the-awakened-insomnis - Drawing Cambion
Drawing Cambion

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The Brightest Star In The Night Sky, Lokabrenna, Lokis Torch. This Piece Took A While, But I Am Proud

The Brightest Star In The Night Sky, Lokabrenna, Lokis Torch. This Piece Took A While, But I Am Proud

The Brightest Star in the night sky, Lokabrenna, Lokis’ Torch. This piece took a while, but I am proud of it. I love researching about Loki and applying it to Atreus. Tricksters got me by the heart 😭 

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2 years ago


tbh I feel like we were robbed of Heimdall & Atreus sibling bonding. They could've been the sassy bitch duo.


Heimdall: Atreus the only thing straight about you are the arrows you shoot.

Atreus: And they're straighter than bitch!

Heimdall: touché brat...


some cunt: what even are you!? Atreus: My pronouns are That/Bitch so you can fuck right off

Heimdall & Brok, tears and pride: I taught them that!


Heimdall: You need to do something about your hair it's fucking everywhere 

Atreus: You have bald-headed hoe energy shut up


Heimdall: So how'd you kill All-Father?

Atreus, dead in the eyes: I took his soul, turned into a wolf, and ate him...

Heimdall: ....

Atreus: He tasted awfull


Heimdall: You little bastard!

Atreus: My father actually MARRIED my mother, Odin plowed through your mothers like a dam farmer in a crop field.


Odin: I mean they aren't wrong


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The most loaded question

2 years ago

theory time

me wondering how she just up n died after being alive for so dam long

[1] Fayed died cuz she was lying about what she was, and it only started to do damage to her after Atreus was born. Like her lying about her nature and what she was, and it was slowly killing her. 

Also its nuts how this whole ass journey to spread her ashes jumpstarted Ragnarök 100 years ahead of schedule. Jumping into my 2nd theory as for why/how she died. warning this one is more lose and stringy:

[2] Faye knew what future would have looked for Kratos and Atreus if she lived, the distance between her husband & son was awful, it may have never gotten better over the years. Cue 100 years later and Atreus fully resents his father for never being there for him despite living in the same dam house. He abandons the name his father gave him, wanting to sever all ties to him. Embraces “Loki Laufayeson” and then we get regular mythology shenanigans and the end of everything. Except Kratos cuz he can't die, so he’s just alone in his grief guilt n whatnot, and Atreus just straight up dies like in actual mythology. 

She knows something needs to give in order for her husband and son to come together. What do they both love unconditionally and openly? Her. While she isn't immortal I doubt it would be easy to kill her. So she poisons herself, before, she makes sure Kratos WILL spread her ashes at the highest peak in all the realms. She KNOWS Kratos will do this, obviously taking Atreus with. The two will come closer, for her sake. Someone they both cherished deeply, they go on their journey like usual. Its just a matter them doing so triggers the end(Baldor dying). 

Fayes 1st thought was to save her husband and son from their demises and fate, the realms being spared was just a kick-ass bonus. If it meant her death then so be it... 

Anyway thats it for now, this felt more like rambling then actual theorizing but oh well

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2 years ago

Seal fight for a necklace

I’m not saying we should've gotten a seal fight between Atreus & Heimdall, but we should've gotten a seal fight between Atreus & Heimdall. HEAR ME OUT PLS. In the OG myth Loki steals Freyas necklace under Odins orders and Freya gets Heimdall to get it back, in GOW it would happen in reverse.

Freya talks about this necklace she had but Odin still has it. She misses it but never says anything about going back for it. Atreus hears this, and promptly goes to steal it back from Odin. Surprisingly he gets away with it while everyone is sleeping. Of course, Odin eventually finds out and gets Heimdall to get it back, (it has no value to Odin he's just petty). Cue the funniest fight in the realms, they fight all the way to Vanaheim. Kratos n Co. see this mess, Thrudd and Skoljr are cheering for ‘Loki’ to win. Everyone is even MORE confused, eventually the two seals shift into people and what in Fayes name WHY ARE ATREUS AND HEIMDALL FIGHTING. 

The fight is scrappy, Atreus bit Heimdall at some point with enough force to break his arm. Sending his ass home wounded in more ways than 1 Thrudd bullying him all the way back home. Atreus gives Freya her necklace and promptly passes out cuz it’s been a long night and he's tired. Next morning, he explains the whole thing over breakfast, everyone is in disbelief except Brok who is a very proud uncle atm. Odin!Tyr is bitterly impressed and us wondering how Atreus snuck into Asgard so easily....[END]

dam I gotta get back into writing lol

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2 years ago
The Final Line For Atreus, They're 83 And Would Be In Their Mid 30s But They're Not Ageing Anytime Soon.

The final line for Atreus, they're 8′3 and would be in their mid 30′s but they're not ageing anytime soon. I tried to make the body look androgynous as possible.

Details for the outfits below left-right

[1] The outfit they wear when traveling, the skull was a gift from Hel, she decorated it and put blessings on it, the eyes actually move and the markings glow. 

[2] Worn only for formal occasions, they hate it. Will fight you to not wear it.

[3] Something comfy around the house, they love the fur coat. It’s heavy and warm and they fall asleep in it often.

[4] Something Greek inspired, nothing to major, probably only worn on warm days.

[5] Another traveling outfit, favoring mobility. Also the antlers resemble the mask he broke, 3 on each side of their head. Fate isn’t so easily broken...

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