Kaeya - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
Not The Best Pic, But I Thought It Was Neat Enough, Esp Since It Was An Accident ^^ (+ A Bonus Pic That
Not The Best Pic, But I Thought It Was Neat Enough, Esp Since It Was An Accident ^^ (+ A Bonus Pic That

Not the best pic, but I thought it was neat enough, esp since it was an accident ^^ (+ a bonus pic that looks like Diluc is patting Kaeya's head)

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3 years ago
He Does Not Have The Right To Be This Handsome I Stg
He Does Not Have The Right To Be This Handsome I Stg
He Does Not Have The Right To Be This Handsome I Stg
He Does Not Have The Right To Be This Handsome I Stg
He Does Not Have The Right To Be This Handsome I Stg
He Does Not Have The Right To Be This Handsome I Stg

He does not have the right to be this handsome i stg

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3 years ago


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1 year ago
Scara Is Half Of These But Gotta Make It More Interesting

Scara is half of these but gotta make it more interesting 😭

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2 years ago

Happy birthday Kaeya💙

He's been my main since the beginning and i just cannot express all of the feelings my simping soul experiences every time he appears or there is a voice line of his in an edit or any other sort of clip...

「 sadly during Sumeru exploration I often deploy other team and miss him greatly( 」

Today (evening 30th till the morning of 1st) I've made a decision to celebrate his bd to the fullest: taking him to the tavern and then completing all of the tasks, quest, events with him on a team.

Finally, after the shop refreshed I made him C3, didn't feel so happy in a whileđŸ„°đŸ’™

An idea with this bd edit above came to me a few minutes before the 1st of December hehe

And here are some photos 👁👅👁💙

Happy Birthday Kaeya
Happy Birthday Kaeya
Happy Birthday Kaeya
Happy Birthday Kaeya
Happy Birthday Kaeya
Happy Birthday Kaeya
Happy Birthday Kaeya

Guess that's all I wanted to tell you guys

Have a pleasant day/night!

And I'll get some sort of a power nap as soon as I arrive to my abode 😮

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9 months ago

Hide and Seek | Demon!Kaeya x Reader

Hello hello! This is the first halloween fic with some demon Kaeya for you all :] happy spooky month!!

Word Count: 4.2k

CW: AFAB READER, NSFT, noncon, "sweetheart" as a nickname (no explicitly gendered nicknames though), yandere themes, some blood, maybe implied voyeurism(up to the imagination really), unprotected sex, slight religious themes, probably inaccurate portrayal of ghost hunting.

Hide And Seek | Demon!Kaeya X Reader

“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” 

You roll your eyes, trying to not let the bored, infuriating drawl of your partner get under your skin. “Yes, Kaeya. We’ve done this at least a dozen times now. You don’t need to ask that every time.”

Technically, you don’t know what you’re doing, but you won’t say as much to him. You’ve just read dozens of articles, and this is the sort of thing you’ve seen and read about other paranormal investigators doing, so there’s got to be a reason for it, right?

Kaeya shrugs, moving from his lazy slouch against the dusty countertop closer to you. Air washes over the back of your neck and you bristle, turning over your shoulder to glare at him. He smiles. “What, am I not allowed to watch my partner work?”

Ignoring him, you light another candle. 

“You know
 I’ve got to hand it to you, I’ve never met someone as
 zealous as you.” He continues after a minute of blissful silence. You try not to roll your eyes again. 

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. We’ve been searching for-” he makes an exaggerated motion with his hands, pantomiming quotation marks, “-’ghosts’ and ‘ghouls’ and-” he laughs; cynical, cracking laughter- “demons... And after all these months of nothing but boring, dusty houses, you’re still convinced there’s something out there.”


He laughs again at your lackluster response, this one more mirthful than cynical, and you purse your lips to suppress the smile you feel creeping up. Bastard doesn’t deserve it. You light the last candle, blowing out the match and setting it on the floor next to the rest of your supplies. 

“No offense, but don’t demons like blood? I don’t think red chalk and soy wax candles are going to summon a demon.” Kaeya leans forward to inspect your handiwork over your shoulder, clicking his tongue. “Maybe that’s why we haven’t seen a demon yet. Not enough blood offerings.”

You smile despite yourself. “And are you willing to use your blood, then, Mr. Skeptic?”

“No can do, sweetheart. Demons don’t like my blood type.”

“And what’s your blood type?” 

“Whichever one demons dislike the most.”

That earns a laugh out of you, and you swat him away when he preens a little too much at finally wrangling a laugh out of you. “Go make yourself useful, then, and get the salt from the van.”

Kaeya rocks back onto his heels in a languid stretch, rolling his eyes– well. Eye. You never did ask him about the eyepatch– before turning to go fetch the requested item. “I don’t think demons are allergic to the most boring seasoning, but if it so pleases you

“If they’re allergic to you then they’re surely allergic to salt,” You fire back, cleaning up one of the chalk lines with your thumb. 

“Hurtful!” He calls back from down the hall. You hear the front door slam shut a second later.

Shaking your head, you turn back to the task at hand. Admittedly, you’re not sure this will work. It’s not an exact science, but you’re willing to try anything at least a dozen times before ruling it out, and maybe this time will be different. 

While you wait, you dig the ouija board out of your bag, balancing it on your knees, and set the planchette on the center of it. 

Never use a ouija board alone, the woman you’d bought it from had told you sternly. At the time, you’d never even considered it. Using it alone seemed like a bad idea anyways– an invitation for bad things, but

Whenever you’ve used it with Kaeya– on the rare occasion he wouldn’t use it as an opportunity to mess with you by purposefully dragging the planchette around the board– nothing would happen. You’re beginning to wonder if he’s bad luck– maybe the kinds of paranormal things you investigate just don’t like talking to a smartass. 

 Just this once can’t hurt, right?

“Hello. Is anyone there?” You try, resting a few fingers on the planchette. 

No response. 

 If there’s someone here, please make yourself known.” You try again. The sound of your voice bouncing off the walls is unnerving– the bareness of the house you’re in is somehow more unsettling than the homes you’ve been in with plastic covered furniture, buried under thick layers of dust. 

Nothing still. 

You’re about to give up, say goodbye and put the board away before Kaeya returns from the van and starts pestering you again, but there’s a sudden tug on the planchette– firm enough it’s almost ripped out from beneath your fingers.


You stare, wide-eyed, down at the board. Your heart begins to pound. “...Hi.”

The planchette shifts again. “HELLO.”

“Hi,” You parrot again, a small, nervous laugh cracking from your chest. Your hand trembles, but you keep it on the planchette. “Uh, hah- Um. How
 are you?”

This time, it starts to spell a word. Each letter makes your heart rate spike. “SCARED,” it says. 



 The candles?” 


You’re about to ask another question– maybe the chalk? Maybe you drew the wrong sigils– but the planchette moves again on its own accord, frantically darting from letter to letter. It’s hard to keep up; you’re so busy trying to keep ahold of the planchette with how fast it moves across the board you almost forget to pay attention to the word, processing it a few moments after it’s stopped:


“Where?” You press, glancing around to the darkened corners of the room, cold shivers prickling your spine at the thought. It’s messing with you. It has to be, right

“NO.” A pause, to be sure you’re paying attention, then it drags across the board hurriedly, like it’s afraid of being caught, “WHO.”

? I don’t-”

Wood scrapes harshly against wood, the sound grating on your ears, screeching. It’s spelling something new now. A name.

“K A E Y-”

“Sorry I took so long! I couldn’t find the salt.” You hear your partner call from down the hall, footsteps echoing through the empty space. 

You stare blankly at the board as the planchette slips from beneath your fingers, ending on the “GOODBYE.”

Kaeya stops at the entryway, container of salt in hand, “Damn thing rolled under the– Oh, woah, what’s with that face?”

It’s hard to force yourself to calm, balling your hand into a fist and setting it in your lap. You force a shaky smile, trying not to shudder at the look of disdain on his face when his eye flits to the board still sitting in your lap.

“Without me?” He says, striding over and plopping down a bit too quickly. He laughs when you flinch. “I’m wounded.”

You swallow harshly, smile at him with more teeth than you should, and try to choke back the anxiety bubbling in your chest. Why was it spelling his name? “Sorry,” You breathe, clearing your throat when the reply comes out reedy, “I should’ve waited.”

“Spook yourself?” Kaeya asks, leaning in. His eye glints in the candlelight. When you lean away he smiles, all teeth. “You’re shaking.”

You are. But this is your partner, right? The same skeptic that’s tormented you and been a thorn in your side for months. The same smartass that tries to scare you whenever you have to turn out your light, the same one that teases you for jumping at every little creak and noise when you explore abandoned buildings together. 

“Yeah.” Has his eye always been that bright? “Sorry. I thought it worked this time.”

You don’t quite know why you’re lying. Something in your gut tells you to. 

Kaeya pouts, pulling away from you to lean back against his palms. “Aw. Well, that’s a shame. Did it tell you anything fun?”

“Uh-” You clear your throat again, voice pitching. “Nothing. Just

“Gibberish?” He parrots back, turning his attention to the candles. You can’t see his face now, dim in the scarce light. The candlelight catches on the ends of his hair– almost beautiful. But your heart hasn’t stopped pounding, the image of the board’s last message replaying in your mind. 

“Y-yeah. I thought it was spelling something, but
 nothing.” You tear your eyes away from him to the flickering candles as well, trying to suppress the tremors of adrenaline. It’s just a board. Whatever was speaking to you was probably just fucking with you. 


A tense silence follows, with your partner drumming his fingers against dusty floorboards. The sound cracks against your ears, too sharp and loud in the quiet house you occupy to block out. 

“I have an idea.” He starts, not commenting on the little, frightful jump you give when he breaks the silence. “Let’s play a game.”

“A game?”

“Yeah. A game,” He reaches forward, pinching the wick of one of the candles and snuffing it out. He quickly moves on to the next, snuffing out the circle of candles you lit one by one, each sizzling loudly between his fingers. A scent like burnt flesh hits your nose and you recoil, a hand flying up to cover your mouth and nose. 

“Kaeya, what–”

“Hide and seek, to be precise,” He interrupts, unbothered. Without the guide of candlelight you can barely see him, just the vague shadow of a man you think you know. “I’ll seek.”


That shadow turns to look at you. “You have thirty seconds to hide, and I have sixty seconds to find you. Sound fair?”

“L-Look, Kaeya, I don’t-”




Your stomach lurches. You scramble to your feet, hesitating briefly as the blood rushes to your head from the sudden movement. His eye catches in the bare moonlight that filters in from one of the broken windows, staring straight at you. 

“The previous homeowners left everything that was in their attic. Plenty of places to hide, up there.” He tells you, voice low and conspiratory. You can hear the smile in it; catch a glimpse of teeth. “...But you didn’t hear that from me. Twenty-eight.”

You run for the attic. Kaeya’s voice follows you down the hall, almost sing-song as he counts down. 

Tearing through the rooms, the drone of his voice is drowned out by the sound of your footsteps echoing through the halls. Every room you peer into is completely bare, and you come to the sinking realization that Kaeya was telling the truth– you can’t hide in any of these rooms, it’d take only a quick glance to find you. 

You try to slip up the stairs to the attic as quietly as you can manage, each groaning step making your heart sink further. 

By the time you’re at the top of the steps, you can’t hear Kaeya’s voice anymore. Is he still counting?

The attic is dark, but filled with old, dusty furniture and water-stained cardboard boxes. Sheets cover some of the furniture, moth-eaten and filthy. You stumble through the dark, further into the room. 

“Ready or not, here I come!” Kaeya calls from further in the house. 


There’s a large wardrobe in the corner, turned on its side and partially covered with a sheet like much of the other furniture in the space. It’s better than nothing. The handle sticks when you tug on it, but the door eventually swings awkwardly open– and blessedly quiet– and you’re able to clamber inside the cramped space. 

You shut the door quietly behind you, huddling uncomfortably against the back of it. You can hear the steps to the attic groaning under Kaeya’s weight, then silence. 

Blood rushes in your ears, and you strain to hear over the thrum of your own heart. There’s footsteps meandering around the room now, and you can hear your partner humming lackadaisically as he searches. 

He’s fucking with you. He’s got to be. He saw how spooked you were from the ouija board and he decided that now was the best time for this. Once he’s done with his game you’ll come out and tell him what actually happened with the board. 

It’s what you want to believe, but terror still graws at your throat, suffocating as you listen to Kaeya tossing heavy objects about the room in his search. It’s been more than sixty seconds by now, hasn’t it? You don’t know. 

The rummaging stops a few feet away from the wardrobe you’re hiding in. You hold your breath, fishing out your phone and unlocking it. 

He wouldn’t hurt you. He wouldn’t. He’s just trying to scare you. 


You’re not given the time to dwell on it. The wardrobe door swings open, blue light from your phone screen illuminating Kaeya’s face. His one visible eye is wild, pupil blown wide and mouth stretched into a toothy grin. 

“There you are.”

He’s just messing with you. He’s just messing with you, he’s just messing with you–

“O-Okay. Okay, you found me,” You croak, trying to smile despite the anxiety, sharp and sour like acid on your tongue, “Let- Let’s go back to the van, okay? I don’t want to stay here any longer.”

Kaeya pulls you out of the wardrobe by your arm, his grin settling down into something calmer, something more like what you’re used to seeing from him; teasing and playful. “Of course. But, ah, don’t you think I deserve a reward for winning?”

He doesn’t seem to care for a response, already settling down against the dusty hardwood and dragging you by the arm into him, “You know
 I’m surprised it took you this long. I’ve been dropping hints for months– subtle ones, of course. Didn’t want to spoil the surprise too quickly.”

For months?

Fingers drum against your spine, staccato movements that send pinpricks of dread through you. “To think such a mousy little spirit would be the one to slip through my fingers and tell you
 I guess I should have figured that hag’s warning wouldn’t deter you forever. I just didn’t think you’d have the guts to try the board on your own. Had I known, I would have found some excuse to drag you out with me to the van.” 

He feigns an exasperated sigh. “I was enjoying our game, too. Oh well. It can’t be helped, I suppose.”

You think back on your time spent with him over the last few months. His oddities– he’d always vehemently refuse to touch any of the crucifixes, insisting you had to be the one to bring them into the building because the metal used in them is cheap and gives him hives. 

Or how he’d always blaze on ahead of you to scope out a new building, long legs carrying him in quick strides you struggle to match. You’d eventually given up trying to match his pace and would just let him do his thing. 

Or how, despite constantly insisting the sigils in your book were silly and wouldn’t defend against the boogeyman, he’d still correct you on the protection ones; or smudge the summoning ones with his shoe or with his thumb, smiling and swearing that he thought he saw a spider or a fly when you would catch him doing so. 

Or how, even after all these months, you’ve never once seen him eat. Whenever you’d go out with him to a diner after spending the night in some abandoned building, he’d only ever order a coffee or a glass of water, Or if you were going out to dinner, he’d order something alcoholic and nothing more. In the past, you’d assumed that he ate at home after the two of you parted ways. 

Kaeya’s always been the last one to fall asleep whenever you’d spend the night with him in sleeping bags beside each other in gutted, hollow homes. It used to comfort you, knowing that he’d stay awake for you, talk your ear off until exhaustion won out and you were no longer able to listen. But now

“...What are you?” You whisper. 

“I think you already know,” He replies, leaning down to dig his nose against your nape. His free hand coils around your throat, something sharp and cold dragging against your skin with the tips of his fingers that was definitely not there before. 

You try to blindly fumble with your phone to dial an emergency number without looking at it– as inconspicuously as you can manage– but Kaeya shifts, unwinds his arm around you and tightens the hand around your throat, and plucks the phone out of your hand. 

He jostles you in his grasp a little with the force he uses to throw it out of sight, far behind him, and you hear it shatter against the wall. 

Ice congeals in your blood, but it doesn’t compare to the sudden frigid shock of his hand sliding underneath your shirt, pressing against your spine to push you closer to him. He feels like snow– absent of warmth and sapping all of your own from you, hungry and stealing. 

“Don’t-” You start, protests tapering off into a pained whine when those sharp-tipped fingers start to dig into your skin, drawing patterns with enough force to leave blood beading in their wake. “Kaeya, that hurts-”

Kaeya shushes you, squeezing your throat tight enough to cut off your next words, “Hush. I’m almost done.”

There’s a building pressure in your chest, pins and needles spreading through your limbs , sensations dulling. You feel the sudden disconnect– the exact moment you’re forced into the backseat in your own body. 

It’s less like the flip of a switch and more like the ice beneath your feet cracking, the sea suddenly and savagely swallowing you whole. Ice floods your veins, pervasive and engulfing– and you’re forced to watch, a prisoner in your skin, as Kaeya lays you on your back. 

The room is freezing. You can see your own breath in front of you, but not Kaeya’s. 

“You’re so soft,” He comments, hands sliding underneath your shirt. You try to bristle, to shove him off, to react in any way besides staring wide-eyed and terrified, but you can’t move. 

Questing hands explore your prone form, hiking up your shirt, tugging down your pants. Kaeya’s eye glows faintly in the darkness of the room– a trick of the light or something else, you don’t know. 

Your pants are tugged fully off you in a hasty motion, cold fingers ghosting over bare skin before Kaeya moves to kneel between your legs. 

You feel the cold on your skin, a wash of equally-cold breath against your sex. It takes a second to register the sensation of cool lips wrapping around your clit and sucking, tongue laving so hard that it registers first as pain before shifting to razor-sharp pleasure. 

Kaeya eats you like a man starved– teeth and tongue and firecracker bright. One arm hooks around your thigh, angling your hips upward. His free hand moves up your chest to tug at your nipples, pinching with enough force to pull whimpers from your mouth and send shocks down your spine. 

It’s torture– being passenger in your own body, forced to endure the sensations. Shadows dance in your vision as you’re forced to stare blankly forward at the ceiling; your mind unable to see what’s in front of you in the pitch blackness and filling the gaps with shapes you don’t want to recognize.

Worse, still, is how cold it is. How cold his hands are, how cold the room has gotten. It rests just on the precipice of freezing– cold, but not cold enough to do more than wrack your body with shivers and raise gooseflesh. Uncomfortable, but not deadly in the way his hands are. 

The hand playing with your chest slides down between your legs, and he takes advantage of the arousal that’s started to leak from your entrance, sliding two cold fingers into you. 

Thankfully, those sharp-tipped nails are blunt once more as he presses them inside you. You almost wish they weren’t, however, when they immediately curl inside of you, abusing a spot that has you shuddering and clenching unwillingly around him. The heat that builds inside of you hurts almost the same, too fast and too sudden with the sensation that Kaeya forces from you. 

Nails dig into your thigh, drawing blood, and Kaeya sucks harder than before. An orgasm is ripped so suddenly from you it hurts. It’s wrong. It hurts. Your vision whites out anyway. You cry out through closed lips, unable to properly scream. 

Kaeya doesn’t nurse you through it. Doesn’t try to gently ease you back to earth. Instead, you hear him take a sharp intake of breath– does he even need to breathe?– and then his mouth is back on you, as fervent as it was before. 

It burns– too much sensation at once. You struggle to breathe, struggle to regain control of your body to twist away from him. The most you can manage is a twitch of your fingers. 

Another orgasm rips through you like a bullet., half overstimulated pain and half pleasure. You black out. 

When you come to, Kaeya’s moved up to hover over you, hands cupping your cheeks in a way that’s so tender it makes you sick. 

There’s a smile on his face that matches the aching emptiness in your chest. You tear your eyes away, looking back towards the ceiling instead. There’s a small hole in the roof, you realize– one you didn’t notice before, but there’s light starting to filter through it now, the morning beginning to crack open its eyes for a new day. 

“Do you believe in god?” He asks, dragging your attention away from the dawnlight beginning to pour into the room with a firm grip on your chin. 

When you don’t answer, his smile widens into something sickening and self-satisfied. He leans in, whispering fervently against your mouth– “That’s alright. I can be your god.”

You close your eyes, if only to not have to see his face as he kisses you. You can taste yourself on his tongue as he forces it past your slack lips. 

He kisses you long and slow, stealing the breath from your lungs like he steals the warmth from your skin. When he pulls away, his thumb takes the place of his tongue– invasive and vile and unwelcome. You fight against the paralysis as much as you can, trying to muster the strength to do anything more than lie there. 

Kaeya grins at the weak press of teeth against his thumb, cooing patronizingly when you can’t manage to bite down any harder. He doesn’t remove his thumb, just presses further into your mouth until you gag around him and holds it there. 

He shuffles a bit, free hand pressing your thigh against the floor as something presses against your entrance. It’s the only warning you get– a sharp intake of air before he’s pressing inside of you like a knife; cold and unforgiving and so, so wrong. 

“Cute,” He says, when you try to beg around the thumb in your mouth. “Cute,” He reiterates, when you try again to bite, when you force a trembling hand up and try to pry his hand from your mouth. 

Pins and needles lance through your arm, your grip weak. You can barely curl your fingers around his wrist with how heavy your limbs feel. 

Kaeya pulls out, thrusting back in and jostling your body against the ground, and your arm falls slack against your chest. He sets a slow pace, unlike the way he did with his mouth. It's worse. It’s so, so much worse; feeling the way your body betrays you instead of the overwhelming burn of sensation like before.

He looks at your face the entire time, gauging the way you bite his thumb and stifle whimpers. One particularly harsh thrust has your eyebrows furrowing, expression betraying the sharp bolt of pleasure that lances through you, and he smiles.

The thumb is pulled from between your lips and replaced with his tongue once more as he leans back down to kiss you. You try to be impassive, to be as unresponsive as possible, but each harsh thrust of his cock cracks another whimper from your lips against his. He swallows each one, thumb moving to rub deep circles into your clit. 

You wonder what became of whoever it was that warned you– are they still here? Are they watching? But the room is quiet save for your quest gasps and whimpers– the sound of skin on skin as Kaeya presses into you– and you've never felt more alone.

“Stop,” You gasp against his mouth. It’s too much– the building heat, the coiling pleasure. You won’t, you can’t– “Stop-” 

“It’s okay,” He bites your lip, digs his nails into your thigh. You feel blood drip onto the floor but it’s drowned out by the incoming peak you try to stave off. “You’re okay. Let go.”

You sob against his mouth, clenching down on his cock as he forces another orgasm out of you. It hurts in a different way this time, cold as you come back down from it. This time, the cold takes root; sinks into your bones and into your lungs, threading between ribs and vertebrae. 

Distantly, you hear him groan– feel him shudder and release inside you. You turn your gaze to the ceiling, where morning light pours in to wash over the two of you. 

He doesn’t pull out, doesn’t move away, just pulls you close and into him, stealing the warmth from your chest. It’s like being cradled by snow. And when he brushes the hair from your face– smiles another hollow, empty smile– you wonder if, perhaps, he is.

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3 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

The first chapter of my first posted fic! I’d love if you read it!!

I’ll be adding in a second chapter somewhat soon so be looking forward to there being more than the small amount there is right now!!

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3 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapter 2 is now out! I hope you'll give it a read!

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

The first chapter of my first posted fic! I’d love if you read it!!

I’ll be adding in a second chapter somewhat soon so be looking forward to there being more than the small amount there is right now!!

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1 year ago
The Littlest Guy

the littlest guy

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1 year ago

I don't know what Kaeya was like after his fight with Diluc but I would assume he was really messed up

I can imagine he probably found Jean first, unable to stay at the Winery and he was unsure where to go. Stumbling in the dark, soaked through with the rain. One hand is being used to stabilize himself on any surface he can touch to just not collapse and his other hand is clutching his brand new vision to his chest.

What a joke, to only survive, to get a vision when you are at your absolute lowest.

Jean of course would take Kaeya in, worried for her friend. A million questions race through her head as she struggles to get the boy to a seat. She's asking so many questions, what happened, why is he hurt, why didn't he go to the church, why didn't he go home, why is he alone, who did this. And Kaeya can't force himself to answer any of them.

He can barely stop shaking , either the aftermath of the events that just happened or how frozen to the bone he is from the rain.

He's injured, he's cold, he's terrified. And Jean helps him anyways, she tries her best to heal what she can, promising to call for a proper healer. She then finds dry clothes for him and only leaves for a moment for him to change.

When she returns she notices his vision, she asks him about it and for the first time since he arrived he speaks, "This saved my life.." and Jean is about to say thank Celestia for it but before the words can leave her he speaks once more, "What a cruel joke." He doesn't explain his words at her following questions, he goes silent once more. He's staring off as if he is mentally not there. Jean understands trauma responses, she's seen people like this a few times on the job. She never thought that she would see that look on Kaeyas face.

Her childhood friend has never looked this haunted before and it's almost enough to send chills down her back. So all she can do is talk to Kaeya, try and help him as much as she can.

In the next few days she notices how he only holds onto the vision loosely, as if he could care less if he lost it. He hardly glaces down at the thing, he doesn't want to look at it. She understands why he would treat it that way. He had told her about the fight with Diluc. She doesn't know why they fought, but she will be there for Kaeya first and Barbatos help Diluc if she is to see him at all within those first days after the fight because how could Diluc do this to his brother.

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1 year ago
He'll Give Them The Talk....eventually
He'll Give Them The Talk....eventually
He'll Give Them The Talk....eventually
He'll Give Them The Talk....eventually
He'll Give Them The Talk....eventually

he'll give them the talk....eventually

thinking about him just. completely panicking and telling them he doesn't know how babies are made and adelinde is just sighing in the background

(click for better quality!!!)

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Witch Hat Fucking Atelier


First off... Why the fuck is Olruggio basically Aizawa from MHA? Because honestly, if he grew his hair out and shaved his beard down short, they look the same. And I hella love an exhausted/dad/bisexual af teacher type.

Next, Qifrey. Let's just start with his parenting skills. He's a traumatized one-eye boi, but he's still an adorable dad. And let me be very clear, this man gives kinky asf vibes. Under the cute, there is a man who can turn ANY of Olly's contraptions into a sex toy. But his dadding is amazeballs.

The Knights Moralis remind me of the Knights of Favonius from Genshin Impact. Like, Luluci-> Jean? Easthies-> Diluc? The dude with spiky orange hair whose name I don't remember-> Kaeya? Galga-> Albedo? No? Okay. But Eastluciiiiiiiiii. Just yes.

Finally, the girls. Imma just say that people usually describe me as a Tetia. But tbh, I prefer Coco. Also, spellcheck hates Agathe. Sorry, Agott. And why does everyone spell Richeh like Riche? It's REEK-he. Not RICH-e. Ugh.

THERE'S NOT ENOUGH FANART/FANFIC ABT WITCH HAT ATELIER. *sobs in Qifruggio/Galwert/Eastluci shipper*

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2 years ago

Sleepy Cuddles

Just some headcanons of mine that I have for whenever you want to sleep on them

Characters- Alhaitham, Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli, Xiao, Childe

Warning- Slight spoilers for Diluc and Kaeya’s backstories

Notes: I didn’t expect my Capitano oneshot to get so much love! Thank you all!

Part 2



It takes him a little while to warm up to it, but he loves cuddling with you when he’s about to fall asleep.

He’ll be reading a book while you lay down on his chest, an arm draped over your back as you sleep.

He occasionally looks down to make sure that you’re sleeping peacefully.

Yes, he will throw the book at Kaveh if he comes into the room to say anything. No, it doesn’t matter what it is that Kaveh wants to say, he’s still getting a book thrown at him.

After a while of reading, Alhaitham also gets tired, and decides to call it a night.

He always whispers words of comfort in your ear as you drift off, and plays with your hair once you’ve fallen asleep.

Another habit of his is that he’ll run his fingers through your hair as you sleep, which soothes him almost as much as it does you. It helps with the stress he feels after a long day of work.


You have to drag him to bed the first time you want to do this with him.

However, once he finds out how warm and fuzzy he feels inside every time he holds you like this, he’s willing to go to bed with you the moment you ask.

He loves physical touch, it’s comforting to him when he can make sure that you’re there and that you’re really, truly in his arms.

If you run your fingers through his hair while you lay on top of him, he’ll absolutely melt.

It generally takes him longer to fall asleep since he’s so alert all the time, but it’s also because he wants to make sure you’re alseep before he is.

His bird has a perch by the window in case it ever needs to leave the Winery. The window stays slightly cracked open unless it’s Winter and it’s freezing outside.

Then again, the cold is all the more reason to snuggle up to him, isn’t it?


He immediately falls in love with the idea of cuddling with you when you fall asleep, and instantly starts doing so.

Kaeya always holds at least one of your hands, but will also have the unoccupied arm around your waist.

He’s actually very warm for someone so lithe. You’d expect him to be freezing most nights, but it’s usually quite the opposite.

However, he has mean bedhead, and he also moves around a lot in his sleep.

He likes to cuddle after a long work day when he’s absolutely floored because of how much he had to do.

Kaeya also likes to trace little shapes in your back and see if you can guess what they are.

He’s just a romantic like that.


He’s a very good cuddle buddy. He’s very warm, and his voice is what puts you to sleep most of the time.

That’s not to say that he doesn’t treasure the quieter moments between the two of you.

Nine times out of ten, you fall asleep in his lap while he’s reading a book.

The other times are when he’s telling you a story or talking about his day while the two of you lay in bed together.

His love language is physical touch and I will die on this hill.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, he’ll make you some tea or read you the book he’s reading.

He’ll also run his fingers through your hair as he’s speaking to try and soothe you further to sleep.

It almost always works.


He’s scared to have you sleep on him at first.

Xiao doesn’t want to harm you in any way with his Karmic Debt, but eventually, after you persist for weeks, he obliges, and lets you lay down against him.

He warms up to the idea of you sleeping on him very quickly, and soon enough, he starts asking you to join him when he sleeps.

He likes it when you run your fingers through his hair. If you do it long enough, he’ll fall asleep before you.

Sometimes, whenever his Karmic Debt gets to be a little too much, he’ll lay down on you and hold onto you until it passes and he starts to feel better.

Xiao also likes to massage your back to try and soothe you if you let him, acts of service is his love language.

He cherishes every moment he’s with you, and moments like these are the ones he holds closest to his heart.


Good luck getting him to stay still. He needs to be doing stuff every waking moment he has.

However, if you ask really nicely, he’ll join you in bed and hold you.

He likes to talk, so get ready to talk even if you’re only half awake.

All jokes aside, he loves physical touch. That and acts of service are his love languages.

Childe is grateful for the times that you take care of him after a particularly rough day of work and fighting, and it shows in the way he holds you so close to him when the two of you rest together.

He likes to rest with you directly on top of him or with your head on his chest, while he has his arms wrapped around you to keep you close.

After all, he cherishes you like family, and the way he holds you reflects that perfectly.

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2 years ago

Alhaitham x Diluc and Kaeya’s Sibling!reader headcanons

Notes: This idea has been knocking around my brain for like a month now and I can’t get this man out of my head now H E L P.


Warnings: Slightly suggestive, also spoilers for Diluc’s backstory utc. 

Misc. headcanons of mine:

My personal headcanon is that reader is Diluc’s twin and is older by like two minutes, and they hold it over his head and baby him because they just know it annoys him.

But please, for the love of all of Teyvat, don’t introduce Alhaitham to Diluc first.

I headcanon that Alhaitham and current Diluc would hate each other.

To the point where you can’t leave them in a room together alone because only one of them is coming out alive and it sure as hell isn’t going to be Diluc.

If you were to start dating Alhaitham before Crepus’ death, that’s a whole other story, because Crepus would still be there to tell them that, no, they can’t just murder him for dating their sibling.

All things considered, I think that Alhaitham would actually really sincerely respect Crepus but he’d also bully the everloving hell out of Diluc and Kaeya.

Kaeya’s patience is much better than Diluc’s, but they both tolerate him until Crepus leaves.

You can only watch as the two hiss death threats at him and then immediately go back to pretending to actually tolerate him once Crepus gets back.

However, on the other hand, if you were to start dating Alhaitham after Crepus’ death, things would be very different.

For one, Kaeya would probably actually get along with Alhaitham because they both love to piss Diluc off.

Unfortunately, that also means that Alhaitham and Diluc start off on the wrong foot and it’s all downhill from there.

How Alhaitham met them:

I imagine that the way he first met Diluc and Kaeya was at the Cat’s Tail, where he was playing TCG with Kaveh and the others.

The only problem with this was the fact that you were there and you were hugging his arm as he played against Kaveh, a game that the ladder was horrifically losing.

Diluc and Kaeya hadn’t seen you in ages for anything other than Mondstadt’s annual festivals, and you definitely hadn’t spoken to them during those times, so to see you after all this time with a significant other didn’t exactly rub them the right way.

However, when they saw the one you were with gently and slowly pull you into his lap, that was when they knew you wouldn’t look their way or notice that they were there.

They eventually left the tavern, but committed the man’s face to memory.

Lo and behold, they ran into him the next day, and things only got worse from there because, surprise surprise, Alhaitham was alone and also in a bad mood to top it off.

Your relationship with Alhaitham and how you two met:

You first met Alhaitham during his Akademiya days when he decided to take a trip to Mondstadt, around the age of 16.

He was doing a self study on Mondstadt’s ruin mechanisms and puzzles to see if he could make a breakthrough with the ruin puzzles in the desert and you were intrigued.

You, being an adventurer who was very well versed in solving said ruin puzzles, you had him join you on commissions that had to do with said mechanisms.

your friendship only grew from there, and you soon stopped hearing only talk of studies and started hearing more talk of the place he lived: Sumeru.

You’d always wanted to go there, and your father had told you that once you were 18, you could travel wherever you wanted to.

And that’s exactly what you did after Lisa advised going to Sumeru because she had good experiences there with the people and whatnot.

You didn’t know whether or not he even remembered you, but the moment you saw Alhaitham again, everything came rushing back to you both and soon enough, you two had started dating.

All things considered, he’s actually very attentive to your needs and wants.

You feel tired? Go ahead and sleep, he’ll wake you up in a couple of hours if you want him to.

You need help with a difficult commission? Sure thing, just let him get done with this last document he’s checking and you’ll be on your way with him in tow.

He’s very touchy in private to make up for his aloofness in public.

You usually find his arms around your waist whenever you’re sitting down, or you find yourself in his lap whenever he’s reading a book.

Usually it stays that way unless you’re both in the mood to do other things on any given evening.

The first time you meet Kaveh, the two of you hit it off almost instantly and he struggles to make sure they you two don’t both do something stupid whenever you’re around each other.

He usually invites you to join him on nights where he’s going out to Lambad’s Tavern, and on the off chance that there aren’t any chairs left for you to take a seat, there’s always the option to sit in his lap.

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