thaunknowndreadhead - Seeker of the Messiah truth peace and redemption
Seeker of the Messiah truth peace and redemption

*Trigger warning* I STRUGGLE SPIRITUALLY BUT I WONT QUIT AND YOU SHOULDN'T EITHER. I WILL CONTINUE TO FIGHT. I SEEK THE MESSIAH! THESE ARE PERILOUS TIMES! ITS TIME TO CHANGE AND SEEK GOD! Love as you would want to be loved. Forgive as you would want to be forgiven. I say everything on this blog... Everything. and maybe more. I guess I do music?🤔 This is a digital journal/diary/collection of poetry/rhymes and thoughts. PRAISE GOD! GOD BLESS. my story prior to my walk with Christ and some recent poetry/music...tread lightly↓↓↓

615 posts

Imagine Falling For Someone Unexpectedly And Someone You Didn't Expect And Being Confused And Being Left

Imagine falling for someone unexpectedly and someone you didn't expect and being confused and being left with that feeling and there is nothing you can do but just deal with it painfully and cry because you're so confused. That's when it's time to fall in love with God and let God bring someone appropriate into your life. Or have nobody..just God. Emotions and the heart are..TERRIBLE. The heart lies emotions suck, they do. So it's time to just give it all to God, everything. The best way you can. Give it all to God because God loves us more than ANY human ever will. Humans are unforgiving and harsh.

More Posts from Thaunknowndreadhead

1 year ago

People will judge you and make you feel bad about how you turned out. Even if they've been through what you've been through and even if they haven't, they still haven't seen what you've seen. The fact that they don't empathize with you is simply because no one will love and understand you like God does. People, no matter who they are, can claim all day that they love you but you know it doesn't feel like love. You dont know what it feels like, but you know it doesn't feel legitimate. They don't understand, they don't relate or resonate and they WON'T. It is simply because they don't have the love that God has for you. You are not alone, no matter how the world treats you or casts you out or "cancels" you or ignores you. God is not casting you out God is not "canceling" you, and God is not ignoring you. God loves you and that is truly what matters. All you need is to understand that God is the only one that truly cares. Everyone else sees you and holds you to your past or how you look or how you dress. But God sees that you are a loving passionate caring person. No one else but God will see that. No one else but God needs to see that. No one else but God can see that. You matter, so don't give up. No matter what you've been through or done, repent and know that God won't hold you to your past. It is written in Isaiah 43:25, “I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.”

God loves you and it is important to show that love back by changing and leaving certain things alone. My new saying is, "If it doesn't serve God, it doesn't serve me. Just know that you are loved. God bless.

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1 year ago

If it doesn't serve God it doesn't serve me.

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1 year ago

Watch "This Is War!!!" on YouTube

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1 year ago

Trying to fit in with the world when you're meant to serve a God given purpose, will usually leave you feeling lonely. The more and more you resist and try to fit in with the world, the more lonely you will feel. If you feel like you've never fit in and youve never gotten along with anybody or had to adjust yourself to fit in or never really had friends, or people no longer associate with you, then it's usually because your meaning is of God and for God only not of the world. Stay prayful. God bless.

1 year ago

I'm sure alot of people feel how Paul feels as a believer. In (Romans 7:13–23).

"Paul describes his devastating experience of wanting to do what is good and finding himself doing what is sinful instead. Bible scholars disagree about whether the picture Paul paints of this experience is describing himself before he was a Christian, when he was trying to follow the law, or whether it was a current experience of trying to do good in his own power as a Christian. Based on the Greek tenses used, Paul seems to be describing the ongoing struggle of a believer against sin, rather than something he "got over" when he was saved (Romans 7:13–23).

We all have to keep faith and know that we have to be as consistently faithful and prayful at all costs. God bless