Juni here! Any pronouns! creator of yumikus guide, follow this for my random art and up coming projects of mine! My insta is “cartoonist_from_hell”
269 posts
Page 8 Chapter 1

Page 8 chapter 1
Bronwen; Dionasia come here for a moment.
Dionasia: sure.”
Bronwen: and stop drinking on the job it’s unprofessional!”
Dionasia: what ever.”
Crimson: you’re gonna wanna cover your ears now...”
Yumiku: wait why? I don’t even have ears.”
*Bronwen casually snaps Dionasia’s tail in half*
Bronwen: see not a big deal.”
derianbehrooz liked this · 3 years ago
ephemeral-roses liked this · 4 years ago
More Posts from The-artist-from-hell

Page 15 chapter 1
Bronwen: it’s been hard on us all since Ama passed, your her only child the last thing we have left of her... I don’t think your ready since it’s a dangerous job, we mages are often targeted as is and if you become one demons might be upset since your the first male magic user and well... it’s worrisome...”
Yumiku; i know what I’m meant to do! I want to keep my mothers legacy alive, I survived the “accident” it must be so I can keep her legacy alive so please take me serious...”

Page 12 chapter 1
Dionasia: chicken boi !”
Crimson; how about a cute chinchilla?
*Yumiku turns himself into a chinchilla*
Crimson; I thought chinchillas where cute... there kinda ugly, what about a bunny instead?”
Hey guys! Juni here! I’ll start posting my comic series on here very soon but I also wanted to address the fact that I do commissions for free as well! Just dm me on here or on Instagram and I’ll be sure to get back to you, I simply like a little challenge, here’s some references of stuff I draw ((I will not draw nsfw but I will draw some ships if I’m ok with them my self-) I did all of these for my boyfriend these are his oc’s and I might post comics about them eventually as well

Page 5 chapter 1
Dionasia; just an FYI that Bronwen is in a “mood” as usual so don’t take her anger personal, any ways how’s it going? You got a gf or bf yet?”
Yumiku: I uhm.... well... can we change the subject?”
Bronwen: I thought I said focus on-“
*she gets cut off*
Dionasia; oh hush your always grumpy”
*Bronwen notices Yumiku is there*
Bronwen; how long has he been here, your late...”
Yumiku: sorry I’m late my alarm didn’t-“
Bronwen; no excuses.”
Hey guys I’ll be posting a page a day of this series, there’s still a bunch of pages that have already been released on my Instagram though! So feel free to check them out! (Insta in my bio)