Anonymous Asks - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Send me asks!

sweet and pure asks

🐰- do you believe in soul mates?

💌- diary or journal?

✨- which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?

💕- are you crushing on someone?

💋- kissing in the dark or kissing in the rain?

🐝- describe your aesthetic in emojis

🍼- what is your favorite memory?

🌸- what is your favorite flower?

💖- have you ever been in love?

🍰- strawberry or vanilla?

🍯- describe your favorite smell

🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?

🍪- cookie dough or cookies?

☕- coffee or tea?

🍃- would you rather live in a sea with mermaids or a forest with fairies?

🍂- what’s your middle name?

💫- what is your sun, moon, and rising sign?

🌧️- favorite thing to do on rainy days?

🍭- how tall are you?

💒- which show would you want to live in?

🎄- what is your favorite holiday?

🍦- what scented candle is your favorite?

🎶- favorite song right now?

💘- 3 ways to win your heart?

🍩- current mood?

❄️- what is your favorite season?

💍- your current relationship status?

📷- a photo of yourself

💅🏻- do you like being spoiled?

🕊️- 3 habits you have?

🦄- how do you perceive yourself?

🦋- how do you think others perceive you?

🌈- things I find attractive in girls/guys

🍓- one secret about yourself

🍒- how do you act when you have a crush?

💔- the reason behind your last breakup?

💬- what your last text message says?

🎥- what show are you currently binging on?

⛅- what is your morning routine?

💗- who do you miss?

🥀- last time you cried?

🎁- when is your birthday?

🔪- scariest/creepiest experience?

💤- date someone younger, older, or same age as you?

🎀- any question you want

~~Not mine

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11 months ago

Send me asks!

Reblog if you want one of these in your ask box:

•A compliment

•A story

•Why you follow me

•A cute message

•One thing you want to tell me

•One thing you want to know about me

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10 months ago

Send me an emoji!

ask meme!!!

Send me an emoji if you want to!!!

INTERACTION 💫 - I want to be friends with you! 🎀 - I consider you a friend already! 💖 - I have a platonic/QP crush on you! 💕 - I have a romantic crush on you! 💌 - I’m not currently crushing on you, but I would date you/be QPPs if I had the chance! 🌸 - We don’t talk, but I appreciate your presence on my dash! 🌷 - We don’t talk, but I would like to! 🌼 - We do talk, and I’m glad we do!

CONTENT 🌠 - I think we have a lot in common! 🌌 - We don’t have much in common, but I appreciate you! 📷 - You have a nice aesthetic! 🌙 - You have a good sense of humour!

THOUGHTS 💙 - I think you’re cool! 💘 - I think you’re cute! 🎼 - I think you’re talented! 💟 - I love you! 🌟 - You make me happy! ☀️ - You inspire me! 🌈 - You’re gay

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11 months ago

Freeze! ✧ ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ You’re under arrest for being so lovely. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful! (no pressure tho!) 💙💜

Freeze! =((( ) Youre Under Arrest For Being So Lovely. Copy This Message To 10 Other Blogs That You Think
Freeze! =((( ) Youre Under Arrest For Being So Lovely. Copy This Message To 10 Other Blogs That You Think

Awww you're sooo sweet, anon. 🥺💗 Thank you so much for this ask!!!

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10 months ago


💖: i have a romantic crush on you!

💜: i want to make sure you’re happy

💙: i have a friend crush on you!

💚: im a little jealous of you

💛: i just think you’re cute!

💘: i wouldnt say no to a platonic marriage

👀: im too shy to talk to you

💗: i want to give you a hug!

💋: i want to kiss you!

💪: id fight someone if they talked shit about you

🔊: im really glad i started following you!

💬: we should talk more!

💭: i think about you a lot

👏: everything you say is great wtf…

🎧: you have excellent music taste!

👑: your blog aesthetic is lovely!

🚨: you intimidate me

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10 months ago

Go ahead and ask

01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?

02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?

03: Do you regret anything?

04: Are you insecure?

05: What is your relationship status?

06: How do you want to die?

07: What did you last eat?

08: Played any sports?

09: Do you bite your nails?

10: When was your last physical fight?

11: Do you like someone?

12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?

13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?

14: Do you miss someone?

15: Have any pets?

16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?

17: Ever made out in the bathroom?

18: Are you scared of spiders?

19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?

20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?

21: What are your plans for this weekend?

22: Do you want to have kids? How many?

23: Do you have piercings? How many?

24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?

25: Do you miss anyone from your past?

26: What are you craving right now?

27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?

28: Have you ever been cheated on?

29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?

30: What’s irritating you right now?

31: Does somebody love you?

32: What is your favourite color?

33: Do you have trust issues?

34: Who/what was your last dream about?

35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?

36: Do you give out second chances too easily?

37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?

38: Is this year the best year of your life?

39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?

40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?

51: Favourite food?

52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?

53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?

54: Is cheating ever okay?

55: Are you mean?

56: How many people have you fist fought?

57: Do you believe in true love?

58: Favourite weather?

59: Do you like the snow?

60: Do you wanna get married?

61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?

62: What makes you happy?

63: Would you change your name?

64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?

65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?

66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?

67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?

68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?

69: Do you believe in soulmates?

70: Is there anyone you would die for?

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10 months ago

Send me a number!

soft asks to get to know people

what song makes you feel better?

what’s your feel-good movie?

what’s your favorite candle scent?

what flower would you like to be given?

who do you feel most you around?

say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).

what color brings you peace?

tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good. 

what calms you down?

what’s something you’re excited for?

what’s your ideal date?

how are you?

what’s your comfort food?

favorite feel-good show?

for every emoji you get, tag someone and describe them in one word.

compliment the person who sent you this number.

fairy lights or LED lights?

do you still love stuffed animals?

most important thing in your life?

what do you want most in the world right now?

if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?

what would you say to your future self?

favorite piece of clothing?

what’s something you do to de-stress?

what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.)

what movie would you want to live in?

which character would you want to be?

hugs or hand-holding?

morning, afternoon or night?

what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?

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10 months ago

OP ... Do you write for all Fire Emblem games? 👀

Hello! I don't write for all Fire Emblem games but I do write for quite a few! From Awakening and onwards are the games I have played and write for. You can see the list of games I write for here!

If you wanted me to fulfill a request for a character from a game I don't write for. For example Eirika from Sacred Stones. Then I could fulfill that request but it would be based off what I know Eirika from Heroes.

It might not be the most accurate to the character compared to playing their home game. But just a head's up if you're wondering about the games I don't write for and wanted to request a character from them.

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6 months ago

Hi! This is a reply to the anon asking about Jungkook and his songwriting process. I work in a creative field and have many friends who work in creative fields so that has a big influence on how I view this topic.

The first thing I want to talk about is how every person has a completely different creative process. But one thing I have noticed is that contrary to popular belief most people do not get inspiration from hard times or going through difficult experiences. For most people the inspiration comes from having grown as a person, the conversations and things that helped them during those times or from totally different things. Most of the time feeling bad can block you from feeling inspiration or being creative alltogether. And I believe this is also true for Jungkook. I don't think he is a person who gets inspired by difficult life experiences.

Another thing is that from what I have seen he seems to get a lot of inspiration and joy from the process of making itself. This is how inspiration works for a lot of people. People get ideas by working very hard, doing other parts of the project and practicing a lot. Inspiration is not something that just happens most of the time, it's something that you work on. It's not as romantic as getting inspired by big life events or getting struck by an idea but it is very fun.

It makes complete sense to me how he talked about wanting to focus on how to use his voice and the more technical aspects of making music. I also think he is not someone who is creative in a language focussed way. I don't think he is a storyteller like RM. RM likes to make people think and get them engaged in thinking about life, society and other big topics.

I think the thing that Jungkook enjoys the most is how he can make people feel and that he can make them forget about everything for a while and help them really be in the moment. That makes him have different goals in his songwriting and creative process. Lyrics and what the song is about are not his main focus and he is comfortable letting other people do that part for him. His focus is more on how he can express the feelings of the song in the best way (using his voice, instruments, tempo etc.). And also I think that he is most interested in and talented at the parts that are seen as less interesting by a lot of people. Or that are more behind the scenes and less visible to the average person.

He is very good in expressing himself in other ways than language. The most important ways being visual (think about his editing and photography), through dance and through sound. He loves singing and playing around with his voice and he loves dancing and performing.

And he does express himself alot. He shows his feelings on his face and with his whole body and he seems to really be himself in every situation. But I think he is someone who really lives in the moment and he doesn't dwell on his feelings once he is done feeling them. I don't think he is someone who processes their feelings through language or talking. And I would not be surprised if it takes him a very long time to process his feelings. He probably does it on his own when he is somewhere he feels safe and comfortable. So deep conversations about his feelings and thoughts is probably something we will never see from him.

Maybe it's because I am very similar to him in a lot of ways but to me he doesn't seem hard to understand at all. Everything he says and does makes so much sense to me. I have the easiest time understanding him out of all the members. Hope that helps!

in reference to this ask

Yes, yes, yes!⬆️⬆️⬆️

Thank you lovely for your thoughts and insights.

I was also thinking about the creative that Jungkook is and how he also uses film, photography, art of different mediums to express himself too.

There’s so much that we can add, and I appreciate you and anyone else adding to this conversation.

Hi! This Is A Reply To The Anon Asking About Jungkook And His Songwriting Process. I Work In A Creative

Thank you 💜

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6 months ago

Do you mean Garfeild the cat, Garfield the president, or Garfield the actor??

Garfield the cat mostly, i love him sm, but i also like the actor bc i think spider man cool


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1 year ago

Do you like anime or manga? If so, any recs?

boy do I! I love anime and manga! I’d have to suggest MHA, Demon Slayer (KNY), and Hunter x Hunter. Some other good ones are Spy X Family and JJK. The Obey Me! anime is also available on YouTube and Funimation!

Thanks for the ask! :)

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7 months ago

Which Total Drama characters do you really wished they should never be created in the first place? Do you really think that all characters you dislike and hate deserve to be killed off for good?

1. Scott. He doesn’t really add anything and is just kind of annoying

2. The only character I really hate is Gwen but I don’t she deserves to die, I just want her to get beat up

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Erm, hi, do you have anymore stuff on Enid being adopted by Lurch? I'm not sure if it's a prompt or is it an AU you wanna work on


it was actually a sleep-deprived thought i had. mostly a one-off, but i can definitely work on it more

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