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372 posts

You Know I Wore This Dress For You, These Killer Heels For You See The Dark, It Moves With Every Breath

You Know I Wore This Dress For You, These Killer Heels For You See The Dark, It Moves With Every Breath

You know I wore this dress for you, these killer heels for you See the dark, it moves with every breath it breathes

I've never talked about it here before but I've brainstormed so much toxic yuri with Clover and Agatha with my friends ok y'all don't even KNOW

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More Posts from The-land-of-dreams

1 year ago

On Jack Bright (An Exhaustive Perspective)

A couple disclaimers before I start: First, this isn't an "official stance." It's an explanation of my personal views; I speak for myself alone. Second, I'm not setting out to change people's minds or moralize to them; I just want to explain & respond to some common arguments in the fan space.

Third & finally, massive content warning for explicit discussions of grooming & sexual abuse. This includes screenshots. (I assume everyone is aware of this going in, but better safe than sorry!!)

Q: Why do you care so much, anyway?

A: Not your business, but I was groomed as a teenager in a very similar manner to the whole AB situation. Ok, on to the actual questions.

Q: First things first: Was AB/Duckman a groomer?

A: Yes, pretty definitively. First of all, DMs from one of his victims (who was underage while they were in contact; AB was aware of this fact).

Discord screenshot. 
Person 1 - "Pastebin is an archive; the original link got deleted mere hours after creation. (link)" 
Person 2 - "oh my god you just awoke some repressed memories in me. i've been a member of the scp wiki since i was 16 and i remember bright hitting on me back then despite him being. well. a whole ass adult. he knew my age too, bc i'd stated it. he had a hella creepy old man vibe but i didn't think much of it. sucks to know i was right."
Person 1 - "Holy fuck dude I'm sorry"
Person 2 - "i guess i buried it bc it was smack dab in the middle of two other predators trying to groom me. ugh my skin is fucking crawling"
Discord screenshot.
Person 1 - "I know it may be a lot to ask, but you wouldn't happen to have screencaps or something along those lines, would you?"
Person 2 - "it was a long time ago in the irc chat so i unfortunately dont have anything"
[portion of conversation removed]
Person 2 - "it was 2012-2013, i remember i lived in arizona and we were visiting a little town i'd never been to before and i brought my laptop and i was so excited to finally be able to talk to the people who influenced my writing. only for bright to try to take advantage of me & my naivety"
Person 1 - "Would you mind if I share this development with some people I'm working with? Your identity will be protected, of course."
Person 2 - "go right ahead"
Person 1 - "Thank you."

[ID in alt text]

Maybe anonymous allegations aren't solid proof -- of course, there are public victims, but there are also screenshots of AB themself "joking" about being a sexual predator.

Chat log.
TheDuckMan: .q bright
Jarvis (chatbot): theduckman [2/4] 2014-09-05 bright: An applicant put in that they were "14 and female" and missed the password, and I really had to fight the temptation to put in the declination: "Declined for failing to provide nude pictures."
Lily: :| (judgemental face)
Ard: Jesus.
Lily: |: (judgemental face, backwards)
TheDuckMan: I have a weird sense of humor, yes.

Straight up saying he wants nudes from 14 year olds.

Chat log. 
TheDuckMan: I also love how I've gone from being the "Fuck the fans" guy to the "Fucked the fans" guy... And also seemingly the kindly grandfather of the tumblr scp universe...
Soulless: clef,a. it is good to see you
Truffles: and i am about as willing to take risks as the ceo of an insurance company
Taffeta: daddyducky
Soulless: clef, b. please be careful re: shadow, they are... interesting
Soulless: (@Taffeta) clef is the friendly drunk, i'm the angry mopy drunk, roget is the "god i love you guys" drunk
TheDuckMan: Uncle Duck in most places... Especially to Littles.

With the context of the first message -- the punchline is molesting/"corrupting" people who are underage (which he's previously described as a fetish of his)

Chat log.
SpookyBee: I'm a stupid teenager
theduckman: Yer only as old as who you feel.
theduckman: ...
- theduckman gropes Bee.
theduckman: Much better.
SpookyBee: ._. (nonplussed face)
Smaugnolia: wha

This one just kind of... speaks for itself, I think?

[And again, ID in alt text for all these.]

These aren't the only examples, by the way -- just the most blatant. AB also explicitly wrote their interest in underage girls into tales on the actual wiki. Examples include the famed list, which implied Bright shouldn't be around people underage because he would come onto them (and that's without mentioning the blatant racism on there), as well as a now-deleted tale called 'Money, Money, Money' that involved in-depth description of a 13-year-old's breasts.

(Yes, these things were pointed out as deeply uncomfortable by Wiki members at the time. There is documentation of this. While those remarks may have been *somewhat* less taboo, it was still regarded as AB being weird and overly sexual towards children.)

Ok, next up.

Q: But AB is just the author. Why is the character bad?

A: A couple reasons. First of all, the character reflects a lot of AB's sexual proclivities, including towards underage characters, as I already mentioned in the previous point.

Second, Bright's popularity gave AB his social standing within the community. There are a few chat logs where he brags about people wanting to have sexual relations with him because of his work on the SCP wiki; also, it's pretty clear that creating something popular gives you access to a lot more people who are interested in talking to you.

When you manipulate fans wanting to talk to you into sexual relationships, it's pretty clear that you have the ability to access victims because your name is out there.

Thirdly, AB used Bright's amulet as a possession kink thing and would ask for nudes that had it visible. (And, you know, he solicited a lot of regular nudes too. What a great guy, who would totally never use his platform for his own sexual pleasure.)

Q: Right, but AB's not on the wiki anymore...

A: AB's publicly-spoken victims have politely requested that the character not be used anymore. Bright was used as a tool to access, manipulate, and engage in sexual contact with fans who were young and in some cases under the age of majority. Therefore, continuing to use Bright is disrespectful to his victims. Personally speaking, I also consider it to be disrespectful towards victims of grooming and/or sexual abuse as a whole.

Q: So you think people who still use Bright are bad people?

A: No, I don't.

Like I said, I think they're being pretty blatantly disrespectful. But I'm not the arbiter of morality or the censorship bureau. People can do what they want as long as it is appropriately tagged for.

However, the fact is this: if someone is publicly continuing to use Jack Bright, then they are doing something that goes against my values -- because my values involve supporting and respecting victims of sexual abuse.

I, personally, will not be comfortable speaking to them or seeing them in my internet space, and I'll probably lose a lot of respect for them if I had any in the first place. And since I consider my community to be a group of people who reflect my personal values and beliefs, I also do not and will never consider people who use Bright to be "part of my community."

You don't have to be a bad person to be doing something wrong, and I'll level with you: yes, I think promoting a known sexual offender & ignoring the requests of his victims is, in fact, doing something wrong. That's fine! You're allowed to do stuff that's 'wrong,' I'm not your mommy and I'm not going to call the thought police on you. But you should be comfortable with the fact that you're doing something that is going to upset other people. Using Bright will and does upset other people, and that is not something that you can ignore.

I don't think anyone should be harassed. Obviously. I've received plenty of harassment for heading the rewrite project, and it sucks no matter who you are.

But I think people should get a little more comfortable with owning their decisions, instead of trying to argue that those decisions don't actually have any weight or consequences.

Q: But I can't control using Bright! [I have an introject of Bright/I have a DA to Bright] and it's not fair to act like I'm doing something wrong!

A: Sorry. Mental illness doesn't make you exempt from your actions having an impact on the people around you. I'll probably be more understanding if it's related to a mental health issue, but, y'know.

You don't have to do it in public. If you genuinely don't want to be hurting or upsetting other people, then you should keep your discussion of the Jack Bright character to private spaces, because otherwise you're still doing the thing you were respectfully asked not to do.

(I'm a system, just for reference. I understand. It doesn't absolve you of consequences.)

Q: I don't actually care about [your feelings/the victims' feelings], so this doesn't apply to me.

A: Cool. You can very easily block me, AB's victims, and anyone else who is vocally against using Bright. That's, uh, the point of the block button.

Q: I have something else to say that you didn't put in this post.

A: If you feel like being respectful or you have a genuine question, please direct yourself to the replies/reblogs/my inbox. If you don't, then please refer to my previous response. If you're blocked so you can't contact me, then, uh... don't contact me?

Ok, that's all my points made. Have the day you deserve, and hopefully it's a good one ❤️

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1 year ago


gears and clover may have been friends since they were children but they only start hooking up after iceberg dies. heres one of those times.

clover mccoy belongs to @the-land-of-dreams

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1 year ago

So apparently KOSA (2024 edition) is getting either thrown out until next year or put into effect in six days.

Update that's going in the main post at the top: it has enough support to pass.

It failed the last two times because people were voting against it.

This time, KOSA has traction among the pro-LGBTQ parties. Because nobody is fucking calling their bullshit and screaming from the rooftops that calling it the "Kids Online Safety Act" is misleading.

What will it passing do?

Nothing much, only prevent any education on LGBTQIA+ (it's that stupid fucking argument about us grooming kids again), shut down nearly every fandom space on the internet, and make it required for most big tech companies to have your ID.

Want to have resources for kids to discover their identity readily available? Yes? Then fucking speak up against this stupid fucking bill.

Fandom spaces like Tumblr, Twitter (? I thought the MAGA assholes liked Musk?), Tiktok, Archive Of Our Own, and any other website that hosts fanfic or fanart? Either shut down permanently, forced to uproot to a different country and down for a while (best case scenario, and they likely won't be able to send any data, and therefore fanfics, to the US), or gutted so that you only get to put G rated cishet ships on there, if any shipping at all. How to avoid that? I've already said it: Call your fucking representatives.

Want to avoid the fucking dystopic task of being legally obligated to give big tech your government issue ID? Again, cause an uproar. Call your goddamned representatives.

If they can pass this, the ripple effects could be catastrophic.

So, for fuck's sake, any Americans that can impact this stupid fucking bill and see this? Do everything in your power to shut it down because you have until February twenty sixth (26th) to send this bill back to where it belongs.

And if you can't do that? Reblog, copy my tags, and boost the signal.

Sorry not sorry for ranting, making you scroll through that, and swearing a probably excessive amount, but KOSA is a bill with a GLOBAL IMPACT being passed by ONE COUNTRY because some old people are scared of two guys with who were told they were girls kissing within five hundred miles of a child. Fuck this shit, I shouldn't have to worry about bad bills in America but I fucking do because I use the internet and would like to avoid mass censorship. Fuck this, fuck conservatives, and fuck the fact that some boomers make your country's policies.

Now, if you won't mind me, I'm going to be up until three in the morning downloading fanfiction or copying and pasting them into a a text file if I can't so I can read them by the end of the week.

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1 year ago



This may seem grim but we Can still stop this bill if we focus on contacting senators /the House and keep spreading the word.


Join our Discord server to organize against it :




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