114 posts
[Posted On 07/06/20]
[Posted on 07/06/20]
Hey psst. Hey you. I have something I wanna tell you, come here...
![[Posted On 07/06/20]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/224688b61fbd8da8d34b26761d87d7a9/4c6c792232d7c236-f2/s500x750/035ce05e473920a4c887a89443bdc11373dabd5a.jpg)
Yes, my Ask Box is open! If you'd like to perhaps drop me an Ask, I'd be happy to answer them! And if you can't drop me an ask, I'd really appreciate you reblogging this post so this can get around and maybe someone else can drop me one? Of course, you don't have to; it's just a suggestion! Anyway, I appreciate your time and I hope you have a lovely day / night!
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More Posts from The-answers-lie-beyond-our-stars
[Reblogged on 07/02/22]
This is adorable wtf 🥺💙 The boyos
Winston: he’s not fit for battle in this condition. He’s neurotic to the point of being afraid of leaving his room and any mention of implementing his powers into battle send him spiralling-
76: that’s why I’m asking you winston. Please. Let me take him in as my ward. Let me give him the help I failed to give him when I was in charge…
Winston: …You blame yourself for Overwatch not saving him? But you didn’t even know about-
76: I did… and I fucking believed the government when they lied to my face and promised he’d be well taken care of… so please… let me look after him now…
Winston: *gently places his hand on his shoulder* so long as you promise you’ll ask for help too when you need it…
76: …I will…
*a few hours later*
Siebren: *shaking and looking over his shoulder repeatedly as he floats through the halls* wh-where are we going?? P-please don’t take me to the lab I don’t want to go back to the lab-
76: *holding his hand and so gently guiding him along like a balloon* it’s okay doc, we’re just moving you to a more comfortable accomodation. *stops in front of his apartment and punches in the code before leading him inside* your room is right next to mine, if you need anything at all come tell me and I’ll take care of it for you okay?
Siebren: *posture immediately relaxing at being in the homely and cozy space* o-okay.
76: everything’s gonna be okay now doc, I promise.
[Reblogged on 11/11/21]
Oh yeah we all know Sieb is ripped af :) Just consider astronaut training. Do you realize how physically fit they have to be to go into space and not come out noodles when they get back from it? Yeah, they gotta be fit as heck. Sieb is 100% built like the tank class he is and could totally give Rein a run for his money in an arm wrestling competition.
*talon base after securing Sigma from the facility he was kept in*
Akande: And you’re saying you can turn a feeble old man into a super weapon?
Moira: Not feeble at all, he thankfully didn’t lose too much strength due to muscle atrophy in there, in fact his regimen will be fairly normal for him!
Akande: *entering the room he’s being kept in now* Just the same I fail to see how a 62 year old can—
Sigma: *turns around slowly as he changes out of his prison jumpsuit to reveal all his ripped and toned glory* I-I’m sorry, I’m changing right now!
Akande: … *shuts the door*
Moira: … I think you said the word feeble—
Sigma's thoughts on toe socks?
[Answered on 07/02/22]
"Toe.. socks? Well ah.. I would say that they are even more uncomfortable to wear than normal socks... They still cover the feet and prevent me from feeling the ground beneath me and what's even worse is that they now wedge fabric between the toes and.. ick.. Just know, that in my opinion they are most definitely a scientific mishap.."

I know this post is formatted a little differently than normal but hey I wanted to try answering an ask in character! In any case, apologies this is so late Anon and here's hoping you enjoyed my answer!
I’d love to do something- not sure about the plot yet, but i love angela contending with scientists of different ethics
[Answered on 11/12/20]
First of all, hello 🥺. I didn't expect to get an ask from you. I love your blog! I'm really sorry for leaving over a year between your ask and my actual answer; I've been doing college stuffs! Second, I would love to do something with you! If you ever get the urge to do some stuff with Angela and the local Dutchman! Thank you so much for the ask!
[Reblogged on 07/26/20]
Been a while since I posted this, heh. I thought I'd drop by and thank everyone who's shown my content some love, followed me, and sent in asks! It really makes my day knowing that people enjoy my content and want to see more! ^^ I'm not here for just that though; I'd also like to give an update on my ask box! I'm now accepting writing and roleplay requests! Don't worry, I'm still accepting the asks I normally do for headcanons and whatnot; this is just me broadening the range of asks I'm accepting! Once again, I'd like to thank you all for the love and taking the time to read this. I hope you all have a lovely day / night!
[Posted on 07/06/20]
Hey psst. Hey you. I have something I wanna tell you, come here...
![[Posted On 07/06/20]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/224688b61fbd8da8d34b26761d87d7a9/4c6c792232d7c236-f2/s500x750/035ce05e473920a4c887a89443bdc11373dabd5a.jpg)
Yes, my Ask Box is open! If you'd like to perhaps drop me an Ask, I'd be happy to answer them! And if you can't drop me an ask, I'd really appreciate you reblogging this post so this can get around and maybe someone else can drop me one? Of course, you don't have to; it's just a suggestion! Anyway, I appreciate your time and I hope you have a lovely day / night!