Nice Gestures
Nice gestures
FEAT: Masky, 'Ticci' Toby, Hoodie, Jeff t.K, Bloody Painter, Homicidal Liu, BEN.
He holds doors open for everyone except Toby. He is not a fan of Toby. Will wait for you, even if you're kind of far away, so that you have to speed up and do a little jog, so you don't keep them waiting, and he does it because he knows it makes you feel awkward and feeds off discomfort.
'Ticci' Toby-
He compliments you if he notices that you've done something different. Say, you got your hair cut; he would compliment you and say it looks good, even if it doesn't. In other words, he'll feed your delusion. He always notices if you look different. However, chances are that he snuck in and noticed before he saw you later that day. He would notice your new hair cut before you willingly showed him, and he'll surely have a compliment laid out for when you do!
Holds doors open, remembers things a little too well, and reminds you of things. Same thing with Masky, except he won't make it awkward. If you're far, he'll just walk in instead of holding it open for you, considering that it's an inconvenience to you both. He remembers your birthday, favorite food, least favorite person in the mansion, favorite person (him, obviously), and whatever else. You said you liked Family Guy? Family Guy pants. And if you're forgetting something (keys, a birthday, wallet) he'll remind you to check, even though he pays close attention and already knows you didn't grab it.
Jeff. t.K-
He is very protective I'm not really sure if it's a good thing or not. Depends on the situation, I guess. You better believe he's there and tracking then you better believe he's there and tracking them. Will absolutely bribe Hoodie to track their socials in case he couldn't follow them home right that minute. Then, once he finds out who they are, he's following them and driving them insane with his image, engraving his face into their brain. He's just sweet like that!
Bloody Painter-
Will not let you go out if there's something wrong with you. Like, if there's something wrong with your hair or something in your teeth. If there's something misplaced on your outfit, or you've accidentally tucked your skirt in (iykyk) or your shirt was too wrinkly. Won't et you go out 'looking foolish', as he says.
Homicidal Liu-
Holds doors open, helps pick outfits, watched your drinks if you're not paying attention, and picks things up for you, especially if you're wearing a dress or skirt. He won't make it awkward, if you're close with each other, he'll jokingly tell you to hurry up. If you can't decide, then he'll pick your outfit or give suggestions. If you're with the other creeps, maybe ones that he doesn't particularly trust or like, he'll watch your drink around them, making sure nobody drugs you. If you drop something or just need to grab it from anywhere, he'll do it without you asking. Sweet guy overall.
He teaches you about his games and technology. If your screen is freezing and lagging, he'll sort it out. If he's not around to fix it, he'll teach you how to do it on your own, that way you don't need him to always do it. If you want a game on your device, he can get it for you. Automatically installs updates into your devices and helps you level up without you knowing.
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More Posts from Thatonewatching
Church Boy-Treat
Today was Halloween. We all met at Larry's and got dressed.
*Time Skip*
It was 7 when we walked to the neighborhood. Travis was by my side and everyone was with their boyfriend or girlfriend. It was cool because Larry and Ash had finally gotten together. He'd asked her out a few days prior.
"You ready, Trav?" I ask, nudging his arm. "Guess so, what do I do?" he asked, shrugging. "Go and knock then say 'Trick or Treat'" I explained, pushing him forward towards the first house. he knocked and looked back at me nervously. The door opened and an old woman stepped out with a bowl of candy. I saw Travis say something and open his bag. She dug into her bowl and dropped a few pieces.
Once she went back in, he ran over to me with the biggest smile I'd ever seen him have. "Fun?" I ask as he aggressively nods his head. We walked to the next house with the group always one or two houses behind us.
After around 30 minutes, Travis stopped and pulled a random candy from his bag. He pulled out a Battle Head (Warhead) and popped it into his mouth. His eyes went wide and he spits it out almost immediately. "The fuck?!" he yelled, looking at the wrapper. I was trying so hard not o laugh my cheeks were hurting.
"Gross..." he spat, continuing to walk the neighborhood.
*Time Skip* (I'm not gonna do a lot for actual Trick or Treating since it's just walking around and knocking on doors.)
We got back to the apartments. Everyone was spent and tired. "You guys wanna trade?" Ash asked, dumping her bag onto the floor. Travis nodded and quickly sat down across from her. "You can have my Battle Heads for...those Sour Patch Children." he offered. "Deal!" Ash shouted, shoving her candies towards him as he gave his to her.
I sat down next to Travis and gave him most of my dark chocolates for kisses. It was a fair trade, to me. He gave me some milk chocolate in return, just to compensate for the lack of material. Larry and the rest of the group eventually sat down and started trading.
Maple and Chug traded for chocolate and sour. Travis and I traded for sweet, sour, and the different types of chocolates we had. Todd and Neil didn't trade, instead, they just shared, and Lisa gave us the remaining candy she couldn't give out.
*Time Skip*
After everybody had traded, we decided to play a few games and watch a movie. We voted and the first game was Twister. Larry would call out the moves and Travis, Ash, and I had to move. Nobody else wanted to play; they were too busy gawking over their partners.
"Travis, right foot, red!" Larry yelled. Travis moved his foot to the nearest red dot. "Sal, left hand, blue!" he yelled. I moved my hand to the nearest blue dot. "Ash, right leg, green." she moved to the nearest green dot.
Eventually, it was getting hard to move. Travis was on all fours, doing something similar to a bridge. I was practically doing the splits and Ash was sitting like a weird bearskin rug. Larry was choking in the corner, trying to catch his breath through boyish giggles and hiccups.
"You done?" I ask, walking over to Larry because Travis had fallen, and the game was over. "I- yea. I'm done-" he answered, wiping under his eyes. "Good, what next?" Travis asked, walking over and rubbing his back. "We could play Uno?" I suggested, pulling out a shoebox with a few card games. "Sure." Larry agreed, shrugging.
"Yea, why not!"
We all gathered in a circle and waited for Ash to shuffle the deck. Once she did, she dealt the cards and told Larry to go first. (This boutta be an actual Uno game, by the way.)
L: Blue 3
A: Blue 2
T: Red 2
S: Red 6
L: Green 6
A: Yellow 6
T: Yellow 4
S: Yellow 1
L: Blue 1
A: Skip card, blue 6
T: Can't play
S: red 6
L: Red 5
A: Plus four-Green-Uno
T: Draws
S: Green 7
L: Green 2
A: Green 1-Uno out.
"Uno out! I win!" Ash exclaimed, recollecting the cards and putting them away. "Of course, you always win." Larry remarked, jokingly rolling his eyes. "It's fine, you love me." Ash joked, poking fun at Larry's very loving and sweet and kind nature, which he most definitely has...
"Movie time?" Maple called out, interlocking her fingers with Chug's. "Sure, you guys all staying?" Larry asked, getting down some blankets from under his bed. "Dude, what the fuck?! How much shit is under your damn bed?!" Travis asked, watching in awe and Larry pulled out around 5 fluffy blankets. "Uhm...Oh! I have a body, a few pillows, my old stuffed animals, a shoebox with human fingers, art stuff, etcetera, etcetera." he joked, counting on his fingers. "That's your best friend..." Travis mocked, giving me a disapproving look. "Yup!" I owned up.
"You poor homosexual boy...I'll pray for you." Travis joked, getting into a praying position. "Y'know, I think I like when you're on your knees. Save that for later." I joked, saying it loud so the group could hear.
Travis' face got red, but he smiled through the embarrassment. "Shut up..." he muttered, sitting back and crossing his legs loosely. "Horror, comedy, thriller, romance, chick flick, or Romcom?" Larry asked, laying down a bunch of movies in front of us. "Romcom!" Ash and I yelled.
Travis looked at me with pure shock. "You're so fucking gay." he teased. "Says you!" I retorted, chucking a pillow at his head. "You dickhead!" he shouted, grabbing the pillow I threw at him and launching it towards me. "Oh?! You wanna go, Christian boy?!" I yelled, standing up. "Yea! You wanna go, midget?!" he responded, mimicking my action and standing up as well.
We stared angrily at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter and falling to the floor. "You looked so dumb!" I joked, wheezing and trying to catch my breath. "Shut up, I have to look down for eye contact!" he insulted, letting out his hyena laugh that I loved.
I caught my breath and crawled over to the still-giggling boy. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too." he replied, not bothering to whisper. "Aww~" Larry lovingly called out. "Stop, I hate it~" he finished, executing the transition from swooned to annoyed. "Jealous." I mocked. "I have a girlfriend, ass-fuck." Larry retorted. "Speaking of ass-fuck, how are you, Todd?" he asked, looking at the annoyed couple.
"Fuck you." Todd remarked, raising his middle finger. "What? Not my fault you're an obvious bottom!" Larry defended. "No, I'm not!" Todd objected, earning a giggle from his boyfriend. Neil looked over at Larry and nodded, making sure Todd didn't see. Larry saw and giggled to himself.
"I'm going back to my apartment. Trav, you coming?" I asked, standing up. "Yea, see you guys!" Travis called, waving goodbye as I grabbed his hand and walked with him.
"Tonight was fun." he commented, still walking with me. "Yea, every year we get to do it again."
"Every year?"
Originally posted March 25th 2023 on Wattpad
"Church Boy." - Treat - Wattpad
Nickname Head canons
FEAT: Jeff t.K, E.J, Liu, 'Ticci' Toby, Masky, Hoodie, Bloody Painter, BEN.
He likes to give nicknames but doesn't enjoy having them for himself. He gives certain names depending on what he thinks of you/what you mean to him. Like, if you're a close friend, like BEN, he'll name you after an inside joke or something to piss you off. EXAMPLE: He would probably call BEN 'short-circuited' as a joke, but his nickname would be something like 'Moon child' just to piss him off. Doesn't answer to nicknames he's given until you get the point that he hates it. Pet names for s/o consist of stupid bullshit that would make you angry: Doll, pet, etc.
Eyeless Jack-
He doesn't mind depending on how close you are. If you're really close, then he doesn't mind your nicknames. He hates his name, though. Refuses to answer to 'Eyeless Jack' but will respond to 'E.J' or Jack. Doesn't often give nicknames unless it's to his s/o. Would not answer to 'Eyeless Jack' if the person calling him knew that he hated it. However, if it were someone who didn't know or hadn't really been reminded, then he'd correct you with patience. Nicknames for his s/o consist of sweetheart, my love, darling, dear, beautiful, and lovely.
'Ticci' Toby-
Depends on the nickname, honestly. The nicknames he grew up with were ones meant to demean and degrade him. Like, 'Ticci' Toby, and stuff his father would call him. If it were something nice, then he'd be okay. Actually, he goes by 'Toby', and his name is 'Tobias', which is technically a nickname in itself. He enjoys giving nickname, but often doesn't in fear of weirding someone out or making himself seem too comfortable and coming off as disrespectful. Nicknames for his s/o consist of baby, babe, hon.
He's not a huge fan but doesn't really care. It takes him a bit to get adjusted to the name because he forgets you're talking to him, even if you're the only people around. Most likely won't call you by something other than your name or coverup name (like how he goes by Masky instead of Tim for his work, understand?) Okay, he would only give you a nickname in private, and he wouldn't let you tell anyone that you have one. Nicknames for his s/o consist of dear, honey, a shortened version of your name, and dumbass.
He's okay with giving you one and not so okay with getting one. It reminds him of how he has to go by a nickname for his work, and he doesn't exactly like his line of work. Giving you one would show trust, even though he doesn't care what you go by. He might tease you with a nickname or do it to make you mad, like Tim and Jeff. However, he'd stop if you got actually upset. He wouldn't want that. Nicknames for his s/o consist of sweetheart and babe.
Helen/Bloody Painter-
No. Just no. He will not answer to Bloody Painter or BP. He finds it stupid and prefers to just go by his name unless his crimes, or 'art', is being discussed on the news or amongst naive and unknowing groups of people who have no clue that the gruesome murderer they're speaking about is within hearing range. He finds his anonymity delightful when it comes to his 'art'. However, wouldn't be displeased if it came to be that his identity was revealed, being fully aware that his name wouldn't be forgotten. (What am I getting into, jeez). Will not give or receive nicknames. If you were to give him one, then he would remind you once, maybe twice, that he doesn't like it, before reprimanding you. Will not give nicknames unless it's to a partner. Nicknames for his s/o consist of darling, muse (generic, I know), angel, dear, and beloved.
Enjoys the child-like innocence of nicknames. He thinks they're cute and a nice way to show affection to anyone. Calls his friends by shortened versions of their names and sometimes uses inside jokes. A lot of the time, if the person has trauma they've healed from, he'll use a nickname referencing that. But, in case they're not healed, he won't. Will allow you to call him things referencing his trauma, like how Jeff calls him 'Moon Child'. Though he doesn't mind, it shocked him the first time it happened. Nicknames for his s/o consist of asshole, babe, baby, fucker.
Not proofread.
Church Boy-Gift
Today was Christmas. I woke up early, around 4, and sat everything up. Despite being Christian, Travis was never allowed to celebrate Christmas. His father said it was because he was bad and didn't deserve gifts. So, I wanted this to be something he never forgot.
I wrapped his presents in white wrapping paper with glittery silver wrapping paper. The tree was hauled out of the box and decorated by me and Travis. I had to wake him up. I let him go back to sleep after we were done. He was excited to finally be decorating a tree.
He fell onto the couch and started snoring as his hand fell to the floor. I crawled over and pecked him on his head, playing with strands of hair as he slept.
*Time Skip*
I finished with the tree and presents. Now, it's time for food and cards. I wrote down each of my friends' names and checked them off as I made their cards. Once I finished the cards, I prepared some food.
(I'll let you insert whatever, mainly because I can't be bothered to write it, but also because some people have preferences.)
"Done!" I said, taking off the apron and putting away the stuff I used. The time struck seven and I decided it was time for them to get up.
I walked into my dad's room and shook him vigorously. "Up! Up!" I yelled, watching as he writhed in fear. "Ha, it's Christmas. Let's go." I said, dragging him to the living room. Now, I had to wake Travis up.
I got down on my knees and gently shook him. "Dear, it's Christmas. Time to get up." I whispered, rubbing his back. "You're so bipolar..." my dad remarked, watching in awe as I gently stroked his back and talked to him with a sweet voice. "No..." I objected, not wanting to startle Travis.
He sat up and looked at the tree. Tears welled in his eyes as he looked at what my father and I had gotten him. "Why..." he muttered, falling into my arms. "Travis, we did this cause we love you. Open them..." I instructed, leading him over to the tree.
I watched as he tore open the presents like a kid. My dad pulled out his phone and started recording like he did when I was younger. "You bought me clothes!" he exclaimed, wrapping his hands around me. "Well, yea? And some other stuff. The food is getting cold so hurry." I said, pecking his cheek. "Stop. No PDA." my dad joked, fake gagging. "Oh, whatever. You and Lisa should take that advice." I retorted.
My father smiled and his face turned red. "Speaking of, I'll be right back." he said, excusing himself from the room. He returned after Travis had finished opening his gifts.
We had gotten him some clothes, books, jewelry, and the matching sets. I put mine on and latched his for him. He slid on the ring and looked at it. "I love you, Sal..." he said, not caring my dad was here. "I love you too, Travis." I replied, supping his face and rubbing his cheek with my thumb.
A knock at the door startled us all. My father answered it, Lisa and Larry walked in with gifts as well. "Here, Sal." Larry said, tossing me a gift bag. "Thanks, yours is the green one in the kitchen." I said, pointing to the table in the other room.
He nodded and walked, the sound of wrapping paper following his entry. He walked back in a second later and sat down on the floor with the rest of us. Lisa handed me a blue-wrapped box and Travis a pink one. "Sorry, I didn't know what you liked so-"
Lisa was cut off by Travis' excited gasps. "You got me a dog stuffed animal!?" he exclaimed, hugging it to his chest. "Never mind, then." she said, satisfied with her purchase. I opened mine and was just as happy. It was a set of guitar picks, hand decorated with rhinestones and little pictures that Larry had painted. "Hope you like em', man. I know you said you lost yours." Larry chimed in, beginning to tear the wrapping paper off of his own gift.
His eyes went wide, and he smiled. "You didn't bro...." he whispered, nudging my arm. " I did, bro." I retorted, puffing my chest. "Dude! I've been wanting these for like a year! And new drumsticks? Holy-" he stopped talking at the perfect moment. "Holy crap..." he corrected.
Lisa eyed him something vicious before smiling as my father wrapped his arm around her. "Travis, I think I remember you saying you'd let me see what you wrote on Christmas. Did you not?" I jeered, reminding him of the promise he'd made. "I did say that. Be right back..." he muttered nervously, walking to my room and grabbing a book.
"I'll give this to you on one condition,"
"So, you agree?"
"Yup. I trust you."
"You can only read it when..."
"When we're engaged."
"Your douche, though."
"Yea, I know."
Originally posted April 2nd 2023 on Wattpad
"Church Boy." - Gift - Wattpad
Church Boy-Life of the party
As we entered the house, the smell of drugs, booze, and sweat filled my nose. "Ew..." I muttered, scrunching my eyes at the stench. "Hey, guys!" Neil yelled, walking up to us with a red solo cup. "Hey, Neil. Hey, Todd." Larry said, pulling both of them into a hug.
"You brought Travis?" Neil asked, his once friendly and welcoming demeanor changing into concern and slight shock. "No, I did." I chimed in, grabbing Travis' shoulders and pulling him into a hug. "Oh, alright. No slurs and shit." Neil said, shrugging his shoulders and walking off with Todd trailing behind.
"You guys want something to drink?" Larry asked. "I don't drink." I said, waving my hands to signify I was fine. "Uhm...sure! Why not!?" Travis said, smiling wildly. "Gotcha!" Larry said, sprinting off into the crowd.
Travis and I talked for a minute before Larry returned with two solo cups. "Here ya go!" Larry exclaimed, handing one of the cups to Travis. "Thanks." Travis muttered, smelling the drink that was just barely filling half the cup.
While Larry downed his with ease, Travis took large sips but often recoiled after. Once Travis finished his drink, he tried to take a step toward me but stumbled and fell into my arms. "Calm down, Trav." I joked, holding him so he could steady himself. "I wanna-" he started but was immediately cut off by his own giggles and hiccups.
"You need to sit down." I said, looking around for Larry, Neil, or Todd. Once I spotted Neil, I called him over and asked where the nearest bedroom was.
"Neil! Neil! Over here!"
"Yea, Sal?"
"Where's the nearest bedroom? Travis is drunk and can't exactly function."
"Ha, that's hilarious. Never thought I'd see the day."
"Me neither."
"Anyways, the nearest one is just up there. No sex!" he joked, pointing to a room at the top of the stairs. I felt my face get warmer as I thought about his words. "Promise..." I said. Guiding Travis slowly up the steps one by one, hoping he wouldn't fall. We got to the room and he fell into the bed.
I closed the door behind me and walked to where he was. "Sally, I want another drink!" he whined through hiccups. "Are you sure? You're fucking drunk already." I asked. "Yup!" he said, a hiccup following after. "Alright, I'll be right back." I said.
I walked to the door and left. Running to the kitchen and grabbing a solo cup. I poured some vodka into the cup, nearly filling it. I swiftly walked back to the room with Travis and tried to open the door. It was locked. I knew that Travis hadn't done it himself because he couldn't even walk by himself.
"Trav! Open the door!" I yelled, knocking profusely. "Get-" he yelled. "Help!" a boy's voice yelled. "Sal!" Travis yelled. I sat the cup down, fearing that what I thought was going on in the room was really going on. I stepped back and rammed into the door, shifting it.
I saw fucking red as I heard Travis sobbing on the other side and another boy's voice yelling at him to shut up. I rammed into the door again, this time it busted open, and I saw the sad scene in front of me.
Travis was pinned down on the bed underneath a much larger boy with darker blue hair than I. He was wearing a red-striped shirt and black sweats. I said nothing, instead, I ran at him with full force. He looked like a deer in headlights as I barreled toward him. He fell to the floor with my straddling his waist.
I let my anger get the better of me as I blew punch after punch to his fucking face. He was bleeding and my knuckles were sore. The pain from ramming into the door was settling in but I couldn't stop. I watched as his nose bled and he cried out for me to stop and that it was not what it seems. "Shut up you fucking pervert!" I screamed, taking my fists and slamming them into his chest. He clawed at my arms and neck.
Eventually, he latched his grubby little fucking hands onto my mask and ripped it off over my head. My mask was thrown across the room, close to Travis who had his back against the wall, shaking and crying.
I only stopped once somebody pulled me off of him. "Sal, what the fuck?!" Larry screamed, throwing me onto the bed effortlessly. "He fucking assaulted Travis!" I screamed, tears pouring out from my eyes. I felt eyes all over me. It hadn't struck me before, but I no longer had my mask on, and it had been strewn somewhere in the room.
"He did...?" Ash asked, stepping forward. "Obviously he fucking did! Look at him," I yelled, pointing to Travis. "he's shaking and fucking sobbing! Somebody get him out of here before I lose my shit on all of you!" I screamed, sounding oddly similar to a Banshee. "He...he did this to me too...I fought him off, but some people can't..." Ash admitted.
Gasps and whispers emanated from the crowd formed outside the door. "Travis...come here..." Ash said, arms open and a genuine smile spread across her face. Travis crawled off the bed and stumbled over to Ashley. She pulled him into a hug, and he returned the favor.
Larry was staring down at the blue-haired adolescent, rage, and contempt surging through his body. He bent down and grabbed the collar of the smaller teen's shirt, lifting him without struggle. "I ought to break your jaw right know that? Do you want that? Or do you want me to just fucking kill you?" Larry asked, voice quiet and laced with poison.
The teen shook his head, fear filling his eyes as Larry stared at him. "Then I'll give you a fucking minute to be out of this damn house..." he muttered, dropping the boy to the floor. He groaned in pain and Larry smirked sadistically.
Then, he started counting down. "60...59...58..." he said, watching as the boy writhed around, scrambling to get to his feet and out the bedroom door. He practically flew down the steps and out of the house, jumping into his car and trying to drive away.
As he attempted to get the car to start, Maple walked into the room with the biggest grin on her face. "Yea, he's not going anywhere." she said, trying to stifle a laugh. "What'd you do?" Ash asked, already knowing it was some crazy ass shit. She snorted out a laugh and pulled a knife out of her pocket. "Slashed his tires." she answered, putting the knife back in her pocket.
"Crazy ass." Larry said, jokingly rolling his eyes. Chug walked into the room, dizzily smiling. "Someone's in love..." Larry joked, bending down to my level. "No duh, we should set them up." I suggested, nudging his side. "Great idea, Sal." Larry complimented, smirking as we agreed on being cupid. "We'll worry about that later. Right now, Travis needs me."
I walked over to the shaking boy, huddled to himself by the wall. "Hey, Travis." I said, taking a seat next to him. "Hey..." he muttered, not even meeting my gaze. "You wanna go home?" I ask, slinging my arm around his shoulder and pulling him closer. He lay his head on my shoulder and sighed deeply. "Sal..." he whispered.
"I wish you wouldn't have saved me..."
(originally posted March 19th 2023 on Wattpad)
"Church Boy." - Life of the Party - Wattpad
Church Boy-Cruel
"Travis, I don't mean this in... that way, but I love you." I admitted. "You do?" he asked. "I mean, yea." I choked out. "I... love you too, Sally Face..." he retorted, letting tears fall from his face. I sent everyone else out of the room and grabbed my mask and buckled it. "Sal, can you not wear that around me?" he asked, tired. "Travis..." I muttered. "Sure..." I obliged.
Unbuckling my mask and holding it in my hand, I stared down at Travis. His hair was messy and disheveled. His olive skin was soft and bruised, band-aids covering what he considered imperfections. His amber eyes were scarred with remnants of guilt, sadness, and disappointment.
"You ready to go?" I ask. "Yea..." he answered, faking a smile to reassure me. "C'mon." I said, reaching my hand down for him to grab.
Travis' POV:
I grabbed onto his hand and pulled myself up. I needed a shower; I feel disgusting and dirty. "Thanks, Sally." I muttered, letting go of his hand. "Of course, Trav." he said, smiling sweetly.
*Time Skip*
We got back to the apartment; Sal drove because he was the only sober one. Once we arrived, I walked into Sal's room with incredible speed. We quietly snuck back into his room and he let me change into some of his clothes so he could wash mine and I could wear them home.
Sal's POV:
I grabbed him some clothes that were big on me. He changed and I went down to the basement with our clothes. I dug out David's because he won't, and put mine and Travis' in. I started it and looked through the Lost and Found for a second.
I found this pretty necklace. It was a cross. "Megan..." I muttered, knowing that I needed to visit her soon. I grabbed it up and put it around my neck. It's safer on my neck than my pocket, if it was in there, I'd probably lose it.
So, I went back to my room. Travis was in the bathroom and had locked the door. "You okay in there?" I called. "Yea! I'm fine!" he answered, happiness lacing his voice. "You sure?" I asked again, just wanting to make sure. "I'm fine, Sal." he reassured. "Just gonna get a shower, I feel... dirty..." he said, disgust hinting in his voice.
"Alright, be quick." I suggested, walking to my bed and plopping down. The shower turned on and the metal hooks that hold up our shower curtain rattled. I held Gizmo for a while, petting his soft fur as his purrs vibrated my chest.
Travis' POV:
I told Sal I was going to get a shower. I turned on the water and let it get to the right temperature before stepping in. He told me to be quick, so I planned to just...wash up.
I stepped in and felt amazing as the hot water hit my sore body. Today had been a nightmare. Except now, I couldn't escape by waking up or reminding myself that it was a dream and all in my head. No, this was real and what had happened today could never be taken back.
I looked down at my body. I looked at the little pieces of fat that everyone swore wasn't there, the way my legs looked, and how I looked as a whole. I grabbed a washrag and started viciously scrubbing my body, especially where he touched. I washed my hair with a shampoo that smelled like Sal does.
It reminded me of him.
I took in the scent, scrubbing my scalp as my hair stuck to my forehead.
*Time Skip*
I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. Looking around the bathroom, I noticed that I hadn't brought my clothes. I walked out of the bathroom and into Sal's. "Hey, Sal. Forgot my clothes." I informed him, grabbing the clothes off his bed and readjusting my towel because it felt a little loose.
"Oh! Hey, Trav!" Sal said, quickly sitting up and grabbing his bedsheets. "Are you okay?" I ask, watching as his ears and neck turned bright pink. "Mhm!" he assured, giving me a thumbs up as his eyes darted all over my body. "Okay..." I said, walking back to the bathroom.
Sal's POV:
I was about to lie down when my door creaked open, and I heard Travis' voice. "Hey, Sal. Forgot my clothes." he informed, grabbing the clothes off my bed. He readjusted his towel and I lost my shit. His hair was sticking to his face and dripping water all down his chest. "Oh! Hey, Trav!" I responded, trying not to make my nervousness too obvious. "Are you okay?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Mhm!" I reassured, taking in every part of him I could.
"Okay..." he said, smirking and walking out.
The scene replayed in my head, and I mentally scolded myself for being so weird. His blonde hair was shiny, and his stomach was skinny. I could see his defined collarbone and a minimal amount of his ribs. His arms were scrawny yet muscular. I could see where his body dipped into the spots only meant for that special someone and it drove me crazy knowing that the only thing separating me and it was a thin piece of cloth.
My heart may have skipped a few beats when he walked in.
He went back to the bathroom and returned a few minutes later in his clothes. He was wearing a tight white T-shirt and some basketball shorts that I hadn't grown into yet; I gave him a pair of pink fuzzy socks I always wore when it was cold. "You ready for bed yet?" I ask, crawling into the covers and burying my face into the pillow. "Yea, see you in the morning." he said, walking out of my room.
"Where are you going?" I ask, sitting up quickly. "The couch?" he answered, his words coming out as more of a question than a statement. "Just sleep in here. I'll sleep on the couch." I offered. "No, it's fine." he assured. "Or..." I started, wanting to just shrug off the idea altogether. "Or what?" he asked, intrigued. "Or we could just sleep together..." I suggested.
"I guess." he obliged, walking to the bed and climbing in next to me. Before I lay down, I made sure that I had set my alarm. Once I was sure I had, I lay down and pulled the covers over myself. Travis was facing me, but he had his eyes closed and his lips slightly parted.
"Sal, are you still awake?" Travis whispered, slightly opening his eyes. "I am, yea." I whispered back. "Can I talk to you?" he muttered, averting his eyes. "Of course, Trav. You don't have to ask." I assured, smiling sweetly at him. "Why..." he started.
"Why is cupid so cruel?"
(Originally posted March 20th 2023 on Wattpad)
"Church Boy." - Cruel - Wattpad