temnurus - Temnurus

39, transgender, neurodivergent, demisexual, panromantic, married, INFJ, writer, gamer | I'm Temnurus on AO3. My current obsessions are MDZS & TGCF. There will also be occasional poetry, memes, and random nonsense.

467 posts

Tag Game

Tag game

I was tagged by both @zzledri and @drarry-picrew! Thanks for the tags, y'all!

Favourite color: Blue! I love most shades of blue, but right now I'm really into sky blue and periwinkle.

Currently reading: Published fiction, I'm reading Meet Cute Club by Jack Harbon. It's really cheesy, but it's not too bad. Fanfic-wise, I'm reading Into the Deep by Ars_Matron. It's a Yuri on Ice fic, and I'm enjoying it a lot. It's a pirate AU! But fair warning, it's also an a/b/o fic if that's not your thing.

Last song: If We Can Get Through This We Can Get Through Anything by James Arthur

Last movie: Weathering With You (SO GOOD)

Last series: The Good Place (If you haven't watched this yet, I highly recommend it.)

Sweet, spicy, or savoury: sweet

Craving: macaroni and cheese

Tea or coffee: tea!

Currently working on: I am stalled out on a ficlet for a friend. Hopefully I'll be able to get back into it soon. It's a Drarry with the prompt: veritaserum.

This was fun! I'll tag @avaeryn, @bronwenackeley, @lastontheboat, and anyone else who wants in!

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More Posts from Temnurus

3 years ago

Hi!! I'm feeling rather emotional now, really need something that makes me grin or sob or heartbroken, anything. Can you rec me fics which are full of emotions?

Oh, my dear Anon. I meant to answer this the week it was asked, and then life decided to sidetrack me for a while (like a super long time actually, omg, I'm so sorry). I dug out my notes for how I was going to answer, and I’m compiling them now, horribly late, but still utterly sincere. Each of the fics on this list is both chock full of emotion and made me an emotional wreck. Not in a bad way, mind you, because I am a wuss, and unhappy endings would crush my fragile heart. But still. There was lots of laughter, lots of tears, and definitely a good bit of blushing. Please note that I read mostly explicit fics, so a lot of these are spicy. Fair warning!

Drarry Fics

Title: Balance, Imperfect Author: bixgirl1 Rating: Explicit Words: 91,000 Highlights: EWE, Healing, Healer Draco, Domesticity, Romance, Dating, Falling In Love, and some lovely NSFW tags Warnings: Physical Disability, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Depression, Longing, Dubious Medical Ethics, Disability Summary: When Harry sustains an injury in the line of work, he no longer knows how to navigate the life he loved, and finds help and solace from the most unexpected source.

Thoughts: I wrestle with myself relentlessly over whether or not this should overtake That Old Black Magic as my favorite bixgirl1 fic. It ripped me open and left me bleeding several times. I wept openly no less than four times during this fic. It's just scalding raw emotion poured directly into your veins and deals with such difficult subjects and feelings in gorgeous and flawless ways. There is a happy ending. Make no mistake. Bix has never failed me in this regard. I've read TOBM more times so far, but this fic was an absolute experience. If you enjoy being gutted and then made whole again, this is absolutely the fic for you.

Title: Burn The Witch Author: lettersbyelise Rating: Explicit Words: 95,800 Highlights: Unusual Careers, Demisexual Draco, Case Fic, Falling In Love, Friends to Lovers, Autistic Scorpius, Slow Burn, Banter, Snark, Happy Ending, lots of delightful NSFW tags Warnings: Pining, Mentions of Violence, Angst, Scars, Mention of Panic Attacks, Mentions of Therapy Summary: When Harry Potter is sent in to investigate Draco Malfoy’s successful potions company, posing as Draco’s bodyguard, he doesn’t know the case will launch a series of events that will change his life — and Draco’s. A story about choices, scars, Chopin piano pieces, and finding all kinds of love in the most unexpected places.

Thoughts: The author wrote Draco beautifully as someone who really grew out of the prejudices his parents instilled in him and found his own mind and voice and purpose in a really meaningful way. I thought his relationship with Scorpius was beautiful, and their take on a child on the autism spectrum was handled with care and aplomb. Ernestina was one of my favorite OCs ever in a story. She's really fantastic. Harry seemed to slip right into their lives so comfortably, and I liked how natural that felt. Like it was bound to happen (because of course it was, haha). I loved how fiercely protective he was of both Draco and Scorpius, and the author caught Harry’s endless capacity for love just perfectly in this story. The action scenes were wrenching, though minor in the scheme of things. This was an absolutely gorgeous story, one of my favorites.

Title: Blood and Fire Author: lq_traintracks Rating: Explicit Words: 44,888 Highlights: EWE, Tattoos, Patronus, Dragons, Kneazles, Owls, an epic shit-ton of white hot NSFW tags Warnings: Angst, Pining, Scars Summary: Harry has spent the last twelve years in Romania, not returning to England as often as he knows he should. It's complicated. But when Ginny asks him to be her best man and help her plan her wedding, he can't say no. Having a reckoning with his choices, with himself, won't be easy. To say nothing of seeing Draco again.

Thoughts: Harry running off to Romania to take care of dragons was such an inspired idea. I don't know why I hadn't considered it before, but it suited him perfectly. I've always thought it likely he'd want to travel or get away from his fame somehow, and this was an amazing way to go about it. I did not anticipate how much the idea of both him and Draco pining for each other for 12 years would gut me, but my god, the tension when they encountered each other first at Ginny and Pansy's and then in the pub was electric. My comment on this fic was embarrassingly enthusiastic. Read this. It's phenomenal.

Snarry Fics

Title: the gentleness that comes Author: Likelightinglass Rating: Explicit Words: 29,272 Highlights: EWE, Canon Divergence, Severus Snape Lives, Fluff, Domesticity, and again a ton of NSFW tags (What can I say? I have a type.) Warnings: Insecurity, Scars, Hurt/Comfort Summary: There's something bothering Severus, and Harry wants to help. It's easier for Severus to let go when he's exploring his submissive side, so Harry plans a weekend to show him just how loved he is, and how much Harry wants to care for him. Based on the prompt: Harry has a thing for scars, and Severus has a need for reassurance. They just happen to be what the other requires.

Thoughts: There is no sweeter dynamic than the one captured by Light's versions of Harry and Severus. The tenderness Harry shows for Sev in this brought me to tears several times. The smut was hot and sweet and everything I wanted. I am fully admitting my bias with this being a gift fic for me, but this is more than just an exploration of kink on the softer side of things. It's a gorgeous piece of prose that's just chock full of love in its most beautiful forms. I can't recommend this enough. It's perfect.

Title: Finders Keepers Author: Lilian Rating: Teen And Up Words: 7,325 Highlights: EWE, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Severus Snape Lives, Magical Realism, Hedwig Lives, Drama, Healing, Happy Ending Warnings: Age Difference, Angst, Hurt/Comfort Summary: Soulmate AU from tumblr @the-rotten-prince: Imagine whenever you lose something, your soulmate winds up finding it. Severus Snape doesn't find a single thing until he's twenty. By that time, he has given up and ignores a young boy, when he arrives at Hogwarts.

Thoughts: Lilian is a frigging genius when it comes to soulmate fics. That's all there is to it. This was absolutely gorgeous. I loved getting to see Severus' younger years, though him losing things in order for his soulmate to find them and consequently find him broke my fucking heart. This fic brought all the feels, and it is so, so good. There's not a thing I've read of hers that I haven't liked. Just lovely.

Title: The Measure of a Man Author: Acid Rating: Explicit Words: 50,163 Highlights: EWE, Canon Divergence, Severus Snape Lives, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Trans Harry, Spinner’s End, Coming Out, FTM Harry, Trans Male Character, Gender Identity, Auror Harry, Legilimency, Transitioning, Transgender, Trans Female Character, Severus Snape Has A Heart, Grimmauld Place, Smut Warnings: Closets, Minor Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Misgendering, Gender Dysphoria, Trust Issues, Drinking, Gender Roles Summary: Several years after defeating Voldemort, Junior Auror Harry Potter discovers himself and, at the risk of losing his childhood love, follows the truth. Through it all, Snape is an unexpected solace. Will he become more?

Thoughts: This fic was an incredibly powerful look into Harry's mind during his transition. The relationships were rich and deep, and the feelings in this were both raw and immensely powerful. I related strongly to parts as a trans nonbinary person, and the topic was covered honestly and thoroughly. Harry and Severus' characterizations were gorgeous, and the evolution of their relationship was stunning to watch. This is a must read for me. I thoroughly enjoyed it and highly recommend it.

Golden Trio

Title: Where Silence Has Come To Lick Its Wounds Author: p1013 Rating: Explicit Words: 2,681 Highlights: Canon Divergence, No Dialogue, Porn With Feelings, a few more lovely NSFW tags Warnings: none Summary: When he comes back to the Horcrux hunt, Ron asks if Harry still wants him, if they still want him, and it's a cold shock almost worse than the frozen lake around Harry's body that Ron might consider the answer is anything other than yes or please or never leave us again.

Thoughts: I have yet to read a ton of fics for this OT3, but I just had to include it in this list. The author's style is wonderful, and I loved the wordless communication through touch and expression they all had throughout their love-making. This was pure poetry in motion, and the three of them coming together felt very natural in the moment. Just gorgeous.

Tags :
3 years ago


What is it? HP Kinktober is an open Kinktober-style prompt fest that focuses on Harry Potter themes and kinks for the month of October. You can create fic or art for all of the prompts, just one day, or anything in between.

When Does it Start? The fest runs through the month of October. Each day will have a different prompt. Ideally, you’ll post your creation on the day of the prompt, but feel free to post at any time.

Who Can Participate? Anyone, as long as you are 18+.

How Can I Participate? Pick a prompt, write or create artwork inspired by that prompt, and then post to the AO3 collection. If you’re on tumblr, you can also tag @hpkinktober and we’ll reblog your work there.

Where are the prompts? 

On the AO3 collection FAQ page here:  https://archiveofourown.org/collections/HPKinktober_2021/profile#faq

 And they will be posted daily on the Tumblr page: https://hpkinktober.tumblr.com/

You can also view a preview of the prompts below. 

HP Kinktober 2021 Prompt List

Day 1: Hogwart’s Express 

Day 2: Felix Felicis 

Day 3: Polyjuice/Body Swap 

Day 4: Amortentia 

Day 5: Spell Play 

Day 6: Parseltongue 

Day 7: Creature!Fic 

Day 8: Giant Squid 

Day 9: Legilimency 

Day 10: Dark Magic Ritual 

Day 11: Invisibility Cloak 

Day 12: Duelling 

Day 13: Mirror of Erised 

Day 14: Magical Portraits 

Day 15: Magic Game or Sport 

Day 16: Room of Requirement 

Day 17: Magic Sex Toys 

Day 18: Magical Plants 

Day 19: Betting/Gambling 

Day 20: Truth Serum 

Day 21: Dragonhide 

Day 22: Bondage/Shibari 

Day 23: Threesome (or more) 

Day 24: Angry Sex 

Day 25: Tattoos 

Day 26: Exhibitionism

Day 27: Lingerie 

Day 28: Floo 

Day 29: Wandless Magic 

Day 30: Your Choice 

Day 31: Aftercare

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3 years ago

our love will transcend universes, star gazing 😘

Our Love Will Transcend Universes, Star Gazing

Show me your constellation again darling?

Thank you my beautiful @kellerific-writing for this wonderful request!!

I’m still accepting requests for this palette challenge but I must warn that I may not finish them all! Much love! xx

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3 years ago

Facial expression description library (1/?)

Dear authors, HELP! Do you know that feeling when you want to write something and your character makes a face in your head but there aren't any words for that facial expression? Yeah, I hate that. So, my 05:30am brain had an idea:

Why not take pictures or gifs of the expressions we need words for and post it, and then everyone reblogs with how they would describe that expression! It takes a moment, but in the end we all have a neat little library of gifs and descriptions and we just have to find the one we need when we need it.

Now I have no following, so I humbly ask if you would consider to reblog this even if you don't add your own description – I would be forever grateful.

But let's get to the point: How would you describe this expression?

Facial Expression Description Library (1/?)

(edit: feel free to make your own posts with expressions you need and tag them with 'facial expression description library' so they're searchable!)