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Church Boy-Sinners

Church Boy-Sinners

Today was 14 days before Christmas. A few months ago, Travis and I started dating. We had our first kiss and first time together. I couldn't see myself with anyone else in the world. 

Amazingly, our school didn't offer any breaks for Christmas. They said it was because a holiday didn't require time off. It did when you go to Nockfell High...

I had already gotten, Travis, Neil, Larry, Ash, Maple, Chug, Todd, and everybody else their gifts. I got Travis a matching necklace that I and him were going to wear, along with rings that matched too. I got Neil a new coffee mug. Larry got some new drumsticks and art stuff; Mainly acrylics and canvas'. Ash got more art stuff and a sketchbook. Maple got a new switchblade. Chug got an assortment of chocolates. Todd got a new book about the theory of the space-time continuum and some writing stuff.

I was sitting in my living room, wrapping the gifts when a knock at the door caught my attention. I ran over and barely opened it. Travis was standing in my doorway with another man behind him. His eyes were fearful and pleading. "Hey, Travis." I greeted. "Give me a second, I'm wrapping presents and you can't see yours." I informed, gently closing the door and completely flipping out. 

I ran to my father's room and opened the door. "Dad! Travis' father is here and he wants in! What do I do? He's homophobic! I-" 

"Calm down, Sal. I'll get it and I won't say anything about you two."


My father gave me a reassuring smile and walked to the front door. He opened it and let them in. The two men stepped inside and the taller one looked around before beginning to speak. "My son has informed me that you and he are very close." he stated, voice deep and raspy; he had likely been yelling prior. "Yes, Mr. Phelps. Travis and I have grown very close since I moved here." I informed, adjusting my mask. 


"So, is there any problem with him and me?"


"Well, let's sort that out, then!"

"You're not a faggot, are you?"

"I- no...I'm not. They are the epitome of the devil."



"Then, tell me, Mr. Fisher. Why have you corrupted my son's soul? You've turned him into a faggot. A sinner..."

"I didn't-"

"Silence. You and Travis are to have no further interactions. If that isn't clear, I can make it."


"Since you want to lie, let me read through his journal. "Today I walked past Sal. His pigtails bounced and swayed when he walked. I like how his hair looks today. It looks good every day, though. 

I miss his touch. The other night was amazing. I love him. He saw me and walked over. Looping his arms around my waist, I was pulled into a warm hug. He told me he loved me and I told him I loved him back. 

We walked to our classes and then ate lunch together as well. He kept his hand on my thigh while we ate. I'm so glad we sit near the wall so nobody can see.

So perfect and pretty, yet he loves me out of everyone else. Wow..."

"Travis, you wrote that?"

"He did."


My words were cut off by the man leaving and grabbing Travis by his wrists and dragging him along. Before the door shut, Travis turned to face me and mouthed the words, "I love you" before being dragged away.

My heart sped up and I soon could no longer breathe. "Sal, what happened?" My father asked, re-entering the room. "I can't-" my words slurred. "Travis and I can't see each other..." I choked out, coughing and sobbing. "Sal, I'm so sorry. I really am..." my father muttered, rubbing my back. 

*Time Skip*

I was now lying in my bed, flat on my back with my arms at my sides. I was no longer crying. Now, nothing would come out. The worst part had to be the fact that I had to see him tomorrow at school. 

I was lying with my thoughts until something brilliant struck me. He's close with Ms. Gibson. I'd go talk to her. 

I threw on my mask and a different shirt. "Dad! I'll be right back!" I yelled, dashing out of the door and down to the first level. The elevator ride felt so much longer than it should have. Once it stopped and the doors opened enough for me to slip out, I did and ran to Ms. Gibson's room. 

I aggressively knocked on the door until it opened. "What?" she spat, glaring at me with contempt. "Travis." I choked out. Her eyes went wide, and she let me in. "What? Did something happen?" she interrogated. "His father...made him stop seeing me. He found his journal and when his dad brought him over...he had more bruises and scars than I do." 

"Are you fucking serious?!" 


She smiled sadistically before disappearing into her room. 

She returned a second later, wielding a shotgun...

Travis' POV:

He grabbed my wrist and dragged me away from Sal. I turned away and told him I loved him, even if it were to be the last thing I ever said to him. 

His eyes hurt so fucking bad. Those baby-blue pools just staring at me...

I wanted to just break away and kiss him, so bad. I just want to touch him again. Even hearing his laugh would suffice. Or seeing him smile at me when we were playing games or joking. To watch how his hair moved when he ran to me from across the school hallway. Or even his smell...That vanilla and coffee scent.

I felt tears rising to my eyes as we drove away. I saw him watching out of his window as we parted farther and farther from the apartments. "You are a sinner." my father declared, monotone. 


Originally posted March 30th 2023 on Wattpad

"Church Boy." - Sinners - Wattpad

  • star-dox
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1 year ago

Church Boy-Gift

Today was Christmas. I woke up early, around 4, and sat everything up. Despite being Christian, Travis was never allowed to celebrate Christmas. His father said it was because he was bad and didn't deserve gifts. So, I wanted this to be something he never forgot.

I wrapped his presents in white wrapping paper with glittery silver wrapping paper. The tree was hauled out of the box and decorated by me and Travis. I had to wake him up. I let him go back to sleep after we were done. He was excited to finally be decorating a tree.

He fell onto the couch and started snoring as his hand fell to the floor. I crawled over and pecked him on his head, playing with strands of hair as he slept. 

*Time Skip*

I finished with the tree and presents. Now, it's time for food and cards. I wrote down each of my friends' names and checked them off as I made their cards. Once I finished the cards, I prepared some food. 

(I'll let you insert whatever, mainly because I can't be bothered to write it, but also because some people have preferences.)

"Done!" I said, taking off the apron and putting away the stuff I used. The time struck seven and I decided it was time for them to get up. 

I walked into my dad's room and shook him vigorously. "Up! Up!" I yelled, watching as he writhed in fear. "Ha, it's Christmas. Let's go." I said, dragging him to the living room. Now, I had to wake Travis up.

I got down on my knees and gently shook him. "Dear, it's Christmas. Time to get up." I whispered, rubbing his back. "You're so bipolar..." my dad remarked, watching in awe as I gently stroked his back and talked to him with a sweet voice. "No..." I objected, not wanting to startle Travis. 

He sat up and looked at the tree. Tears welled in his eyes as he looked at what my father and I had gotten him. "Why..." he muttered, falling into my arms. "Travis, we did this cause we love you. Open them..." I instructed, leading him over to the tree. 

I watched as he tore open the presents like a kid. My dad pulled out his phone and started recording like he did when I was younger. "You bought me clothes!" he exclaimed, wrapping his hands around me. "Well, yea? And some other stuff. The food is getting cold so hurry." I said, pecking his cheek. "Stop. No PDA." my dad joked, fake gagging. "Oh, whatever. You and Lisa should take that advice." I retorted. 

My father smiled and his face turned red. "Speaking of, I'll be right back." he said, excusing himself from the room. He returned after Travis had finished opening his gifts.

We had gotten him some clothes, books, jewelry, and the matching sets. I put mine on and latched his for him. He slid on the ring and looked at it. "I love you, Sal..." he said, not caring my dad was here. "I love you too, Travis." I replied, supping his face and rubbing his cheek with my thumb.

A knock at the door startled us all. My father answered it, Lisa and Larry walked in with gifts as well. "Here, Sal." Larry said, tossing me a gift bag. "Thanks, yours is the green one in the kitchen." I said, pointing to the table in the other room. 

He nodded and walked, the sound of wrapping paper following his entry. He walked back in a second later and sat down on the floor with the rest of us. Lisa handed me a blue-wrapped box and Travis a pink one. "Sorry, I didn't know what you liked so-" 

Lisa was cut off by Travis' excited gasps. "You got me a dog stuffed animal!?" he exclaimed, hugging it to his chest. "Never mind, then." she said, satisfied with her purchase. I opened mine and was just as happy. It was a set of guitar picks, hand decorated with rhinestones and little pictures that Larry had painted. "Hope you like em', man. I know you said you lost yours." Larry chimed in, beginning to tear the wrapping paper off of his own gift. 

His eyes went wide, and he smiled. "You didn't bro...." he whispered, nudging my arm. " I did, bro." I retorted, puffing my chest. "Dude! I've been wanting these for like a year! And new drumsticks? Holy-" he stopped talking at the perfect moment. "Holy crap..." he corrected. 

Lisa eyed him something vicious before smiling as my father wrapped his arm around her. "Travis, I think I remember you saying you'd let me see what you wrote on Christmas. Did you not?" I jeered, reminding him of the promise he'd made. "I did say that. Be right back..." he muttered nervously, walking to my room and grabbing a book. 

"I'll give this to you on one condition,"


"So, you agree?"

"Yup. I trust you."



"You can only read it when..."


"When we're engaged."


"Your douche, though."

"Yea, I know."


Originally posted April 2nd 2023 on Wattpad

"Church Boy." - Gift - Wattpad

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1 year ago

Church Boy-Life of the party


As we entered the house, the smell of drugs, booze, and sweat filled my nose. "Ew..." I muttered, scrunching my eyes at the stench. "Hey, guys!" Neil yelled, walking up to us with a red solo cup. "Hey, Neil. Hey, Todd." Larry said, pulling both of them into a hug. 

"You brought Travis?" Neil asked, his once friendly and welcoming demeanor changing into concern and slight shock. "No, I did." I chimed in, grabbing Travis' shoulders and pulling him into a hug. "Oh, alright. No slurs and shit." Neil said, shrugging his shoulders and walking off with Todd trailing behind. 

"You guys want something to drink?" Larry asked. "I don't drink." I said, waving my hands to signify I was fine. "Uhm...sure! Why not!?" Travis said, smiling wildly. "Gotcha!" Larry said, sprinting off into the crowd. 

Travis and I talked for a minute before Larry returned with two solo cups. "Here ya go!" Larry exclaimed, handing one of the cups to Travis. "Thanks." Travis muttered, smelling the drink that was just barely filling half the cup. 

While Larry downed his with ease, Travis took large sips but often recoiled after. Once Travis finished his drink, he tried to take a step toward me but stumbled and fell into my arms. "Calm down, Trav." I joked, holding him so he could steady himself. "I wanna-" he started but was immediately cut off by his own giggles and hiccups.

"You need to sit down." I said, looking around for Larry, Neil, or Todd. Once I spotted Neil, I called him over and asked where the nearest bedroom was. 

"Neil! Neil! Over here!"

"Yea, Sal?"

"Where's the nearest bedroom? Travis is drunk and can't exactly function."

"Ha, that's hilarious. Never thought I'd see the day."

"Me neither."

"Anyways, the nearest one is just up there. No sex!" he joked, pointing to a room at the top of the stairs. I felt my face get warmer as I thought about his words. "Promise..." I said. Guiding Travis slowly up the steps one by one, hoping he wouldn't fall. We got to the room and he fell into the bed. 

I closed the door behind me and walked to where he was. "Sally, I want another drink!" he whined through hiccups. "Are you sure? You're fucking drunk already." I asked. "Yup!" he said, a hiccup following after. "Alright, I'll be right back." I said. 

I walked to the door and left. Running to the kitchen and grabbing a solo cup. I poured some vodka into the cup, nearly filling it. I swiftly walked back to the room with Travis and tried to open the door. It was locked. I knew that Travis hadn't done it himself because he couldn't even walk by himself.

"Trav! Open the door!" I yelled, knocking profusely. "Get-" he yelled. "Help!" a boy's voice yelled. "Sal!" Travis yelled. I sat the cup down, fearing that what I thought was going on in the room was really going on. I stepped back and rammed into the door, shifting it.

I saw fucking red as I heard Travis sobbing on the other side and another boy's voice yelling at him to shut up. I rammed into the door again, this time it busted open, and I saw the sad scene in front of me.

Travis was pinned down on the bed underneath a much larger boy with darker blue hair than I. He was wearing a red-striped shirt and black sweats. I said nothing, instead, I ran at him with full force. He looked like a deer in headlights as I barreled toward him. He fell to the floor with my straddling his waist.

I let my anger get the better of me as I blew punch after punch to his fucking face. He was bleeding and my knuckles were sore. The pain from ramming into the door was settling in but I couldn't stop. I watched as his nose bled and he cried out for me to stop and that it was not what it seems. "Shut up you fucking pervert!" I screamed, taking my fists and slamming them into his chest. He clawed at my arms and neck.

Eventually, he latched his grubby little fucking hands onto my mask and ripped it off over my head. My mask was thrown across the room, close to Travis who had his back against the wall, shaking and crying. 

I only stopped once somebody pulled me off of him. "Sal, what the fuck?!" Larry screamed, throwing me onto the bed effortlessly. "He fucking assaulted Travis!"  I screamed, tears pouring out from my eyes. I felt eyes all over me. It hadn't struck me before, but I no longer had my mask on, and it had been strewn somewhere in the room. 

"He did...?" Ash asked, stepping forward. "Obviously he fucking did! Look at him," I yelled, pointing to Travis. "he's shaking and fucking sobbing! Somebody get him out of here before I lose my shit on all of you!" I screamed, sounding oddly similar to a Banshee. "He...he did this to me too...I fought him off, but some people can't..." Ash admitted. 

Gasps and whispers emanated from the crowd formed outside the door. "Travis...come here..." Ash said, arms open and a genuine smile spread across her face. Travis crawled off the bed and stumbled over to Ashley. She pulled him into a hug, and he returned the favor. 

Larry was staring down at the blue-haired adolescent, rage, and contempt surging through his body. He bent down and grabbed the collar of the smaller teen's shirt, lifting him without struggle. "I ought to break your jaw right now...you know that? Do you want that? Or do you want me to just fucking kill you?" Larry asked, voice quiet and laced with poison. 

The teen shook his head, fear filling his eyes as Larry stared at him. "Then I'll give you a fucking minute to be out of this damn house..." he muttered, dropping the boy to the floor. He groaned in pain and Larry smirked sadistically. 

Then, he started counting down. "60...59...58..." he said, watching as the boy writhed around, scrambling to get to his feet and out the bedroom door. He practically flew down the steps and out of the house, jumping into his car and trying to drive away. 

As he attempted to get the car to start, Maple walked into the room with the biggest grin on her face. "Yea, he's not going anywhere." she said, trying to stifle a laugh. "What'd you do?" Ash asked, already knowing it was some crazy ass shit. She snorted out a laugh and pulled a knife out of her pocket. "Slashed his tires." she answered, putting the knife back in her pocket. 

"Crazy ass." Larry said, jokingly rolling his eyes. Chug walked into the room, dizzily smiling. "Someone's in love..." Larry joked, bending down to my level. "No duh, we should set them up." I suggested, nudging his side. "Great idea, Sal." Larry complimented, smirking as we agreed on being cupid. "We'll worry about that later. Right now, Travis needs me."

I walked over to the shaking boy, huddled to himself by the wall. "Hey, Travis." I said, taking a seat next to him. "Hey..." he muttered, not even meeting my gaze. "You wanna go home?" I ask, slinging my arm around his shoulder and pulling him closer. He lay his head on my shoulder and sighed deeply. "Sal..." he whispered. 

"I wish you wouldn't have saved me..."

(originally posted March 19th 2023 on Wattpad)

"Church Boy." - Life of the Party - Wattpad

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1 year ago

Church Boy-Long wait

I sat there for hours on end, contemplating returning home or waiting. Ironically, I ended up waiting because I couldn't decide. 

"Mr. Fisher? He can be seen now." A nurse called, poking half her body out of the door. I jumped up and ran over, nearly falling as I did. 

She guided me to the room with Travis. "Be careful; he's still a little out of it from the medication." she warned, exiting the room. 

My heart broke when I saw him. 

His eyes were red and glossy, and bumps and bruises covered him. "Hey, Trav..." I muttered. "Sal?" he whispered, grimacing as he spoke. "Don't talk; your lip is busted. It'll just hurt more." I said, sitting in a seat next to him and grabbing his hand. "What happened?" he asked, ignoring my advice. "Ms. Gibson and I broke in and...and we shot your dad because he cut me...then I found you and we carried you to the medics..." I informed. 

He nodded but gasped right after. "Stop, Trav. You're going to hurt yourself more. Just relax; I'm not going anywhere. Not until I can take you home with me..." I promised, reassuring the bruised boy beneath me. 

"I love you..." I whispered, letting tears fall from my eyes as Travis rubbed the base of my thumb with his own. I removed my hand so I could take my mask off. Once I did, I threw my hair into a ponytail with a pink scrunchie. 

Soon, I gave him my hand and he grasped it again. He drifted off to sleep after a while. I never let go of his hand. I held it the entire time.

*Time Skip*

I had fallen asleep. When I woke up, I looked at Travis. He was awake and staring at me with the softest smile. "Morning, handsome." he greeted, squeezing my hand. "Morning, sexy." I retorted, smiling back at him as he smirked in pride at my nickname. "Haha, very funny." he replied, jokingly rolling his eyes. "I wasn't joking. I think you're sexy." I protested. "I know; I just wanted to hear you say it." he admitted. 

"I love you." I said, watching as his smile shrunk a little. "What?" I asked, worried I said something wrong. "Why?" he asked, looking away. "Why do I love you? Is that what you're asking me?" I inquired. He nodded slightly and glanced back at me for a split second. "I love you because you love me unconditionally, you have the brightest smile and cute ass braces, your eyes are so deep and pretty, your skin is soft. You make me happy beyond belief and I couldn't imagine a world without you. Even thinking about one of us with someone other than each other makes my stomach churn. I love everything about you, Trav. From your family issues to your birthmarks and scars you try to hide." I admitted, my face heating up as I let out a breath, I didn't know I was holding. 

"Oh please, you're flattering me~" he joked, holding his hand to his face, pretending to be swooning. "Ha, that's most of it. There's more." I said, halfheartedly giggling. "You should see what I write about you..." Travis murmured, not expecting to be heard. "What do you write about me?" I asked, utterly intrigued. 

"I'll give them to you as your gift. If it wasn't for Christmas, you'd never even know about them." he informed, raising a finger and tapping my nose. "Fine. It's only two weeks away." 

"That's so long~" he whined, and I smiled a little at his boyish nature. "You know what else is long?" I asked, trying not to smile. "Wh-" he stopped once he figured out what I was talking about. "No, I don't. Guess you'll have to show me." he taunted. "Once you're healed." 

He pouted and rolled his eyes. "Fine..."

*Time Skip*

It was now two days before Christmas. Kenneth is in jail for child abuse, and I have to pick Travis up from the hospital. Today is the day he gets to come home. 

Every day for two weeks, I would go to the hospital after school. I couldn't stop going. I had to learn so I could tutor Travis when he gets back. 

I ran out of the school and down the street to wait for the bus. It took around ten minutes because of all the traffic with kids getting out of school. I used to ride with Larry but now I have to ride the public bus instead of the school bus. 

Once it arrived, I climbed on and paid my fee. Taking a seat in the back, I was shaking in my seat. The bus stopped at the hospital, and I climbed off with incredible speed. I ran to the doors and into the elevator, pressing the button for the fifth floor.

Travis' Floor.

I sprinted to his room, opening the door with haste and impatience. "Travis!" I yelled, walking over to him. "Sal!" he yelled back, walking over to me with a slight limp. "You ready to go?" I ask, glancing at the nurse. She smiled and allowed us to leave, informing us to sign out at the front desk. 

*Time Skip*

My father pulled up and we got in. I assisted Travis and then climbed in myself. "You boys ready? he asked, pulling out. "Yup. I finished the presents, and nearly used all the wrapping paper. Do you think Travis is going to like his gift?" I asked my father, teasing Travis with the mystery of his present. 

"I do, Sal, I do. He'll love it." my father said, smirking as he picked up on what I was doing. "Really?" Travis rhetorically asked. My father and I nodded as he chuckled. "You guys are jerks." Travis insulted, crossing his arms. 

"Listen, Trav," I said, resting a hand on his shoulder.  "There was a long wait to see you out of the hospital. It's two more days."

Originally posted April 1st 2023 on Wattpad

"Church Boy." - Long Wait - Wattpad

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1 year ago

Church Boy-Costume

A few days had passed since the night with me and Travis. Today was October 26th. Ash, Larry, Chug, Maple, Todd, Neil, Lisa, Travis, and I had all decided to go shopping for costumes. I was surprised that Lisa wanted a costume, she said it was because she was going to be handing out candy to the kids at the entrance. She didn't have to; she didn't even get paid for it. She just enjoyed it.

What a sweetheart!

"You guys ready?" Ash asked. "Yup!" Larry answered, putting on the last bit of his eyeliner. "=

*Time Skip*

Once we were all gathered, everybody figured out how they were going to get around. Larry drove with Lisa, Chug, Maple, and Todd. Neil rode on the back of Ash's bike and I drove with Travis. 

We decided to all meet up at the closet Halloween store. "Frank's Halloween Supplies!" It read the tacky flashing lights were always dimmed and flickering. "Trav, come on!" I called, unlocking the car door so he could jump in. "You're driving? Do you have a license?" he asked, buckling his seatbelt. "Yes, I am. And yes, I do have a license. Not a real one!" I said, pulling out a fake license I had Larry make for me.

"I'll see you soon, God." Travis remarked, putting his hand into a praying formation and he looked up and closed his eyes. "Oh, shut up." I retorted, pulling out of the driveway. 

*Time Skip*

We were halfway there until I looked over at Travis. He had the window down and his hair was blowing everywhere. He had his head nearly out the window and was all smiles. "You having fun?" I yell, trying to carry my voice over the Sanity's Fall song and the sound of air whooshing around. He nodded gleefully and smiled even wider, something I didn't think to be possible. 

Once we pulled up, I saw Ash and Neil talking outside the building. Travis and I got out and ran up to them, me beating Travis by a foot. "Ha! Loser!" I mocked, holding up an L sign. "Whatever, midget." he retorted, flipping me off.

The four of us talked until the rest of the group arrived. Once they did, we all filed in and went our ways. I went to the aisle with the makeup. I was planning on decorating my mask to look like Jason Vorhees. I grabbed another mask and started walking out of the aisle. 

I was walking when I ran into someone and fell to the ground. "Sal? I'm so sorry!" a male voice yelled. I looked up to see Travis standing there, falling to his knees and looking to make sure I was okay. Blood started flowing from his nose and I took off my jacket and placed it under his nose, not caring about it staining. 

He held it there until the bleeding stopped. Once it had, he and I walked around with each other. I picked up the mask and watched as Travis picked out a cute little skeleton onesie that he was going to wear. 

I searched for the rest of our group. After everyone was accounted for, we paid and left. Nobody told anyone what they got; we're gonna try them all on and do a little fashion show.

*Time Skip*

We got back to the apartments and decided it'd be best to use Larry's place because he had enough room for all of us. We entered and saw the decorations that had been hung by Lisa and my dad. There were spider webs, spiders, goop, and fake blood. It looked really cool. Even Travis thought so.

We drew straws and Lisa went first. She grabbed her bag and went into the bathroom of her apartment to change. She returned a second later in a long white dress. "You got that at Frank's?" Larry asked. "Nope! I have something to tell you all! Henry and I are getting married!" she announced, pride surging through her voice. "Really?!" Larry and I said in unison. "Really!" she assured. 

After us talking about the wedding, it was someone else's turn. Drawing straws again, it was Maple's turn. She left and returned in a mummy outfit. "Plot twist: I stole all your toilet paper!" she joked, sitting down. Now, it was Larry's go. He left and returned in a sheet with holes for his eyes and arms. "Dude, are you serious?" I choked out, stifling a cackle. "Yup." he assured, plopping down on the floor. "That's so fucking gay." Maple remarked. "Shut up! You crushed on Ash all of the 6th grade!" Larry exposed, earning a redness to emerge from Maple's cheeks. "Shut up..." she muttered, brooding away from the rest of us. 

Then it was Todd, Neil, Travis, and me. Todd was an angel and Neil was a devil. Once it was Travis' turn, he snatched up his bag and ran as fast as I'd ever seen him. 

Travis' POV:

I practically flew out of the room and into the hall. I ran into the bathroom and threw off my clothes. Grabbing my bag, I rummaged through it and found the first piece. I put it on and quickly finished the look. 

Seeing as though this is the first Halloween, I've been able to celebrate, I wanted everyone to remember what I've done. Once I was done, I ran back into the room and a burst of laughter followed right after my entry. 

I looked around. Larry was rolling around, Maple was wiping under her eyes, Chug wasn't paying attention, too busy gawking at Maple, Neil and Todd shared a look of worry and Lisa looked confused. In my opinion, the funniest reaction that I got was Sal's. He was confused and red as he could get. "Travis..." he muttered. "Yea, Sal?" I asked, stifling a laugh of my own. "Follow me..." he requested. "Yes, sir." I joked, following behind like a dog as Sal walked to the elevator.

Sal's POV:

Travis walked back in, and laughter erupted from nearly everyone in the room. I felt my face and ears get hot. There he was, standing in my doorway in a maid suit and fucking fishnets...

I couldn't resist. 

"Travis..." I muttered. "Yea, Sal?" he asked, stifling a laugh. "Follow me." I demanded. "Yes, sir." he retorted. My face heated up even more at his teasing antics. I'm not sure he was even aware of what he was doing to me. 

I dragged him up to my apartment and slammed open the door, knowing my dad was in the kitchen. "Run." I whispered to him. He nodded and bolted to my room, opening the door and entering. After he entered, my father turned around. "Hey, Dad." I greeted. "Hey, bud. Lisa tell you anything cool lately?" he asked, smiling to himself. "Yea, she told me." I answered. "We have to talk later; I have stuff I need to do." I said, walking into my room and locking the door behind me. 

Travis was already there, confused and sitting on my bed. "What? Is something up?" he asked. I nodded, technically telling the truth. "Well, what's up?" Travis asks, smiling nervously. 


Originally posted March 23rd 2023 on Wattpad

"Church Boy." - Costume - Wattpad

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1 year ago

i got a haircut today and im feeling so pretty