thatonegenshinsimp - Lauren’t

| Not Lauren| An ADHD bitch who obsesses over fictional men | Currently: Tired |

80 posts

Hello :D May I Request A Quiet Or Slightly Shy Reader Teaching Childe How To Use His Bow? Childe Has

Hello :D may I request a quiet or slightly shy reader teaching Childe how to use his bow? Childe has never seen them use a bow either so he gets surprised when they help him a lot. ùwú

Of course, anon. This was so fun to write tbh. It’s kinda short but anyways, enjoy!


"You're holding it too far to the left, you're going to shoot it left if you keep holding your bow like that."

Those were the first words you said to him on the day of your date with him, which was supposed to be in Liyue Harbor. He had made a last minute change of plans, and invited you to take a walk with him through the mountains instead.

"What do you mean? This is always how I've shot a bow." he chided. "Yes, hence why your bow skills are still lacking." you said. Ajax looked over at you and sighed, watching as you fidgeted with the smooth river stone on your necklace. it was a nervous habit of yours that he'd picked up on over his years of dating you. It wasn't that you were nervous about talking to him, far from it, in fact. You were nervous about his skills failing him and costing him his life on the battlefield. Just thinking about him not coming back to you one day scared you. "Alright, show me how you shoot then, since you’re the expert and all." he sarcastically remarked. Although you'd never shown him, your skills with a bow were exemplary. You were considered to be one of the best sharp shooters in Liyue. You grabbed the bow and aimed carefully, closing your non-dominant eye and thinking for all of two seconds as your body practically melted into the bow. It seemed to become a part of you as you nocked an arrow and shot it, sending it flying through the air before it hit the dead center of the target. You turned to look back at your boyfriend, who stared at you slack jawed. Ajax walked over to you and wrapped you up in his arms, tangling his fingers in your hair as he pulled you close and slammed his lips against yours. “If I’d known you were struggling to use a bow, I would have helped teach you, Ajax.” You mumbled, putting your hands on his shoulders as you looked to the side. “Why didn’t you tell me you knew how to properly shoot a bow like that?” He asked, pulling away slightly. “I don’t really know. Do you want me to teach you?” You asked, looking up at him. “Yes, I’m struggling with using a bow if I’m being honest.” He admitted, scratching the back of his head. “Alright then, I’ll show you how I do it first.” You said, picking up another arrow from the quiver at your feet. You demonstrated the steps you went through before setting the bow back down and standing up.

"Now then, your turn. Pick up the bow." you commanded, silently watching as he did as you told him. "Relax your shoulders. your rigid posture is what's causing you to aim to the left." you advised. Childe slowly relaxed his shoulders and held the bow more naturally. "Now then, keep a firm grip on the bow handle. you don't want the arrow to miss because of a bad grip, do you?" you asked, listening to him as he chuckled softly. "Point taken, now what?" he asked, watching as you smiled softly. "Nock an arrow, you goof. What else are you going to shoot?" you joked, laughing softly. Ajax looked at you and laughed with you, grabbing an arrow and getting back into the position he was in before. "Do I look good?" he asked, smirking back at you. You huffed softly, shaking your head. "Shut up and aim." you retorted, watching as he did so. Childe looked at the target and closed his non-dominant eye, aiming and shooting the arrow. He hit barely into the second ring of the target, but he cheered when he saw that he actually hit it. "I did it. I finally did it!" he cheered, looking over at you. "That deserves a kiss, don't you think?" he teased, causing you to look to the side as your face went slightly red. You almost timidly leaned forward and pressed your lips against his, before pulling away and taking your bow back. As you did so, he gently grabbed your wrist and turned you to face him. “How did I get so lucky to have you?” He thought out loud, wrapping his arms around your torso. “I- um- mph!” He didn’t wait for you to answer before kissing you again, falling back onto the soft grass below as he held you close to him. “Ajax, are you ok?” You asked, eyes wide with worry. He nodded, a bright smile on his freckled face. You would have scolded him if it weren’t for the look he gave you. His blue eyes seemed to swallow you whole as he gazed at you with so much love. “I love you.” He whispered, his voice heavy with emotion. You smiled softly before pressing your lips against his yet again. “I love you too, Ajax.” You replied, your hands reaching up to hold his face. The two of you stayed like that for a while, silently holding onto each other and talking the day away together.

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More Posts from Thatonegenshinsimp

2 years ago

Sleepy Cuddles

Just some headcanons of mine that I have for whenever you want to sleep on them

Characters- Alhaitham, Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli, Xiao, Childe

Warning- Slight spoilers for Diluc and Kaeya’s backstories

Notes: I didn’t expect my Capitano oneshot to get so much love! Thank you all!

Part 2



It takes him a little while to warm up to it, but he loves cuddling with you when he’s about to fall asleep.

He’ll be reading a book while you lay down on his chest, an arm draped over your back as you sleep.

He occasionally looks down to make sure that you’re sleeping peacefully.

Yes, he will throw the book at Kaveh if he comes into the room to say anything. No, it doesn’t matter what it is that Kaveh wants to say, he’s still getting a book thrown at him.

After a while of reading, Alhaitham also gets tired, and decides to call it a night.

He always whispers words of comfort in your ear as you drift off, and plays with your hair once you’ve fallen asleep.

Another habit of his is that he’ll run his fingers through your hair as you sleep, which soothes him almost as much as it does you. It helps with the stress he feels after a long day of work.


You have to drag him to bed the first time you want to do this with him.

However, once he finds out how warm and fuzzy he feels inside every time he holds you like this, he’s willing to go to bed with you the moment you ask.

He loves physical touch, it’s comforting to him when he can make sure that you’re there and that you’re really, truly in his arms.

If you run your fingers through his hair while you lay on top of him, he’ll absolutely melt.

It generally takes him longer to fall asleep since he’s so alert all the time, but it’s also because he wants to make sure you’re alseep before he is.

His bird has a perch by the window in case it ever needs to leave the Winery. The window stays slightly cracked open unless it’s Winter and it’s freezing outside.

Then again, the cold is all the more reason to snuggle up to him, isn’t it?


He immediately falls in love with the idea of cuddling with you when you fall asleep, and instantly starts doing so.

Kaeya always holds at least one of your hands, but will also have the unoccupied arm around your waist.

He’s actually very warm for someone so lithe. You’d expect him to be freezing most nights, but it’s usually quite the opposite.

However, he has mean bedhead, and he also moves around a lot in his sleep.

He likes to cuddle after a long work day when he’s absolutely floored because of how much he had to do.

Kaeya also likes to trace little shapes in your back and see if you can guess what they are.

He’s just a romantic like that.


He’s a very good cuddle buddy. He’s very warm, and his voice is what puts you to sleep most of the time.

That’s not to say that he doesn’t treasure the quieter moments between the two of you.

Nine times out of ten, you fall asleep in his lap while he’s reading a book.

The other times are when he’s telling you a story or talking about his day while the two of you lay in bed together.

His love language is physical touch and I will die on this hill.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, he’ll make you some tea or read you the book he’s reading.

He’ll also run his fingers through your hair as he’s speaking to try and soothe you further to sleep.

It almost always works.


He’s scared to have you sleep on him at first.

Xiao doesn’t want to harm you in any way with his Karmic Debt, but eventually, after you persist for weeks, he obliges, and lets you lay down against him.

He warms up to the idea of you sleeping on him very quickly, and soon enough, he starts asking you to join him when he sleeps.

He likes it when you run your fingers through his hair. If you do it long enough, he’ll fall asleep before you.

Sometimes, whenever his Karmic Debt gets to be a little too much, he’ll lay down on you and hold onto you until it passes and he starts to feel better.

Xiao also likes to massage your back to try and soothe you if you let him, acts of service is his love language.

He cherishes every moment he’s with you, and moments like these are the ones he holds closest to his heart.


Good luck getting him to stay still. He needs to be doing stuff every waking moment he has.

However, if you ask really nicely, he’ll join you in bed and hold you.

He likes to talk, so get ready to talk even if you’re only half awake.

All jokes aside, he loves physical touch. That and acts of service are his love languages.

Childe is grateful for the times that you take care of him after a particularly rough day of work and fighting, and it shows in the way he holds you so close to him when the two of you rest together.

He likes to rest with you directly on top of him or with your head on his chest, while he has his arms wrapped around you to keep you close.

After all, he cherishes you like family, and the way he holds you reflects that perfectly.

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2 years ago

Good Morning (Diluc x reader)

Notes: You guys get soft content today because I’m feeling sappy. Kinda short but anyways, enjoy!


Warnings: Slightly suggestive.

Diluc wasn’t what others would call a soft individual. In fact, the word “soft” and the name “Diluc” were two things that clashed quite often.

But not when it came to you.

You were the only one he was like this around. His gentle words and hushed confessions of adoration and love were reserved for your ears only. It was in moments like these that you truly saw how gentle he could be.

You woke up slowly, blinking away the last remnants of sleep as you lazily gazed over and smiled softly when you saw your husband. His red hair was down and covered most of his face, and he looked peaceful in the clutches of sleep. You scooted over to him and laid back down beside him, gently brushing his hair out of his face to get a better look at him. He had dark eye bags that worried you to no end, but he’d never sleep enough to get rid of them if he kept going like this. You were about to pull away when he spoke. “It’s rude to stare, (Y/N).” Diluc said, opening one of his eyes to look at you. You were about to apologize when he gently wrapped an arm around you and pulled you close, holding you in his arms as he spoke. “Good morning, did you sleep well?” You asked him, your voice barely above a whisper when you spoke. He nodded before leaning down and pressing his lips against yours, kissing you slowly before pulling away with a smile. “I don’t have anything to do today, and Elzer is handling most of the things I would have to do, so do you mind if I spend the day with you?” He asked. “I don’t mind, I’d love to have your company.” You replied, cupping his face in your hands and running your thumbs over his cheeks. Diluc put one of his hands over yours and leaned into your touch, smiling just a little more when you giggled at the sight. “Alright, come on. We need to get up, dearest.” You said. The word falling from your lips so naturally, even now, still caught him off guard, and you watched as his face reddened slightly. He turned his face to the side to hide his red cheeks, causing you to giggle quietly as you pressed your lips against his forehead. “We don’t really have to do anything today if you don’t want to. In fact, we don’t even have to leave this bed if you don’t want to.” You mused, tracing nonsense shapes on his chest. Diluc buried his red face in the crook of your neck as he held you close, causing you to laugh softly. “Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it.” He grumbled, watching with a playful smile on his face as you pulled away. “Come on, you dork, get up. We still have to do commissions.” You laughed, throwing the covers off of the two of you and getting up to get dressed. Diluc gazed over at you as you buttoned up your shirt and grabbed your pants from the dresser. “What are you staring at? Come on and get dressed.” You asked. He grabbed his shirt and vest, buttoning them up and dressing quickly before gently grabbing your hand as you got to the door. “I was staring at you. You look wonderful today, my love.” He said, lifting your hand to his lips and kissing your knuckles gently. You could feel your face heating up as your cheeks turned red. You cleared your throat and then looked back at him. “Well then, shall we go, dear husband?” You asked, walking downstairs with him. Diluc nodded softly, turning the door handle and opening it, holding it for you as you walked out. “Yes, we shall, dearest.” He replied, closing the door behind him.

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2 years ago

Scaramouche x Youkai!reader

Notes: I’m sorry if this isn’t that good since I really don’t know how to write for Scaramouche but anyways, enjoy!


Warnings: Spoilers for Scaramouche’s backstory, the Sumeru Archon Quest, and the Interlude Chapter in Sumeru!


He recognized that voice, the same one he’d heard right before he’d left Inazuma. It was you, one of the few youkai left in Inazuma. Miko, although the two of you weren’t even remotely related, took you in and all but raised you, being the older of you two. You would be forever grateful to her for her kindness. It was because of her that you met the one now known as the Wanderer. However, you only knew him as Kunikuzushi, the puppet that the Shogun had all but thrown away and left to erode into dust in the harsh torrent that was eternity. However, you had always been very kind and very caring toward him, and even when he was known as The Balladeer in his previous Incarnation, he still remembered you with perfect clarity, no matter what life you saw each other in last. In fact, you were the first person that the Traveler asked about what you knew of him when he had changed his history in Teyvat. Thankfully, nothing in your mind had changed about his origins at the Grand Narukami Shrine or about when he left, but the one thing that had changed was the fact that you no longer remembered him taking on the title of The Balladeer, and now only remembered him as Wanderer. He let only you use his original name.

He turned around and looked at you, standing a mere ten feet away from where he himself stood. He nodded softly in affirmation, acknowledging that he’d heard you. Your ears twitched slightly, moving around and checking for any signs that the two of you were being watched or eavesdropped on.

“Kunikuzushi.” You breathed, the name sounding like it was meant for only your lips.

When you didn’t find any signs of immediate danger, you hesitantly took a step forward, before sprinting at him and tackling him to the ground below. “Umph-!” He grunted, taken by surprise when you collided with him. You wrapped your arms around him and sighed deeply, squeezing him tightly as you hugged him. “I thought I’d never see you again.” You whispered, relaxing only when he returned your embrace. “What are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here. What if Ei catches you?” You asked. He shook his head. “I’ve met the Traveler, and if things were to come to that, then I’d ask them to help me stop her from doing anything.” His hold on you tightened. “But I had to see you again. I couldn’t take being without you anymore. It’s all been a mess, and it turns out that there was another incarnation of me in a different timeline that destroyed and killed so many people, and-" He stopped when you gently cupped his face in your hands, your hands just as soft as he remembered. “Kuni, slowly. I can’t help if I don’t know what’s going on.” You pressed your forehead against his and sat up fully to let him have some space. “Come on, I’ll take you somewhere we can talk.” You offered, getting up and gently taking his hand into yours.

You kept walking until you reached an old, abandoned shrine, and sat down before patting the ground beside you in an invitation for him to sit. The Wanderer quickly did so, sitting as close as he could to you. “Ok, start from the beginning.” You coaxed, and it all came crashing down from there. You heard about how he used to be a Harbinger who mercilessly killed and tortured those around him, destroying and fighting whatever and whoever he was told to. You heard about him changing his past and becoming what he was now, and you heard about his time with the Traveler, and with Lesser Lord Kusanali. You heard about how he got his memories back, and how he finally got back to Inazuma. By the time he was done, Kunikuzushi was shaking, and you could tell he needed comfort. You were willing to give that comfort, and gladly did so. “That is a lot to handle, and I don’t even know where to start, but what I do know is that you’re the most important person to me in the whole of Teyvat. It doesn’t matter to me whether you’re The Balladeer or The Wanderer, you’ll always be Kunikuzushi in my eyes, and I’ll always be here for you.” You said, hugging him yet again. You saw the tears rolling down his face as he leaned against you, trembling in your arms. “Hey, hey, look at me.” You cooed, causing him to pull back and look at you. “I want to travel with you. I want to stay by your side from now until the end of eternity, if you’ll let me.” You hummed, confusing him slightly. “But I thought that the last time I saw you, you were-” “Helping Miko at the shrine? Yes, I was, but I stopped a while ago. Ever since then, I’ve been waiting for you to either come back or for me to decide to leave Inazuma. But I just had a feeling that if I left, you’d be here when I wasn’t, so I waited.” You explained, looking down at him as you spoke. “I want to be there for you instead of leaving you alone like the last time you left. I love you, Kuni. I always have and I always will.” You confessed, your face flushing pink as you spoke. He sighed, turning his gaze away from you as he spoke. “And you promise not to leave?” He asked. Without hesitation, you nodded. “I promise.” You replied, hugging him yet again. “Thank you.” He mumbled, his face growing warmer with each word.

At the Grand Narukami Shrine, Miko smirked as she watched you pack. The moment she received word from the Traveler that Kunikuzushi had returned, it wasn’t a surprise to her when, about three hours after you’d left the shrine, you came running back up the steps to the shrine to ask for her permission to leave Inazuma. “I’m surprised it took you so long to get back, little one. Of course you may leave.” She replied, ruffling your hair gently. You smiled at her and then rushed to get what you’d need, packing everything into a backpack and changing into different attire that would be better suited for adventuring. “I best be going. Farewell, Miko!” You called, all but sprinting back down the mountain to join Kunikuzushi. He looked at you and nodded, before holding out his hand for you to take. You smiled and took it, walking with him. You didn’t know where your journey would take you, but so long as you were by his side, you knew there was nothing to fear.

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1 year ago

AAAA YOUR PREV WRITING WAS SO CUTE.. QAQ tbh i love the idea of childe's s/o being protective of him and tries to take care of him.. childhood friends to lovers warms my heart Q uQ;;

Its nice to see something like that and I'd certainly like to see more of it one day ♡

Thank you anon <3, I'm glad you like my writing! Truth be told, I've always loved that trope the most aside from the soulmate AUs. I also really like writing for Childe since he's such a morally grey character. When he got his rerun late last year, I spent all of the wishes I had at that time pulling on Childe's banner for him and got him literally on the last ten pull I could make (spoiled stubborn ginger) 90 pity killed me istg :'). Anyways, I'm planning to write for him and the other Harbingers (namely Capitano) more in the upcoming months this year, but will still be taking requests for other characters, of course. Until next time~

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1 year ago

Hello! I love your writing sm aAAHHH they're so nEATO nbhjBFVJHF

aA can I make a small request of Childe and a shy S/O who's quiet/not so vocal in bed? Well, they'd make some sounds but they're quiet. Those two have had their intimate moments together but it's usually always Childe that's initiating it. So one day they're the one initiating it for the first time, but since they're shy... They're far too embarrassed to ask. Ignoring their 'problem' isn't going to help either, so they try to figure out how to ask him or get his attention... They get noticeably clingy and flustered, holding onto him whilst trying to figure out how to ask.

But Childe figures it out and did notice their behavior. =^)

I'm not sure if you're okay with this but I hope you'll have a good day!!

Hello anon! I’m glad you like my writing and of course! Childe is such a fun character to write for tbh. Anyways, enjoy!

Warnings: NSFW, sub! reader, creampie, tried to keep it gn! so let me know if there's any mistakes with pronouns or anatomy!

NSFW below, Minors DNI, by scrolling down past this point, you have chosen to read the content below of your own accord!

In your time dating Ajax, he’d always been the flirty and dominant one in your relationship. That worked just fine for you, with him seeming to choose the times you were also in the mood to ask you if the two of you could go somewhere less… public. He was very attentive to your needs and wants, which you thankfully didn’t have to voice most of the time. You weren’t the best with communicating those things since you were usually quiet and reserved. However, this time was different.

Childe had been at work for the past two weeks without so much as visiting you or taking much of a break. You were worried about him, yes, but you were also getting very needy for him as of late, too. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the time for the moment, but promised that he’d give you all the love and affection you could ever ask for once his schedule was freed up a little more. Thankfully, it was now, for the next two weeks with Lantern Rite going on in Liyue, but things usually stopped at cuddles and light kisses, and you didn’t know how to ask him to go further. You didn’t want to fumble your words or say something dumb, so you simply… didn’t. You didn’t utter a single word whenever his hands went a little too low for it to be considered an accident. You didn’t say a thing when he would kiss your neck or have his hands under your shirt. He was teasing you, and you didn’t have the wherewithal to say anything. You’d tried everything to get him to understand that you wanted him, but he pretended not to notice. Little did you know, he had been planning this for a while. He wanted you to ask him, even if only once, to do something to you. He understood that you were shy, but everyone can talk if they’re either coaxed enough or pushed far enough, and he chose the ladder. It was on a rainy day in Liyue harbor that he watched you walk up to him, gently tapping him on the shoulder and waiting for him to stop reading the book he was reading. “Hm? Oh, hey. What is it? You look a bit nervous.” He said, a teasing lilt to his voice as lust swam in the deep depths of his ocean blue eyes. “I- I um…” you froze up like you usually did, not able to go further. “Ooh, can I guess?” He asked, causing you to nod. “Do you need some water? You look kind of thirsty.” He said, causing you to shake your head. “You want something?” He asked, causing you to nod with a hopeful smile on your face. “Well, what do you want?” He asked, watching as your smile turned nervous again. “I want… I…” you bit your lip and then finally looked up at him. “You.” You replied, your voice barely above a whisper when you spoke. He thought to tease you further, but when he saw the prominent red hue your face had taken on, he decided against it. “Aww, why didn’t you say so?” He asked, laughing as you glared up at him. “Alright, I’m kidding, come on.” He said, leading you upstairs.

You were grateful he'd stopped trying to make you be more assertive, and instead decided to just let you do your own thing like he usually did. "You want me to take care of you?" he asked, causing you to nod. He hummed softly, picking you up and immediately helping to undress you. You, finally deciding to be a little more bold, slowly started unbuttoning his shirt, before lowering your hands as you looked at his scarred chest. You always loved to trace over them after a long night shared between the two of you. Ajax finished undressing you and finally laid you down against the mattress once he'd finished undressing himself. You sighed softly when your back hit the bed, watching as he gently grabbed one of your hands and kissed your knuckles. His other hand made its way further downward as he started to play with your hole, slipping his fingers in and scissoring them to prep you. You whined softly as he pulled them out when he was sure you were ready, smirking down at you as you gazed back up at him through eyes half lidded and glazed over with lust. "Ajax, please." you whispered, causing him to smile softly. "Ok, I've been teasing you enough today, anyway." he said, before he positioned himself against your entrance and slowly slid in, causing you to flinch slightly and shut your eyes tightly from the burn of him stretching you out even further. "Hah~ so tight- shit." he whispered, pressing his lips hotly against your neck as you tried to relax. You shuddered softly as he kept kissing your bare neck and shoulders, whimpering and sighing against his mouth when he finally kissed you on your lips. Ajax slowly slid the rest of the way in until his hips were pressed fully against yours, looking down at you with a much gentler gaze now. "There we go, just relax, I've got you." he reassured, smoothing his hands up your hips and pressing his forehead against yours. You nodded before feeling him start to gently roll his hips against yours so as not to hurt you. You couldn't help but moan softly as he started a slow pace, his thrusts gaining rhythm quickly as he made you a mess of quiet whimpers and moans. You reached up and tangled your hands in his hair, pulling him down to kiss him. He gladly accepted, kissing you back and pouring his love and adoration into each movement of his hips against yours. You moaned a little louder when he hit your sweet spot, your hips jolting upwards before he held them down. Childe slowly kept going, grinding himself against that one spot that made you clench around him and moan loudly. "Hnn~ o-oh, right th-there- Ahhn~! Ajax, please~!" you cried, tears beading in the corners of your eyes and slowly rolling down your face as he thumbed them away and kept moving. You felt the knot in your lower abdomen get tighter, grinding your hips up into his as he met your thrusts half way, his pace getting sloppier as he tried to hold himself back long enough to let you cum first. "Come on, let go, I know you want to." he breathed, kissing your neck again. "AhnNg~ m'cumming cumming- Ahhh~!" you moaned into his neck as you came, wrapping your legs around his waist as he kissed you gently, a stark contrast to the way he wildly slammed his hips into yours. Your eyes rolled back when he came, stuffing you full of his cum as he shot thick ropes of sticky white against your inner walls, gasping as you milked him for all he was worth. You kept his hips against yours as he kissed you again. "S-s'good- fuck- take it all." he groaned, as he stilled his hips against yours.

He panted and sighed once he'd calmed down a little, smoothing his hands up your back. "Did that feel good?" he asked, watching as you nodded in response. "Mhmm, felt s'good, m'tired. I wanna sleep." you said, kissing him on the neck as he looked down at you. Childe braced himself on one arm and held you still with the other, pulling out and watching as his cum gushed out of you and further soiled the sheets below. He paid that no mind as he picked you up and let you lean against him as you slept soundly in his arms. He carried you to the bathtub and slowly cleaned you up. He made sure that any marks he left on your body were properly cared for before he kissed your temple and wrapped you up in a fuzzy, warm towel. He then quickly went to change the sheets, before finishing drying you off and laying you down under the covers. He slipped in bed beside you and held you close, wrapping his arms around you as he drifted off to sleep as well.

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