Scp Dr Rights - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago


Here is the complete headcanons that I have written for the SCP universe currently. It should be working properly but if it is not please let me know so I can fix it. There will obviously be more added into this masterlist as I continue writing more. I am currently only doing headcanons but scenarios and dabbles will be coming soon once I get the motive to get back to them.

Headcanon: SWF Alphabet Headcanon.

Random Headcanons For Some of The Directors/Doctors/SCPs'.

Characters: Director Jack Bright. Doctor Charles Gears. (Renewed).


Headcanon: how would the Directors/Doctors and SCPs (Cain and Able) act when drunk.

Headcanon: Their S/O giving them the silent treatment.

Are they night owls or early birds?

Headcanon: Which of the doctors/directors and the brothers (Cain and Able) would enjoy Squid Games.

Headcanon: Which of the doctors/directors would enjoy cuddling.

Headcanon: Which types of dates would the doctors/directors and brothers (Cain and Able) enjoy?

The Doctors/Directors going through a haunted house.

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5 months ago

Headcanon: Would they want to have kids?

Any warnings: A little sadness since there are mentions of childhood trauma. But it isn't anything serious.

Director Alto Clef:

No, kids for Clef. He knows he would be unfit to be a proper father to the child.

There are some qualities necessary in becoming a parent and raising a child and he is lacking in those qualities. He knows this. And he knows that he isn't going to be changing anytime soon so why bring a child into the world to only later be negligent of the child's emotional needs? And end up becoming an absent father in their lives?

He doesn't want to repeat the cycle that his parents did to him. How his parents just abandoned him when he was a child.

Not to say that he is going to be a deadbeat father or terrible to his child but he isn't going to have the best influence on a child tbh.

He has his own shortcomings that will impact his relationship with his child. In the end, it will only hurt his child, so it would be better to not have any kids to begin with.

Director Jack Bright:

No, kids for Bright either. Bright never really wanted children to begin with. He told himself at a young age that he wouldn't have kids and as he grew up that notion grew stronger and he prefers staying childless.

First off, his immortality isn't what made him choose not to have kids. He wouldn't lie. That fear of outliving his own children and family does play in the back of his mind but that isn't the only factor at play. To put it simply, Bright doesn't want the responsibility of being a parent.

He knows how big of a responsibility it is to become a parent. It is not easy being a parent.

There are already things in his life that need his absolute attention and that he needs to keep track of. He already has people that he has to look after and care for. He knows he can't shoulder becoming a parent one day and honestly, he doesn't want to.

In addition to that, IF he knew to have a child then he would be constantly worrying about the child's safety and health. There is so much that could happen to them and he knows he can't always be there to protect his child. The world is known to be ugly and unforgiving (especially this one). And with all that uncertainty it is unsettling to him. Makes him feel so anxious and nauseous just thinking about it. He can not handle it. He can't.

Bonus: due to his upbringing and how his parent were to him, it left Bright with an internal fear of becoming like his parents once he has a child. He is scared that he is going to traumatize his child just like his parents did to him. Maybe he is going to put his unresolved trauma onto his child. That he is going to let his child down and disappoint him like his parents did many times.

Doctor Charles Gears:

He is another one who doesn't want children as well. Gears is a man who is so occupied by work that maintaining a proper relationship with his S/O can sometimes get difficult so bringing a child into his life would only complicate things even more. It is irresponsible and stupid to have a child in his case. So, he wouldn't want one.

And, Gears is a workaholic. He is someone who prefers working constantly as his lifestyle. He likes to stay busy. The family life isn't appealing to him. He doesn't want to stay home caring for a child and having to put his work on hold for the child. And while this may sound insensitive it's how he feels.

Doctor Ben Kondraki:

Yeah sure, he would like to have children one day. He would like to become a father. And he would actually make the time to spend with his children and put in the effort to be there for his children whenever they needed something.

If his children need anything from him he is like a call away. Just call him and he is there.

And he is generally good at raising children too. He knows that you have to have A LOT of patience in handling kids. He is the chill and cool kind of dad. The father you can go to with anything.

He does like messing with/playing around with his kids sometimes. He finds it amusing how easily annoyed they can get with him.

Doctor Iceberg:

Yes… he would probably have kids… but it would be later on in his life when he retired from the Foundation. When he is living a comfortable life away from all the crazy. When he is more content with his life then he would like to have kids. But while he is still employed by the Foundation is a big no for him. He already has enough going on that takes most of his time and energy.

Doctor Agatha Rights:

She would be a bit hesitant (at first) about beginning a family. Because on the one hand, she probably would like to settle down and become a mother one day. But at the same time, she does doubt her capability of being a mother. Motherhood can be difficult so she wants to make sure that it is at a time when she is completely certain and ready (and wants to make sure her S/O is ready as well.)

So, she would wait a long time before deciding to start a family. It is a yes for her but give her time to think about it.

SCP-073 (Cain):

Cain doesn't want to have kids. And it isn't because he believes that he would be a bad father to his child. Or anything like that. He is actually pretty good with children. And he finds them to be adorable and knows how to handle them however it is still going to be a no for him. For Cain, it is because he doesn't see the purpose of having children. To him, he doesn't see it as something he needs in his life.

Or something he wants in his life.

Like, this man has walked the face of the earth for thousands of years and then some, and he can say for certain that having a child isn't for him. He just doesn't see the reason to have any kids.

He considers his life to be fine the way it is. And wants to keep it this way.

SCP-076-2 (Able):

Just like his brother, he wouldn't want to have kids either.

But for Able it is because he knows kids can be little shits sometimes and he doesn't want to deal with that tbh. He doesn't want to deal with what fatherhood brings in. He doesn't want to raise any kids. He doesn't want to deal with the hassle that comes with raising children. He isn't up for that. There are things in life Able isn't willing to tolerate and having kids is one of them.

And this isn't to say that he hates children or anything like that. He just prefers not to deal with children because he doesn't want to.

He knows kids can be rowdy sometimes and difficult to handle. Kids are known to act that way and it is normal for them. Because that's how kids are. He knows all that and understands it and that is precisely the reason why he doesn't want kids.

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1 year ago
You Know I Wore This Dress For You, These Killer Heels For You See The Dark, It Moves With Every Breath

You know I wore this dress for you, these killer heels for you See the dark, it moves with every breath it breathes

I've never talked about it here before but I've brainstormed so much toxic yuri with Clover and Agatha with my friends ok y'all don't even KNOW

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