Murder Drones Headcanon - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Every sexuality headcanon I could find\think of!

(plus a couple comments)

Every Sexuality Headcanon I Could Find\think Of!

Uzi: Bisexual

Every Sexuality Headcanon I Could Find\think Of!

N: Asexual Omniromantic, The man has nothing but LOVE in his heart!

Every Sexuality Headcanon I Could Find\think Of!

V: Pansexual\under the bisexual umbrella

Every Sexuality Headcanon I Could Find\think Of!

J: Aromantic lesbian

Every Sexuality Headcanon I Could Find\think Of!

Tessa: Aroace

Every Sexuality Headcanon I Could Find\think Of!

CYN: Inconceivable

Time for the side characters!

Every Sexuality Headcanon I Could Find\think Of!

Thad: Straight ally Lizzy: Lesbian\bisexual Doll: REVENGE

Every Sexuality Headcanon I Could Find\think Of!

Khan: Doorsexual(canon)

Every Sexuality Headcanon I Could Find\think Of!

Teacher: heteroflexible, He strikes me as the kind of guy to say "I'm straight BUT *says something SO GAY it would make achilles shutter*"

Every Sexuality Headcanon I Could Find\think Of!

Braidon: Gay, very gay

If you want me to update this, put your headcanon in the replies!

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1 year ago

Headcanon: J's defect.

We know that the mansion drones (V, N and J) had defects, most likely from being "revived". For V it's obvious, her nearsightedness. For N it's harder to see but I think it may be his unnatural strength.

Now we get to J, we haven't seen anything physically abnormal about her, which is why I I don't think anything is "wrong" with her body, no, I think something is "wrong" with her mind.

Ever notice how J needs everything to be perfect? Or how she idolizes the company? How she serves Tessa so adamantly? How she RELISHES in being in control?

I believe J has OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder).

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1 year ago

Headcanon: hormones and gender

Hormones are just different software that is installed during some point in the drone's life, only influencing the AI of the drone. The body is updated separately.

Weather a drone is a boy or a girl is decided by them at the "pill baby" stage of their life, voice software and body are installed accordingly.

If a drone decides that they want to be a different gender then the one chosen at pill baby stage, they can easily install different voice and hormone software. The body is a bit more difficult to change if the drone don't have any medical (or mechanical) experience, the drone will have to go to a doctor (or technician).

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1 year ago

Headcanon: DD clothes

I've been thinking about why DD clothes regenerate WITH them, like how N got his hat back when his head got blown off even though his hat is NOT part of his body. I think I've come to two headcanon-y conclusions.

The AS gives you an outfit for some reason

The outfit is influenced by the user's own fashion sense/personality

Allow me to explain, explain the second part that is, I can't explain why the AS gives you clothes.

I like to imagine that N didn't actually need the pilot hat to be the pilot, he was just so proud of that job that when CYN pressed the "give DD clothes" button (IDK man) the hat just popped into existence along with the rest of his outfit.

I'm not going to explain why V doesn't have pants by this logic nor why J has garters unless you really want me to, use your imagination, or don't.

(OK I did explain them, look in the replies)

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7 months ago

Laugh Headcannons

You ever hear the headcanon that every time N laughs, there's a 1 in 10 chance it's the most psychotic, maniacal laugh you've ever heard?

Well I'm here to give a bunch more laugh headcanons because yeah.

Uzi tries to sound as insane as possible, but if she trusts you enough, she'll let you hear what her real adorable laugh sounds like. source: Serial Designation N.

J isn't trying to sound like a cocky supervillain; that's just her.

Lizzy dosn't really laugh, she just gets a really big smile on her face. If something is really that funny to her, she'll giggle a little bit. She tries to hide both of these things.

V is a mix of both Uzi and Lizzy, she tries to sound evil but if she trusts you and you get a bit lucky, she might let a smile or a giggle slip. (Envy, Vuzi, Vizzy, ect shippers come get your food)

The evil laugh comes to Doll naturally.

Cyn/The AS can laugh normaly, but there's a 50/50 chance it comes out as GIGGLE or HA HA.

Yeva does have a normal laugh, but considering she's mute, it's silent.

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1 year ago

My headcanons of lizzy and her dad (the teacher)

1. Because the teacher is voiced by Liam vickers and the iconic solitaire scene I hc his name is Liam Solitaire or Mr. Solitaire, making lizzy’s full name lizzy solitaire.

2. Even though lizzy threatens to make her dad do stuff in school it’s just empty threats since he wouldn’t actually do it, and her influence is so effective that no one found out and her dad doesn’t care enough to correct her.

3. When lizzy gets any grades that might get her out of school her dad bumps up the grades just enough to keep her in and scolds her for having such low grades so she studies more, not that he’d tell anyone.

4. He was fully aware of V sleeping over and was not bothered since by now he was used to lizzy’s antics.

5. Lizzy secretly plays card games with her dad sometimes and enjoys it.

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10 months ago

My biggest Murder Drones headcanon is that N seems so calm and goofy but he likes rock and metal music (´◦ω◦`)

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8 months ago

She thinks she is on an anime AMV

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1 year ago

The rest of my posts about MD ep5 will be tonight (I'm busy today rip) but I can't wait that long to share this one soooo

In the scene where they discover the den of parts in the basement, we see some familiar faces:

On the floor, we can see a head with the teeth from the amalgamation (will be referred to as solver form from now on)

The Rest Of My Posts About MD Ep5 Will Be Tonight (I'm Busy Today Rip) But I Can't Wait That Long To

We can also see more solver form heads and a J head in this shot:

The Rest Of My Posts About MD Ep5 Will Be Tonight (I'm Busy Today Rip) But I Can't Wait That Long To

And finally, we can see N's entire body with his head next to it in this one:

The Rest Of My Posts About MD Ep5 Will Be Tonight (I'm Busy Today Rip) But I Can't Wait That Long To

So clearly, there are multiple of each drone (or at least the one's we're familiar with). This is further backed by Cyn saying that she has "backups" when Tessa says "If that little butler dies for your sake, I swear-"

Either Tessa REALLY likes N, J and V and dresses up multiple drones like them or...

The serial designations could be referring to the model type of each drone, or at the very least different model types exist.

We know there are different models of Disassembly Drones already (there are noticeable differences between N, J and V) so does their model type also determine what wig and clothes they wear?

It's also interesting to note that N, J and V have Worker Drone parts in this episode for the memory sections (V's got WD arms, J has WD legs, N wears a helmet etc). So clearly, they got modifications** before being sent out to disassemble the drones on Copper 9. I'm guessing butlers got recycled into Disassembly Drones rather than making a whole new line of drones.

Also, on the note of there being a dead N in the chair: later on in the episode, Cyn shoves N into the chair, picks up the dead N's head and says "let's reset these memories one more time". N has repetitively discovered something he's not supposed to see (Cyn's solver form*) and had his memories erased.

*Cyn also refers to herself as Solver of the Absolute Fabric (there were other words in there too but I forgot them lol)

We now have Cyn's official (by her standards anyway) title.

**Little note about the modifications that didn't fit elsewhere: they don't have DD headbands here!! Those are their eyes!!! If the digital eyes displayed on their visors are their "real" eyes here, why are they not their real eyes as DDs? Not criticism, just wondering how they see lol

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10 months ago

Headcanon that Tessa thought that the one-letter names were too dehumanizing and gave each worker drone a real name (N = Enn, V = Vee, J = Jay)

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6 months ago

Headcanon that the Absolute Solver can break the 4th wall

I can imagine Uzi randomly breaking the fourth wall then immediately going “wait wtf did I just say?” And only Cyn knowing what it meant.

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To add on N would suck at every just dance song except bad romance and Rasputin. Why? Because I say so.

Hot take

Uzi would fucking demolish in Just Dance. Only the fourth one, though. Because that’s the best one.

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6 months ago

V, N, and Uzi regularly end up in a cuddle pile after the events of the show, usually holding hands or wrapping their tails around each other so they know everyone is present. Uzi typically ends up in the middle of the hug/cuddle/cage of affection, grumbles a little about it but calms down when the other two start to doze off.

N enjoys it when he ends up in Uzi's "typical" spot, he nearly overheats on happiness, but he prefers to be on the outside of the huddle in case anything happens, from instinct and paranoia as well. V is more standoffish about it, always saying something along the lines of "It's to make sure you don't freeze idiot" even if that's not true at all.

More than once they've fallen asleep like that, which most of the time eases nightmares, but they all get hit with them at some point. When that happens they just huddle closer, holding on and whomever is able to flicks their tail around to light up the room, to show they're safe.

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6 months ago

RIP Cyn you would have adored analog horror

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6 months ago

uzi and n drop hints left and right saying they want to be with v and she just walks right by them doesn't she

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6 months ago

how do we feel about the nuziv gang gently biting each other out of affection. or for fun. look at me and tell me uzi wouldn't actually bite, you can't

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5 months ago

Headcanon that's half canon, Uzi has much sharper teeth after Absolute End, which means plenty of her belongings have teeth marks in them. She's bitten down so hard her teeth have snapped because she isn't used to large fangs in her mouth, but they grow back faster than she'd like.

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5 months ago

uzi would tear a pack of candy cigarettes up like it's nothing, feel like she loves hard candies. tooth breaking candy, even. n is more of a gummy squishy soft candy kind of guy, while v just occasionally dabbles in different kinds of chocolate as well as some the other two think she'd like.

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