Tmnt Mikey - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Me: Hey Guys, I'm Gonna Upload The First Two Parts Tonight! :D
Me: Hey Guys, I'm Gonna Upload The First Two Parts Tonight! :D

me: hey guys, I'm gonna upload the first two parts tonight! :D

me 2 days later:,,, heh, hey ya'llllllllll


Infection au- Mikey's day out Part 1


non-gif versions under the cut

Me: Hey Guys, I'm Gonna Upload The First Two Parts Tonight! :D
Me: Hey Guys, I'm Gonna Upload The First Two Parts Tonight! :D
Me: Hey Guys, I'm Gonna Upload The First Two Parts Tonight! :D

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1 year ago
Oh, Bunny Bunny Bunny, You're So Funny- With Your Twitching Nose
Oh, Bunny Bunny Bunny, You're So Funny- With Your Twitching Nose

oh, bunny bunny bunny, you're so funny- with your twitching nose


Infection au- Mikey's day out Part 2


non-gif versions under the cut

Oh, Bunny Bunny Bunny, You're So Funny- With Your Twitching Nose
Oh, Bunny Bunny Bunny, You're So Funny- With Your Twitching Nose

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11 months ago

iii dunno if this was intentional in the joke way but if it was just a small spelling error i hope u don’t mind me pointing it out ^.^ ,,,

Iii Dunno If This Was Intentional In The Joke Way But If It Was Just A Small Spelling Error I Hope U

love love love ur art btw !!!! <33

Iii Dunno If This Was Intentional In The Joke Way But If It Was Just A Small Spelling Error I Hope U

Oops!! thank you for telling me :D

Take a 'mickey' doodle for your troubles :3c

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1 year ago

Okay okay okay- I had this idea for ROTTMNT for so long and have wanted someone to write it and I’m curious how you’d take it-

Okay so I have a dog named Leo, and I ironically didn’t name it after one of the ninja turtles-

What do you think the main turtles reactions would be to a s/o (or friend if you only do platonic) who has a dog that’s named the same thing as them but were met before meeting the turtles?

Feel free to ignore if you don’t wan for write it ^^

A/n: ANON, I LOVE THIS REQUEST SM. I underestimated how long it would take to write for four characters though so this took longer than anticipated. Thanks for being patient!

Pairing: Donnie and gn reader, Leo and gn reader, Mikey and gn reader, and Raph and gn reader (can be read as Romantic or platonic, all separate by the way!)

Okay Okay Okay- I Had This Idea For ROTTMNT For So Long And Have Wanted Someone To Write It And Im Curious


Would be ecstatic, hes flipping out as soon as he find out

You have a dog named after him? He feels so honored

Feels his chest fill with pride at the fact that your dog has the same name as him

But as soon as you explain how your dog wasn’t named after him exactly, and how you just liked the name, he feels a little sting of disappointment

But he soon perks back up when realizing that you actually like his name, his face will brighten up, a smile stretching across his face as he turns to you his eyes sparkling 

“You like my name?!” 

“Yes Mikey.” 

He is full of a lot of energy after that

No matter if your dog is named after him or not, he still very much enjoys playing and spending time with your dog

Sometimes they get confused when you call their name 


They both perk up and turn to look at you with hopeful eyes  

“I, uh, meant the dog, Mikey.” 

Sometimes it gets confusing, so when Mikeys around you call your dog by a nickname like, pup, puppy, bud, etc

“I mean we're practically the same!” Mikey quipped, holding your dog's fluffy face in his green hands as he looked deep into his thoughtless eyes as if searching for something. You rolled your eyes, a light hearted grin spreading across your face, as you finished plopping the wet dog food into Mikeys blue bowl, placing it next to the turtle and dog sitting next to each other on your spotless kitchen floor. 

“Sure, Mikey. But do you mind releasing my dog so he can eat?” you giggled, Mikey removed his hands from the small dog's tangled fur as he scampered cheerfully to his bowl of food. You turned back around to the counter, turning on the faucet as you scrubbed your hands down, before drying them down with the wash cloth laying next to the sink. 

“I mean we both love food, we're both super friendly, and we both love art!” you let out a snort, turning to the young turtle. 

“I didn’t know my dog had such refined taste.” you teased taking a seat on the floor next to Mikey 

“Well, I’ll have you know little M and I are both on the same wavelength when it comes to art.” he spoke, lifting his head in the air as he crossed his arms smugly. You smiled warmly as your dog came racing back, making himself comfortable in your lap. 

“Well I’m just glad my two boys get along.”


Smug bitch

Seriously thinks you named a whole dog after him, and he is not letting it go

He’s not very subtle about it either 

“Leo! Come here boy, y’know I’ve always thought Leo was a very pretty name.”

You simply roll your eye to his endless banter, you knew that he was just fishing for compliments 

But that did not stop him from trying

When it comes to your actual dog though, Leo and him get along pretty well, he’s definitely not as enthusiastic as Mikey but the spirit is there

He’ll play and pet your dog but that’s about as far as it goes

Is what Leo told you, but one day when you stumbled into your dark apartment after a late shift to find Leo and your pup snuggled up on the couch fast asleep watching some sort of Cable show

You made sure to get as many pictures as possible to show Leo later, and the look on his face was so worth it

“Awe, it’s fine if you two wanna cuddle instead, I get it, I’m definitely not as soft.” you teased, Leo’s face bursting into a crimson red, you never saw the blue turtle this distraught, he never paused or fumbled over his words like this, and over a dog, nonetheless. 

“Would you just let that go, I’m not going to cuddle your dog.” he huffed, playfully rolling his eyes as he plopped down next to you on your gray couch, seeping into the cushions, this however seemed to alert your puppy as he turned his head excitedly, sprinting over to the couch before jumping up onto the sofa and burying his head in Leos lap as if on instinct. You snickered as Leo stuttered trying to find a way to justify the situation.

“Okay Leo, I get it you love my dog more than me, no need to shove it in my face.” you exclaimed, pressing a hand over your chest dramatically. Leo scoffed.

“Maybe I do love him more. At least he doesn’t take pictures of me while I sleep. Don’t you, boy? You wouldn’t do that to me would you?” Leo murmured  warmly to the dog now covering his face with loving kisses, you gasped, shoving Leo lightly with a grin across your face. 

“Whatever you dork, you know you love me.” Leo turned back to you, throwing an arm around you bringing you closer to kiss your cheek.


Bro has beef with your dog for some reason

Like as soon as they met Donnie had a clear look of disgust written across his face

“Y/n, while I’m pleased to know that you love my name so much to name your dog after me, this creature is no Donnie. It would be much appreciated if you could rename your dog asap.” 

He was not kidding, and was not amused when you laughed at his little monologue

“Wait, you're serious?”  


“Donnie, I’m not going to rename my dog for you!”

Is super moody whenever he comes over, he side eye your dog

Very distraught whenever you shower your dog with attention when he trying to talk to you

Is incredibly salty about it 

“I just don’t get it. Why don’t you like Don?” you wondered aloud, as you continued to play with your dog, pulling gently on the knotted rope that your dog jostled around, shaking his head around as an attempt to yank the toy from your hands. You chuckled lightly, and to this you could hear Donnie groan, you could practically feel him rolling his eyes. 

“I just don’t see the appeal.” he muttered bitterly, an idea popped into your head to his response, a smug smile stretching across your face from ear to ear. 

“Or maybe you're just jealous that Don’s getting more of my attention.” you cooed, you had struck a nerve, because as soon as you had spoken Donnie had shot up from the couch abandoning the machine he had been tinkering with on your coffee table, as he marched off to you, a scowl present on his face.  

“If I pet your dog to prove I’m not jealous will you please drop it?” you hummed as if thinking hard about his little truce, Donnie let out another exasperated groan. 

“Oh come on, please y/n?” you shrugged

“Sure, why not.” to this Donnie let out a sigh. You picked up your dog, handing the puppy to Donnie as flinched, his body tensing. Slowly he became less tense as he began to pet the small animal, his look of discomfort melting away.

“Not so bad huh?” 

“Shut up, y/n”


This man is absolutely in love with your little dog

He fully believes that  your dog is just a tiny version of him

Treats your dog like his son

There be times you feel like its Raphs dog more than yours, sometimes you won’t get your dog back from him for hours at a time

He’ll spoil your dog with treats and toys, it’s a little overwhelming if your being honest

Is upset that he can’t go on walks with your dog because of y’know, his whole situation, but will do everything else he can to spend time with your dog

Bathe them, feed them, play with them, anything and everything!

“Raph, could you please hand me the soap?” you asked, the running water from the bathtub roaring over you as you reached for the faucet turning the hot water off. 

“Are you sure we can’t put bubbles in it?” Raph asked, a hint of disappointment in his voice as he looked at your dog with sad eyes.

“I mean, they just look so sad without any bubbles.” you roll your eyes lovingly, as you reach for the bottle of soap yourself. 

“Yes Raph, I’m sure. They don’t need bubbles, they just need to be clean.” Raph sighs as he scoots over to you getting on his knees as he begins to rub the soap into your dog's soft fur. You smile. 

“See it's not so bad, right?” 

“Yeah I guess.” Raph muttered as he stopped, dipping his hands in the water to rinse the soap from your dog's matted fur. Your dog let out a sad whimper, and to this Raph's eyes widened as he immediately babbled out a string of apologies to your dog before you intervened.

“Raph, it’s okay. They just don’t like being washed. You didn’t do anything wrong.”  you assured the red turtle, patting his back comfortingly. He gave a sad nod, still not quite convinced. You sighed. 

“How about if we finish this, we can all watch a movie together?” The offer seemed to brighten the oldest brother as he nodded, giving you a sharp tooth smile.

Okay Okay Okay- I Had This Idea For ROTTMNT For So Long And Have Wanted Someone To Write It And Im Curious

This was such a fun request! And to everyone else who has requested I will be working on the others later today!

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2 years ago

They are so Goofy I love them 🥺


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2 years ago

dork (😭) :)

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9 months ago


@thejudiciousneurotic AND @desceros


Lots of love

Foot ninja

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6 months ago

OKAY İM BRAİNİNG! how about a tmnt turtles x scientist reader? ignore if you dont want to write this



Thinks its nice

(Has 0 fucking idea what potassium is or why you like saying your gonna take a bath with it as the bath bomb)

Uses you as a tool lowkey to get donnie out of the lab, cause hey, he gets you to bed, so getting donnie to bed isnt that hard

One time stumbled upon a book, thought it was for equations or theories, was surprised to find out it was your diary (WHY IN GODS NAME DID YOU DETAIL IT SO WELL??)

Dear god he has so many tricks from living with donnie to get you to sleep

Oh you wanna study him? Ok- why does he need to take his pants off? oh . . . OH

Is ok with role plays but doesnt really like being put under a microscope


Im sorry boo but no studying this man, bro is to insecure for that

Oh you need a hand to move equipment? Your man right here got this.

Will have a seizure if you get hurt in the lab, like oh you got burned? Haha YOU ARE NOT LEAVING THIS MANS SIGHTS

Would 💯 fuck you in a lab if you were up to it

Like im talking aggressively rawdogging it

Oh you made him some weights out of some really dense materials? Aww than- JESUS FUCK WHY IS IT SO DAMN HEAVY 😭

Full on tackles you to bed, just pins you to it and lies on top of you to get you to sleep💖


Marry him will you?

He loves you so much he might actually get a good sleep schedule

💯 gets freaky with you in the lab, and has definitely made sex toys for you (and himself)

Would 💯 support you in any experiments you do and also makes sure your safe while doing it

Oh you want a nobel prize? Let him help you

Would 💯 find a way for yall to have kids if you wanted them

Honestly 12/10 bf for you nerds


Just happy to be here

Will give you creative ideas

Honestly dont know what else to put here😭

Makes you food so you dont get delirious

Gives you kisses right before he drags you to bed with him

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5 months ago

Guys please remember that this is a second acc, I started off as a 🦶 anon and made an acc after i started getting noticed across various accounts, so please respect that i dont post often and please respect that i absolutely HATE tcest and proshipping. So keep that SHIT out of my askbox

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1 year ago

Hello turtles fans here some random drawings.

Hello Turtles Fans Here Some Random Drawings.
Hello Turtles Fans Here Some Random Drawings.

Ok the Leos are from:

Kid leo (@angelpuns )

Heishi (@allyheart707 )

Cass Leo (@somerandomdudelmao )

Cass Leo future (@somerandomdudelmao )

And just some random things :D

Hello Turtles Fans Here Some Random Drawings.
Hello Turtles Fans Here Some Random Drawings.
Hello Turtles Fans Here Some Random Drawings.

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8 months ago
No Biting Mikey And Donnie From Cabin 7 Are Curious If You'd Like To Make A Trade!

No Biting Mikey and Donnie from cabin 7 are curious if you'd like to make a trade!


No Biting Mikey And Donnie From Cabin 7 Are Curious If You'd Like To Make A Trade!

Mikey: so we get something in return...

Maria: Of course. Take this necklace it has a turtle on it :3

Ok, I know again this is from the last event, so it was just for finnish it and post it cause I love to do it so i don't care if this doesn't count as any point or something like that.


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Random TMNT HCs

You can’t tell me that 2007, 2012 and Bayverse Mikey would not just absolutely jam to the Veggie Tales theme song. Like full on blasting this on speakers and belting out the lyrics accompanied with full on Fortnite dancing.

And how could they not just go fricken ham on “His Cheeseburger”

These songs were like designed specifically for the ADHD Brain tickles

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*rolls Hand With An Authoritative Air*

*rolls hand with an authoritative air*

I was requested by @magicmike5000 to share my opinion about what I think of Mikey, and I simply can not refuse such an opportunity to rave about one of the most intricate and fascinating characters of TMNT franchise.

*pushes up glasses with a clearing of my throat* Behold the ramblings of an insane person:

*I love how Mikey is unapologetically himself at all times, in all things and in all places

*I think he’s an incredible asset to the team who is unfortunately underestimated and appreciated.

*I be always affectionately considered him to be the the cheese that holds this whole turtle pizza together and it just wouldn’t be the TMNT without him.

*Mikey has fascinating undeveloped and growing potential that is so unfairly unexplored.

*His simple pure goodness is far reaching and a total game changer which I absolutely adore.

*He’s one of those rare few good people and I genuine believe that he’s the type of person where the world is a better place simply because he’s in it

*Mikey is refreshingly emotionally intelligent, empathetic, spiritually intuitive, and is CANONLY the most suited for ninjitsu out of all of his brothers.

*He’s a subtle master at ninjitsu due to his flexibility and adaptability.

*Mikey is fascinating to study in action because due to his ADHD it allows him to react quickly and work with what he has within the environment.

*It doesn’t matter his size or strength (even though he is woefully under appreciated for his strength) m because he knows how to use energy and motion against his opponents on MANY different facets.

*Mikey also doesn’t even necessarily needs to be the smartest either because he knows how to read the situation and interact with people and situations of all types.

*Bottom line, I love Mikey and I personally affronted that he is so unexplored as a character. It’s a down right CRIME I tell y’all that he and I can’t be besties because I feel like we would vibe like none other🧡


*tilts head with a confused smile*

Howdy there friend? What about Mikey hon?

I’m sorry but I am the confusion 👉🏼😅👈🏼

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11 months ago

Covert AU

*comes sliding into, excitedly holding a picture like a hyperactive 5 year old*



for @chessman-protocol, you inspired me Broski and I just had to try and capture your Mikhal. I hope I made him dangerous enough because deh man is the bomb. Literally 😏👉🏼👉🏼🙏🏼🧡✨

Anyhoo, part 2 coming soon!

Covert AU

You had a warning of don't touch. I wasn't kidding when I said I'm a bit much. It would appear it's a lesson you haven't learned, That when you play with fire, You'll always get burned.


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1 year ago


I think I’ve forgotten how to draw the turtles their right ages with all their gear

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11 months ago
I Love Making Bluey References
I Love Making Bluey References
I Love Making Bluey References

I love making Bluey references

I originally wanted to animate this but I have about 17 unfinished projects that I still need to do

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