thatonegenshinsimp - Lauren’t

| Not Lauren| An ADHD bitch who obsesses over fictional men | Currently: Tired |

80 posts

Begging For Thoma X Reader Childhood Friends To Lovers Where He Goes Back To Mondstadt

begging for thoma x reader childhood friends to lovers where he goes back to mondstadt 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Home is Where the Heart is (Thoma x reader)

Anon, the brainrot I have for him just got worse why did you do this to me ACDFRSVAXZDX!


Warnings: slightly suggestive

Thoma looked over at Ayato as the two of them watched the fireworks for the Irodori Festival go off in the sky, illuminating it with bright bursts of color. “Thoma, if I may ask, do these festivals ever make you miss your homeland?” He asked, looking over at him. “Oh, well, sometimes. Truth be told, I left a lot more than just my mother behind when I left Mondstadt.” he said, his mind wandering to you, one of his only friends during his time in Mondstadt. "I left a childhood friend behind back then, promising them that I'd only return once I got news of where my father was in Inazuma. However, after finding out that he was, you know, I figured I'd set down roots here, instead. Of course, I have been wanting to see them again, since they're probably waiting for me, but I never have the time, and I'm still needed here." he said, a sad smile on his face. "Hmm, well, we could leave tomorrow and take a trip there during the remainder of the festival." Ayato offered. Thoma's eyes snapped over to him as he blinked owlishly at him. "Wait, seriously?! You'd do that for me?" he asked. Ayato nodded softly, looking at him. "You say that someone is waiting for you back home, and who am I to deny you the chance to see them again. Besides, you were there for me during the time when I needed you most. This is my chance to repay you for your kindness with the utmost sincerity I can possibly offer. I want to do this for you, Thoma." he said, causing him to nod. "Are we bringing Lady Ayaka with us, then?" he asked, watching as Ayato nodded. "Yes, I'd like for her to join us as well, since she's never set foot outside of Inazuma." he said. "Understood, then we should pack, since, you know, we're leaving tomorrow." Thoma advised. Ayato only nodded. "Of course, I'll go get Ayaka, then." he said, walking off and leaving Thoma to prepare whatever he needed for the trip.

The next day, Thoma dragged his bag outside and was met with the sight of both Kamisato siblings already ready at the gates to the estate. "We've already made sure everything is squared away, all that's left is to board the Crux and sail to Liyue. We'll figure out the rest of our journey to Mondstadt from there." Ayato explained. Thoma nodded, following them to Ritou and watching as the Crux finally docked. "All aboard, our next stop is Liyue Harbor." Beidou called. Thoma, Ayato, and Ayaka boarded the ship quickly, and watched as Beidou made the last call for boarding the ship. She kicked away the ramp to board the ship, before she spoke again. "Alright, let's set sail for the Land of Commerce!" she cheered.

The long boat ride to Liyue was worth it when Thoma's feet met solid ground again. He watched as Ayato and Ayaka struggled to get back their own land legs, chuckling softly. "Gosh, it's been a while, huh? I haven't seen this place in a while." he said. Thoma looked back at the two before going back on the ship and getting their luggage. He then handed them their things as he spoke. "Come on, we've still got quite a walk ahead of us, and we're wasting daylight. I want to at least see the sunset at Stone Gate before it's too late, so we can take a break when we get there." he said, ushering them through the busy streets and through the Harbor exit. They walked until arriving at a pier of sorts, and Thoma took a deep breath before sighing deeply. "Almost home." he mumbled. Almost home in your arms. He thought to himself. He'd had a huge crush on you before he left, and had regretted not telling you ever since he held his tongue the day he left. Thoma waited until Ayato and Ayaka were done with their tea to help them with getting their things to Stone Gate. "Come on, we can stay at the inn in the city." he said, causing the two to nod. They traveled through Stone Gate and passed Dawn Winery, while Thoma told them about the history of Mondstadt that he knew. He kept walking until they got to Windrise, where he told them about the story of Vennessa.

Thoma continued telling them about the stories he knew from his childhood until they finally arrived at the gates as the last few rays of sunlight were fading over the horizon. The hustle and bustle of the city was reduced to whispers and mumbled conversation as everyone was heading home for the night. Thoma stopped by Floral Whisper and asked for a bouquet of Windwheel Asters, paying Donna when she handed them to him. “It’s customary to give your significant other your Windblume along with a handmade gift to ask them on a date.” He said, a soft smile on his face as he spoke. Thoma led the Kamisato siblings to the hotel and set the flowers on the nightstand beside his bed. Ayaka was given her own room, whereas Thoma and Ayato shared a room. There were two beds in that room, one for him and one for Ayato. He went to sleep earlier than Thoma, leaving him awake in his bed, his thoughts filled with you. He missed you, even when he was so close to seeing you again, his yearning for you was stronger now than it had ever been. He wanted to be more than just friends, he wanted to take you into his arms and kiss you, holding you as a lover would. He wanted to kiss you as a lover would, and do much less innocent things with you that only a lover would do. But for now, he just wanted to see you again. He looked at the omamori he’d made and embroidered for you, a beautiful pink cloth with orange and red flames climbing up the sides, the center a single pink cherry tree. It was beautiful, and he’d spent months making and embroidering it. The only thing he had to do now was give it to you, tied to the bouquet of flowers. He ran his thumb over the design and sighed, before rolling over to face the window. He decided that he’d find you tomorrow, and went to sleep with the notion that he would make it clear to you that he saw you as more than just a childhood friend of his that he’d left behind.

You woke up early in the morning and realized what day it was, smiling softly as you looked at the finished tassel you’d made. You had recently learned to make them, and wanted to mail it to Thoma. You’d recently been thinking of him more often, and wanted to see him again. It was a shame that he’d moved to Inazuma, but you still had hope that he’d return to see you again. You got dressed and slipped out the door, walking into town and over to the Adventurers’ Guild. Just as you were starting to speak to Katheryne about your plans for the day, a hand came to rest on your shoulder. “You mind if I change those plans?” A voice asked. You spun around on your heel and came face to face with Thoma, your eyes widening as you threw your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. “Thoma, you’re back!” You exclaimed, your hold tightening as you embraced him. He wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you back, before letting go after a minute. “Oh my goodness, how are you? How has your time in Inazuma been?” You asked. “It’s been good, could I talk to you somewhere maybe less out in the open for a bit?” He asked, causing you to nod. You saw two people waving to him when you looked behind him, and let him lead you to somewhere near the Cathedral.

“So, allow me to introduce you to Kamisato Ayato and Kamisato Ayaka, the Yashiro Commissioner and his younger sister. I work for them and help with keeping house over at the Kamisato Estate.” He explained, stepping to the side as the two bowed out of respect. “Ah, I heard that the Sakoku and Vision Hunt Decrees were repealed recently, welcome to Mondstadt.” You said, clasping your hands together as you spoke. “Thank you, it’s an honor to meet one of Thoma’s friends in person.” Ayato said, holding out his hand to you. You shook it, a smile on your face as you did so. “So, any plans for tonight? The fireworks are really beautiful if you see them from Cider Lake. We can go all together if you want?” You proposed. “Actually, me and Ayaka will probably be looking around for a little while longer when they go off, you and Thoma should go there together, instead.” Ayato advised. You nodded in agreement, before telling them that you had to get something from your home. After you left, Ayato spoke. “So, bad choice calling them your friend, then?” He asked. Thoma dragged a hand down his face. “Yes.” He mumbled. "Apologies, perhaps I should have said spouse, then?" he teased. "Please stop." he mumbled. "Well then, we'll leave you two alone to catch up with one another. Tell us about it later." he said, walking away and vanishing around a corner with Ayaka in tow. A few minutes later, you returned, holding a small box. "Hey, sorry it took me so long to... where did your friends go just now?" you asked, looking around and then at Thoma. "Ah, they said that they were going to check out the rest of the city together, while we play catch up, if you don't mind, that is." he said. "Not at all. In fact, I made you this, in hopes that you'd either return to Mond this year or that you'd get it when I mailed it to Inazuma." you said, handing him the small box. He opened it and smiled when his eyes landed on the tassel. He chuckled softly, before he spoke. "My gift for you is at the hotel, so I still need to get it. I'll get it for you before we go to see the fireworks, ok?" he asked, watching as you nodded eagerly. "I figured you would, you're going to love it." he said, giving you a smile of his own.

"So, have you been doing well, too?" he asked, walking with you around the city. "Yeah, I work with the Adventurers' Guild here, so I usually have commissions, but since it's Windblume, I can't really do anything since it's a tradition to make Windblume gifts by hand." you said, shrugging. "What about you? Working for the Yashiro Commissioner must be something, huh?" you asked, causing him to scratch the back of his head. "It's a bit tough at times, especially during the Vision Hunt Decree, but things have settled down since that and the Sakoku Decree have both finally been repealed. I thought that nightmare was never going to end." he groaned, covering his face with his hands. "You think that's difficult? You should see how awful it is just to go out and get a drink at Angels' Share. The drunkards there are insufferable. Thankfully, Kaeya's been a huge help with that, since drunks are apparently scared of him. I try not to ask for his help too often, since he's known for asking for favors and whatnot, but he is a good person, and I'm relieved that I'm friends with him." you said. Thoma wasn't a jealous person, but he went green with envy every time you mentioned another man sticking up for you, especially the very popular and attractive Cavalry Captain. "Gosh, it's been what, five years since you left? And yet, being with you here and now, it feels as though it's only been a few days. It's a relief in a way, I was worried that you'd changed during your time overseas, but you haven't, and I'm so glad that I finally get to see you again." you said, looking down to where he couldn't see the red that dusted your face. "Yeah, I'm glad we get to see each other again, too." he said, putting a hand on your shoulder. "Come on, I have to get your gift for later tonight. We can stop and get something quick to eat if you want. Actually, you know what? I'll make it myself." he said, leading you back to the hotel and grabbing the omamori and the flowers. They looked good even now, and Thoma was grateful for that. He walked back out and handed you the box with the omamori inside, telling you to open it later. He went to Blanche and purchased a few ingredients, before going to Sara and getting some meat to cook later. He then walked with you to the spot you always used to go to together, as he discreetly hid the flowers in his bag, making sure you didn't see them. "Come on, we still have some time we can kill, and I want to see your family again. Let's go." he said, offering his hand to you and waiting for you to take it. You were a little nervous, but took it, nonetheless. After speaking to your parents for a while, Thoma saw that the sun was finally starting to sink over the horizon, and waited for you to leave before he spoke. "I was wondering, are they in a relationship?" he asked them. Your mother shook her head. "No, but we've known of your feelings for them for a while now, dear. If you make them happy, then so be it. Besides, you've been gone for so long now, and they've missed you a lot. You're not children, anymore, and they deserve someone like you, a man who will take care of them and treat them right, like you. So if you're asking about whether or not you can be with them, we don't mind." your mother said, a soft smile on her face as she spoke. "Thank goodness, that's a relief." he breathed, immediately going back to the way he was before when you got back to the living room. "Why is it so quiet? Did they say something embarrassing? I asked you two not to." you said, looking over at your parents. "We didn't do that, we were just telling Thoma here about how much you like my cooking, and how often you still visit just to try it." your mother said. "She's not wrong, it is good cooking." you said, looking over at Thoma. He looked out the window and saw that the sun was setting soon, and quickly explained that the two of you had to leave before getting his things and all but dragging you out to Cider Lake.

You sat down on the picnic blanket you'd brought with you while Thoma made dinner for the two of you. When he turned around, he held a crab, ham, and veggie bake in his hands, setting it down on the blanket and taking one of the bowls you'd brought with you. He served you first, before getting himself some of the veggie bake and sitting beside you. The two of you looked up at the stars as they lit the sky above, watching in awe as the first few fireworks went up and exploded, flashes of color lighting up your eyes and making them sparkle. "Hey, can you look at me for a second?" he asked, causing you to turn to look at him. "Yeah?" you asked. He brought out the omamori charm and handed it to you, causing you to gasp in delight. "Thoma, you made this? It's beautiful." you said, slipping the string around your wrist and smiling as you admired the design. "That's not the only reason I wanted you to look at me." he confessed. "What is it?" you asked. He brought out the Windwheel Asters, handing the bouquet to you. "It's Windblume, and as per tradition, I wanted to ask you on a proper date this time." he said, his face flushing as you took the flowers from him and stared at them. "Wait, Thoma, you" you asked, pointing to yourself. He nodded. "I understand completely if you aren't ready for a relationship yet, and I can wait, but- ack!" you tackle hugged him, wrapping your arms around his neck and laying on top of him as you kept him in your embrace. "Archons, no, that's not it at all. I'm just so happy that you finally told me." you said. "Wait, huh?" he asked as he sat up, causing you to giggle. "Yeah, I knew for a while that you had feelings for me, I just wanted to wait until you said that you did." you explained. "Oh, so you knew how much I wanted to do... this?" he asked, confusing you slightly. You didn't have time to process what Thoma was saying before he was leaning in and capturing your lips with his own, kissing you passionately. You kissed him back, causing him to fall onto his back yet again. He poured his emotions into that kiss, tangling his fingers in your hair and holding you close as he poured five years worth of longing into the way he held you close and the way he embraced you with so much love. You broke the kiss for air, panting softly as your face flushed bright red. "Wow," you breathed, looking down at him. "I didn't know you were such a good kisser, Thoma." you said, leaning in and kissing him again. When you pulled away to catch your breath again, he spoke. "I know I'm from here, and that I left a while ago to find my home in Inazuma with my father, but I think that you're my real home." he whispered, pressing his forehead against yours. "But you have to leave soon, and I only get you for a week." you whispered, crestfallen, "I'll visit, and if you want, you can come to Inazuma, and you can stay at my place, and we can live together." he said. "Hmm, that ladder idea doesn't sound too bad. After all, home is where the heart is, isn't it?" you asked. Before he could answer, you leaned down to kiss him again as the fireworks came to a close, held close to him and safe in his arms as you both stargazed and fell asleep in each other's arms. Ayato and Ayaka could wait, they didn't need to know where he was right now, anyway. You, however, couldn't wait. You'd waited long enough, and Thoma loved you, so he stayed like that with you in his arms as you slept soundly on his chest, thinking to himself about how lucky he was to finally have you. "Sweet dreams, my love, may your sleep be as gentle as the wind." he whispered, closing his eyes as he drifted off to sleep as well.

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More Posts from Thatonegenshinsimp

1 year ago

i loved the haitham smut 🙏 idk theres just something abt angst during the actual smut that makes things so much better AKDJSKFJSKHGS like i want to see breakdowns during the actual sex if its too much bc as much as i say i would want it rough i’d probably cry if my partner was mean 😭

Thank you, Anon, I’m glad you liked it! It took me AGES to finish that one. And tbh it just hits different when there’s angst in the smut and I wanted to try writing it like that so that one was almost entirely experimental AFJSBDGS

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1 year ago


My favorites would have to be:

Inteyvat- (Dainsleif x fem!reader NSFW)

Under the Moonlight- (Alhaitham x fem!reader NSFW)

Memories- (Diluc x gn!reader NSFW)

I’ve always liked these, since they’re the ones I spent pretty much the most time on.

If you’ve ever wondered what fics I’ve written that I’m particularly attached too… TAG GAME!

If you’re tagged, reblog this post with the fics you’ve written that you are particularly proud of / have an attachment too!

Respectfully, Fuck off | College AU Megumi x Reader

Roommates | Modern College AU Sanemi x Reader

Pale Blue | Canon Universe Suguru x Preg! Reader

I don’t go back and reread my fics often, but I have gone back and reread these babies a handful of times

Tagging: @ghost-1-y @renhoeku @muzanswaifu @meowzfordayz @peachdues @magnoliaomega @mydarlingdahlia @sunandflame @benkeibear

1 year ago

Hi! I really liked your cuddles and cold mornings with a lover posts, would you be interested in doing/could you do a pantalone version of the cold mornings post with him please? :)

Cold Mornings With a Warm Lover Part 2 (Fem!reader NSFW)

Of course! This was so fun to write ASDXCSFSXC. I decided to add Zhongli to this one as well. Anyways, enjoy~

Notes: My wifi was crapping out when I wrote this and it kept deleting the stuff I added in after I first saved it to my drafts :')

Characters: Pantalone, Zhongli


Part 1

Warnings: NSFW, fem!reader, sub!reader, dom!reader, marking, fingering, creampie, squirting, hair pulling, Adeptus!reader (Zhongli), monsterfucking (Zhongli), draconic!Zhongli (horns, tail, claws), knotting (Zhongli), Zhongli has a ridged cock

NSFW content below, Minors DNI! By scrolling further past this point, you have chosen to read the content below of your own accord!


Pantalone had been awake for a good amount of time when you opened your eyes, sitting up slowly beside him in your large shared bed. You braced yourself on your forearms and looked around, before feeling his gaze on your bare body. Your face reddened as you pulled the covers over your body. “Oh, you’re awake.” You whispered, hiding your face in the pillow. He pulled the covers away and looked down at you, watching as you slowly curled in on yourself. “H-hey, it’s freezing!” You hissed, shivering. “Hm, then how about you let me warm you up this morning?” He asked, his hand making its way to your face as he spoke. Your wedding last night was the catalyst for all of this, not that you were complaining. You had enjoyed last night very much, especially what happened once the two of you arrived home from the wedding dinner. You were barely through the bedroom door with him when you were tugging at his clothes, begging to see what was underneath the elegant suit that Pantalone had worn. And of course, who was he to deny you something you wanted?

You were dragged from your thoughts when he gently pressed his lips against yours, watching as you practically melted under his touch. You leaned against him as he pulled you into his lap, letting you straddle his waist. He smoothed his hands up your thighs and your back, before resting one arm over your middle as his other hand came up to gently cradle your jaw. “You looked lovely in that dress last night, but I think you look much better like this.” He said, kissing you again. He trailed kisses down from your lips to your neck, leaning in and biting down on the skin at your collarbone. You gasped softly, reaching up and threading your fingers through his jet black hair. You tugged it lightly when he pulled at the skin gently with his teeth, pulling back to see the purple love bite he gave you. The hand that was holding your face slowly made its way downward as you focused on him, joining his other arm around your waist. He made sure that you were distracted by him before gently nudging your thighs open with his leg, before holding your legs open and pressing the pads of his middle and index fingers against your slit. You gasped at the sudden feeling, grabbing his shoulders as you felt his fingers slowly press into you. “Ngh~ h-hey, what about you? I wanna make you feel good too.” You mumbled, half lidded eyes gazing up at him. He chuckled softly. “Perhaps another time, but this morning is about you, dearest.” He cooed, his hand speeding up as he curled his fingers to hit that spongy bundle of nerves deep inside of you that he knew drove you crazy. You gasped and moaned loudly as he repeatedly pressed his fingertips against that spot, grinding down against his hand. “Needy thing, don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you this morning.” He whispered in your ear, watching you shudder from the sickeningly sweet tone of voice he was using. You were so, so close, but whined quietly as he pulled his fingers out just before you came. “Patience, I promise it’ll feel good, dearest.” He soothed, waiting for you to come down a little from the hazy and fuzzed headspace you were in. You panted softly as he tilted your face upwards for you to look at him. “Do you want me to be on top this morning?” He asked, watching as you nodded wordlessly. Pantalone flipped the two of you over and slowly pulled the covers over the two of you as he lifted your hips a little. Your breath hitched as he pressed his tip against your entrance, before slowly sliding into you. You immediately grabbed his shoulders as he slowly pressed into you, gasping at the stretch. “Shh, just relax, dearest, I’ve got you.” He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close to him, your chest pressed against his. The blush on your face spread to your shoulders and the tips of your ears as he bottomed out, pressing his hips against yours as his spongy tip knocked against your cervix. “A-Ah~ hNn~ m’so full, you’re s’big- fuck!” You moaned, wrapping your legs around his waist. Pantalone gently grabbed at your waist before he slowly started rocking his hips against yours. You whined and moaned quietly as he grunted softly, trying to keep himself under control.

Your face got somehow even redder as he started pulling back his hips and thrusting them against yours, loud squelching noises filling the room along with the noises of your lovemaking. You grinded your hips against his as he kept thrusting, keeping a steady pace as you tried to keep up. You felt his hand against your cheek and leaned into his touch, looking up at him as he smiled softly down at you. His breath hitched and a loud groan bubbled up in his chest as he hit your sweet spot, feeling your gooey cunt squeeze around his cock tightly. “HnNg~ goodness, does that feel good? Do you want me to do that again, pretty thing?” He asked, leaning down and gently pressing kisses against your neck. You nodded, tugging at his hair again as you got closer to your orgasm. The knot in your lower tummy tightened as he angled his hips and started going faster, hitting that spot repeatedly. Your velvety walls squeezed and spasmed around him as he kept you on the edge, going slower when you got too close. He twitched inside of you as you dug your nails into his broad shoulders, small tears welling up in your eyes. “That’s it, just hold out a little longer.” He whispered, before he sped up even more. His pace was getting sloppier as he left open mouthed kisses against your neck. “Nnh~ please, lemme cum, m’so close, please- AhHng~!” He cut you off with a rough thrust that sent you over the edge, gushing around his thick cock. You wailed his name as you dragged your nails down his back, leaving little red lined in their wake as your eyes rolled back a little. Pantalone looked down at you and rolled his hips against yours as he came, fucking you full of his cum. “That’s it, let me take it from here, ok? You did so good for me.” He soothed, watching as you clung onto him. You panted and whined quietly as you came down from your high, slowly calming down. He slowly pulled out and watched as his cum gushed out of you, soiling the sheets below. He then gently pulled you close, wrapping his arms around you once again. “Pantalone?” You asked, your voice still a little shaky. “Yes, what is it, dearest?” He asked. “Could we go take a bath? I’m all sweaty and sticky now.” You asked, hiding your face in his chest. He chuckled at your shyness, before picking you up and carrying you to the bathroom. “Of course, my love.” He said.


It was rare for Zhongli to stay home for the day, let alone take leave, but he assured you that Hu Tao had given him leave for the festival period since he had helped prepare the Funeral Parlor’s decorations (which he insisted weren’t necessary) for the Lantern Rite Festival. You were just glad to see him at home, since he got up so early in the morning and usually returned well after you had fallen asleep at night.

You woke up to a pair of arms around you and looked behind you, laughing softly when your husband gently nuzzled your neck. “Someone’s touchy this morning.” You teased, reaching back and running your fingers through his hair. You felt something wrap around your leg, and pulled back the covers to reveal his long scaly tail. You looked back and noticed his golden horns as well. “Looks like this was a much needed break period. It seems like you needed some rest from work.” You said. “Ah, compared to the things I’ve had to do on the daily before retiring from my place as an Archon, I’d say that my “job” at the Funeral Parlor is more like a vacation.” He said. “And I certainly never got to do these things with you when we were still working like that. I never had a moment alone with you.” He continued. “To talk to me or to fuck me? Be specific.” You rolled over to face him, laughing when he pinned you down against the bed and spoke. “Careful that you wish for, those are dangerous words you’re saying, even if you are an Adeptus.” He said, watching your face flush and your eyes widen. Without warning, he unbuttoned and slipped off your nightshirt, doing the same to his. He leaned in close and looked for that one spot he remembered so very well on your neck, sinking his pointed fangs into your skin when he found it. “Ngh~!” His actions surprised you, it had been a while since he had done this with you, but you found yourself tilting your head to the side as he marked your neck with his teeth. You reached up and gently grabbed his hands, shivering when he pulled away. “Are you cold? Don’t worry, you’ll be warmed up soon enough.” He cooed. Zhongli leaned in and kissed you, watching your eyes go half lidded as a pleasant lustful gaze clouded them. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you this morning.” He whispered, trailing his hand down to slide down your pants. He hooked his thumb under the waistband of your underwear and pulled them both down, before he finished undressing himself. Without wasting a moment, the soft pads of two of his long, thick fingers were pressed against your slit.

“Look at me.” He mumbled. Watching as the haziness faded from your eyes and you nodded. “Hmm?” You looked up at him. “Are you sure you want to do this? I want to make sure you’re comfortable.” He said, watching as you nodded. You gasped when he slowly slid them in, pinning your thighs to the bed with his knees as he curled his fingers and grazed against your sweet spot. You reached up and grabbed his shoulders as he kept moving his fingers, scissoring them to stretch you out. He pinned your legs down with his tail, wrapping it around your ankles to make sure you couldn’t move your legs. “Mnh~ r-right there, please- Ahn~!” You gasped when he curled his fingers to hit your sweet spot again, moving his hand faster as your grip got tighter. You were about to tip over the edge of bliss when he pulled his hand away, chuckling lowly when you whined softly. You gasped when you felt his tip pressed against your entrance, moaning softly as he slowly slid into you. “Nh~ feels s’big, t-too big, it won’t fit~!” You cried out, but he forced you still. “You’re being too noisy.” He muttered, shoving two fingers into your mouth and pressing the soft pads of them against your tongue. “Every time we do this, every single time, it fits. Lie still and take it like the good girl I know you are, and I’ll reward you, ok?” He cooed, watching you push your hips back to fit more of him inside of you as you nodded. He chuckled. “That’s it, slowly now.” He whispered, pulling his fingers out of your mouth. He held your hips steady as he kept pressing himself into you, his grip tightening as you squeezed around him. “Mnh~ ‘li, Ngh~ stay still, please- Ah~!” He pressed the base of his knot against your entrance, lifting his head from your shoulder and pressing soft kisses against your skin. He trailed kisses up from your shoulder to your neck, before sinking his fangs into your skin. “HAh~!” You dragged your nails down his back, gasping and whining. He tensed up slightly when you scratched down his back a little, your sharp nails drawing little red lines on his skin. He stayed still for a bit, letting you adjust as he rocked his hips against yours slowly and gently. “Hn~ look at you, you’re already so pliant under my touch, aren’t you? You’re just waiting for me to ruin you~” his long serpentine tongue licked his lips as he spoke. You nodded, already almost mindless from the way he was now rolling his hips steadily against yours. You slowly reached up and linked your hands with his, breaking his concentration for a moment as he looked at you. It was a way for you to be closer to him, not that he minded. He wrapped his tail around your leg as he went faster, his tip bumping up against your cervix as his ridged shaft grazed against your velvety walls. “Right th-there, please- Hnn~ ‘li, don’t stop- AhnNg~!” You moaned loudly as his tip hit your sweet spot, raising your hips to let him get a better angle. “Such a good girl- fuck- I’m gonna fill you up nicely, gonna stuff you full and breed you~” he whispered, his grip on your hips tightening as he twitched inside of you. His pace was getting sloppy, and he was panting softly as he got closer to his release. He pressed his lips hotly against yours, muffling your cries of pleasure as he went faster. Your hands went from being over his to his shoulders again, squeezing them as the coil in your lower belly tightened. “M-Morax, m’close, m’so close- AHhng~!” He gripped you tighter as he heard you call him that name. He loved it when you did that, you knew he did. Your eyes rolled back as your orgasm washed over you, your body shaking as it hit you in waves. He slammed his hips against yours a few more times before his knot swelled inside of you, trapping his thick cum deep in your spasming cunt. He fucked you through it, rolling his hips against yours as you rode out your high with him. After you had come down somewhat from your highs, you pulled away from him as you spoke.

“It seems you needed this break more than me, horny lizard.” You muttered, running your fingers through his hair. “Is that an invitation to go again?” He asked, smirking down at you. You shook your head. “I’d pass out before you’d finish, I’d much rather stay like this for a while, instead.” You pressed your lips against his forehead, smiling softly. “Besides, we both know you like it when I wash your hair.” You replied, shifting to a more comfortable position and pushing him on his back. He fell back against the pillows and chuckled softly as he wrapped his arms around you. After a while of staying still on his lap, he finally pulled out, watching his cum dribble from your spent hole. You whined at the loss of contact, before he picked you up and slowly carried you to the bathroom. He ran the water warm, just the way you liked it, before slowly getting in. You hummed happily as he kissed you, running his hands over your skin. He grabbed the soap from beside the bath and wrapped his tail around your waist to keep you steady as he lathered the soap on your body. He took extra care when he got to your chest and your thighs, retracting his claws to make sure he didn’t accidentally scratch you on the sensitive parts of your body. You sighed deeply as he hummed a tune long since forgotten by time, his deep baritone voice calming you and further bringing you down from the euphoria. He grabbed the shampoo and put it in your hair, starting to move on to his hair when he felt your nails scratching against his scalp. You slowly massaged the shampoo into his hair as he rested his head against your chest. You felt him unwrap his tail from your waist, and pressed a gentle kiss against his forehead as he rested his tail on your lap. “Just rest, honey, I’ve got this.” you whispered, knowing how exhausted he was after such a long night. You slowly started washing his tail, lathering his scales with soap before moving on to massage his back. You rolled your palms against the muscles that were potentially sore or strained, making sure to ease the knots in his shoulders and his back. You heard him hum softly, his tail thumping against your lap as a result of your soothing touch. You giggled softly. “You like that?” you asked, watching as he nodded. You gently tapped his large golden horns, as if to tell him to lower his head. He lowered his head to where you could wash his horns, huffing quietly when you told him the two of you had to get out of the bath soon. “Five more minutes.” he grumbled, wrapping his arms around you. “We still have to change the bedsheets, ‘li.” you muttered, causing him to sigh. “Ok.” he mumbled back, slowly getting up out of the bath and grabbing some towels from the linen closet. He returned a few minutes later with some towels, saying that he’d changed the sheets. You smiled, slowly standing with his help as he dried you off and carried you to bed after draining the tub. He then got under the covers with you and rested his head against your chest.

By the time you looked back at him, he was looking up at you with half lidded eyes as his tail wrapped around your leg. “Are you cold, dearest?” you asked, causing him to shake his head. “I just want you close to me.” he mumbled sleepily, leaning up and pressing his lips against yours. He flipped the two of you over to where you were resting your head against his chest, your weight grounding him as his eyelids got heavier with exhaustion. He wrapped his arms around you and held you close. “I love you.” he whispered, nuzzling his nose against your neck and breathing in your scent as he fell asleep. You smiled softly, closing your eyes as you spoke. “I love you, too.” you whispered, falling asleep in his comforting arms.

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1 year ago


So like I just found your acc and like I’m loving the Itto content definitely keep it coming 🤭 (pun intended)

Anyways came to say hello and wanted to drop a spicy Alhaitham and Itto image before I go 😘




Hello there @charc0allatte!

The fact that I'm working on something for Itto rn as I get this ask is actually hilarious. Also thank you v much I've been on a small semi-hiatus for a while to regain my inspiration to write since my writers block was bad these past few weeks. It's getting better tho since I posted my most recent request. (Also the fanart is making me absolutely WEAK especially Alhaitham ZAWSEXZWASXS)

Until next time~

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1 year ago

Heyyy! I hope you're doing well!

So I wanted to request a drabble with Cyno in like a college setting. Where one night he comes over to study with his s/o and reader just can't focus on what she's studying because horny lol.

And cyno is like what's wrong and she'd be like "I just want you inside of me"

And then things happen

I'm so down bad for modern Cyno istg kekwkwksfkx

Study Session (Modern AU Cyno x fem!reader NSFW)

Same, anon, I'm down bad for him, too tbh. I love this scenario ZSZAWXFDZ. Enjoy~


Summary: You had been forced away from Cyno by your schoolwork for a while now, always busy with projects and homework from your classes. Now, however, since you were both finishing out the last two months of your Sophmore year of college, you both had time to do other things as well, one of which included him studying not only his textbooks for his exams, but your body, as well.

Warnings: NSFW, fem!reader, fingering, degradation, choking, dacryphilia, overstimulation, Cyno being a tease, slight bondage if you squint

NSFW content below, Minors DNI, by scrolling down past this point, you have chosen to read this content of your own accord.

You couldn't help but squeeze your thighs together every time you thought about the things you wanted him to do to you. Your boyfriend of well over three years now, Cyno, was currently walking to your car with you after a long day of lessons and classwork. He had a small smile on his face as he spoke. "Could we maybe study at your place? You're the one planning to major in English, and it's not my strongest subject. I'm also a bit worried about the exam and what to write for the essay." he asked. "Sure." you said quickly, all but dragging him to sit in your car. Tighnari had to drive him today since his car broke down about ten minutes from the college. You agreed to take him home, since he'd spent the night at your place plenty of times. While you were driving, you spoke. "Do you wanna stop by your place first to get a change of clothes?" you asked, briefly glancing over at him as he spoke. "Yes, that's probably a good idea." he said, looking back at his phone as he texted Kaveh. "I told Kaveh that he and Alhaitham can go ahead to dinner without us, since I'll be busy studying and doing what homework I have left." he said. "And railing me, after." you mumbled under your breath. "What was that?" he asked, causing you to shake your head. "And eating with me, after." you lied, causing him to nod. "We could order takeout if you want." he offered. "Sure." you replied, smiling softly. He nodded, before turning his attention back to his phone as you continued driving.

The moment you got to your house, you parked your car in the driveway and got out, locking it behind you. You watched as Cyno jogged to the door and unlocked it with his key, opening it for you. "You first." he said, closing the door behind him when you were in the house. "Now then, what should we get as takeout?" he asked, watching as you thought to yourself for a minute. "I wouldn't mind maybe getting something from Wanmin Restaurant, since the food is good. Plus, we'd be helping out Xiangling and her father, too." you advised. "Sounds good to me, I'll give them a call. What do you want, before I call them?" he asked. You told him what you wanted, before telling him you were going upstairs to change into something more comfortable, leaving him with a note of what you wanted. You went upstairs and changed into one of your lighter sets of pajamas, since it was rather warm this evening. When you got downstairs, you saw that Cyno had changed into a tank top and a pair of sweatpants. He looked back at you and nodded, patting the space on the couch beside him as he spoke. "It should be here in about twenty minutes, so we can study until then." he said, causing you to nod. “Alright, let me see the study guide.” You said, holding out your hand.

About fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rang, and you went and got the food, paying the delivery driver at the door. “Thanks.” You said, walking back inside and closing the door. You set the food down on the table and walked back over to Cyno, sitting beside him once again on the couch. You took the study guide back from him and then continued reading over it. The words seemed to blur together as your mind wandered back to him. Cyno seemed to notice, and tugged at your sleeve. “Are you alright? You seem distracted. What’s on your mind?” He asked. You looked him up and down and then spoke. “You bending me over the couch or throwing me on my bed and fucking me.” You said, resting your face in your hands as your cheeks turned red. You looked over and saw that his face was completely red as he looked at you. Cyno cleared his throat before he spoke again. “If you insist.” He said, sweeping you up into his arms and carrying you to your room.

You held onto him for a moment, before you let out a yelp as he threw you on the bed. He jumped on the bed with you and pinned your wrists above your head, holding your legs down with his own. “You wanna go slow or fast tonight?” He asked. “Mmh~ I just want you inside of me.” You whispered. He reached for your shirt and then spoke. “May I?” He asked. You nodded softly, letting him take your shirt off. He unhooked your bra and took it off as well, his free hand moving down to slide off your pajama shorts and your underwear. Cyno then pulled back and undressed quickly, before pinning you down again. He let his hands wander down further, before he pressed two fingers against your slit. He slid them in slowly, his thumb drawing circles on your clit as he slowly stretched you out. “You’re soaking wet.” He mumbled, pinning your wrists above your head with one of his hands. He added another finger, watching as your eyes screwed shut and a soft sigh left your lips. “Is this the type of studying you wanted to do?” He asked, causing you to nod softly as your face reddened. His hand sped up as his fingers curled to hit that spot that made you moan loudly, your hips bucking up against his hand. “Cyno, m’gonna- hnn~!” Your body jolted as his thumb pressed against your clit harshly, your hips grinding against his fingers to get the sweet release you craved. You were so close, but whined pathetically when he pulled his fingers out.

“You thought that was it? No, get ready, because our lesson just started, sweetheart.” He mocked, wiping his hand on the bed sheets. Cyno hoisted your leg over his shoulder and pumped himself a few times, holding your ankle with one hand and his cock with the other. He pressed himself against your slit and dragged the tip against your clit, watching you shudder and gasp. “Look at you. Do I do this to you? Is this how I make you feel?” He asked, resting your leg on his shoulder before he reached forward and grabbed your pretty neck in his hand. He gently squeezed your throat, causing you to clench around nothing as he smirked. “Come on, you have to tell me if I do or not. You can’t learn if you don’t know what’s going on, can you?” He asked, causing you to nod softly. “You’re so far gone that you don’t know what I’m even saying, do you?” He asked, watching as you shook your head. “Tell me, do I make you feel good? Use your words, you’re smart.” He said, pressing his tip against your slit as he spoke. “Y-yes! Cyno please!” You cried out, becoming increasingly frustrated with each passing second that he wasn’t inside of you. “Please what? I need to know what you want, or I can’t do anything. I don’t want to hurt you, sweetheart.” He whispered, looking down at you. “P-please fuck me, need you s’bad!” You moaned, causing him to reach up and cup your face in his hand. “See, was that so hard to say?” He asked, watching as you glared up at him. He hummed softly as he spread your legs further and slotted his hips against yours, slowly slipping the tip past your entrance.

You sighed softly as he slowly slid into you, your hips jolting slightly as he pressed his thumb up against your clit again. You moaned as tears beaded at the corners of your eyes, your hands going up to grip the sheets beside your head. Your breath hitched and you let out a high pitched whine as he finally pressed his hips fully against yours, his spongy tip bumping up against your cervix as he leaned down and kissed you. You moaned loudly into the kiss, your hands flying up to tangle in his hair as he pulled away and then spoke. “You’re such a good girl, taking me in one go like this. You’ve been so good tonight, let me reward you.” He whispered, his red eyes staring you down as he watched you nod. He looked down at the slight outline of his cock that was visible just below your bellybutton, reaching down and pressing his hand against it. “You feel that? That’s me making you feel good.” He whispered, pulling his hips back before snapping them against yours, watching as your tears rolled down your cheeks and you yelped. “Poor thing, you want me to go fast tonight?” He asked, causing you to nod. Cyno grabbed your thighs and used them as leverage to grab onto you and use you as he pleased. “Archons, you feel so- Ngh~ so good. You’re squeezing me so- f-fuck- so good.” He cursed, reaching up and grabbing your neck again. He knew that his grip could leave bruises, but he tried not to be too rough with you. He slowly applied pressure as he squeezed your windpipe, the lack of oxygen serving to make your cunt squeeze him deliciously. “Shit- hnng~ is that what gets you going? You want me to choke you when I fuck you?” He asked, only receiving whines and sobs in return as tears streamed down your face from the onslaught of pleasure. He felt your velvety walls clench around him, squeezing him as the knot in your lower abdomen tightened. “Ahhn~ Cyno, mmnh~!” You were beyond coherent speech by now, and could only moan and sob from the overwhelming stimulation you were receiving. “You want me to fill you up? Fuck you full until it spills out?” He asked, causing you to nod, almost completely fucked out as you wrapped your leg around his waist. Cyno lowered your other leg and let you lock your ankles around his waist, leaning down as he kept rutting his hips against yours. He pressed his lips against yours and reached for your breasts, pinching and pulling at your nipples. Your moans came out half sob as he twitched inside of you, his tip grazing that spot deep inside of you that made your toes curl and your eyes roll back past their lids. You wailed his name as he pushed you over the edge, your cunt spasming and clenching around his cock as he groaned loudly and pressed his hips taut against yours. His eyes rolled back slightly as he came, thick ropes of cum spurting out and painting your velvety walls white. You clenched and squeezed around him, milking him for all he was worth. “Look at you, you’re so pretty. That’s it, milk me dry, sweetheart.” He mumbled, pressing his lips against yours once again as you let yourself slowly come down from your high.

After you had finally calmed down enough to understand what Cyno was saying, you laid your head against his chest and smiled sleepily. “Was that good? Do you need anything? Do you want me to clean you up?” He asked, his voice much softer than it was before. You looked up at him. “Yes to all of those.” You mumbled, letting him pick you up and carry you to the bathroom to clean you up. He grabbed a washcloth and turned on the bath faucet, still holding you against his chest as you kept your legs wrapped tightly around his waist. He slowly pulled out and set you down in the now warm water, climbing in with you. Cyno grabbed the soap and lathered his hands before slowly rubbing your sore muscles and massaging them. He gently splashed the water on your shoulders to wash the soap off. He then grabbed the shampoo and slowly massaged it into your hair and his, waiting for it to set for a minute before he told you to close your eyes. You felt the water wash over your head as he washed out the shampoo and moved on to the conditioner after washing his own hair. He slowly ran his fingers through your hair to get the conditioner through it, making sure not to pull on any knots when his fingers caught on them. He conditioned his own hair and then waited for a few more minutes, before telling you to lean back. Cyno washed the conditioner out of your hair and then pulled you back up to make sure he’d rinsed it completely out. He rinsed his own hair before leaning in and kissing your neck, causing you to shudder. “Cyno, not now, I’m still sensitive.” You whispered, looking back at him. “Mmm~ but I know you liked tonight.” He whispered back. “I’m going to get us some towels, wait here.” He mumbled, getting up and getting out of the bath. He went to the towel closet and grabbed a few of the soft towels, before walking back over to the bath and lifting you gently out of the water. He wrapped you up in one of the towels and carried you to the bed, setting you down before gently drying your hair with another towel. He then dried himself off and threw the towels in the laundry basket. He got under the covers with you and laid down beside you, holding you close to him. “Are you ok? I wasn’t too rough, was I?” He asked. You rolled over and looked at him. “Maybe a little rough, but it was just what I needed.” You whispered, your face flushing despite the vulgar activities you two had just done together mere minutes ago. “I’m just a little sensitive is all.” You reassured, snuggling up to him. You looked up at him tiredly before your eyes shot fully open. “Oh my goodness we forgot to study.” You gasped. “Relax, the exam is next week, we have time.” Cyno said. You nodded, relaxing in his arms again as you calmed down. Your eyes slipped closed as you drifted off to sleep, leaving him awake at your side. “Goodnight, (Y/N), sleep well.” He whispered, falling asleep soon after.

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