the-lost-girl-in-the-tardis - I got Lost in the universe.
I got Lost in the universe.

Comfort characters gonna comfort. Please enjoy the stuff I've got! 23   I also run two other blogs, one for the hobbit and the other for transformers. So please don't be mad if I don't get to write very often here. Tf Blog: @jazz-miester Hobbit: @raisedinerebor

34 posts

House Of The Rising Sun

House of the rising sun

House Of The Rising Sun

Pairing: Doctor x reader

Reader type: Gender Neutral

Song: House of the rising sun- the animals

Warnings: N/A

An: Is this something anyone would be interested in? I've got this much done and planned on it spanning a few parts/chapters. But I've kinda hit a rough patch with it. Any feedback would be nice lol. And if enough people like it I'll come back and write more/ actually do the whole thing lol.

Word count:2259

"All sins are attempts to fill voids"

-Simone Weil.

The air is hot and dry when you step off the Tardis. Warm air blew through the near empty street as you spun on the spot taking in the small town before you. It looked like something from the old west films your grandparents enjoyed so much. Tall wooden buildings and a dusty winding road. Some where, out in the distance, a bell rung. The sound bright in the air.

Your guitar hits your back as you jump off the small ledge the Tardis had landed on. The Doctor was close behind. Locking the Tardis doors and adjusting his jacket as he stepped away from her. It was insane that he could wear the same thing in just about any weather or climate. Yet here you were with sweat already rolling off of you in shorts and a t shirt.

"Here we are! Home to the famous House Of The Rising Sun!" The Doctor exclaimed with a small flourish of his hands. You couldn't help but laugh.

"Like the song?" You asked falling into step next to the Doctor who shook his head.

"Oh hardly." He waved his hand before the small town the two of you were walking towards. "This place is brilliant! They have some of the best food and drinks this side of the galaxy." He threw his arm around your shoulders mindful of your guitar. "Some of the best music to." He winks and you shove your body against his.

"Oh I'll be the judge of that."


Well. You did have to admit the food was great and the drinks. Oh the drinks were fantastic. Just this side of sweet with a hint of fizz. If you had to tell someone what the drink of the gods were the little purple drink in front of you would have to be it.

There was a wide range of people there. From species you have already met to people you couldn't have even began to dream of existing. The place the Doctor had brought to you was huge. At least three stories in height and made of stunning dark wood.

In the center, where the two of you currently sat, was hundreds of tables. Each of them filled with people dining. To the right of you was what you assumed was a bar. Honestly you were a little too nervous to go up there by yourself and find out. Talking to new people had never been a strong suit of yours and especially not in a place as big as this.

Directly in front of you was a large stage. There were three microphones lined along the front of it and in the back had an assortment of both alien and familiar instruments. One that had caught your eye looked similar to your guitar. Almost as if another human from earth had come here.

"Would you like another drink?" A soft voice asked next to you. It was the kind women that had been your server for most of the night. She, like many others, had two sets of arms. The bottom two were holding her notepad close to her chest. She took both yours and the Doctors empty glasses when you nodded your head.

The scent of flowers lingered when she left. A sweet and powdery scent that you couldn't help but wonder where she got it from.

"Enjoying yourself?" The Doctor asked with a chuckle. Watching you as you looked about with wide eyes. Drinking in every sight the House had to offer. You looked back with a grin.

"Oh absolutely!" You pulled another fry from your dwindling plate. Well. It wasn't exactly like a fry made from potatoes but it was still starchy, carb filled, goodness.

"Good." He smiled and ate another jam filled treat. "Because what coming up next will blow your socks off." He furrowed his brows. "Not. Not literally though. Your socks will still be on." A pause. "I hope." You snorted a laugh and leaned back in your chair.

Your hand found your guitar next to you. You had brought it with you because the two of you had planned to stay the night for the next day festivities and you didn't want to be board while waiting.

Your drinks came to you just as the lights went out.

"Doctor?" You reached you hand out. To many mis-adventures had you waiting for any threats to come. You felt the Doctor lay his hand over yours.

"It's alright. The show's about to start." The show? A single spotlight fell onto the stage before you and landed on a man dressed in dark leather. You could hear your server chuckle from beside you.

"This your first show sweetheart?" You looked to her and nodded your head. "Well then you are in for a treat. Abiram doesn't perform very often." She looked at your guitar beside you and gave you a tooth filled smile. "Somethin' tells me you like him just fine." Her voice reminded you of a southern drawl.

Your attention is drawn away when he tapped into the microphone in front of him. The man pulled his cowboy style hat away with one hand. The other wrapped around the microphone.

"Evening ladies, gents, and those in-between." His hat is set down on a stool next to him. Like your waiter he to had two sets of arms. On of which was now pulling a guitar seemingly from thin air. "I am grateful that you are all here tonight. It warms my heart to know that you still enjoy music from this old man." Abiram had a deep voice. Smooth and mellow. Like a smokey whiskey if you wanted to truly give it a name.

You were able to pick of some details here and there as the man moved about on the stage. You could catch whiffs of what smelled like tobacco smoke. You could see the many rings he had on long and nimble fingers. One hand though was different from all the rest. You couldn't see it clearly until he had hung his guitar from his shoulders.

One hand was made entirely from metal. It gave the guitar a twangy sound as he plucked at the strings. A few notes drifted through the air a small rhythm of the man's own making. His fingers slid over the neck of the guitar. Silencing it as he looked out over the crowd.

"Now the first song im going to play you all know very well." A round of soft hearted laughter rolled over the crowd. "It's practically tradition at this point." Abiram's gaze fell on you. His head tilting as dark eyes looked you up and down. His lips pulled back into a grin. "This song is called White Flowers, for all you newcomers. It's a song about my stunning Dolon. May they always have my heart." The crowd broke into a cheer and beside you the Doctor clapped his hands together.

Given the chance, this song is one you would learn. Your own hands craved to grab your guitar and play along. White Flowers was nothing short of stunning. It pulled at your heart to listen along. Fulling enraptured with the mans singing. Abiram sung about his love as if they had made the very stars you and the Doctor had come from. As if they had made the earth you stand on. The very House you sit in now. Whoever Abriam called his very well had his heart.

He sung of their kindness. Their bright soul. His guiding light in it all. God if it were paired up with a movie or any kind of visuals really, you would be crying. Even now you almost held your breath. Practically crawling over the table to get closer to the man. To hear more of his music.

All to soon the final notes rang out. Abirams voice echoing in his silent stage. It wasn't until after the last string found its silence the crowd erupted into applause. Shouting and hollering stamping of feet and the thunderous sound of people clapping and cheering.

You were one of them. A grin at your lips as you laughed and cheered with the rest. You could hear the Doctor next to you doing the same. When you glanced over at him you noticed that at some point during the song he had slipped his coat off. His sleeves were rolled up over his forearms. A drink in one hand as he cheered with it.

"Will there be more?" You leaned towards him to be heard over the raucous. The Doctor tilted his head towards you.

"Just watch." He laughed out. You leaned back into your chair. Taking a drink as you let out another cheer.

There was, in fact, more. Abiram only sung a few more songs. Each one more enthralling than the last. From a soft and sweet ballad to something that would make Johnny Cash and Jerry Lee Lewis proud. There were others after him. Songs that had your feet stomping on the wooden floor and body moving from the sheer energy of the music alone.

By the time the night came and fell you were tired. The kind of tired when you had been swimming all day as a kid and had just come home. Blissfully exhausted. And as you and the Doctor rose to leave, giggling and laughing at one another. You realized you may have had one to many of said purple drinks.

The two of you began to make your way to the large double doors of the House. Weaving around other laughing friends and dancing couples.

"That. We have to do that again." You told the Doctor. You were leaning against him. You guitar in one hand so as to not accidentally break it in the dense crowd. The Doctor humed a response next to you.

"We could. There's more places out there like this. This one just happens to be my favorite." The Doctor had his coat slung over one shoulder. His bowtie slightly askew and a faint dusting of pink across his cheeks from the alcohol that had been in the drinks.

You open your mouth and begin to ask where these places are when your interrupted. The woman that had been your waitress was coming up to the two of you. A piece of paper fluttered in her hand. Her others arms were being used to move people aside so she could get to the two of you.

"There you are! Thought I had missed the two of ya." Light eyes settled on the two of you as she handed the Doctor the paper. "Now. You have every right to refuse but I suggest that ya don't." There was swirling script on the paper that the Tardis began to translate for you.

"Abiram took notice of the two of ya and your friends own instrument." She gave you a wink. "And wants' to be the one to invite the two of you for the House's late night special." The Doctors brow rose. His arm falling away from around your shoulders as he held the paper in both hands.

"I never heard of any "Late night specials" Before." The Doctor looked to the woman for an answer.

"Of course not sweetheart. It's usually only for the people who perform here. " She paused. "And others. But sometimes some people out in the crowd are invited. It's very special." She wrapped the Doctors hands round the paper. "What do ya say?"


"Are you sure about this?" You asked the Doctor. The two of you stood outside the large double doors of the house. Faintly you could hear people speaking. The calling out of names and numbers. A few cheers and yells.

"No. But when have I ever turned down the chance for an adventure." You shrugged your shoulders at that.

"Can't argue with that." You bumped the Doctors shoulder with your own. "After you Doctor." With that the Doctor grinned and pulled open one of the doors.

When you stepped inside you were immediately assaulted with the smell of tobacco smoke. The room was hazy with it as a few hundred people puffed away at cigar like smokes.

"Going once. Twice. Sold! To the lovely lady in the red dress." You shifted your guitar on your back. Taking in the rows of people. Some were mingling off the the side.

"Are. Are they bidding?" A few feet in front of you and to your left was a table of people talking over a game of cards. A few casino like chips tossed back and forth on the table.

"Gambling." The Doctor said. You jumped when someone laid a hand on your shoulder. You spun towards them taking a few steps back.

"Sorry darlin'. Didn't mean to spook ya." Abiram stood in front of you. Hat pulled low over his brow. A cigar sat between his lips and in one of his hands a drink. He used the metal one to pull the cigar away from his lips and smoke bellowed from them. "I'm just happy to see that the two of ya made it. It's not often we get people like yourself out here." You don't think he's wrong. For the entire time that you've been here you and the Doctor where the only human or human like people here.

Abiram motioned with his hand. "Please. Follow me." You glanced at the Doctor who looked at you.

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More Posts from The-lost-girl-in-the-tardis

historical dw poll:

Historical Dw Poll:

please reblog when you vote for a larger sample size!!

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What Rose Brings To The Doctors Life Is Completion. Its Completing A Circle Hes Male, Hes Alien, Hes
What Rose Brings To The Doctors Life Is Completion. Its Completing A Circle Hes Male, Hes Alien, Hes
What Rose Brings To The Doctors Life Is Completion. Its Completing A Circle Hes Male, Hes Alien, Hes
What Rose Brings To The Doctors Life Is Completion. Its Completing A Circle Hes Male, Hes Alien, Hes
What Rose Brings To The Doctors Life Is Completion. Its Completing A Circle Hes Male, Hes Alien, Hes
What Rose Brings To The Doctors Life Is Completion. Its Completing A Circle Hes Male, Hes Alien, Hes
What Rose Brings To The Doctors Life Is Completion. Its Completing A Circle Hes Male, Hes Alien, Hes
What Rose Brings To The Doctors Life Is Completion. Its Completing A Circle Hes Male, Hes Alien, Hes

“What Rose brings to the Doctor’s life is completion. It’s completing a circle – he’s male, he’s alien, he’s a traveler. Between the two of them together they complement each other and discover each other. And are in love with each other – absolutely, unashamedly, unreservedly.”

S04E13 Journey’s End, aired today, fifteen years ago ❤️

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The thin lines between realities (not finished)

The Thin Lines Between Realities (not Finished)

Pairing: N/A

Reader type: Gender neutral

Characters: The Doctor. Y/n



An: This is what "The thin lines between realities" was going to before I changed it lol. Have this hella old draft that I never finished. Maybe I will someday lol. I still have another I haven't finished.

The streets are full with people parting around you as they walk. They murmur and talk. Buried into phones and conversation. From some you catch snippets of music. All of it ranges from classical to rock.

All of it was off. The talking didn't seem to run in complete sentences or just. Make sense at all.

You touch your lips. Try to ground yourself. The world was a haze. At the moment you couldn't tell why. It seemed normal. With the usual sound of a busy street brimming with people during the lunch hour. You could hear car motors and far off music.

But the smell. Fast food wafting in the air. It was there but not. Every time you breathe in it was there. The fatty, salty smell of fries and greasy burgers. But. It left as quickly as it came. Like an imprint. There but not.

You turn on the spot.

Where are you? The street looked familiar. You squint. Try to make out the letters on the street sign but it's nothing more than a soft blur of black and green.

You blink. Something wet falls on you. People begin to leave the street. Holding your palm out you sigh. You don't remember rain in the forecast.

You stay in the center of the street. Eerily empty now as the rain begins to pour. Thick sheets of water spilling off the sides of roofs and large umbrellas.

You turn again.

Where are you?

You pat your pockets for your phone. Pull it out. Clicking the power button to turn your lock screen on you curse. The screen was to blurry to read.

Something wasn't right. It. God what was it?

You look up. See a man down the street from you. Maybe he could help? You call out and jog down the street.

"Hey. Can you tell me where I'm at? I think I might be lost?" Were you? You glance around again. The rain still fell. Was it always this heavy? The droplets of water that thick?

You look back to the man who looks just as lost as you were. He was dressed nicely. Had on a vest but no dress coat. White sleeves of his undershirt pulled over his elbows. There was a strange object in his hands. The tip of it blurred green as it hummed.

Why was he dressed like that? How was he not wet it was.


The sky was clear. Warmth covered you.

The man ignores you and steps around you with the object held out in front of him. He waved it about like a magician with their wand.

You let out a gasping breath. Confused and slightly panicked.

"Excuse me? I really need." He cuts you off.

"Sorry but I'm busy. Like I told the last fellow." He turns towards you the light of his device bright and it shoots up an octave. "But you." He trails off and walks around you. The device still pointed at you. He mutters to himself and you find yourself backing away.

You glance to your left as movement catches in your peripheral. You could have sworn that the building was taller. And less green. The man hums next to you. Studying the device in his hand.

"But you're not like." He stops. Looks at you. "You've noticed that? The building? The rain?" You nod your head slowly. Things are beginning to fall into place. Slowly clicking together.

He watches you as you crouch down on your knees and place your plans on the road. You expected rough asphalt and warm blacktop but.

He beds down next to you. Places his hand on the road. "That's it." You stand up. Confused.

"Am I dreaming?" It didn't happen often that you had a lucid dream. When you did you had a habit of waking up too early to really do anything.

The man shakes his head. Then moved his hands in a wide gesture tossing his strange device between them. "Yes and no. I'm not sure. But you're the first that I've met to actually notice what's going on." He sighs. "I'm The Doctor. " You glance around then back to him.

"I'm Y/n. Doctor who?" You ask and the man chuckles.

"Just The Doctor. Or Doctor." He tosses the device again and you point at it.

"What's that?" He looks at it as if he just realized it was there.

"Oh? It's a sonic screwdriver. Although it doesn't really seem to be sonicing very well. It's been acting strange ever since I got here." You shake your head as he talks. The road beneath you shifts. Turns soft and green.

Grass. Meadow. Mountains on the horizon. For a moment you are confused. Here but not. What? Where?

You're pulled from your that's when the man called Just The Doctor places a hand on your arm.

"Stay with me now. Please. It's. Confusing here." You nod your head.

"What's going on? I. This isn't like any dream I've had before." The Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver.

"You know. I haven't taken a single step since I've come here. Yet the space around me keeps changing. First a golden field of grain. Then Spain before it was Spain." He rambles and you zone out.

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I've already got something I have to finish writing out. Well more like two something's but.

What about a fic where the reader is bored on the Tardis. Maybe the Doctor had to do some repairs. Maybe she needed to refuel. And to pass the time reader decides to ask the Doctor how to say some words in Galifreyen.

They start with simple things. Like "Hi." "Hello." "My name is."

And it's such a quiet domestic moment. The reader is stumbling over the words. Something so fluid and pretty to say but hard to wrap their tongue around it.

The reader is trying so hard. They want to be able to speak with the Doctor in their native tongue. So that they can hear their language spoken. So that maybe. Just maybe it won't die with him.

And then they're laughing. Eyes bright as they once again fumble. Giggling to themselves as they try to even their breath and the Doctor just.

"I love you." Spoken in Galifreyen. And of course the reader doesn't understand it. All they can see is the Doctor going all wide eyes. Face flushed as they clear their throat and look away.

"You haven't told me that one. What does that mean?" And when they won't look back the reader places a hand on their shoulder. "Doctor?"

The Doctor doesn't want to admit it. Not yet. Not now. (Oh but they do. Oh how they really do.)

"It's hard to translate into your language but." They clear their throat again. Trailing a hand along the Tardis's railing. "It's a name for a close friend. A saying of sorts." They press their hand to their chest. Over the twin beating hearts. And oh how they are beating. Pounding. Begging them to tell you how they feel.

"Friend of my hearts. One who is close to the hearts." They shrug."Or something close to that." The Doctors breath leaving them when they see you glance away. Brows furrowed as you think. Soft lips moving. Speaking without speaking then.

"I love.. Shit.. I love" A grin so bright it blinded them then. "I love you."

And oh how the Tardis falls away. The Doctor focused on you and only you.

Oh how those words replay. Over and over again.

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Thank you! That's so sweet of you to say! I'm glad that you enjoyed it. This was one of my favorite ones to write lol.

Eater Of Time

Eater Of Time

Pairing: Eleventh Doctor x Gender Neutral Reader

Song: Babylon- Barns Courtney. Darkness of the Day- Cadalay


An: This is something that I plan on re-writing in the future. Maybe even making it into a short story. But it's an idea i've been toying with for a long time now so please consider this as a first draft of sorts. Any feedback will be appreciated.

Tags: @simplymurdock

Word count:4586

Last part first

"Help me. Remind me why I'm here."

-Kim Addonizio, from 'Death Poem', Wild Nights: New and Selected Poems.

"What are they?" Your voice shakes. The creatures in front of you move and shift along the shadows. Their eyes are hungry. Feeding off of the very being of you.

"Eaters of time." The Doctor spoke from beside you. Quiet. Soft. Almost scared if one could believe it. You glance up at him as he still stares back at the creatures.

"Eaters of time?" You ask. One of them lurches forward and the Doctor places you behind him. His sonic whirs uselessly against them. The darkness they spread swallows the little green light. "Doctor." You whisper. "Doctor please. What are they?"

You have never seen that look on his face before. So broken. Empty. You've seen his joy, his anger, his sorrow. This. It.

"They eat time, Y/n. Specifically the time someone has lived. They eat it. Consume it. Almost immortal because of their hunger." He pulls you away from him and towards the open forest the two of you had trekked god knows how long ago. "I'm sorry." He gives you a hug. Presses a kiss to your brow. "I am so sorry. But I need you to run. Go. To the Tardis. She'll take you home."

"I'm not leaving you!" The creatures surge as your voices rises. "Doctor. I will not leave you." You voice is hoarse. Your body strung tight. Muscles and a base primal fear begging you to do just that. Run.

His face hardens and you catch a glimpse of the Doctor that only those who whisper his name in fear have witnessed. Not at you. No. But that foolish heart of yours. The one that begs to stay. To help.

"I need you to run. Now." He begins to push you away from it all. Away from the baying creatures. The forest seems to grow. To swallow the both of you as he pushes you further and further away. "Go! Before they-"

First part second

"Let me sit here, on the threshold of two worlds. Lost in the eloquence of silence."

-Jalalud'din Rumi (1207-1273) 13th century mystic and poet.

"One of the most beautiful forests in this galaxy." The Doctor whirls as he steps in front of you. Throwing the Tardis doors open with a flourish he grins. "Y/n I give you Tenebris Silva."

Beautiful indeed. The forest had a dark ethereal beauty to it. Shadows clung to the spaces in-between. White fog flowed and clung to the trunks of the trees. Deer like animals peered from around them. Their large eyes catching the light from inside the Tardis before darting off into the darkness.

The trees were such a deep green they matched the eternally night sky. The tops brushing the sky as if they were painting the smattering of stars and clouds high above. They moved and swayed with the breeze. Creaked and groaned as the wood fought against the wind far above.

All you could do was look in aw. Spinning on the spot as your feet dug into soft earth and pine needles. The air was so sweet. So clear and clean. It was if you were taking a breath of air for the first time. You breathed in deeply. As if you were trying to etch this air into your lungs. Commit it to memory so you would never forget.

You could hear the Doctor laugh as you did this. You must have looked a little silly you thought. Spinning about like a child. Still, you didn't stop. Trying to drink in every bit of this place you could. Trying to remember it so that one day you could look back. Such a happy memory it would be.

The Tardis doors closed and for a brief moment you were plunged into darkness. The half moon provided little light. As did the stars far away as they were. You jumped when you felt the Doctors hand land on your shoulder. A flashlight was pressed into your hands as the Doctor turned his own on.

"Come along then. There's a cabin here." The two of you began to walk. The Doctor stopped. Muttered to himself then began walking in the complete opposite direction. You couldn't help the laugh that escaped you. "Oh hush you. Unless you don't want to see the once in a lifetime meteor shower." You really did laugh at this.

"You wouldn't." You nudged his shoulder with yours. He tried to keep that angry look on his face but it soon fell.

"No. Not to you." His free arm wrapped around your shoulder. "But you'll love it. When they fall they light up every color you could ever imagine. It's like a firework show but better." His head dipped low. "And I can guarantee whatever you are imagining isn't even going to compare to what you are about to see." He pulled his head up. "Although that doesn't mean that you lack imagination. Or that you don't have a brilliant mind or." You stopped him by shining your flashlight in his face.

"Stop it you." You turn your head shining your light about the lightly worn path the two of you were taking. It was more of a deer trail really. A thin worn dirt path with a decent amount of brush on either side. "How far is it to this cabin?" You shiver. The planet may have an eternal night but it was no colder than a normal night on Earth.

"Not far." The Doctor responded. "Tired already? The fun hasn't even begun! We're supposed to." He stopped. Shined his light away from the path. You followed yours with it.

"Doctor?" You ask. Peering around him as he plucked something off of the brush next to him. You heard him hum as he brought it in front of him so you could see.

"Fabric. That's strange. No one else is supposed to be here. Or have been here for a long time." The fabric was a dark denim. Similar to the jacket you were wearing now. The Doctor moved it about. Checking it every which way. He brought it to his nose and gave it quite the loud sniff.

You arched a brow and chuckled. "That smell any good?" The Doctor looks to you. Shakes his head. He looked as if he were trying to recall something. He pockets the fabric and pulls you along the path.

"It's nothing. Probably. Maybe." The two of you broke through the brush. The tree line opening up to an open field with the cabin in the center of it. The ground breaks off to a cliff face with mountains jutting above the horizon. "And no. It didn't smell good." The both of you laugh.

The cabin is dark and very very big. It toward at least three stories and spread the length of a football field and then some. There was no electricity either. Candles and lanterns lined the walls. The Doctor flicked his sonic as the two of you entered. The inside of the cabin bathed in soft orange light.

The floor was carpeted. Paintings hung on every available inch of wall. Only broken by cabinets or hanging plants. The air smelled of something familiar to you. One you couldn't place.

You took the time to look around while the Doctor scribbled away in what you assumed to be a log book. Like the kind that hotel owners have. You brushed your fingers along the frame of one of the paintings. Was this place a hotel? You would have to ask the Doctor.

"Alright! Off to our rooms then." The Doctor spun bringing his hands together. The lanterns lit themselves as the two of you climbed a flight of stairs to the next floor.

You couldn't help but get a weird sense of deja'vu as you walked. Something bugging you in the the back of your mind. You shrugged your shoulders as a shiver ran down your back. While the Doctor was unlocking the door to one of your rooms you glanced back down the hallway. The further down it went it seemed like the darkness swallowed the light.

Your ears began to ring as your continued to look about. Something. Something wasn't entirely right. One of the lanterns flicked before going out briefly. Cold washed over you and you couldn't help but feel like you were being watched.

"Y/n?" The Doctor's head popped over your shoulder as he looked down the hallway with you. You jumped and spun on the spot. A hand over your know rapidly beathing heart.

"Jesus Doctor! You scared the life out of me." He looked from down the hallway to you. A curious look on his face. 

"Are you alright?" His hands were on your shoulders. Eyes searching your face as if he could find the answer he was looking for there.

"Ya. I." You stuttered out. "I was just lost in thought in all." At this he gave a soft huff. 

"Must have been some thought." His voice was quiet. "Anyways. Your room!" The door swung open to reveal a lavish room. A large canopied bed with sheer, wine red curtains. A dark chestnut chest sat at the end of it. As you walked through the door you saw a plush couch that matched the color of the bed. In the center of the room was a small table with chairs at either side.

"This looks like something my parents would love to be in." You said. You turned. Brushing your hand along the fabric of the couch. Then again. That smell. Something so familiar you could almost place it. It was stronger here. "That being said. It's beautiful Doctor." The Time Lord in question  was leaning against the door frame. A soft smile on his lips. "Thank you for taking me here." You genuinely meant it. Everything this man has shown you. You wish you had more than just words you could say. 

"No need for thanks y/n." He pushed himself away from the doorframe. "Cards?" He pulls a deck from his pocket. How deep those things are you'll never know. You've seen him pull out things that range from childrens toys to tools, and the oddball snack.

"You always win though." You grumbled. "It's not fair." Despite your protests you sat down at the table. The Doctor had already been dealing out the cards.

"Ace of spades?" You asked with a yawn. The cards blurred in your hand. It could have been ace of spades. It could have been the queen of hearts. 

"Go fish." Another yawn. You pull out a card from the half hazard pile on the table. 

"Doctor?" You ask. Shuffling the cards around in your hand. You had well over ten cards. Maybe more. The Doctor hummed in response. "It's late." You laid the cards face down on the table.

The Doctor turned his wrist. Checking the time. "That it is." He shuffled his cards. Picked his head up.  "Oh." His mouth rested in a small o. Slightly looking away. "Oh! You need to sleep!" He laid his own cards down. Standing up as he took in your tired state. Head rested on your hand. Eyes struggling to stay open. Slightly nodding as you tried to stay within the waking world. "Oh you need to get to bed." 

You were laughing as the Doctor lifted you to your feet. "Come on to bed with you." You through your jacket on the table. "Humans. Really I forget sometimes." You doubted that. The poor man was apologizing left and right as you unlaced your boots. Tossing them to the left of you somewhere. 

"Doctor its fine." You were sat on the edge of the bed. You almost sunk into it the mattress was so soft. "Really." Instead of listening he was rattling off everything that could happen with sleep deprivation and "Really. It's ridiculous how much you lot need to sleep. Oh what am I going to do." You tuned him out after a bit.  Instead choosing to lay back onto the bed.

There. Again. That familiar scent. Sort of woodsy. It was clean and bright with something spiced at the end. What was it? You turned your head.

Oh. Your bag.

When did you bring that?

Sure enough there was your backpack. The poor thing was worn in a lot of places but you used it every time you stayed the night somewhere. It was essentials mostly. Toiletries. Extra clothes. Phone charger and camera. And your perfume.

You sat up abruptly. The Doctor stopped his rambling then. He was watching you as you pulled the bag into your lap. You were digging around when he came next to you. There. The bottle.  

You pulled your perfume out of the bag and looked at the bottle. It was something you used almost all the time. This one was brand new though.

The bottle was halfway empty. Did you put the wrong one in?

"When did I bring this?" You whispered to yourself. Head tilting as you tried to remember when you had packed the bag let alone brought it with you. The Doctor said nothing as you placed the bottle back inside the bag. There was something in the air between the two of you. Something you were both forgetting. Something important.  

"Time for bed. Ya?" You spoke after a moment. You looked up at the Doctor. The two of you staring at one another for a moment. Something unspoken passing between the both of you. 

"Sleep well. I'm right across the hall." The Doctor told you. You didn't move even after he had left the room. The smell of chocolate and patchouli lingering in the room when he did. It fades after a few minutes. 

You're sat at the edge of the bed. The pajama's you planned to change into sitting in your lap. There was just something you were unable to shake. How was it you were able to smell your perfume when you've never been here before? And your bag. How was it here? You didn't remember grabbing it when you left the Tardis.

And that scrap of fabric. The one the Doctor had tucked away.  " No one else is supposed to be here. Or have been here for a long time." The Doctors words echo in your thoughts. Then how was it here? Just how long has this planet been alone for? 

A once in a lifetime experience. Then how come there wasn't more people? This place could house hundreds upon hundreds of people and their families. 

You change into sweats and a long sleeve t shirt.  Laying your old clothes on the table you had been playing cards on just moments ago. Your jacket. You couldn't help but stare. Something you wore quite often. An unassuming piece of fabric you had never really given a second thought to before. 

You shook your head and laughed at yourself. You were being silly. Thinking to deeply into something that wasn't event there. Drawing the covers back you crawl into bed. The Sheets were smooth and silky. Soft against you as you sunk down into the mattress.

Sleep came quickly and easily. Your body and mind to tired to be able to do much else. 

Second part Third

"I am fragile and Unholy. Open. Ravage. Eat."

-Tanaka Mhishi, Literary sexts II ( Via Ghost tears)

Something was horribly wrong.  What it was he didn't know. And oh how he hates not knowing. Especially  when the lives of one of his companions were on the line.

There were clues here. Blaringly obvious clues that go together. He just couldn't figure out how. There, in the woods. A scrap of fabric torn from y/n's jacket. It was clearly theirs. The scent of their perfume still clung to it. And it was here to, in the hotel. It floated in the air so thickly he could almost taste it.  What was normally a scent he found comforting and refreshing turned his stomach.

Why. Just why would they do that? Why would they do something that made it so clear that they were here before? 

Then there was the ledger. Names upon names from hours ago. The planet had a day night cycle that would last one earth week before plunging back into the day. They're names were at the top. So why was it dark? 

The Doctor found himself leaving his room. Stopping momentarily in front of y/n's door. His ear pressed against the wood. He could hear their breathing. The soft speaking they always did. Although they didn't admit it. Safe. They should be safe for now.

He opened one door. Then another. And another. 

Each one was filled to the brim of life. A lack of people but clearly it had been lived in not to long ago.

The last door he checked he opened so harshly it smacked against the walls. The door bouncing back with a mock laughter as he entered. His sonic went wild as he scanned the room. His twin hearts began their panicked beating before his own thoughts could catch up.

They needed to leave. And now.

 Chronophage.  Chronophage . Chronophage . Chronophage .

The words were painted on every single wall and every available surface there was.  The Doctor brushed his fingers against the paint. It was tacky. Not quiet dried yet. 

"Time eater." His body rushed with cold. "Time eater." He spoke again.

That 's why. Oh they were most defiantly here before. It could have been days. Weeks. Months.  The Doctor turned on heel. Running back down the length of the hallway.  There was no knowing on how long it has been. But he knew that y/n had less time to give. They could gorge themselves on the lives he's lived. Let them take it all.

But them? Oh gods not them.

He was rounding the corner when he heard it. Palm pressed against the wall as he steadied himself. Paintings fell. Crashed to the floor. 

His body when ridged when a shrill scream echoed down the hall. 

If he could he would have ran faster. Willed his body to do so. Praying with the names he knew that they would be ok.

Crashing and banging. 


He has never heard them scream like that.


Something had woken you from your sleep. It wasn't that uncommon for you to wake multiple times when in a new place. You body to on edge to truly fall into a deep sleep. Every strange noise would have you tossing and turning. 

So the next time you woke you took  a moment to just lay there. Eyes closed as you listened to the sounds around you. There was the softness of your breathing. The creaking of the hotel settling. Somewhere outside and animal bayed. Calling out to the moon that filtered light through the curtains canopying your bed.

You were warm and comfortable. Cradled by the thick blankets and pillows surrounding you. You breathed in deeply. Sighed. Another deep breath and.

What was that?

Fabric rustled in front of you. The sound of skin gliding across silken material hit your ears next. You stilled. Cold washing over you as your began to realize that you were not alone.  The bed dipped next to you. The wood creaking and groaning from the added weight.

Your breathing stuttered. Everything stilled. 

For a moment you tried to convince yourself that it was the Doctor. That he was just playing a cruel joke on you. But you couldn't find the smell of chocolate and patchouli. A scent you found comforting. Safe.

No. No. No.

Something hovered above your cheek. Something so cold you could feel it before it even touched you.

Your body wound itself tightly. Your heart pounding a rhythm in your chest. Your fist balled beneath your pillow. 

And with a yell you struck. Cried out. 

The creature screamed as it scrambled backwards. Taking the curtains and the blankets with it. 

Move. You needed to move.

You were glued to the spot. Sitting near the edge of the bed but to terrified to move. You tried to. Tried to at least yell. To cry out for the Doctor.

Everything stilled. 

The fabric on the floor moved. Going up like a joked attempt of a sheet ghost before falling away from the figure it was draped on.

It was tall and skinny. Skin going from hues of grey to a deep rich black. That black seemed to swallow it. To consume the room. You could almost feel it. It was so close to being tangible that you could feel pinpricks hit your skin. It was painful. Almost fire like.

It's head tilted. Golden eyes widening when it saw you move. Just a twitch of your leg.

It leaned forward.


It's hand brushed the now bare mattress.


The darkness followed with it. Flowed over the white of the mattress.


And you did. Falling backwards onto the floor before scrambling to your feet. The creature stood to move with you but got caught on the railings for the curtains. You took this brief moment to grab your boots before darting to the door.

A shrill scream left you lips when you heard it growl and snarl. It toppled the bed in its anger. The tables and chairs being thrown to the side as you crossed the threshold of the door.

"Doctor!" A sob tore through your throat. Nothing but desperation left your lips.

'"Y/N!" The Doctor caught you in his arms. Held you closely as your body shook. "We have to go. We need to go. Now." The both of you turned towards what was once your room. The creature inside was yelling. Crying. Upset that you had left.

Quickly you pulled your boots on. Allowing the Doctor to take you hand the two of you ran from the hotel. Down the halls. All but flying down the stairs and towards the large double doors the two of you had crossed not long ago.

Third part Last

"If there is a light then I am going to swallow it. If there is a god then i'm going to make him cry."

-s.osborn, from "blasphemies as the 5th street station, " published in The Rising Phoenix review (vialifeinpoetry) 

The forest was dark. Deep and heavy as it swallowed the both of you. The creatures would not leave you be. They followed every step you took. Swallowed every sound you made. The two of  you were prey in the worst way possible. A horrid game of cat and mouse as they turned you around again and again.

The Doctor had explained the best he could. These paradoxil creatures. That the two of you had lived this moment more than once. They would send their victims back again and again with a little less of themselves each time. 

They consume the life you have lived and use it for themselves. They take and take and take until they are almost immortalized.  Their own veritable fountain of youth.

Their victims would becomes less of themselves each time. Losing pivotable live moments that shaped them into who the had become. Entire lifetimes lost until they became a husk. Unable to do anything  more that live on a robotic life.  And many did not last long afterwards.

You could see the path that others took. Deep footsteps pressed into soft dirt. They had dropped things ranging from clothes and jewelry. Childrens toys and the odd suitcase here and there.

"We helped them." The Doctor told you. Spinning in circles as he tried to use his sonic to find the Tardis. The poor girl was calling out to him. A victim in this just as much as you were.  "There." The Doctor stilled. The light of the sonic bright and green. It sung out a high pitched tune as you stumbled up next to the Doctor. 

You were tired and worn. Mentally exhausted and hurt from head to toe. Both of you were  in a sorry state. The Doctor had lost his dress coat. His bowtie  had been torn away and the white of his shirt was slowly being stained a muddied brown. You were no better. Holes in your shirt from where the brush tore it. There was mud stained from hip to ankle from when you tripped. 

There again. There they were. Slinking around the trees. Calling out to you. Hungry. They were so hungry.

You were pulled away from them. The Doctors hand was on your upper arm. His face was alight with worry. "Run." The word was whispered. Desperate as he spoke to you.

Run you did. Cut off time and time again the closer you got to the Tardis. They were not going to let you go. 

"Why won't they let us go." It was a broken sob that left your lips. To worn and tired to truly care about the way you sounded. You wanted to go back to the Tardis. To find comfort in her and the Doctor as the two of you tried to put this all behind you.

"Me. They won't let me." The Doctor drew you in close. "I am sorry. So so sorry." He hid you away from the world for just a moment. He could see the Tardis in the distance. She called out to him. Begged him to come back. To bring the two of you back to her where she could get the both of you to safety. To anywhere but here. 

He could feel you tremble and shake. The soft push you gave as you tried to get even closer to him. "No." He felt you mutter into his neck. "No. I know what you mean by that." You pulled away. "I will not let you sacrifice yourself. We leave. Together or not at all."

The Doctor, for the first time, cursed you humanity. Cursed the fact that you cared so deeply.  He pressed his head to yours. His hand curling around the back of your neck. You could hear him speaking. Muttering in a language that the Tardis refused to translate. Even now. In this moment. 

The creatures. The Chronophage. You could hear them. Speaking. Whispering. Calling out to you. Begging you to help them. That they were starving. Near death. How could you be so selfish just feed them.

For a brief moment you see it. The meteor shower the Doctor had brought you to see. The  reason why you were even here. It seemed the shower itself were in your eyes. It took your breath away as the air around you lit up in color. 

The Doctor had pulled away. Watched you as you watched the sky. Something you would never have seen in your lifetime if it had not been for him. He has seen this before. Time and time again he would come back. He was grateful that in this moment, despite the horror around him, he got to see it though you. Such a soft look on your face as you forgot about the beasts around you. 

Chronophage. Time eaters. Eater of time. There is only a few names that made the Doctor fear for his life. 

 It would be a miracle if you two made it out of here. Already the both of you had lost pieces of yourself that would never return. Moments in time that you will never get back. The simplest things shaping you into who you were. And not for the first time the Doctor mourns your loss.

There. The Tardis. Just feet away. 

Already he was losing you. The creatures were feasting even as the two of you ran. The Tardis had thrown her doors open. Calling out as loud as she was able. Soft yellow light bathing the ground in front of her. 

Not again. She would not lose the both of you again. 

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