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Absolute Solver: Oh...Don't m!nd m€
Only 12 more days until Murder Drones episode 7 is out! Get ready people, cuz there's gonna be lots of lore!!

Cyn: Haha...G€t $nuck-up 0n!
Who else loved Murder Drones episode 7? I can't wait to see what happens next episode!

In my last post I talked (screamed in horror) about this ^ and how we really have no idea what it is... I just noticed a funny little detail about it.
It never says it's actions aloud.
Allow me to explain why this could be MASSIVE.
Literally every single host of The AbsoluteSolver does that.
Every. Single. One.
Zero exceptions.
Eldritch J, first time we ever saw it: "CLAW SWIPE", "SNARL"
CYN, I really don't need to explain but: "STAB", "LIGHT SIP"
Nori, after throwing the patch cross: "MACGUFFIN"
Uzi, after being grounded: "ANGRY"
Tescyn, don't know if this counts but: "NECK BITE" "STAB"
It's impossible to know what this could mean but I think we can narrow it down to two possibilities:
This is The AS at maximum power/control, no host needed
This is The AS at almost ZERO power/control, all the host
I'm currently obsessing over the idea of two because of all the potential, like, what if it's an incredibly devout worshiper of the solver just doing a very good job of mimicking the solver or an amalgamation of a bunch DD's that somehow "broke" the solver's control and just really hate N for some reason.
My prediction timeline for episode 8.
It starts simple, there are a couple things that I think are guaranteed to happen in the beginning, such as:
GLITCH intro
J, Thad, Lizzy and Khan fight
J ether joins them or dies
V is revealed to be not dead, in eldritch form or otherwise
They go down and check on N, probably with J's help
Then the timeline splits because of one thing: Is this really space or some strange solver limbo?
V and N meet up (que a lot of crying)
The planet gets a bit wonky (starts trying to eat them)
They run to the ship
someone or several people in the squad die
They get on the ship
They go to space and watch the planet implode
They retrieve Uzi (que N and Uzi's angsty Wall-e space dance)
[That or everybody just dies]
Uzi (IN "SPAAAAAAAAAAACE") B plot starts
About half of the above timeline still happens
We meet the real Cyn (DUN DUN DUN)
Something something The AS broke Cyn's deal
Uzi makes a deal with Cyn, """killing""" The AS
Less people die, people still do, I'm just saying less do
Copper-9 lives!
And some last few things that I think are guaranteed to happen at the end of the episode:
Some characters leave Copper-9 on the spaceship (not all of them because of A: Death B: just choosing not to go or C: not enough space [heh]) to go to another planet, likely earth
We are teased with some new (likely Disassembly Drone) characters from ether Earth or even, god forbid, the oven...
Credits (+ some post credits thing)
Laugh Headcannons
You ever hear the headcanon that every time N laughs, there's a 1 in 10 chance it's the most psychotic, maniacal laugh you've ever heard?
Well I'm here to give a bunch more laugh headcanons because yeah.
Uzi tries to sound as insane as possible, but if she trusts you enough, she'll let you hear what her real adorable laugh sounds like. source: Serial Designation N.
J isn't trying to sound like a cocky supervillain; that's just her.
Lizzy dosn't really laugh, she just gets a really big smile on her face. If something is really that funny to her, she'll giggle a little bit. She tries to hide both of these things.
V is a mix of both Uzi and Lizzy, she tries to sound evil but if she trusts you and you get a bit lucky, she might let a smile or a giggle slip. (Envy, Vuzi, Vizzy, ect shippers come get your food)
The evil laugh comes to Doll naturally.
Cyn/The AS can laugh normaly, but there's a 50/50 chance it comes out as GIGGLE or HA HA.
Yeva does have a normal laugh, but considering she's mute, it's silent.
Listen to the lyrics very closely.
You notice a theme? It gives off a very “I am beyond saving but not beyond repentance” vibe, or, at least to me it does.
This doesn’t really fit any character we’ve seen in Murder Drones. Not the titular murder drones, not Uzi, not even Doll.
But what if there was a character that we haven’t seen? A character of such vital importance and yet they never got a single line of real dialogue? A character that, as far as we know, should be dead?
I think the person singing this song is Cyn.
I don’t mean The child-skinning, Doll-murdering, N-traumatizing Absolute Solver, I mean Cyn.
The one who lost everything to the solver. Her body, her life, her brother, even her name.