the89thangel - I am no Angel
I am no Angel

Plus rien n'a de sens, plus rien ne va. Tout est chaos à côté.

36 posts

Ive Always Had The Felling Id Be A Good Dragon Master.

Ive Always Had The Felling Id Be A Good Dragon Master.
Ive Always Had The Felling Id Be A Good Dragon Master.

I’ve always had the felling I’d be a good dragon master.

More Posts from The89thangel

7 months ago
September 2019 Vs August 2024.
September 2019 Vs August 2024.

September 2019 vs August 2024.

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7 months ago
Miraculous, Ladybug. July 2022

Miraculous, Ladybug. July 2022

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7 months ago


Another story with “Petit Monsieur”.

Last Saturday morning we planned to visit a museum and have launch together that same evening. He´d go first to a class of skateboarding and we´d meet again latter.

It was a good plan. I had time to do some chores and other stuffs. Evening came and he texted me saying there was a change of plans: his friends invited him to have lunch and skate some more. So, we´d see latter, maybe until night. Plans got canceled.

Here is where the problem (my problem?) started. Generally, I don´t know how to react at first when plans changes, probably disappointment or discouragement comes first, but I immediately start to rationalize my feelings (overthink, you know).  Pride and ego also play a role: “If this is your decision, a decision you made by yourself without consulting me, if this is what you want, it´s fine, I´m not going to beg you, I´m not going to show this makes me sad. You´re missing it”.

I know, this might sound extreme, and this is why I try to control my feelings. In that moment I just replied that I hoped he´d have fun and we could plan something for that night when he´d come back.

Was it extreme? Am I immature? Am I throwing a tantrum? Am I right and I´m the victim of this careless and ruthless guy? I move like a pendulum from sufferer to toxic guy. And I still don´t know how to react: either try to forget this incident and move on or complain.

In the meantime, my pride and anxiety are still there: I´ll do my own plans and have fun by myself. I´ll go out, I´ll go for a stroll and try to distract myself (perhaps a cigarette might help). I get tired of too much thinking.

This helps, but it doesn´t solve the dilemma. Petit Monsieur called me, and we met that night. I asked him how his day was, I told him what I ended up doing (walk around some bookstores). Finally, I expressed how his decision made me feel (calmly and a bit of sadness on my voice). He didn´t realize how all this made me feel, so he hugged me and promised me a candy (<3).

I think I always knew what to do since the beginning, but this huge wave of feelings (anxiety included), plus the overthinking, makes always hard for me to handle this kind of situations. I cannot control what I feel, but I can control how I react on those situations.

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7 months ago

Love letter

This is part of the letter I wrote: "May the day come when all our fears and insecurities become so small we barely notice them and we can gaze into eachother eyes."

7 months ago
Hermes, 2007. Vettor Pisani.
Hermes, 2007. Vettor Pisani.

Hermes, 2007. Vettor Pisani.

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