Hi! I’m a burnt-out wreck who’s only emotional support is fictional robots:,)
125 posts
Tfp-lover - Tfp_Lover - Tumblr Blog
"Dousing the Flames"

So, I saw VillianInGlasses04 on Deviant make some IDs and I wanted to make a few of my own versions of them so here they are! They are 100% Free to use as you wish, just make sure to tag me if you do use them please, I love to see how creative people can be with these :]
Also if you think I should make anymore of these lmk which ones I should make! Oh and feel free to change the QRcode to whichever platform of yours you would like (or if you need assistance with that just ask :])
Btw, I do apologize for my absents from Tumblr. Back in July I was participating in ArtFight, a bit after I had to go to the hospital and now school has started up again (honestly its killin me T-T). I've also been procrastinating with the final TF2 character because I cannot for the life of me figure out their insignia or what they would actually look like.
"Loser can't even shimmy" LMFAO
tf show episode but its a musical and theres a song for every situation
i think thatd be funny
i think whimsical thoughts sometimes

shout out to soundwave's handblade
his hand transforms into a blade for one shot and that shot only and then it's never seen again xD wish we could've seen it in action
I love this💜
Can I request tfp Megatron and Soundwave looking at cameras on Nemesis together? :3 Wishing u a cool and amazing day! 💙

i hope i got what you meant but it was a fun challenge!
I fully believe every iteration of Soundwave does this

sound wave and ravage (og underneath)


Not him tho
I’m gonna start writing the stuff I’m too embarrassed to make posts about as bad porno titles, for example:
Slutty Seeker Gets His Valve Scrubbed By Sexy Trinemates
Cassette Player Monitors Space Station **Gone Wrong** **Gone Sexual**
Science Officer Creates The Future Of Cybertron (Not Clickbait!!)
Prime Gets Close To Primus, Gets Off Matrix Style
Air Commander Jealous Of Sexy Scientist And Captivating Comms Officers Voracious Valves
Two Commanders, One Medic
I’m gonna start writing the stuff I’m too embarrassed to make posts about as bad porno titles, for example:
Slutty Seeker Gets His Valve Scrubbed By Sexy Trinemates
Cassette Player Monitors Space Station **Gone Wrong** **Gone Sexual**
Science Officer Creates The Future Of Cybertron (Not Clickbait!!)
Prime Gets Close To Primus, Gets Off Matrix Style
Air Commander Jealous Of Sexy Scientist And Captivating Comms Officers Voracious Valves
Two Commanders, One Medic
Thinking about some spicy TFP Soundrod
Hidden away in their little hiding spot Soundwave is lying on his back letting out a low muffled purr while his mask flashes hearts and smiley faces. Hot Rod is chuckling while he teases the purple con more by gently licking the sensitive wires and seems between Soundwave's hip joints. The red speedster is planning on making the Con whimper, beg and become undone all before their main event.
For Soundwave he is more than happy to die like this, He is completely charged up and blissed out. He doesn't care if his com goes off or if he forgets why he was tasked to scout out the red speedster in the first place.
I like it Picasso

Tfp season 1 or something like that
Sometimes good posts are made by annoying people so I’ll help out

These are Safe Shorts. They were made by Sandra Seilz after someone attempted to rape her. If the fabric is torn, an alarm will be sounded.

This is the Rape-aXe, invented by a South African doctor by the name of Sonnet Ehlers. After interviewing a rape victim who wished she had teeth down there, she made this. If someone’s penis is inserted and pulled back out, the teeth will sink in, and can only be removed by a doctor.

The Killer Tampon (couldn’t find a site for it), made by retired anaesthetist Jaap Haumann. When penetration takes place, the sharp end will slice the offending appendage.

The Anti-Rape Belt (also couldn’t find a site), made by a group of Swedish teenagers led by Nadja Björk. It requires two hands to undo.

Anti-Rape Underwear/Bra (once again), as made by a group of Indian students. Will deliver an electric shock when met with unwanted advances, as well as sounding an alarm.

Undercover Colours. Made by 4 male undergraduates at North Carolina U, they change colours when in contact with chemicals or drugs that cause unconsciousness. Used in case you’re wary that your drink has been roofied.
These are just tools to help, but in addition to being mindful of your situations and staying safe, they can help when the worst happens.
Stay safe.
I absolutely LOVE how you added claws to Soundwave's design❤️❤️❤️

Losers flirting
Not if I sacrifice myself first!!
I’ll be brave enough to say it!!!
Tfp Soundwave deserves getting his valve busted wide open and I’ll be the human to sacrifice my body to crawl in him and do it.
When I saw OP I instantly thought of Optimus Prime and was confused but now I'm curious about what Optimus Prime thinks of Cheescake Factory and if his opinion is reasonable
ultimately the cheesecake factory menu fails to tell a queer narrative
pov starscream

soundwave making starscream lean in to show him something on his visor and then making it turn white and on max brightness
Little Sparkling Soundwave Doodle
Might repost this with colour one day

He found out he got tentacles for the first time

this is what they are to me..
Dude, I'm imagining Soundwave wearing the edging panel and IM GOING FERAL
Cybertronian sex toys must go crazy
False spikes that expand every time a bot overloads making it impossible for them to clench around it properly and leaving them absolutely gaping by the end
Fake panels designed to vibrate and stop keeping the wearer constantly edged throughout the day
Magnets that connect to each node inside a valve, stimulating them individually and in different ways and rhythms
Ballbearings that have been magnetised in different ways so they’re constantly shifting inside a valve
A matching set of a false spike and valve that can be connected to specific bot spike or valve so partners can interface not matter the distance
Vibrators that are made specifically for a bots spike sheath that keep the spike from extending as well as keeping unbearably it stimulated