passes through the room, causing the sheer curtains to softly move with the wind. Bi-Han had left before the sun. He wanted to start his training extra early today, claiming the peacefulness of the early morning brought him a ‘clearer piece of mind’.
You smile, sitting up as you take in the sounds of nature; the birds, the insects, the way the leaves rustle. It’s the type of music that brings clarity to your heart and soul. Then you hear him, your husband as he walks towards your shared bedchambers, pushing open the door carefully so as to not wake you.
“Sorry my love” he whispers, his hair is slightly damp, freshly washed with a black robe wrapped securely around him. He takes a seat on the bed, looking down at you with the softest eyes.
You shake your head as his hand caresses your cheek ever so gently. “No, I was already awake. How was your training?” You ask tiredness still evidently laced within your tone. He tucks loose strands of your hair behind your ear as he admires your sleepy state.
He wonders to himself for a moment how he’s managed to keep someone like you, so soft and precious. You, who cares about him so deeply in ways he never expected. He wonders how long this moment of clarity will last.
“It was good, peaceful” he pauses, for a moment, his heart skipping a beat when you lean into his touch. The feeling of his calloused palm against your cheek is a pleasant, welcome feeling, and the way his thumb gently caresses the space under your eye almost lulls you back to sleep. The gentle action speaks volumes, a silent “I missed you” in the way he holds your face.
He watches the sly smirk that teeters on your lips, how your eyes brighten. The way his actions affect you. It makes him feel all types of emotions, ones that used to scare him, but now they bring him nothing but comfort.
“Perhaps next time you might join me?” he suggests, breaking the silence with his strong voice, before taking the bed sheets from behind you and draping the warm soft covers over your shoulders, protecting you from the chilly morning air.
“Mhm- perhaps you will give me a kiss every time I impress you?” You test your luck, the playful glint in his eyes gives him away immediately.
“You are a menace” he mumbles, dropping a delicate kiss to your shoulder. His lips trail up to your jaw, and he smiles against you when he hears your breath hitch. “It would be impossible,” he tells you, deciding to indulge in your banter, just this once.
“Oh? And why is that?” You press, feigning offence.
Bi-Han leans closer to you, his lips grazing against your ear as he whispers, “I wouldn’t be able to stop kissing you” he smirks when you gently push his shoulder, rolling your eyes in a playful manner.
He catches your hand gently in his, his fingers wrapping around your wrist before pulling you closer to him. His arms envelop you as he presses his lips against yours, in a fleeting but yet loving kiss. It’s you who deepens the kiss, your hands cupping either side of his face gently, and as always Bi-Han follows with nothing but trust.
He pulls back, “Let us go eat breakfast.” He whispers, and you nod, watching as he stands to collect your robe, helping you to slip it on. he steps in front of you, taking the silk and tying it gently around your waist. His hands find purchase on your hips, “Beautiful” he whispers, pressing one last kiss to your cheek before leading you into the dining area.
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-Liu Kang x Reader
{A soft moment between you and Liu Kang}
Super fluffy and very domestic!! Hope you enjoy my lovelies! 💕
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Evenings in the Shaolin monastery never fail to take your breath away, how the pink and orange hues from the setting sun seem to bleed together, casting its warm light across the horizon. You admire the beauty of the scenery from the quaint little space you found. Hidden away from the other monks, a small open room lit by candles, where you could enjoy some tea in peace.
You allow your mind to drift as you take a deep breath, taking in the sounds of nature and distant water, only to be pleasantly interrupted by Liu Kang as he enters your quaint space with consideration, careful, so as to not rip you away from your meditative state.
“Nice of you to join me” you smile, shuffling to make space on the wooden floor for him to sit beside you, and he does so without hesitation, sitting on the blanket you laid upon the floor, “How did you find me?” You wonder as he looks at you with soft eyes.
“I couldn’t find you anywhere, I figured you’d be here” he explains, his hands finding yours, stopping you from pouring him some tea. “How is your head?” He tilts his chin slightly as he caresses your cheek, thumb soothing the space under your eye.
You had told him you weren’t feeling all too well this morning, way before he left to help Raiden and Kung Lao with whatever needed their attention around the Shaolin Temple. He had offered to look after you, the ever-caring man that he was, but yet his duties called him and he was whisked away from you.
Liu Kang can’t help but smile as you lean into his warm hand, the fabric of his bandages are rough against your skin but that doesn’t stop you. “A lot better than this morning” you hum, fingers wrapping around his wrist, gently bringing his hands down to your lap.
“Nothing some ginger tea couldn’t help” You begin unwrapping the bandages from his hands ever so carefully. He relishes in the way it feels, almost as if the tension from him unravels along with the tough cloth. You take a moment to run your fingertips across his slightly calloused palms, making a mental note to buy more hand cream.
The absence of the sun brings a cold chill, one that causes a shiver to run down your spine. Liu Kang notices, and with a soft frown, he reaches from behind you, picking up the knitted shawl and draping it over your shoulders before pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Mhm, I am glad to hear” he whispers, shuffling to sit behind you. He wraps his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder as you continue to drink the warm liquid. “Tomorrow I am all yours my heart, the two of us can do whatever you please,” he says and you don't have to look at him to know there's a smirk on his lips.
His chest blooms with warmth at the way you giggle, a sound Liu Kang couldn’t possibly ever get bored of, “Whatever I please? Hmm, you might come to regret saying that” There’s a certain playfulness in your words that only drives Liu Kang to hold you tighter, peppering your shoulder with soft kisses.
“Learn from it… perhaps, but regret I could never, every moment with you is deeply cherished” his words carry a certain weight to them, something that doesn’t go amiss as his lips continue to playfully trail up towards your jaw.
“Like you learned from the baking incident?” you remind him of the series of unfortunate events all over again. How the sweet treat ended up being terribly charred and completely inedible. You can feel Liu Kang's chest rise and fall from behind you as he laughs, calloused hands slipping into your own.
“Yes, I learned not to let you distract me” he teases, thumb soothing along your knuckles. Another gust of wind pushes through the trees, and you’re thankful that the god of fire is sitting behind you, holding you close to him. But despite his warm presence, he still notices the goosebumps that invade your body and the slight shiver that crawls through your spine.
“Let’s go home before you catch a cold” he whispers, lips grazing against your ear before standing up. The loss of his warmth hits you suddenly, and you are made very aware of the autumn winds. Liu Kang helps you to your feet, and with linked arms, the pair of you make your way home.
The rest of the night he spends practically glued to your hip, touching you in any way he possibly can and true to his words, the next day is spent doing whatever you please.
order of darkness

I finally finished this drawing (;´_ゝ`)

order of darkness kenshi

Idk why this drawing was much easier and faster to do
Mortal Kombat

My oc
Facts about her
Mk intros part 1?
Her as a lover
The begining
Help me decide
So since my MK oc doesn't have a 'canon' lover and I want to write stuff with her I thought that I would basically do at least 1 post for every character from MK X/11 and MK1 being her lover and how their relationship would be like.
I will do villains despite the fact that she would never be with them but I like a challenge and it would make me explore the pathway of if she became corrupt.
But first thing's first I need to know which game to start with first and this is where you guys come in!
Cannon bc I say so
Mortal Kombat tweets cus i havent finished my drawing and i need to pist smth 🙏

Whatever we do, we can't hurt her. Her? I'm worried about us.
Johnny Cage and Kenshi Takahashi in Mortal Kombat 1 (2023)

can i plz get some fics about her she is so fine😖❤️

My favorite guys! 👆🫶
(And their obsessor’s on the right🧯) ⤴️
alright man who on the mk1 team modeled Johnny cages penis

This looked SO dorky to me