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313 posts
Theres Probably Not Gonna Be A Season 2

there’s probably not gonna be a season 2…
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Laugh Headcannons
You ever hear the headcanon that every time N laughs, there's a 1 in 10 chance it's the most psychotic, maniacal laugh you've ever heard?
Well I'm here to give a bunch more laugh headcanons because yeah.
Uzi tries to sound as insane as possible, but if she trusts you enough, she'll let you hear what her real adorable laugh sounds like. source: Serial Designation N.
J isn't trying to sound like a cocky supervillain; that's just her.
Lizzy dosn't really laugh, she just gets a really big smile on her face. If something is really that funny to her, she'll giggle a little bit. She tries to hide both of these things.
V is a mix of both Uzi and Lizzy, she tries to sound evil but if she trusts you and you get a bit lucky, she might let a smile or a giggle slip. (Envy, Vuzi, Vizzy, ect shippers come get your food)
The evil laugh comes to Doll naturally.
Cyn/The AS can laugh normaly, but there's a 50/50 chance it comes out as GIGGLE or HA HA.
Yeva does have a normal laugh, but considering she's mute, it's silent.

*uncontrollable sobbing* Thank you god.
My thoughts on Murder Drones ending...
I don't care what anyone says, Murder Drones does NOT feel done. The pacing has felt rushed, there needed to be more character development, there are plot holes, etc. Not to mention the Solver has been made out to be this Godly being that can travel from planet to planet and possibly even universes, and somehow the crew is going to figure out how to defeat it and do that in a SINGLE episode? Without it feeling rushed? Right. Sure. And DON'T even get me started on how Glitch and Liam have been calling Murder Drones "Season 1" all the way up until GlitchX, and even then, ep7&8 were referenced as the "SEASON finale." It was only RIGHT BEFORE the trailer for ep7 dropped that they started calling them the "series" finale. I don't know if MD has always been intended to be a single season series, but if it has, this is NOT how you market it. Call it a short series or, at the very least, when you see a fandom is practically foaming at the mouth for a S2, come out and say there won't be one and that it was never going to have one. Put the nail in the coffin. I'd rather have brutal honesty than have my questions be skirted around. And the fandom has been asking for months if there was going to be a second season. To say I'm upset, sad and disappointed is an understatement. And no, I'm not wanting a S2 because I love Murder Drones. I do love it. Undeniably so, but if a story feels told, the characters feel developed, the world explored, and it ends in a satisfying conclusion, I'm 100% happy with that. I'd rather a series end on a good note than be milked for money, but Murder Drones? A SINGLE season? With just 8 episodes? No. Just...no. I've been saying to my community that if MD ends with ep8, it's going to feel like wasted potential. And I was right. It does. Horribly so. I don't care how ep8 ends either, the story of Murder Drones had more to tell. Even if it took 2+ years for a second season to be made, I would've waited. Even if they only released merch in-between to help fund it, I would have done that. Happily. Sorry for the rant. I'm not trying to put down Glitch or Liam. I respect what they've accomplished with this series, but I just...I don't know. How I feel currently reminds me of when I'm watching a series and it gets canceled. Or when I'm reading a fanfic and the author stops posting. All I can think is, '...That's it? This is the end? There's so much more to be told.'