thatonegothicgirl - gothšŸ”ŖšŸ–¤

Requests are OPEN!//MINORS DNI//21!!!

89 posts

Ok. I Think Im Ready Again.

Ok. I think Iā€™m ready again.

I am opening up my requests for Bayverse TMNT!!šŸ¤­

Itā€™s been a long time since my requests have been open but I think I finally have the space to write again :)

I am down to write smut requests, just donā€™t be a minor.

I also enjoy writing a good fluffy fic too!

Send me your requests, and donā€™t worry about them being too long, I appreciate detail!

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    rebellious-mutant liked this · 1 year ago

More Posts from Thatonegothicgirl

2 years ago

Itā€™s always so awkward when I have to explain to a 13 year old that I will not write a gorey smut fic for them. Yes. Itā€™s happened more than once.šŸ’”

Iā€™ve said it ONCE and I will say it AGAIN




And for those of you who try to follow me and send me a message saying ā€œI know your blog is no minors but Iā€™m 17 and will be 18 soonā€







Sorry for my rant but Iā€™m SO sick of getting LITERAL 12 year olds trying to follow me.

Ive Said It ONCE And I Will Say It AGAIN
2 years ago


Stop šŸ‘šŸ» infantilizing šŸ‘šŸ» Mikey šŸ‘šŸ» 2k22 šŸ‘šŸ»

Tags :
1 year ago

me and raph have a weekly hangout where we exchange knitting patterns and talk shit

1 year ago

"Let's Trick or Treat!" Raphael X Reader Halloween fic (Part 2!)

Part 2! Because I felt the love on my Ao3 <3 Enjoyyy !

You can read part 1 here.

ā™” I will do a part 3 ā™”

Have to give some credit as this chapter was slightly inspired by @tmntxreader-fics "damaged love" (though is nowhere near as painful)

Chapter warning! Some toxic behaviour/allusion to domestic violence (but not actually? idk it may be a trigger so i'm saying it now)


He knocks on your door, pleading for you to open up and talk to him.

ā€œBabe, please! Let me explain!ā€

ā€œGo away, Raph!ā€ You yell as you cling to your turtle plushie. You feel like utter shit.

You had put so much effort and thought into your Halloween costume, hoping that he would see the charm in you trying to look like a mini version of him. The thought of walking door to door while dressed like a smaller version of the man you loved so dearly had filled you with butterflies, as you saw it as another way for you to show off and declare your love for that strong yet surprisingly soft-hearted turtle. It was something you thought would help to show him just how much he meant to you, and the thought of him smiling and telling you how cute and precious you were to him meant everything to you.

At least, thatā€™s what you thought he would say.

Nothing had prepared you for the truth.

The look on his face of complete shock paired with that back-handed compliment.

ā€˜Interestingā€™Ā was what he had said.

No one had ever referred to something good asĀ ā€˜interestingā€™Ā , at least not in the tone he had used.

ā€œBabe, please, just open the door,ā€ he pleads again.

ā€œJust leave me alone, Raph,ā€ you say, your voice cracking as the tears begin to drip slowly down your cheeks.

ā€œYou donā€™t like it, I get it. You donā€™t need to make excuses to make me feel better. It was a stupid idea. Just forget about trick-or-treating. Iā€™ll just go with Casey and April instead.ā€

You hear him groan angrily from the other side of the door and knock again, louder this time.

ā€œDamnit, (Y/N), open the damn door!ā€ He yells, and the anger in his voice makes you jump.Ā 

He had never raised his voice to you before. Ever.Ā 

But you hated it. And it scared you.

ā€œI didn't mean to say I didn't like it, okay!? Just let me explain, will yaā€™!?ā€

You take a moment to think of what to say and how to react. You had already told him to leave you alone twice now, and you sensed that he was only going to get angrier if you continued to refuse to open the door.

So, you get up from your bed and take your plushie with you, holding onto it tight hoping it would grant you some sense of bravery as you go to open the door to face him.


Raphael practically growls and knocks on the door again. He can feel himself losing control of his temper which he is working so hard to contain right now. If thereā€™s one thing he hates, itā€™s being misunderstood. And if thereā€™s anything he hates more than that, itā€™s seeing you upset.Ā 

Especially when he knows itā€™s because ofĀ himĀ .

He fuckingĀ hatesĀ himself for that.

Iā€™m such a fuckingĀ idiot, he curses himself internally, feeling his rage against himself building each time you refuse to open the door for him. He can hear it in your voice that youā€™re crying behind that damn door.

And he knows heā€™s the reason.

He wants nothing more than to smash the damn in and hold you in his arms to comfort you and apologise for how heā€™s made you feel. You donā€™t deserve that. He knows you only had pure intentions and wanted to have a nice time on what was one of your favourite holidays of the year.Ā 

And he fucking ruined it.

Now youā€™re going on about trick-or-treating with others instead of him.

Heā€™s not sure if you plan to still wear that adorably sexy outfit either, and the thought of him not being there to protect you and lay his claim on you by scaring off any douchebags is only adding to the burning fire within him.

ā€œDamnit, (Y/N),ā€ he shouts, immediately regretting how harsh he has said your name, and it leaves a bad taste in his mouth.Ā 

ā€œOpen the damn door!ā€ He yells again but tries to sound less aggressive. Itā€™s hard to do when his patience is the weakest thing about him.

He just wants to hold you and tell you how sorry he is for being a dick.

Thereā€™s a moment of silence. His temper simmers down and his heart soars when he hears your bed creak and your footsteps approaching the door.Ā 

But then you open the door, and his heart sinks.Ā 

He sees your gorgeously done eye makeup has been smeared by the tears streaming down your face. It wasnā€™t like he hadnā€™t seen you cry before; you were a bit of a cry-baby as it were, especially when it came to sappy movies or whenever he did something dangerous that left him beaten and bruised.Ā 

But he had never seen you makeĀ thatĀ face before.

You look so hurt; so disappointed.

And it hits him again that it was allĀ hisĀ fault.

His brow furrows and he clenches his fists.

ā€œBabeā€¦ā€ he says softly, trying to find the right words to comfort you. He takes a step closer to close the distance between you both, wanting to take you in his arms and whisper sweet words and ease your pain. But the second his foot crosses the threshold of your door, preventing you from slamming it closed again, you extend a hand and firmly place it against his coarse plastron.

ā€œI thinkā€¦ I think you should leave, Raphaelā€¦ā€

Your gentle words are devoid of emotion, and his name sounds so unnaturally cold on your lips; a complete contrast to the usual adoration you dress it with.

Raphael clenches his fists, and they shake slightly as he tries to keep them pinned to his sides. He grits his teeth, and you fear he will raise his voice again at you.

ā€œPlease,ā€ you say, your voice cracking as you choke back tears. Your small hand begins to tremble as you summon the strength to keep it there. You had never been afraid of Raphael, not since you learnt how he was actually a very intelligent and kind-hearted man despite his beastly appearance, but hearing him direct such anger towards you - hearing him use that anger while saying yourĀ nameĀ no less - was a sobering reminder that this man was more than twice your size and could very easily crush you with his bare hands and raw strength if he wanted to.

ā€œPlease, Raphael,ā€ you sob, and shut your eyes tight as the tears begin again, ā€œpleaseĀ just leave me alone for a whileā€¦ I need space to think.ā€

He wants to ignore your request.

He wants to grab hold of that fragile arm of yours that is weakly shaking while trying to keep him at bay and pull you into a tight embrace as he begs you for forgiveness.

But he does not.

He fears that if he tries to touch you now - with the absoluteĀ contemptĀ he is feeling at the moment towards himself - he fears he may not be able to control his strength and will accidentally hurt you.

He has already hurt you once tonight, and he knows he will never forgive himself if he brought you any physical harm - regardless of if it were an accident or you were to forgive him.

He drops his head and exhales slowly, trying to calm himself.

ā€œI understand,ā€ he says, his voice mimicking that reserved tone you had used, ā€œIā€™ll go now. Text me when youā€™re ready to talk. Iā€™ll keep my distance until then.ā€

Then he turns to leave your apartment. He makes it to the window at the end of the hall and looks back after opening it. You see the pained expression on his face.

ā€œIā€™m sorry babeā€¦ I really am. I love you.ā€

Raphael leaves through the window like a ghost in the night. He journeys back home, back to the sewers where his heart will find solace in the silence. There is a secret place he used to frequent; a place he often went to before he met you whenever he needed space from his brothers and needed to unleash his anger away from judgemental eyes.

It was a space in the sewers not too far from home full of junk that he could either smash against the walls or break with the steel baseball bat Casey had gifted him. He had a collection of destroyed punching bags that he kept piled in a dark corner that he would often add to after beating his frustration into it enough to rip through the canvas itself. In another corner, he kept a pile of fresh bags ready to hang up when the occasion called for it.Ā 

He had not visited this space in the whole time he had known you, because you were always there to talk him through his emotions and help him manage his anger.

But now, you wanted nothing to do with him, and he was beyond being able to rationalise by himself.

He pounded his seething resentment towards himself into three different punching bags, obliterating each one like it was a cardboard pinata at a child's birthday party. And when even that wasnā€™t enough, he smashed through a heap of his ā€˜junk ammunitionā€™ with the steel baseball bat. After what felt like an hour of trying to get his anger out, Raphael finally felt his emotions coming back under his control.Ā 

He sat down and slumped over as he took out his phone to see if you had texted him.

There was a missed call and a single message from Donnie, asking him where he was. He replied back with a lie, saying he had been with you and was just coming home now. With that, he closed his phone and put it back in his belt before he got up to saunter back through the sewers towards the lair.

@element18 @raging-water-slut @2mmillamma @caassseeeyyyyyā™” @greatkoalawizard @korbynblackwood01 @icydemon @suckmadick1453 @thatonegothicgirlgoth @mordeiswrld @whygz @madkiller321 @supershiny-raven @batteredcourierI @creativityisgone @maheglais

2 years ago

Ninno babe Iā€™ve seen the original live action movies and while they were extremely funny and entertaining, I feel the boys most definitely lacked individuality and yes the costumes were a bit horrifying šŸ’” HOWEVER. I think the boys attire should change a BIT but still be similar to their looks. The clothes would be a bit torn and whatnot but theyā€™d have more of a selection of stuff to choose from. Raph likes his shorts, Leo likes his sandals, Donnie would die for those combat boots, Mikey adores his gold chain etcā€¦

In conclusion I do agree that their looks should change a bit, but overall I think their ā€œvibeā€ should be relatively the same.

Should the Turtles be different? or stay the same like the 2014/2016 versions in the live action reboot?


Now this is kinda tough on my end because we all fell in love with the boys in how they look in the 2014/2016 bayverse film. the real question is, should the boys be different in terms of personality and/or looks? or stay the same? in my opinion, I would say make Leo less of a jerk, and learn better on feelings of others. as for Donnie, Raph, and Mikey, they are fine in how they are. the other thing I would love to see change would be adding in hamato yoshi in the picture, and change their attire a bit. like give them clothing that fits their personalities better. like have leo wear a pair of japanese pants, raph wearing spiked bracelets or shoulder pads, and maybe give mikey a hat. their designs are fine in how they look. just change the attire, Leoā€™s attitude, and hamato yoshi. what do you all think? should the boys have different character designs? or stay the same?Ā 

@raisin-shell @kawaiibunga @nittleboo @cowabunga-doll @selfless1978 @turtle-babe83 @foreignbrunette @memes-in-a-half-shell @exovapor @dai-su-kiss @turtlesmakemehappy @roxosupremeā€‹ @angelcatlowynā€‹ @raphslovemuffin80ā€‹ @thelaundrybitchā€‹ @chicchanmooshy @tmnt-fangirl101 @mrsjigsaw @mysticboombox @post-apocalyptic-daydream