thatonegenshinsimp - Lauren’t

| Not Lauren| An ADHD bitch who obsesses over fictional men | Currently: Tired |

80 posts

I Cant Believe You Made Me Fall In Love With Capitano- You Just Wrote Him So Beautifully! I Was Wondering

I can’t believe you made me fall in love with capitano- you just wrote him so beautifully! I was wondering if you could write something like that for pantalone and dottore too, that would make me die peacefully :’)

Anon, this made me so happy you have no idea. Of course I shall write for Dottore and Pantalone! I’ll have to write Pantalone’s part separate from this one though.

Warning- Spoilers for Dottore’s real name and the Sumeru Archon Quest if you squint below!


You were terrified when you heard the Tsaritsa tell you that you were to marry the Second Harbinger, Dottore. You had heard of his rather… gruesome methods of experimentation on humans, and feared that the same would happen to you if you incurred his wrath. The only one you felt you could trust was your handmaiden, Claire, who hailed from Fontaine.

From what he had heard about you, Dottore knew that you were a scholar from Sumeru, and journeyed to Snezhnaya originally to help take care of your sick mother. She had succumbed to her illness, causing you to inherit her house and all she owned. You were slow to open up to others, especially if they had a background that was anything like his. However, you intrigued him immensely, and he wanted to know everything he could about you. You were his wife, after all, and he should be taking his role as your husband a little more seriously than he had been since you both got married. He thought about what to do, looking outside his window at the setting sun. That’s when he got an idea, a smirk adorning his face as he rose from his desk chair and opened the door to his office. He walked down the hall and, as his luck would have it, bumped into your handmaiden. “Oh, Lord Dottore, may I help you with something?” She asked. His smirk widened. “Yes. Tell my wife to meet me in the dining hall in thirty minutes.” he spoke. “My Lord, she is currently-” “Did I stutter, little mouse? You best scurry along before I decide I need a new lab rat on my hands after tonight.” he threatened, watching her run back down the hall. Yes, dinner with you sounded quite lovely tonight. This way, he could also learn more about you.

You nervously fidgeted with your dress as Claire fastened your hair in a bun, making sure that not a single strand was out of place. You were worried about why Dottore called for you to join him tonight, since he usually elected to eat in his office alone. However, you did not realize just how much you would reveal to him this night.

Dottore sat across from you at the table, having, for the first night since your wedding night, taken off his mask in front of you. His red eyes seemed to stare you down, his crimson gaze almost pinning you to your seat. You were jumpy at everything he said, constantly on edge, and he seemed to find it highly amusing to watch. However, his demeanor changed when the rest of the servants left the room. “If I may ask, why is it that you seem to avoid me every chance you get?” he asked, his voice suddenly much quieter in tone. After a few minutes, you spoke, having thought about your answer for quite some time now. You looked up and let your gaze meet his. “Well, would you mind if I were completely honest with you?” you asked, causing him to shake his head. “Of course I wouldn’t mind. It is my greatest wish to find out more about you.” he replied. “Will you promise not to get angry with me?” you requested. Without hesitation, Dottore nodded. “It is because you have scared me for the longest time. I don’t... I don’t exactly know how to go about approaching you. I’m scared that I might anger you, and I’ve heard about how you treat those who anger you.” You voiced. Dottore waited patiently until you’d finished speaking. “Would it help if you knew more about me?” He asked, receiving a nod from you in response. “My real name isn’t actually Dottore, it’s Zandik. You may call me as such if you wish to do so. I am from Sumeru, and studied Mechanical Life for a while before deciding to further pursue it here in Snezhnaya after my expulsion from the Akademiya. My research so far here has been a success.” He explained. You nodded. “I tried to study things like that, but gave up after my second year at the Akademiya, and started studying medicine after hearing of my mother’s condition. The whole reason I even joined the Fatui in the first place was to try and secure the medicine to help her with her illness.” You explained. “And your mother?” He asked. You sighed, resting your head in your hands. “She passed away two years ago. There was a “debt” of sorts that my mother left unpaid to the Fatui, so I was forced to marry either you or one of the other Harbingers of her choosing. She chose to marry me off to you.” You explained. Dottore was not one to give comfort often, as he was not very experienced with social cues and interactions with large groups of people. Even so, he still went over to you and sat beside you, putting a hand on your shoulder as you tried to calm down. After you were able to speak, you looked over at Dottore and took a deep but shaky breath. “Thank you, you didn’t need to comfort me.” You spoke, causing him to sigh. “You’re lucky, I normally do not do embarrassing things such as this, but I suppose that I ought to get used to having you around if you’re my wife.” He replied, letting go of you. “If you’re finished with dinner, then I’d suggest that you get some sleep. The body wastes a lot of energy crying.” He advised. You nodded, getting up from your seat and walking to the bedroom. You changed into your sleepwear and laid down, before hearing Dottore’s voice from the doorway. You looked at him as he spoke. “I shall check on you later, my experiments require my attention, and I will be busy until the late hours of the night. Get some sleep.” He voiced, leaving before you could say anything else to him.

From that day on, you would try to spend most of your time in his office, giving what input you could about his experiments, and helping with what he needed to the best of your ability. One day, he pointed it out.

“Why is it that you’re suddenly much closer than before?” he asked. You only smiled and repeated what he said that started this. “I suppose I ought to get used to having you around if you’re my husband, Zandik.” you replied, taking him by surprise. “Would you look at that? It seems that the viper really can bite back.” he snickered, grabbing your wrist and pulling you into his lap. Your face reddened as he took off his mask and set it on the desk. “What an interesting one you are, I’ll have to make sure to keep you around.” he said, twirling a lock of your hair around his finger as he read over the notes that one of his segments took on a recent experiment in his laboratory in Zapolyarny Palace. You stayed in his lap like that until he was done looking over his notes, and set down his pen. “I would assume that there is something you want if you’re still here.” he observed. “Does your company count?” you asked, looking up at him as you leaned your head against his shoulder. With a long, drawn out sigh, he wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on top of yours.

“Yes, I suppose it does.” he replied.

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More Posts from Thatonegenshinsimp

1 year ago

AAAA YOUR PREV WRITING WAS SO CUTE.. QAQ tbh i love the idea of childe's s/o being protective of him and tries to take care of him.. childhood friends to lovers warms my heart Q uQ;;

Its nice to see something like that and I'd certainly like to see more of it one day ♡

Thank you anon <3, I'm glad you like my writing! Truth be told, I've always loved that trope the most aside from the soulmate AUs. I also really like writing for Childe since he's such a morally grey character. When he got his rerun late last year, I spent all of the wishes I had at that time pulling on Childe's banner for him and got him literally on the last ten pull I could make (spoiled stubborn ginger) 90 pity killed me istg :'). Anyways, I'm planning to write for him and the other Harbingers (namely Capitano) more in the upcoming months this year, but will still be taking requests for other characters, of course. Until next time~

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2 years ago

Alhaitham x Diluc and Kaeya’s Sibling!reader headcanons

Notes: This idea has been knocking around my brain for like a month now and I can’t get this man out of my head now H E L P.


Warnings: Slightly suggestive, also spoilers for Diluc’s backstory utc. 

Misc. headcanons of mine:

My personal headcanon is that reader is Diluc’s twin and is older by like two minutes, and they hold it over his head and baby him because they just know it annoys him.

But please, for the love of all of Teyvat, don’t introduce Alhaitham to Diluc first.

I headcanon that Alhaitham and current Diluc would hate each other.

To the point where you can’t leave them in a room together alone because only one of them is coming out alive and it sure as hell isn’t going to be Diluc.

If you were to start dating Alhaitham before Crepus’ death, that’s a whole other story, because Crepus would still be there to tell them that, no, they can’t just murder him for dating their sibling.

All things considered, I think that Alhaitham would actually really sincerely respect Crepus but he’d also bully the everloving hell out of Diluc and Kaeya.

Kaeya’s patience is much better than Diluc’s, but they both tolerate him until Crepus leaves.

You can only watch as the two hiss death threats at him and then immediately go back to pretending to actually tolerate him once Crepus gets back.

However, on the other hand, if you were to start dating Alhaitham after Crepus’ death, things would be very different.

For one, Kaeya would probably actually get along with Alhaitham because they both love to piss Diluc off.

Unfortunately, that also means that Alhaitham and Diluc start off on the wrong foot and it’s all downhill from there.

How Alhaitham met them:

I imagine that the way he first met Diluc and Kaeya was at the Cat’s Tail, where he was playing TCG with Kaveh and the others.

The only problem with this was the fact that you were there and you were hugging his arm as he played against Kaveh, a game that the ladder was horrifically losing.

Diluc and Kaeya hadn’t seen you in ages for anything other than Mondstadt’s annual festivals, and you definitely hadn’t spoken to them during those times, so to see you after all this time with a significant other didn’t exactly rub them the right way.

However, when they saw the one you were with gently and slowly pull you into his lap, that was when they knew you wouldn’t look their way or notice that they were there.

They eventually left the tavern, but committed the man’s face to memory.

Lo and behold, they ran into him the next day, and things only got worse from there because, surprise surprise, Alhaitham was alone and also in a bad mood to top it off.

Your relationship with Alhaitham and how you two met:

You first met Alhaitham during his Akademiya days when he decided to take a trip to Mondstadt, around the age of 16.

He was doing a self study on Mondstadt’s ruin mechanisms and puzzles to see if he could make a breakthrough with the ruin puzzles in the desert and you were intrigued.

You, being an adventurer who was very well versed in solving said ruin puzzles, you had him join you on commissions that had to do with said mechanisms.

your friendship only grew from there, and you soon stopped hearing only talk of studies and started hearing more talk of the place he lived: Sumeru.

You’d always wanted to go there, and your father had told you that once you were 18, you could travel wherever you wanted to.

And that’s exactly what you did after Lisa advised going to Sumeru because she had good experiences there with the people and whatnot.

You didn’t know whether or not he even remembered you, but the moment you saw Alhaitham again, everything came rushing back to you both and soon enough, you two had started dating.

All things considered, he’s actually very attentive to your needs and wants.

You feel tired? Go ahead and sleep, he’ll wake you up in a couple of hours if you want him to.

You need help with a difficult commission? Sure thing, just let him get done with this last document he’s checking and you’ll be on your way with him in tow.

He’s very touchy in private to make up for his aloofness in public.

You usually find his arms around your waist whenever you’re sitting down, or you find yourself in his lap whenever he’s reading a book.

Usually it stays that way unless you’re both in the mood to do other things on any given evening.

The first time you meet Kaveh, the two of you hit it off almost instantly and he struggles to make sure they you two don’t both do something stupid whenever you’re around each other.

He usually invites you to join him on nights where he’s going out to Lambad’s Tavern, and on the off chance that there aren’t any chairs left for you to take a seat, there’s always the option to sit in his lap.

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2 years ago

Hey there!

Hello! I just wanted to introduce myself. I’m Lauren. I write for Genshin Impact and I take requests as well. I hope that you enjoy my content and feel comfortable reading my stuff! Feel free to drop a request in the ask box (when it’s open) and if not, then feel free to chat with me!

Masterlist here!

Requests are currently: Closed

1 year ago

Hello :D may I request a quiet or slightly shy reader teaching Childe how to use his bow? Childe has never seen them use a bow either so he gets surprised when they help him a lot. ùwú

Of course, anon. This was so fun to write tbh. It’s kinda short but anyways, enjoy!


"You're holding it too far to the left, you're going to shoot it left if you keep holding your bow like that."

Those were the first words you said to him on the day of your date with him, which was supposed to be in Liyue Harbor. He had made a last minute change of plans, and invited you to take a walk with him through the mountains instead.

"What do you mean? This is always how I've shot a bow." he chided. "Yes, hence why your bow skills are still lacking." you said. Ajax looked over at you and sighed, watching as you fidgeted with the smooth river stone on your necklace. it was a nervous habit of yours that he'd picked up on over his years of dating you. It wasn't that you were nervous about talking to him, far from it, in fact. You were nervous about his skills failing him and costing him his life on the battlefield. Just thinking about him not coming back to you one day scared you. "Alright, show me how you shoot then, since you’re the expert and all." he sarcastically remarked. Although you'd never shown him, your skills with a bow were exemplary. You were considered to be one of the best sharp shooters in Liyue. You grabbed the bow and aimed carefully, closing your non-dominant eye and thinking for all of two seconds as your body practically melted into the bow. It seemed to become a part of you as you nocked an arrow and shot it, sending it flying through the air before it hit the dead center of the target. You turned to look back at your boyfriend, who stared at you slack jawed. Ajax walked over to you and wrapped you up in his arms, tangling his fingers in your hair as he pulled you close and slammed his lips against yours. “If I’d known you were struggling to use a bow, I would have helped teach you, Ajax.” You mumbled, putting your hands on his shoulders as you looked to the side. “Why didn’t you tell me you knew how to properly shoot a bow like that?” He asked, pulling away slightly. “I don’t really know. Do you want me to teach you?” You asked, looking up at him. “Yes, I’m struggling with using a bow if I’m being honest.” He admitted, scratching the back of his head. “Alright then, I’ll show you how I do it first.” You said, picking up another arrow from the quiver at your feet. You demonstrated the steps you went through before setting the bow back down and standing up.

"Now then, your turn. Pick up the bow." you commanded, silently watching as he did as you told him. "Relax your shoulders. your rigid posture is what's causing you to aim to the left." you advised. Childe slowly relaxed his shoulders and held the bow more naturally. "Now then, keep a firm grip on the bow handle. you don't want the arrow to miss because of a bad grip, do you?" you asked, listening to him as he chuckled softly. "Point taken, now what?" he asked, watching as you smiled softly. "Nock an arrow, you goof. What else are you going to shoot?" you joked, laughing softly. Ajax looked at you and laughed with you, grabbing an arrow and getting back into the position he was in before. "Do I look good?" he asked, smirking back at you. You huffed softly, shaking your head. "Shut up and aim." you retorted, watching as he did so. Childe looked at the target and closed his non-dominant eye, aiming and shooting the arrow. He hit barely into the second ring of the target, but he cheered when he saw that he actually hit it. "I did it. I finally did it!" he cheered, looking over at you. "That deserves a kiss, don't you think?" he teased, causing you to look to the side as your face went slightly red. You almost timidly leaned forward and pressed your lips against his, before pulling away and taking your bow back. As you did so, he gently grabbed your wrist and turned you to face him. “How did I get so lucky to have you?” He thought out loud, wrapping his arms around your torso. “I- um- mph!” He didn’t wait for you to answer before kissing you again, falling back onto the soft grass below as he held you close to him. “Ajax, are you ok?” You asked, eyes wide with worry. He nodded, a bright smile on his freckled face. You would have scolded him if it weren’t for the look he gave you. His blue eyes seemed to swallow you whole as he gazed at you with so much love. “I love you.” He whispered, his voice heavy with emotion. You smiled softly before pressing your lips against his yet again. “I love you too, Ajax.” You replied, your hands reaching up to hold his face. The two of you stayed like that for a while, silently holding onto each other and talking the day away together.

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1 year ago

I already love your writing sm and knowing you're open for Capitano requests makes me go FERAL /pos

(I miss him sm I'm always searching for CRUMBS)

Thank you, anon, I’m glad you like my writing! I’m planning on writing something for him and a few of the other men to post probably next month, actually. Until next time~

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