theanonymousninja247 - The Anonymous Ninja
The Anonymous Ninja

The only thing minor about meis my minor inferiority complex. But HAY, life like me, is growth in progress🤙🏼🌱“be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you.”~1 Peter 3:15 + Ether 12:4 AKA Ima let Jesus handle it because if I handle it something's going to end up on fire

209 posts

Anonymous Opinions?

Anonymous opinions?

Well, you are one of the sweetest people I've ever met an absolute peach :]

Anonymous Opinions?

Noooooooooo no her not. I’m not sweet! I’m spicy! *said in my niece’s 3 year old voice*

Thank you tho, Nonnie, this made my morning ☺️

I’m genuinely surprised someone actually looked at my tumblr and did this, so thank you for taking the time out of your day to be kind. That’s very brave. In fact, if anybody is sweet, it’d be you 😉👉🏼👉🏼🧡

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    lotus-sunn liked this · 9 months ago
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    anobodyinabog liked this · 9 months ago

More Posts from Theanonymousninja247

8 months ago
My Literal Reaction To @mrabubu Answering My Question. Big Fan Hon, Its A Legit Honor To Be Able To See

My literal reaction to @mrabubu answering my question. Big fan hon, its a legit honor to be able to see a snippet of your fantastic mind 🧡✨👀

Mind if I add some of my thunks to it?

I really think the idea of Leo and Y/N having an “Only I Can Do That “ is so unfairly wholesome and totally would fit. Especially considering Leo is a middle child and a bit petty, so I think that having a relationship he doesn't have to share would be something really important to him. Seeing Leo get pouty because someone made his Y/N laugh is a troupe I'm also a sucker for.

I also really love the idea of Leo being absolutely blindsided by a funny Y/N who was funny in the same way as he (can you tell I'm projecting here? Cuz man I just really wanna roast this kid *affectionately* I have so many lines its not even funny) It would take some getting used for sure, but Leo being Leo of course would get back into the game so fast and boy would he come back swinging.

Whats a little rivalry amongst friends right? Just to prove the best of course. Just to make sure to hold his rank. Not to see you smile like that again. The way your eyes crinkle in the corners. Not to feel your hand on his shoulder cuz your gasping for air you're laughing so hard. Noooooooooooo. Not at all.

I love the idea of Leo finding someone who makes him feel heard and seen because for once someone genuinely laughs with him. Not at Him. 🤌🏼✨💙



I have some thoughts on that too, yeah.

So, I think it's all still depends on Y/N's personality overall. Because you can be a one-liner like Leo, but still have a different or opposite personality to his. This one is more like about taste in humor, I guess?

But yeah, I think his brain would short circuit the moment Y/N would use his own weapon against him or overall, and especially he would explode if their jokes are better than his. That would be the beginning of a war between them, to obliterate one another with their pickup lines and prove who's better. But in the end I imagine them becoming BFF's who are sometimes joke at one another just for laughs. I also have this idea when you call your friend and idiot, and you just laugh, but if SOMEONE ELSE calls your friend an idiot, you go into demon's mode "ONLY I CAN CALL THEM THAT". Something like that.

In terms of romance I'm going to return to my statement about how it depends on your personality overall.

If there's something I'm certain in, is that the romance between Leo and someone who has basically the same personality and mindset would either died down pretty quickly, or wouldn't work in the first place. "Opposite attract" phrase didn't come out of a thin air, because they feed each other. Opposite or just different people help discover some new traits in one another, keep each other in balance, help dealing with challenges they wouldn't be able to deal with by themselves and all that jazz.

Plus it's just overall much more interesting to watch this kind of a dynamic rather than watch two clones trying to be a couple and failing miserably.


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8 months ago
Oh Thisthisis Darling. Your Style Is Immaculate, Hon. Like Looking So Respectfully Right Now
Oh Thisthisis Darling. Your Style Is Immaculate, Hon. Like Looking So Respectfully Right Now

Oh this…this…is darling. Your style is immaculate, hon. Like looking so respectfully right now 👀👀👀

I MUST HAVE IT ON MY DASH. *Yoinks it like the feral chaotic Tumblr I am* MWHAHA MINE NOW THANK YOU 🧡✨

TMayNT Day 31: Redraw Of Day One. (Original Prompt Was: The Turtles In You Favourite Style.)

TMayNT Day 31: Redraw of day one. (Original prompt was: the turtles in you favourite style.)

Ok there are so many ways my brain is trying to be critical BUT I am proud of myself for finishing one of these challenges, no matter what. I've tried and failed to commit to so many projects.

Just to clarify: my own style is NOT my favourite style. I am far too self critical for that. I just entirely ignored the prompt ^^

vvvv Comparison pic and comments on day 1 v day 31 below. vvvv

TMayNT Day 31: Redraw Of Day One. (Original Prompt Was: The Turtles In You Favourite Style.)

So for one thing I did want to de-centre Leo a bit, cause the original day 1 prompt was favourite turtle and I DO love them all, Leo just has a special place to me. I also wanted them to not be floating.

Now I do prefer some parts of the original, mainly the simplicity. I do want to try and aim for a more simplified style in the future (if I can stop defaulting to the style I have atm). I might have gone a little overboard with the lighting on the more recent one. STFU up brain, I did not get worse. But it was fun. I think it's good to explore and practice parts of the art process even if it isn't something you want to stick to. I do think I learnt a lot of stuff and made some improvements over the month.

also bonus cute Raph face that I liked from one of the first attempts but I ended up restarting

TMayNT Day 31: Redraw Of Day One. (Original Prompt Was: The Turtles In You Favourite Style.)

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