terrified-spider - Let's all scream at the sun :)
Let's all scream at the sun :)

Artist and Fantasy Nerd, Fanart and Original Stuff :) (He/Him) (Commissions: Open) (Requests: Closed) (Asks: Open) (:

467 posts

Okay, So My Call Of Cthulhu Group (originally My CoS Group) Have Shifted From Our CoC Game To A Ravenloft

Okay, so my Call of Cthulhu group (originally my CoS group) have shifted from our CoC game to a Ravenloft campaign, with much more episodic sessions that will be easier for me to prep and run weekly. We're setting it after the events of the CoS campaign, with Ezmerelda returning to van Richten's home in Mordent, using it as a base of operations as she recruits individuals from across the Domains of Dread for adventuring work.

Thanks to it being set within the same universe, NPCs from the pervious game will likely make an appearance, and I get to make some updated designs for them (:

The current list of NPCs carrying over includes:

Ezmerelda, gaunt and tired from a lack of human blood, with some new scars obtained during the CoS campaign but never included in the art I made. She technically made it to the end of the CoS campaign, but not without becoming a vampire and having her skull crushed in. She got better, sort of. Now, her and Erasmus get to hang out in Mordent while she stuggles to find ethically sourced blood.

Escher, who's living his best unlife after leaving Barovia and returning to adventuring, now with Gertruda at his side. I'm going to have to fight like hell to make sure I don't make him look like Astarion, because from what I know of BG3 so far, the two have similar character concepts now, and each look good in purple. Unlike Ez, he's going to be quite well fed, no longer limited to only Strahd for blood.

Gertruda, originally 30 in CoS, now in her 40s, with more life experience having traveled with Escher for a decade. The two get along like a house on fire, and make a (un)living thieving their way across the domains. Escher typically serves as the distraction and Gertruda does the actual pickpocketing or breaking and entering.

  • grantihare
    grantihare liked this · 10 months ago
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    vanhelsingapologist liked this · 1 year ago

More Posts from Terrified-spider

1 year ago

imagine being a sad revenant and this group of adventurers come into your room where you’re brooding and sad but they talk to you and you’re like I don’t know they seem sort of weird but well-intentioned and so you’re like ok ok you can go anywhere but there are spiders on the ceiling! and the adventurers are like great 👍😃👍👍😄!!! and the dhampir gets promptly stuck on the ceiling where there are spiders. now you’re just standing there watching as the adventurers light the webs on fire and you’re like ok well at least the spiders are dying but really, I did say there were spiders.

so you help them out and it’s fine and you tell them alright guys you can go anywhere but the main hall because my ex boyfriend is there and he’s not doing so well and the adventurers are like great!! 👍👍😄😃👍😃 right on Sir we would hate to make it awkward for you 👍👍! and then thirty minutes later youre engaged in bitter combat with the man you no longer recognize (your boyfriend who has traded reason for madness) and the adventurers kill him and you’re like well I guess he’s coming back but you do NOT want to be here when he does and the adventurers are like 👍👍👍 of COURSE Sir 😄😃👍😃 and then they long rest.

every day Godfrey Gwilym wakes up

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1 year ago

I'm living that Victor Frankenstein life - sick as fuck but with too much chemistry and biology homework rest just yet

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